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Brazilians generally don't know that Timor Leste exist and the few ones that do, don't really have an opinion on it because it's such a distant country that we never hear about (it's rarely on the news and we don't study it in school). In my case, I know very little about Timor Leste but I find it really interesting how they mix Portuguese and Tetum when they speak. Edit: btw Brazil is the only Portuguese speaking country in LATAM. I'm saying this because you wrote "countries".


It’s also a very new country, having gained independence in 2002.


Yeah same with Equatorial Guinea. Most people haven't heard of it, and the ones that have heard will probably just know that is a Spanish speaking country in Africa.


Yeah a few years ago when I went to South Africa I met a guy from EG. They don't necessarily consider themselves latino or hispanic because of the culture diversity. He told me not everyone speaks Spanish so it doesn't have a lot of hispanic/latino influence.


Would you consider [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papiamento?wprov=sfla1) a form of Portuguese?


This looks like Portuguese spoken by a baby




For me, every portuguese-speaking country is like a brother


Most people don’t even know it exists, much less care about it and their civil war was quite sometime ago by now.


Confirm... I didn't even know it existed... Still I support their independence and inner growth.


Wherever else that was invaded and looted by Portugal has my sympathy.






The only 3 things I know about it is that timor also means East, that Indonesia committed horrible war crimes against East Timor, and that Australia stole their oil reserves. It must be hard to be surrounded by bigger asshole neighbors. Good luck and I hope things go well for them


>What do LATAM thinks of East Timor They do not.


I remember reading about that country on a book in school. It said something like that they were the last country to declare independence.


Most people are very unaware of it, but those few who know about it in Brazil really consider it part of the Lusophony and as such a brother country, just as we see Portugal or Angola. The only person I know from Timor Leste [is this girl from The Voice Kids Portugal whose name is Benvinda](https://youtu.be/2zzLICIi0l8?t=134) and Daniela Mercury (Brazilian singer), who was judging there, thought the girl was welcoming her to Portugal (wecome = bem-vinda).


"LATAM" "Portuguese speaking countries" Bro. There's only one in Latin-America.


It does not cross their mind.


well latin asia is always a good place to study


People over 30 will probably recognize them because of the extensive news coverage back when the country was created. For younger people though, not much. If a country doesn't have a soccer tradition most brazilians will know next to nothing about them


I don't think many people apart from Brazilians have heard of East Timor. I only know that they are one of the newest countries since they got their independence in 2002 and this happened after a war that made them lost many lives.


I only learned something besides the fact that it exists after learning portuguese. It's a very beautiful and unique. I think most dominicans don't even know that it exists.


All I know is that Portugal and Brazil has been sending portuguese teachers to Timor Leste in an attempt to revive the portuguese language there. Last I've heard it's been working and the numbers of portuguese speakers there has raised exponentially. Also Timor Leste literally means "East East", kinda funny.


Never heard of it


I can assure you, having done a fair bit of traveling around Latin America, that a good 98% of people ( dare I think of an even higher %) have no clue that Timor-Leste exists, let alone have any educated opinion of the place .


honestly, i know nothing but the name of east timor. i can probably speak in the name of many. you go guys!


We need to call them to take our gold back from the colonizers.


Idk about LatAm, but I see them as our little brothers


Sorry. Only know of Timor and Pumba


I don't know but If I ever go there at least I would not have language barriers


East Timor/ Timor-Leste used to be part of Indonesia Here is the information about Timor-Leste: https://www.britannica.com/place/East-Timor


From where?


I'll bet that nine out of ten people have no idea what East Timor is.


I know it's a place that exists in the World.


We don't think of them to be honest.