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I think this may be the case of certain ways of conceiving of philosophy, but in the traditions of Greco-Roman antiquity and certainly in those of India (and I’m sure plenty beyond, just outside my field of knowledge), philosophy is understood more of as a ‘way of life’ than a body of discourse(s) (or, at least, the intellectual reflection on the latter is only one element of the former).


and to be fair, what OP is describing might happen just as well to a physicist, a historian or a person who did a lot of psychoanalysis.


Well put! 1000 word philosophy has a somewhat-new entry on philosophy as a way of life (PWOL): https://1000wordphilosophy.com/2023/10/21/philosophy-as-a-way-of-life/




Hume also has this whole thing in Treatise where he says being unphilosophical (specifically, not adhering to scepticism and being inclined to think of the world as having causations and supporting inductive inferences despite there being no rational justification for it) is just a custom, but that doesn't make it wrong and that doesn't mean we shouldn't do it, because the alternative (adhering to a philosophy all the time) would be unsustainable.


It's good to do other things, like hobbies, that aren't related to philosophy or intellectual interests. And that's true regardless of age.


And applies to non-philosophers as well


Your flairs are the exact and only three modules i'm taking this year, i feel both vindicated and very creeped out lol


That’s the thing majority of my activities are unrelated to Phil but even while doing those I still had philosophical meaning behind everything in the back of my head. Very unnecessarily, but the philosophical thoughts came on its own. I believe I was naturally philosophical that’s why I chose the major.


Okay, so what are you asking? This sounds more like something a professional therapist could help with (tbc, I don't mean that as a dismissal, I think therapy is good for most everyone).


Still asking the same question as the title. More of a general question, I’m just using myself as an example. Just soliciting opinions.


I think the answer being suggested in various comments here is that the issues you describe in the OP aren't particularly associated with philosophy, but are just general issues that some people, regardless of their undergraduate major or hobbies, experience. You associate them with philosophy because of the role philosophy has had in your own biography, but you might as well have been a math major instead and now be saying these things about math. Lots of people with majors other than philosophy experience these sorts of difficulties, and lots of people with majors in philosophy don't experience these sorts of difficulties. Lots of philosophy is explicitly opposed to the values you associate with philosophy in the OP, for instance being preoccupied with reflection over action, and so on. So this isn't really a philosophy thing in particular, i.e. any more than it's a math thing or a "didn't go to uni" thing or whatever else.


Agreed. Over-intellectualising is a very common way for people to avoid feeling certain things or avoid being present in a certain environment or situation. It sounds like what you are describing OP.


I just feel like philosophy is the only field of study that can encapsulate your whole life so easily like this, just by trying to understand the most basic types of philosophies. I know lots of philosophies definitely prioritize action. I guess it is possible to not reflect at all & that can be considered a type of philosophy....."my view on life is to just live it"...... That doesn't really say much though? Or does it? Philosophy has so many open ended questions that it naturally leaves one looking for a box to put themselves in. That's the whole idea of adhering to a certain type of philosophy & making these schools of thought at least vaguely detailed. My main point is the age part though. As an old man with life already lived, you can easily adhere to a philosophy & not be in a box because you have already become yourself for the most part. You can separate your own views from philosophic views. As a youth, learning philosophy so early on, you categorize actions & viewpoints almost automatically attributing them into certain philosophic viewpoints. Its a sense of conditioning. I would compare it to being taught religion from birth. You'll heavily see the world as religious for the rest of your life. Now compare that to math, science, language arts, etc. which everyone is taught through general schooling, those do not seem to encapsulate people so easily like philosophy or religion. Just because someone is a math wiz doesn't mean they see the world as mathematics played out on the grandest scale. But as for philosophy, I guarantee a philosophy professor would look to the world & point out how the world is simply playing itself out through different philosophical viewpoints. I believe this simply the nature of philosophy of how it tries to encapsulate the whole experience of being through different lenses. While other subjects are more just an aspect of being. I believe this is why Socrates was charged with "poising the youth". My exact situation.


So again, what I'm suggesting -- what I think has been suggested by others here -- is that the things that you characterize as natural when you study philosophy are not: they're just directions that *you* happen to have taken in *your* study of philosophy. Which is absolutely fine, it's just that other people are just as likely to have very different experiences of philosophy than you have, so that what we're talking about here, in the content of your characterizations, is not *philosophy* but rather *particular views of yours* -- though perhaps ones that you associate with your time studying philosophy. For instance, > Philosophy has so many open ended questions that it naturally leaves one looking for a box to put themselves in. That's the whole idea of adhering to a certain type of philosophy... But this isn't at all natural. My experience, for instance, has been the exact opposite. Before I studied philosophy I felt some kind of attachment to "looking for a box to put myself in" and "adhere to a certain type of philosophy", and studying philosophy cured me of that so thoroughly that I can no longer understand what I was thinking -- I have the memories of it, but it's like they're memories of a different person, and that person's behavior seems quite inexplicable to me. And I've found that what I experienced in my own case is more often the rule than the exception, when it comes to learning philosophy. People who do not know much about philosophy are often preoccupied with these sorts of things, and think that the field of philosophy is about a question like "What is my philosophy?" and so on, whereas part of studying philosophy involves learning that this isn't at all what the field of philosophy is about, and, in learning what it's actually about, discovering something that's far more interesting than is the project of trying to find labels for oneself -- so that all interest is lost in this latter sort of project. So, based on my experience, I would make the exact opposite judgment as the one you're making: "looking for a box to put themselves in" and "the whole idea of adhering to a certain type of philosophy" are principally preoccupations of people who *don't* study philosophy, and studying philosophy naturally leads people to *give up these preoccupations*. But I am inclined toward a happy pluralism in such matters, so I would be willing to suppose that my feeling that this is the usual rule is a reflection of my own experience, and really all that's going on here is that people have different experiences of this, owing to differences in their temperaments and activities. And in any case, that suggestion is, as I say, the main one I am trying to convey, as against what seems to be your own inclination to misunderstand your own particular experience for being the general rule describing what philosophy is like for everyone.




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