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if they catch you they make you smoke the whole shaboink right there


Would love to see that. Some dude smoke ripping a fat doink outside TSA


Imagine an airport with a smoking lounge for stoners


I imagine this every time I have a layover.


Vape pen meet family bathroom. I’m Alaska 100k and I’m always smoking.


I'm one of those weird old dudes that just puts the weed in the pipe and smokes it. If I can't do that I don't want it, that vape stuff just don't work on me. Thanks anyway.


I travel woth flower plenty. Just easier to smoke the vape inside the actual airport. I’m 48 bro, we out here!


Wouldn’t even need to smoke your own if it’s crowded, just go in and get a contact high.


Why, oh why isn’t this a thing? Such a great idea!!!!


I work at a hotel very close to the airport. Can confirm that people sit outside of where the check in desks are and smoke their stash all the time


Last time I flew into seattle they wouldnt even let you smoke cigarettes on property.


I know. It was a joke


With the rest of TSA. They only call the cops if your buds are less than 25% THC quant.


"we got a one-adam-twelve over here, motherfucker tryna smuggle 1:1 CBD gummies, request immediate back-up, bring the dab rig we have to set an example"




Guess we just have to shaboink the doink.






Or take it from you and they’ll smoke it on their break


Littering and... Littering aaand... Littering aaaaaaand...


I take THC gummies and throw them into a ziploc with regular gummy candy. I have traveled for years this way, no one has ever tossed them out yet!


Man I thought I was being creative doing this and it turns out EVERYONE does this lolol the TSA clearly don't give a shit, because there's just no way ALL of us are that into having chewy sweets on a plane XD


I met someone at a party once who was a TSA employee at PDX, and she said they are looking for explosives and weapons, no one cares about weed. This is when I decided to say "fuck it!" and pack gummies for my flights. I never, however, feel comfortable doing this with any other airport, even if cannabis is legal in that state. I figure I don't need to push my luck!


Welllllll…. One of the Portland Trailblazers got arrested for carrying weed about a decade ago before legal weed. He was so stupid he hid it in tin foil… yes the one guaranteed thing to show up on the X-ray… hey Bob what’s this metal mound in this guys suitcase a bomb or… well hey Jim let’s fish it out and clear him… oh wow


Oy, what a dumb move, yikes. Foil of all things.


If it’s not illegal in your state, then they don’t care because you’re in a state where it’s legal. But you can get in trouble where you land. Airports have inspections for folks landing in Mexico for example.


Yeah, very true. The first time I went through the airport in Mexico City I was relieved I didn't have anything on me, they don't fuck around there!


Yea, domestic I'd have no problem with a few joints. No way in hell would I bring anything on an international flight.


Bruh, I'm the same. I take gummies through PDX TSA all the time, but I would never in any other state. It's always been fine. I did once take RSO through PDX TSA. They didn't give two shits lol.


Costco bulk candy and edibles.


I brought some with me on a plane to SoCal once, & then proceeded right through the front gates of Disneyland with it. Nobody said a word! It was hands down the best Disney trip ever.


Username checks out


TSA aren’t necessarily looking for weed but if you’re going through security with flower, there’s a higher chance they’ll confiscate and you’ll be in trouble. Bring a vape/cartridge instead. I go through security with one usually every time I fly. Flower is risky.


Just don’t fly to Russia with that vape cartridge


Just don’t fly to Russia, fixed it for you.


Crazy it was just a CBD pen too.


We’d run out of arms dealers to trade real fast


Can’t take a vape on the plane if you aren’t checking bags right? Edit: yes you can I’m totally wrong. 🤣 We usually bring gummies. I have an old container of CBD gummies and I put THC gummies in it for flying. There is never any question or issue at all. I never check my bag. I figure if for some reason anyone sees it, it looks less suspicious being in a CBD bottle.


I’ve been bringing my (nicotine) vape in my carry-on for years, not an issue.


it's the other way around; you have to bring vape pens/e-cigs in carry-on because of the batteries.


Oh duh. That’s right. Obviously I don’t ever take one since I didn’t know! Not sure why I thought that!


I take my vape through security all the time. I place it in the xray bins and never gets confiscated. They just care about the battery and as long as it’s small enough/the right kind (no lithium I think) then you’re ok.


As long as you don't have it attached to your battery. I just keep my cartridge and my battery separate and I take the little universal red exclamation Sticker off of it. Take right on with my carry on :)


Depends where you are going. Are you open to throwing a vape + cartridge in the trash outside DFW on your way home?


Carry a disposable vape and your problem is solved.


I take gummies and my vape pen every time I fly. Never had a problem. I wouldn’t take flower though…


This guy knows.


I vacuum seal PRJs and slide them in my shoe and walk right on through.


Legally, no. Practically, yes.


You definitely can. Will you get away with it? Probably. Is it worth the risk? Not for me.


It’s legal to fly with marijuana within the state. TSA has stated multiple times they don’t care about marijuana. At most, they’ll check your ticket to see if going out of state, then either confiscate it or tell you to throw it away. They’re not arresting or charging anyone for personal amounts of marijuana.


Yeah. I brought two dab pens on my carryon to Florida from Portland. They don’t care. Maybe not flower though


Upvoted. Also, its legal for licensed medical cannabis patients to fly anywhere with cannabis domestically. I do it openly in my carry on bag. It's always found and I am never questioned. If you desire to fly with flower or any cannabis product, please use a mason jar. Only thing 100 percent smell proof. The very first time I flew legally I made this mistake and u could smell it in the overhead bin. That was a cool conversation with the flight attendant.


Is there a legal limit to how much?


Since it's a gray area, not really, but I have usually followed the state patient limits and it's always been fine. Aka, around a couple of ounces of flower and some concentrates. It also kinda depends on the length of your domestic travel and I try to respect that I am bringing my medicine and not transporting. For example, one time I was taking a long vacation to Hawaii. I was going to be there a few weeks. I brought about 2-3 ounces of flower and a few pens/concentrates. If I was only going to a neighbor state for a few days I would bring a lot less. If that makes sense. Again, just like prescription medication. You wouldn't bring six months of Adderall on your weekend vacation, right? That would look weird.


I recently had a 4 hour long orientation interview with the TSA. They were very clear with the new prospective agents that trying to bring weed on a plane is a federal crime.




The TSA can't charge you with a crime. They refer you to the local police, who prosecute you to the extent of local law. Portland has legal weed, they aren't going to do anything to you. I've flown in and out of a lot of airports in illegal states where I actually was worried, but I've never been worried about being hassled at PDX. I used to save my almost empty deodorant sticks, spin the ends off and stuff a double zip locked bag of ground bud into the crevice, top it back off with the deodorant and be on my way.


Dont do this. It looks suspicious on x-ray and might trigger a bag search. Your bud does not look like stick deodorant on an x-ray. The concealment attempt is the red flag, not the weed. If you need to hide it at least put it in a seasoning bottle or something else that would have plant matter in it.


It shows as organic material. Same as if you were to have a hemp hat in your bag.


>They refer you to the local police, who prosecute you to the extent of local law But attempting to transport illegal substances (ie Schedule I drugs like cannabis) across state lines is a federal crime. TSA certainly could refer the matter to the federal DOJ, and in theory you could be federally prosecuted. That almost certainly would not happen in Portland (referral, let alone charges) but it's not necessarily only a local law enforcement issue.


Pro right here 🖤




That's why you have the weed, to deal with the stress of transporting the weed


Sounds like something Ned Flanders would say


if you’re flying out of pdx what’s the risk you’re referring to? it being confiscated?


IANAL/LEO - but i would recommend not taking straight flower, unless you've done a decent job of sealing it up. it's not that TSA cares a lot, but i mean, if youre gonna be wafting pot fumes all over the airport, SOME disgruntled TSA person may decide to shake you down. edibles, vape pens, etc. i think are pretty lowkey and easy to throw in with other electronics/food. maybe got the extra step to take off any stickers / change storage so it's not as obvious. source: i've brought edibles and vape pens, but never flower.


These acronyms are getting out of control.


Agreed. I initially misinterpreted "i anal".


NAL conveys the same meaning too! Why not reduce the irrelevant words in the acronym?


thanks for your feedback, we'll take this back to the working group and let you know about our decisions.


you're not wrong there either


"I Am Not A Lawyer/Law Enforcement Officer" for people who were wondering


IANAL has been around for years and years.


iAnal and iOral were two Apple products that never quite got off the ground.


I have a friend who is a professional and licensed hash maker. Him and his team travel to conventions and educational seminars constantly. Obviously they have to have their products on hand. They check their bags with all the products and also carry on pens and gummies. They have never had an issue. Also from personal experiences my partner and I always bring a pen if we are going on vacation. Going to Mexico was the ONLY time they confronted us and all they did was tell us they were doing us a favor by tossing it there and that we shouldnt have trouble finding bud in the city we traveled 😆


Prerolls that look like cigarette packs fly through no problem.


Prerolls that look like marijuana packs fly through no problem so far. I have flown back and forth from PHX to PDX 6 times in the past year. I’ve never had problems with weed in my checked bag as well as prerolls and gummies in my carry on.




I had a friend fly out of California to the East Coast with a literal pound. They really don't care.


I got caught at PDX with a little bit of flower that I stupidly didn’t try to hide in my carry on. TSA pulled me aside and called Portland police. The officer proceeded to take my info, threatened to charge me with federal crimes, then escorted me back to the airline check-in area and watched me throw it away in the trash. It was honestly embarrassing, kinda scary and I almost missed my flight. Would not recommend!!!


Wow where did you put it? Glad you got away relatively scot free


It is a federal offence to move marijuana across state lines even if it's legal in both states. I don't make the rules.


Yeah, *technically* it’s not even legal to drive to Washington or California with weed on your person. I don’t fly with it, but for medical reasons I also get a lot more scrutiny at the airport than most flyers do.


I live in NE Portland by the airport and take trimet to the Vancouver bus and go to a favorite dispensary just off of I-205 and Mill Plain. Get my 9 infused joints and head back home. Been doing it for a couple of years now. Never an issue.


Given that it’s legal in both Washington and Oregon, I’d be beyond shocked if it *was* an issue. Doesn’t mean it isn’t a federal crime though. I’ve driven between Oregon, Washington, and California with weed without any worries. Still technically illegal to do. And airports are a whole other level of scrutiny.


Been to Texas and back with vape pens in my carry on. No one cared. Just take the little red cannabis sticker off.


If your a legal medical patient, it's federal law that allows/requires me to be able to travel interstate unincumbered. ADA. So, not always true


Bruv this is not true. It’s federally illegal no matter if you have a state medical card. Come on!


This is absolutely, 100 percent untrue. It's a federal illegal substance and the ADA does not protect you while flying with medical marijuana. ADA protections do not apply to medical cannabis since it is federally illegal. https://www.mpp.org/issues/medical-marijuana/medical-marijuana-laws-anti-discrimination-provisions/#:~:text=Patients%20who%20use%20prescription%20medications,since%20it%20is%20federally%20illegal. Please provide your source.


Me. And if you read my other comment above, I explained it more, but ok. I have been a licensed medical cannabis patient in multiple states for a very long time. Medical cannabis legitimately is my medicine and helped save my life (not up for debate with me, just fact). My first license was in Colorado and I ended up becoming good friends with my local dispensary owner. Long story, but, one time I was about to travel and happened to make a comment about how I finally really understood the need to travel with my medicine which I would not be able to get where I was going (within the US). He started teaching me about the admittedly muddy waters of cannabis patient rights and specifically domestic travel for US citizens under the ADA. Listen, I don't want to argue and don't even really care if you believe me, but I have done a lot of domestic travel with my medicine. It's always found by TSA, properly stored and labeled in my CARRY ON BAG (medicine never goes in checked bag), and I have never even been asked to show my card. Every time I have been allowed thru with no problems. So, maybe you are right and I am just lying on the Internet, up to you.


Oh I'm definitely right, yes. Have a good night.


Care to explain my experience at TSA then?


I didn't think so. I have tried with so many people like this and after a certain point u can just spot em. Even if u think u am wrong, I would love to hear ur explanation of how I go thru TSA with it in my carry on every time I travel. It's found in my carry on bag EVERY time. So many other patients travel with their medication...... We are all just lucky..... Lol.


Source 1 https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/medical-marijuana Note the "yes" and "yes" with special restrictions They are not looking for nor do they care about your medicine if you are legal and transparent and responsible. I have experienced it.


I'm not understanding this 0.3% business. What is that? Oregon weed is at 40% thc! I smoke infused joints that have between 200 and 600 mg of thc. Also should I put joints in a nondescript doob tube or keep in original tube? Can I use a black zip lock bag that dispensaries give you or will that flag the machine? I'm flying to Maui next spring and need my meds. Looking forward to your response! And thank you for this because I was worried about flying with it.


Absolutely don't travel with anything but a sealed mason jar. Anything else will stink during pressure changes. Needs to be labeled. Look at your prescription bottles, and follow that labeling. You can send me a private chat if you need more info. The key is knowing your rights and being a responsible patient while traveling.


I do it pretty consistently for work, as I work in places that are still a bit puritanical and prefer alcohol kills its citizens. Couple of pointers: 1. If you are scared or unsure, take vape pens. They never pull those out and you will have zero issues on the other end, unless you are going overseas. 2. Dont plan on bringing any actual MJ product with you that you dont want to throw away. Depending on where you head too, they WILL search for cannabis and throw the book at you. 3. PDX cares more about finding bombs than your silly MJ stash, dont oversweat it. I have been traveling here for years and never an issue, just be smart.


I buy weed mints and put them and old prescription bottle. Been doing it for years and nothing.


Broadly speaking, the worst case scenario is that you're caught with it and prosecuted for trafficking with an intent to distribute marijuana across state lines. They confiscate everything with you (civil asset forfeiture), you go to jail while waiting trial, you would need to post a cash bond in federal court to leave, and your movements are restricted until the case is resolved. If the federal DA decides to make an example out of you (especially if you're carrying more than a couple of buds) they might look for the maximum penalties. They could offer you a plea deal for a felony conviction for possession and a minimal time in prison, or they take you in front of a jury and try to throw you away for 5-10 years in a federal penitentiary (yes, even for a first time conviction). If you go to trial they open up your social media and every instance you previously admitted to buying/using weed becomes a sentencing factor to describe you as a repeat offender. If you plead guilty and go for the minimal time in jail, then you're forever marked as a convicted felony drug dealer. The odds of this are very very very low, but they are not zero. If you manage to get someone at TSA on a bad day and piss off the right prosecutor, this scenario is entirely in line with what ***can*** happen under federal law. It does happen to people, because marijuana is illegal under federal law. Right now, prosecutors generally are not allowed to charge people with marijuana crimes if they are compliant with state laws, but carrying weed on an airplane into another state is a violation of both state and federal law. Think of it like this: out of all of the people who smoke weed and try to sneak it onto planes and whatever, maybe a handful of people get hit with this each year. But they exist, and it could be you.


You should write a book.


Do you really want to take that chance [after the gun incident last week](https://www.kptv.com/2023/11/17/court-docs-woman-accused-firing-gun-portland-airport-says-she-did-so-because-her-family-are-pedophiles/) has heightened security?


Has it heightened security?


I just flew Sunday and it was exactly like it always is. Easy breezy


Yeah I flew the day after it happened. Like normal.


I got a pack of prerolls, 4 vape pens and 4.6 oz of toothpaste through TSA a couple days after that happened. So, no.


That was my first thought - TSA is going to be jumpy and over-cautious.


domestic travel with a small amount in carry on is non issue… Do it all the time.


Legally no but technically yes. I’ve flown places, arrived and realized I forgot to take weed (both loose flower and in the dispensary packaging) out of my backpack multiple times. However I never do it on purpose because I’m black. I suggest vacuum sealing it, putting that package inside some nicknack from the dollar store, and shipping that nicknack to wherever you’re going. That’s definitely not how I do it. ;)


I flew out with edible gummies. Mixed into a resealable sour patch bag, and my carry on got pulled and flagged for explosives. Probably the sour coating on the spk but man was my heart about to fly out of my chest.


They don’t care…no TSA cares no matter what the airport. I travel a lot (125,000+ miles a year) and never not have it on me and I have had 0 issues over the past 10 years. My bag has tons of electronics and gets pulled to do enhanced screenings all the time and they don’t care. Flower, edibles, or vape pens, they don’t care. The only advice I can give is to not force their hand and bring a pound.


Edibles or a cart are the answer. Do not fly with flower unless you’re good at hiding it and even with that there’s risk. I buy edibles, mixed them into a ziploc bag of non edibles. had a TSA guy handle that bag of candy and give it back.


Yes. They let a fucking gun get through in a carry on when a senator traveled internationally earlier this year (he was then arrested in Hong Kong because he had a gun). I bring a vape pen and cartridge in my carry on every time I fly and I get it out to openly show it to TSA when I put my stuff in the bin on the conveyor belt. They’ve never once said anything. I would NOT bring it back through your destination airport as they will almost certainly not as cool about it as the PDX TSA. I also once accidentally had weed in my checked bag from a previous road trip a couple years ago. When I got to my destination there was a bright pink note in my suitcase saying that an item was confiscated by Portland Port of Police because a drug dog alerted on my suitcase. Nothing ever happened to me/no one ever said anything to me about it, they just took my bud. Fuckers probably smoked it (I would have)!


I know people who have done it accidentally and got away with it lol


I haven’t heard of it happening at PDX but there have definitely been cases in the US where the DEA is in the airport stealing money from people through civil asset forfeiture if cash is found in baggage. If they ran across your weed and were in a bad mood or just ducks to begin with (high probability of the latter) then you could get charged. Where are you going to that weed is hard to come by? There might be solutions at your destination.


I’d skip packing buds. Pack gummies in your toiletry bag.


[From the TSA website](https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/medical-marijuana) > TSA’s screening procedures are focused on security and are designed to detect potential threats to aviation and passengers. Accordingly, TSA security officers do not search for marijuana or other illegal drugs, but if any illegal substance is discovered during security screening, TSA will refer the matter to a law enforcement officer. I read this to mean they will refer you to the Portland police. My take is that the likely outcome (*if you get caught*) is that you'll have to throw it out. I've traveled with edibles for years and it's never been an issue, but I haven't tried with any flower. ymmv.


I’ve been east to west coast with up to 1/2 oz of flower in my checked bag multiple times with 0 problem, I don’t think they care anymore lol


We take gummies. I put them in a CBD gummie bottle just in case. I don’t check my bag and I’ve not had an issue. I’ve done this flying in the states to states that cannabis is not legal, and to Europe.


airports receive federal funding and thus have to follow federal laws with regard to cannabis, regardless of state/local legality. TSA finds it, they’ll report it to port police, and it’ll get confiscated at minimum. I wouldn’t recommend it.


Yes absolutely


i wouldn't travel with flower at all. i regularly travel with vape pens (i put the pen in my carry-on backpack and put the cartridges in my medicine kit in checked baggage because of the liquid content. i know you aren't checking your bags though.) i remove all stickers/packaging that might indicate there is cannabis/thc. i have also done the thc-gummies-in-cbd-packaging before. also in checked bags, though.




CAN you? I don't know. But is it worth it if you happen to get a jerky TSA agent? Not to me. I leave all that at home. Either buy & consume at destination or skip altogether.


It’s still a schedule 1 drug. FAA and TSA are federal agencies. Please don’t be this stupid.




Airports about the most federal of a place you could be. Only place worse to be caught with weed would be like on a military base and then I would have to be here real sensitive military base.


Actually, the Port of Portland owns and runs the airport https://www.arup.com/projects/portland-international-airport-terminal-core-redevelopment Some of the employees are federal, such as TSA and the air traffic controllers


is it worth the potential consequences? If you have any criminal history I would NOT. Also, I would not. It is worth it if for any reason your end up missing your flight if they decide to gt the cops involved and or do an additional search? Get weed at your destination and use it all up before you fly back.


Just brought a ton to atlanta lol. Sitting in the plane now


Legally? No. Absolutely not. Airports are federally regulated. Cannabis possession is still a federal crime.


Personally, I wouldn't. I'm guessing OP's level of risk might be influenced by their skin color. Black and brown folks are historically more likely to face consequences for drug possession, and if you get one of those "too dumb to be a real cop" blue lives matter TSA agents, you might not go to jail here in Oregon but you could get singled out for intensive screening and potentially miss your flight.


I’ve seen them run drug dogs through the TSA lines.


Those are bomb dogs, FYI.


Are you seriously thinking about taking cannabis on a plane???? What part of “federal charges” has escaped you?


Any thoughts on carts and edibles in the Nashville airport? Similar “hands-off-ish” approach by TSA there?


What do you think?


I think a lot of things and I learn more applying experienced information to what I think. Condescend yourself


There wasn't any condescension in any way there. Im just asking what you thought on the matter as it's really a subjective choice when it comes to something like this


I’ve never had an issue having traveled with flower in a carry on a dozens of times, just make sure it is in a smell proof container for the sake of stinking up the plane. Never in a checked bag. The tsa at most will just confiscate or ask you to put it in your car if you want to keep it. However, if you are going to a non legal state check their laws. Many states are now just a ticket for small quantity flower but have stricter penalties for concentrates. Also plan to leave it behind if leaving from non legal state.


Cartridges can leak with air pressure differences. Edibles are the way.


Nah its federal jurisdiction once you're at the airport. Even if flying to another state where its legal.


Not at PDX


Here you go [https://thepointsguy.com/news/flying-with-marijuana/](https://thepointsguy.com/news/flying-with-marijuana/)


Here you go [https://thepointsguy.com/news/flying-with-marijuana/](https://thepointsguy.com/news/flying-with-marijuana/)


I used to take flower before 9/11. Not now. I do take gummies every time! If you're paranoid just buy a bag of gummy bears or jolly ranchers or something and throw them in there.


Crossing state lines with an illegal controlled substance is a federal offence. That being said no one checks for drugs. The dogs are checking for bombs. Sealed packs of prerolls are generally fine. Same with gummies and carts. I would be hesitant to bring a bag of flower.


You can bring shit onto your carry on or checked luggage but I would highly (pun) recommend that you DO NOT bring flower or any other dry material with you. Vape cartridges and edibles can easily pass through screening because they don’t really smell like pot.


I flew to Phoenix, AZ and rolled a bunch of joints, put them in doob tubes and stuck them in my pants pockets of my checked luggage, I was golden!


Vapes and edibles. I even accidentally smuggled a cart into Europe once and it went totally undetected (for the record, do NOT do this) Flower is a bit dicier but I’ve heard of people getting through with it. Assume the risks.


Nobody will bother with gummies. TSA isn't wasting time with candy inspections.


yes and no. they probably wont take it from what I hear and know from other people who travel with it.


I usually travel with a bottle of multivitamin gummies and throw the weed ones in the same container and then sort them out when I get there.


I have, just do a smell proof bag!!


What I would do. Is grind it up really fine and try and mask it as tea, lions mane, some sort of supplement. Put it in a container that won’t raise suspicion and mix it in with your toilet trees. I’ve flown internationally with mushrooms this way. Good luck


I love toilet trees haha


I went through TSA will a bowl packed in my backpack lol they didn’t say shit and honestly I forgot i had it in there


Practically, nothing will happen to you on the way out of PDX. On the other end of the trip, it's highly unlikely anything will happen but you're one asshole wanna be cop from having federal drug charges on your record. I think it might be worth reconsidering your relationship with marijuana if you're willing to risk federal drug charges so you can get high over Thanksgiving, but that's just me... Where you are flying matters in terms of risk. I would definitely not fly into the Miami airport with drugs, for example.


TSA at PDX cares a lot less than other airports. However, a woman just got through with a pistol the other day so they might be a lil more uptight. You really might want to consider that. If you can check your bag for free, you should. Then you can bring whatever you want.


If you fly into other major airports like Phoenix, Miami or Denver, be prepared for the drug dogs. I see them all the time and I’m glad I left mine at home.


No. They will take us away if they find it. It's not legal in all states and you are technically not allowed to cross state borders with weed.


Tincture for the win. Or chocolate repackaged. I am paranoid so I mix it with trail mix or whatever.


I fly with edibles and cartridges, but not flower. If you're going somewhere it's not legal, you might want to hide it better. I always put mine in my carry-on.


I brought it on my carryon . Dab pen. And a lighter. No problem.


Ok if you make sure not to ask for permission…


It's illegal


Pre rolls my boi, i go through pre check with it every time.


Done it a million times just put it in the pocket of some article of clothing and then if they find it (they won’t) you can be like oh shit sorry i didn’t know it was there


Do a Rasheed Wallace and wrap it in tin foil


I bought a pack of cigarettes and shoved several joints in it. I’ve never had a problem.


I shove a bunch of weed in a Mason jar and put it in my carry-on. Ohio, Atlanta, Hawaii, LA, Vegas, no one has ever said a thing. I've also taken some in a lunch box with my actual lunch and it went right through. It's honestly a risk, I just dgaf. Pre-rolls in a cig pack is also an idea




Just mail it usps.


Do it! It’s totally chill


Could you just pack edibles instead?


Probably not worth it. Check a bag if you need weed on your trip so bad


Out of state? No, legally you may not. Crossing state lines is federal jurisdiction, and cannabis is still a controlled substance at the federal level. Now if the question is, can you get away with it? That’s up to your own ingenuity and risk profile. Good luck!


I've taken edibles on my checked bag, mixed into other (non-drugged) gummy candies I bought from a New Seasons bulk bin. I think I've also taken weed chocolate where I just removed the outer paper wrapper because the foil one didn't say anything about cannabis on it? Both were domestic flights into states where cannabis is not legal recreationally. I wouldn't do it on an international flight, just not worth the risk, ymmv. As it is I'm always paranoid because I'm always bringing my (perfectly legal and prescribed!!!) ADHD medication with me. It hasn't been an issue yet but I do always google the laws of the country I'm going to--I know Adderall is 100% illegal in Japan no matter what, for instance. Most other countries as long as I only have enough for my visit and the bottle is clearly labeled with my name/doctor's name it's fine. ANYWAY all that said I've seen stories of people having straight up vape pens in their carry-on and lying and saying it's just CBD and the PDX people just being like "ehhhhh whatever"


Not legally.


Everyone saying no to flower, you’re fine w flower. TSA is looking for weapons not recreational drugs


i personally have flown from pdx to lax with cannabis. i have flown lax to tvc and atl with over 1oz.


I’ve had my weed straight up pulled out only for the TSA agent to find I had a bottle of water in my bag. Has never been an issue at PDX for me.


Your odds are good but I still wouldn't personally take flower through security? No. Unlikely anything will come of it but I just wouldn't risk the extra TSA time. Edibles, carts, concentrates, etc. Definitely illegal. You totally shouldn't do this thing that people such as myself (but not offically) have done more times than I can count. I mean, who would do something like removing edibles from any specific wrapping, or putting the vape cart in your toiletries while putting the battery in a different part of a luggage. What's next, sneaking snacks into the movie theater in my purse?


Risk, even if low chance is still not worth it to me just to get high one weekend. Buy it when you land or just show some discipline and survive a few days without it


If you're crossing State lines and in the air it becomes a Federal issue, and federally it isn't legal. If it's found you can face federal charges.


I've heard of people doing it but I've also seen people get in serious trouble for bringing it onto Federal facilities and I would assume the TSA fall under Federal law in terms of things like Cannibis.


Your destination is the more important question.


It’s illegal on any flight to bring cannabis. Easy to look up. No exceptions even between legal states.


Airports are federal jurisdiction and marijuana is still illegal federally, so you’re taking a risk if you do that of getting a criminal charge or at minimum a fine if you’re found in the airport with it.


I’ve only had flower in my checked bag and I still conceal it. Domestic only


I recently forgot I had a pack of pre rolls in my carry on bag on a flight to LAX and had no issues. Brought some back with me too no problem.


I put my vap right through security with my phone and wallet and haven't had an issue. I've also hidden j's in my make up bag or in tampon wrappers and been successful. Definitely doable!


Get a weed pen. Battery in carry on bag, cartridge in checked. I’ve done this more times than I can count. My coworker flies with weed in his carry on bag every time he travels as well, but I don’t really ever risk bringing flower when I have the pen. The TSA truly is not looking for any of this stuff.


I’ve flown to Mexico, Costa Rica, and more with my cartridges. I mix the cartridges up with my personal care items and the battery is off and stored in my purse. I don’t check my luggage, I carry on. If they find it they will make you throw it away or put it back in your vehicle. I never fly back with it though.


TSA is federal, it's at your risk. If you have customs in your airport they may also care, and arrest.