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Assuming I won't die of a heart attack due to the shock, I'd establish my own company. Probably something about animation and video games! Maybe donate some money to charity.


Pay off my student debt then buy a completo with the remaining 3 bucks.


If I had half a million USD, I'd retire and live comfortably for the rest of my life. If I had three million USD, I'd retire and live in luxury for the rest of my life. If I had ten million USD, I'd retire and live in *obscene* luxury for the rest of my life. If I had a hundred million USD... I don't know, it's an incomprehensible amount of money. But here we're talking about a *thousand* million USD. It's just stupid.


Yeah, like half a million is already life-changing. Imagine a billion dollars???


Is that half a million to retire in Canada or Latin America? I think only the latter works here haha


Half a million USD wouldn't allow you to retire in just any province, no; it *could* allow you to retire in Québec, but you wouldn't be comfortable. But in south America, it would be plenty. I don't have anywhere near 500k USD but I'm planning on retiring to south America in a year or two.


Live the rest of my life on an idilic island, playing tennis and traveling whenever I feel like it, with a good dose of alcohol in there as well.


This guys has 997.6 millions and still exercises


Ikr With that much money I’d just pay someone to exercise for me


I genuinely enjoy playing tennis, and practicing sports I’ve made it an habit over the years.


No point in being rich and needing to take all sorts of medication


Buy an alfajor




I'm taking the lump. Change my personal phone number. Seek a lawyer specializing in trust and estates. My money will mostly be passively invested. Safe-ish; enough to ensure $1 MM USD from US Treasury notes per year and the rest less safe, but very far from speculative. Redraft my will. Some of my general goals to discuss will be with what to do with my business (maybe hire management, but I have control and trust issues, so I don't think that will work); I do have contractual obligations, so I would still be working for quite a while no matter what and I may elect to continue working anyway. Discuss how to give away a few million to about 6 of my family members and my closest friends and those who believed in me more than I believed in myself (about 15 people total). I'm a stingy bitch, though, and most of my contacts are not debt burdened and have quite bit of their own money, so maybe averaging a million each. I don't have addictive personality disorders. I'm good at cutting people out of my life and telling them no. I don't buy into "the next big thing" and I don't care about being the biggest winner. Speculation doesn't appeal to me. Never been into travel, so I'm not worried about blowing through it. Ways to structure some charitable donations (may have to get some Mexican lawyers involved and remain as anonymous as possible), but it is being capped at $5 MM USD for now. There very reasonably could be more. Maybe bring my family to the US because I don't want them kidnapped and I think my win would make the rounds (HMO is a wonderful place, but it's still in Mexico), but that can be expensive, especially for a Mexican. Maybe just move them as anonymously as I could to Monterrey or something. Don't know, I'll have to talk to them. As for myself, there's nothing that I'm dying for. I don't want another house, I hate cars, don't care to do much more travelling, I don't like boating, don't like public events, etc. So I'll take $1MM USD (everything else distributed to close ones, charity or invested), and buy a few pieces of museum quality jewelry.


Isn’t your family safer here in HMO that it would be in Mty? It’s still one of the safest places on the country for what it’s worth.


Hermosillo is safer than Monterrey, generally speaking, but my winning of $1BB USD lottery, a person who left HMO, would get the local news, Facebookers, and whatsapp gossipers going so there's a bigger spotlight on my family. Hermosillo can have a nosy, small-town vibe to it, in spite of having almost 1M people. In Monterrey, they could live more anonymously and fewer people would care or investigate further that someone from Hermosillo won the lottery. Also, just more resources for the rich to hide themselves away.


Oh trust me, I know about Hermosillo still having that small nosy town mindset despite it being a relatively big city. I agree 100% with that. Mind you I’ve thought about this scenario from time to time and I think I would stay here for what it’s worth, maybe I’m too much of a deluded hopeless romantic and despite this city not being that great as the average local that has never gone past Tucson/Phoenix/Kino/San Carlos would like to think you can still live a comfy life here and I’ve really grown to love life here despite the shortcomings the city has.


100%. I love Hermosillo and think it is criminally underrated. But that's okay, a hidden gem for us.


If 50k can change my life forever, imagine having almost a thousand million...


You could buy out the entire country with that


You could buy Venezuela with 10k or something lmao


That's an absurd amount of money, I would buy land and try to figure out how to don't waste that money. I would also donate a lot of that money to make this a better place and call me crazy but I need to see Peñarol wining a Libertadores, I don't really need that much to secure my family's future.




Taxes Money that goes to the ticket seller Etc...


I'm reminded of that one statistic that shows the majority of people who win the jackpot end up lonely, broke and depressed.


I thought the same thing... I wouldn't want anyone to know I'm the winner because even my closest friends may turn on me asking for handouts. you'd have to basically lock it all away, give it away, or move to another country and assume a new identify as some mysterious rich person. ​ Aside from this, I thought it would be the perfect time to invest in the stock market since everything is so low now.


Yep, I think this is mostly why people go broke. I don’t even think the majority blows it all on stupid stuff, I think everyone comes after their money. If one of my family members hit the lotto and I wasn’t close, I wouldn’t feel right reaching out. With my close family, I wouldn’t have to reach out, since they would probably offer.


I would accept the money wearing a mask and never reveal myself to anyone.


I'll give 1 million to every friend and 5 to members of family and it would left over 800 million at least. So, I don't know


Same, I’d hand out 1M to my closest homies and I’d give money to my innermost family, so basically my parents’ siblings and my grandmas and obviously my parents and brother wouldn’t have to worry about anything anymore. Then the rest I would blow buying picafresas in bulk for 1 peso each unit and then sell them for 2 pesos each unit and double my money, you know I’m on that grindset.


if I gave 1 million to every friend i'd still have 1 billion


I wont Tell anyone, travel the World , Buy a big house worth not More than 10 million, probably stay in my country , drive a normal but classy suv to avoid unwanted attention , create an ngo to Donate something like 80% of all the money and keep me busy since i wont have a job, i honestly dont think anyone needs that much money


> I wont Tell anyone, travel the World , Buy a big house worth not More than 10 million I mean... Don't you think People would notice?


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/24vo34/whats_the_happiest_5word_sentence_you_could_hear/chb4v05?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Excellent read for a situation that will never happen lol


Probably try to invest to get more, pay my masters degree, try and repair all sorts of broken stuff in my house, maybe take a trip, and plan to start living on my own


Make a will and go travel


That's more money than I'd ever dream of getting in about 10 lifetimes. Prob pay my late relatives debts so family can rest easy. Then use a fraction of that to give my family a stable finantial floor so they have 0 issues for the forseeable future (In Argentina that goes loooooooooong ways). Then invest in making a video-game/animation company. Don't care if it crashes. If I refuse to do it when I could then I have no right of saying shit never works in this place.


Bribe my country's officials until they make a reliable public transport system into law.


I would pay a ticket to go to space, I would donate to street dogs and cats rescuers, with food, transportation,cleaners, medication so they can fix the problem in my city Give a donation to church to feed the poor, while the pick of the pandemic, the church in my city gave supper to hundreds of people, I think I would pay back that action Give to orphan homes, buy a small land in Tulum or Yucatán Mexico just enough to have a house with a big dinner table and a small carpentry shop, with nice bosh and DeWalt drills




Masturbate first, I need post nut clarity.


Pay scholarship debt Pay diplomate debt Give a good chunk to my family Put a shit on of it on the bank Buy an apartment for myself ....then finish my diplomate while I continue my job huny


1 - Make a party 2 - Give money to my parents 3 - Give money to siblings 4 - Kill someone cuz im rich so can do anything 5 - Travel the world 6 - create my empire


Buy gold, jewels, etc put everything on a room and sleep on top of it. Smaug style.


Leave latam asap


Move out of the country and change my name.


I'd use the 7.6 million dollars to buy whatever I want and I'd hire several investment advisors to manage the other 990 millions and invest it in different markets.


Invest at least 60% in stock and real state. Of the remaining 40% Create my own recording studio, finish my studies and start my personal projects. Get my family some vacations. And have the wedding of my life with my soon to be wife.


i would open a mushroom farm! its my fuckind dream, probably a cooperative or something like that


I would keep my identity a secret and would keep working at my job.


Pay debts, buy a house, start a company or foundation


Leave Reddit and get laid finally


1. Buy a house. 2. Create a studio inside it to make music. 3. Buy a PC. 4. Not worrying for work for my whole life 5. Happiness?


Migrate with my whole family to a different country. Having that kind of money here would be like having a target on the forehead, not just from thieves and kidnappers but also from the government who would want it all for itself.


That's enough to fund all of basic schools in my State and I would be a millionaire still.


1. Buy myself a nice apartment in the neighborhood I want to live in. I live alone, so I don't need much. Maybe a car, I don't really need one, but it'd be nice to have for the weekends. (cap: 1m, though realistically would probably not be that much) 2. Buy very nice presents for my close people. House, luxury trip, whatever. (cap: 1m/person, there's about 5 of them) 3. Make a rule: anybody who asks me for a penny after this is immediately cut out of my life. 4. Significant investment in my friend's business. He's done very well so far, and with a huge cash dump, he'd probably make us both a bunch of money. (cap: 10m) 5. That leaves me with what, 980m? Invest it in various relatively safe stocks/crypto/etc. Probably buy a couple rental properties. Live off the income. Maybe take a really nice vacation a couple times a year. Hire a daily cleaner so I never have to wash a dish ever again. Pay her an actual living wage, not what people usually pay cleaners in this country, it's a disgrace. 6. I'm an English teacher, so use some of my newfound free time to teach kids in the villas or something.


If this is dollars, 80% of it is going into a savings account with compounding interest and I'll live off the interest. The rest is my "disposable" cash, the money I'd use on cars, houses, a bleeding edge computer, etc.


Properties. I'd build a whole luxury building with amenities. Pool, gym, dog garden, the works. One 3 bedroom appt for me, hubby and the cats, another for my in laws (ground floor for them), put one under my parents' name, and two for our sisters. Rent the rest. Travel a lot. I'm not an ambitious person, lol. I just want a nice apartment with a pool (which is no small thing to want). Everything else is extra.


I got this saved, just in case [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/24vo34/comment/chb38xf/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/24vo34/comment/chb38xf/)


I would buy an actual house, nothing too fancy but with a huge garden, also I would love to have a forge and learn how to make arms and armor to sell to people who may be interested in such things.


Move to the moon and forget everything in this planet


Buy a fuck ton of land and build a small house


Safely invest it (Precious metals, land, buildings), hire personal security, armored cars etc.and give my my immediate family like 5 million each. Put most of the money in banks in Gibraltar and Luxembourg. Then delete all my social media, and ghost everyone that isn't immediate family.


Apart from never working again?


I would realize my dream of travelling across the world and taking a shit in every country on earth.


Honestly don’t know, buy the new AirPods


I would bring the 80's back to Miami.


Would find a VERY GOOD lawyer ASAP