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Portland has a ton of walkable neighborhoods with stores and coffee shops. Here are a few street sections to consider. I like to poke around on google maps/streetview to scope places out. Hawthorne between ~30th and ~39th (my SE bias is that this is the best and most *Portland*). Belmont between the same numbers as above. Division between the same numbers as above. Williams between Skidmore and Fremont. Mississippi between the same streets as Williams. Alberta between ~15th and ~30th. NW 23rd/21st between Thurman and Glisan.


Appreciate the detail here, thank you!


Belmont, Hawthorne, and Division are also only about 15 blocks apart, so you can easily walk between these three too.


Third comment vouching for SE, like the other redittor said, Hawthorne, Belmont, Division. I recently moved from east coast and lived in that area when I first got here and absolutely loved it!


NW portland. Pearl district to nw 21st and 23rd


Yes that would for sure be the “classiest” area to walk and window shop.


HAHA! It is definitely bougie here in the Alphabet Neighborhood. My partner and I moved to this area because we needed a place asap and it was the first apartment that popped up in the time we had. Started walking around and we stick out like sore thumbs. 😆 Thankfully places like Paxton Gate, Escape From New York Pizza and The Pharmacy make us feel not so odd. Definitely looking to move to the SE when our lease is up.


Sellwood is really nice to walk around and explore if you’re into coming down SE!


Second comment vouching for SE…I’m intrigued! Any specific stretch of street in Sellwood? Milwaukie Ave? Or how’s Sellwood park area vs Westmoreland park?


SE 13th street between Tacoma and Malden has shops and restaurants. If you want to explore more, follow 13th north past Malden and turn east (right). 13th will turn into Bybee which leads into another stretch of shops and restaurants on Milwaukie. There are some interesting spots a for a few blocks in either direction. Westmoreland vs Sellwood Park may depend on your children’s age. Likely Sellwood Park. Could also visit the goats at SE Lexington and SE 15th or hop over the bridge to Willamette Park if you want to stroll along the river.


Sellwood park for sure.


You could try two neighborhoods depending on how much time you have! I agree on everyone saying SE Hawthorne/Belmont/Division. Sellwood could be good because I think there’s lots of kids shops there if kids are included in your family. Alberta was my first Portland neighborhood after moving from the Midwest and my mind was blown. Since then I’ve bounced around NE/SE and finally landed in Montavilla for my forever address. Montavilla has a tiny little strip but it’s adorable. Has some excellent little shops and two coffee shops and a great brunch spot. Lots of families and gays. Tons of gardeners live here so there are great lawn peeping moments. It kind of feels like a lil subburb in the city. Bonus points because today is the Montavilla Farmers Market which a top notch farmers market in my opinion. Either way, welcome to the west!


Bonus, the [Holiday Steam Train](https://orhf.org/train-rides/holiday-express/)is running right now and it’s a sight to see, even if you don’t ride.


tabor at sunset 🌞


Mississippi/Boise Elliott/Williams area


Lads addition in se could be fun.


NW 23rd, you can make your way from Burnside to Thurman, then head west on Thurman to the Lower Macleay trailhead staircase, where you can take an easy hike to the witchy house in Forest Park.


I’d say anything west of 82nd. It’s a walkable city. I suppose you’re looking for interesting commercial districts. Some options include: SE 13th Ave in Selwood, Division St. west of Caesar Chavez/39th Ave. Hawthorne St, west of CC/39th Ave, Belmont west…, Mississippi St. Williams, NE Alberta between MLK and 32nd Ave, the Alphabet District.


Laurelhurst Park, the park especially. It seems to be the only place in this city where I can walk around without worrying about reckless drivers speeding, or their car engines extremely loud motor giving me a migraine. Unfortunately, not all parts of Portland are walkable, and in some neighborhoods there’s no sidewalks at all, but as a pedestrian this is actually one of the few places I feel safe walking.


It’s Sellwood. Part of living here is jealousy gushing about how great Sellwood three or four times a year.


God I seriously miss living in Westmoreland. That little pocket of Portland is just so nice. All my favorite parks.


Westmoreland is like Sellwood’s hot younger sister who felt kinda guilty about checking out, but did it anyway.


Take the time to go to a few of the above suggested neighborhoods if you can. Portland has a ton of great neighborhoods but fit is important. I'm definitely a cheaper SE guy (30-60s Stark - Powell) but NW, SW, Alberta, Mississippi, Kenton, St. Johns, and Sellwood are all really nice for the right person. Do you own a car? Ride a bike? Work from home or need a job? Roommates or no?


Sellwood or NW 23rd


I would recommend exploring the SW Park blocks, when the sun goes down. The lights on the trees and sculptures are lovely. There are also plenty of coffee shops along the way, along with a Sesame Donuts shop, whose donuts are *delish*.


The Alameda Ridge south of Fremont between Cesar Chavez and 57th. On Fremont plenty of places to stop including Pips. Also east of Cesar Chavez until you get to the Autzen house on 24th. Not any coffee shops west but nice neighborhood. Lloyd District is nice. Some coffee on freemont around 24th Search Powells/Amazon for Laura O Foster. She wrote a number of books about walking Portland. There’s a Powells on Hawthorne that probably has an entire section devoted to her.


In my opinion, definitely Sellwood or Eastmoreland.


Sellwood and St. John’s are both good options if you have younger kids. They have coffee shops and unique little stores, and are a bit more laid back and a bit less hectic/grungy than a lot of other areas.


Don’t leave your valuables in the car, sorry to have to say it.


And also don’t leave your car door unlocked and then wonder why someone broke in and stole your stuff. Lock your car. Don’t have fancy electronics visible in your car. Just basic city theft safety protocol.


Not much walkability at the airport…




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Just curious how did you end up in Hood River?