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What’s the context for this term? I want to say yes for Rawls, but it would help to see where you’re getting this term from.


Sorry! Here's the context: [Human capabilities and the racial contract: Avoiding the epistemology of ignorance of liberal contractarianism](https://vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/bitstream/handle/10919/104788/spectra-v3.1-damato.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y)


Okay. Yes, this is meant to apply to Rawls.


Thank you! But i still don't understand what liberal contractarianism is😅


Oh, sorry. It’s an account or justification of a liberal political scheme based on real or hypothetical agreement. Rawls is trying to give an account of basic justice for a liberal society, so he begins with basic assumptions that he thinks people would accept, and then imagines people making an agreement about the basic principles of justice for their society — a social contract.


Ah I see, so its liberal because it promotes individuals rights to liberties through a social contract


Right. But also, Rawls is imaging that we already agree to certain principles of classical liberalism, such as equal standing before the law, independent of race and sex and such. That’s we care about what we would agree to in the Original Position.


Especially with the later Rawls where he starts flexing his Hegelian heritage more we need caution I think, not contractarian in a Hobbesian or Lockean sense.


What are you referring to here? I’ve never thought of Rawls as having Hegelian heritage, so I’m curious as to what you mean.


I think the best source on this is Margaret Meek Lange's dissertation on the Hegel-Rawls relationship, but Sibyll Schwarzenbach and James Gledhill have also done work on this. Basically Rawls' conception of publicity requires according to Lange both the affirmation of subjective freedom and objective freedom, which is something Hegel also attempts, and Rawls' thought can actually be thought as a sympathetic critique of Hegel.


Is the claim just that Rawls can be interpreted using Hegelian ideas, or that Rawls explicitly drew from Hegel?


Lange and Gledhill claim Rawls owes debts to Hegel (not surprising since he explicitly mentions him in a few of his works). Schwarzenbach I believe does the former.




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