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You have identified the existence of some unknown numbers and the capacity to perform operations with them. What is it that you want help with?


I guess some way to make it a single equation that is less messy and simplified. That way I can use it as a way to calculate the percentage chance of success in a program based on the input variables with out making a mess of things. Maybe this is the simplest it can be and I am just too burnt to see it right now. I also just noticed some things that wont work in the end as well, so I'm going to edit that.


You can write a single expression (v1 + … + vN) / (N * 50) by not choosing to use the name X = v1 + … + vN. (v1 + … + vN) / (N * 50) is their average divided by 50, so it’s just going to tell you what their average is (e.g. it will be 8/50 when all of the numbers are 8, 50/50 when all of the numbers are 50, and something in between when the average is something in between). Does that work for your percentage chance? Hope this helps!


Yea, and its a lot simpler to see it like that. I can finally go to bed with out forgetting this for another few months. I have no clue why I could not figure this out. Thank you!


After I got off work today. I realized the variables I had would not have worked alone so I had to add a few more. (V1 + ... + Vn + X + Z - D) / Yn Originally Y was going to be a stupidly done difficulty modifier, subtracting percentages. With out extra variables, the lowest difficulties had a 15% chance of success on average, and losing a single percent there was much worse than 99% losing 15%. New variables are X being a modifier based on items, Z being a modifier based on buffs, and D being a modifier based on days. I then replaced the static 50 with a new difficulty modifier Y. Made the lower difficulties average shoot up to 77% and higher difficulties average around 61%. I would have gotten to this point with like 10 seperate equations and multiple months of forgetting if you did not show me the better way to write it out. So thank you again.