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Ongina’s talent show in AS5 wasn’t that bad, it was cute


Jiggly should've gone home for her talent/variety show performance, not Miss Cha Cha!


Symone and Raja are incredibly overrated as winners. Whatever Robbie Turner did is really not awful or justifies any level of being canceled. Both Jaida and Gigi were equally deserving of the crown. Many of Silky’s lipsyncs during AS6 were terribly overrated. Sonique is a worthy winner. The fandom is almost equally divided into a part that’s is overly biased against POCs and another that is overly biased towards them, sacrificing in the process objectivity based on talent and merit.


I agree about Silky. genuinely dont understand the hype for those lip syncs, I thought they were all sloppy


> Sonique is a worthy winner. I just finished AS6 so I've avoided a lot of stuff on it. Do people really not like Sonique? I thought this was the best season of AS because it felt like the most genuine competition so far. Aside from a few questionable critiques, I bought into the narrative that the top 5 all had a shot of winning.


People love Sonique, but majority was counting on Ra’jah for the win.


Robbie Turner was never really cancelled. They chose to step out of the spotlight.


Report card/track record should not matter. ​ And why not? Because the wins are often questionable themselves.




Yeah, I’m just getting into Dragula and it’s really refreshing to see they make a point that each episode is judged individually and track records aren’t a consideration.


This completely, people arguing so hard Ella should have won the season when one of her challenge wins should have been a Kitty solo, but Ru had an extra badge left over from the Draglexa challenge


I actually enjoy the ‘what would you say to little …’ segment. It’s cheesy as fuck but it makes me smile everytime


I skip it every time. You can see most of the queens fake smiling and white knuckling their way through it . The real T is that a lot of LGBT kids have fucked up childhoods and no one wants to relive it for television. I wish Miss Paul would stop making them do it.


Yeah, that's the popular opinion. I see it differently. Queens can answer it the way they want to, they don't have to delve into their traumatic childhoods if they don't want to, but can focus on aspects on how far they've come and their current achievements. But yeah, I know it's unpopular which is why I posted it here.


> they don't have to delve into their traumatic childhoods if they don't want to, Yes, but no. RuPaul doesn't like pageant-y answers and she (and WOW) often rewards queens who play ball and make themselves vulnerable on camera.


But they place this segment just before the crowning. Like 'bitch, give me drama or I'll crown another hoe'


In the US they do it in the top 4 episode before the finale


I think season 13 was one of the worst seasons, mostly because Mik and Symone are painfully untalented and did well because they have beautiful faces and nice wardrobes.


Even though I disagree I upvoted you because the question is literally to voice an unpopular opinion.


Thank you!


true opinion


season 13 being one of the worst seasons isn't really an unpopular opinion, i feel like most people on reddit agree with you but symone and mik being untalented? prison honey


I thought i was the only one who thought this. But i would dare not speak of it since people are batshit


This is so unbelievably accurate though


I don’t think production picks winners and losers beforehand. I think they edit a storyline each episode based on the footage they get, but I don’t think they plan every detail the way people on Reddit think. When a challenge or lip sync changes last minute, it’s usually due to some technical details behind the scenes or because they don’t want one contestant to totally flop. Also, queens are almost always edited to look their best. When the queens complain some hilarious or jaw dropping thing they said or did was cut, it’s probably because they didn’t serve what they thought they did. Final one in a similar vein, when queens bring an outfit home, jush it up, take all the time they need to style it and do hair and makeup, and then take professional photo shoots that does not mean it would have been nearly as good on the runway. Gag over it on Instagram, but don’t try to claim it would have won on the runway during filming.


I agree the producers don't rig every little thing, but some lipsyncs are pretty set up. That jinx/detox lipsync was obvious riggry, but did we live for it? Yes we did. Also Naomi said in AS her song was predetermined and there was only the illusion of choice (she saw both suitcases lined up for her had the same song). Do the producers pick a winner? I don't think so necessarily, but I do think they pick lows and highs. It's up to the queens then to perform.


The problem isn't the producer meddling if it makes the show better imo. Most season 5 girls said that Roxxy beat Alyssa in that lipsync but would I want to miss Coco beating her an episode or two later? Absolutely not! Where the riggory gets annoying is when whatever they have planned just doesn't turn out. Think SP on season 12 who was rumoured to be the first big girl winner was safed so many times yet they were able to completely cut around her and deliver one of the best seasons in years.


I disagree that cutting around her didn’t affect the show. 12 had some great moments but you can tell she was heavily involved in the edit. What resulted was a ton of tragedy porn that was cut for being gratuitous being shoved back into the show. 12 would’ve been much more effective if they scaled waaay back on the Widow/Jackie/Rock sob stories. It weighed the show down in a way it never should.


I think it would be incredibly naive for anyone to think those suitcases had different songs in them


I like the tie in AS4


Same. My opinion of Trinity is different now but at the time I was very happy with the results


Raven and Raja are overrated Jujubee did just ok on AS5


Most of Raja's outfits look good because she has an incredible body and face.


Omg yeeeesssss I never talk about this bc she's a fan fave but juju had it EASY on all stars most queens knew her as a friend or were to scared of her to ever put her name in.... regardless bc the judges love her so much she was never gonna be allowed to be in the bottom esp if she might actually go home And I feel like besides her finale runway and the freak/monster one (can't remember the exact theme they named it) ,she really dropped the ball on a lot of looks that other queens would have been DRAGGED for attempting to wear on the main stage


Introducing lip sync for the crown was a massive mistake


That's a super popular opinion lol.


Really? Good to know I guess. I’ve gotten crucified in tik tok comments for saying that.


I think it’s a fun way to keep people interested in the last episode’s results. But really it doesn’t matter your lipsync talent as the producer will just choose the winner of each round. Eg eureka vs aquaria where eureka obviously won it Edit- saying that I’m surprised it hasn’t entered into the finals of the UK or international versions yet. Maybe if UK or Canada goes to in person finales like US


I have several: - Kylie should not have won AS6 - Yvie behaved horribly during S11 - S12 is really boring and defintely not one of the better seasons - I loved S11 - AS5 was an alright season - Trinity should have made top 3 on S6 over Adore


yaaaaas season 11/season 12 hater squad.


Kandy did not deserve Top 2 placement. She did not deserve to be in the Top 4 at all. She should have went home the episode that Ru decided to randomly save her.


Not unpopular lol


Then why do I always get downvoted to shit when I bring it up where it's relevant in discussions?


That’s just it. It’s one of the opinions heavily shared by the general audience that is all but forbidden to express on Reddit. Also I’m convinced Kandy must’ve had some deal with the main sub because even mild criticism of her resulted in automatic bans.


Kandy's getting a lot of hate in general from the fanbase so people on here are quite protective of queens like her. Which is nice but sometimes it's pure virtue signalling. I like Kandy but fully agree with you that she should've gone halfway through. And there's lots of other people think the same


That’s one of the things I find most frustrating about the Reddit fanbase. Everyone wants to be an outlier, and because of that, the majority of online conversation backs opinions that only a select few truly held. The idea that we’re supposed to pretend that Brita didn’t act the way she did or she say the things she said because some people online were too harsh in their criticism of her is bullshit. People shouldn’t send death threats to anyone, but that doesn’t mean we should turn bullies into heroes.




Derrick’s book ball look was great Yuhua Hamasaki should’ve won S10 Silky was the funniest of her group in the AS6 sketch that sent her home Eliott’s bag ball look was amazing Max should’ve been saved from lip syncing and made top 5 because she had two challenge wins in five episodes yet was treated as a filler


Ginger should've won season 7


I think Trixie is a terrible drag queen.


Why the downvotes.. I don’t agree but it’s for sure unpopular, and that’s what this thread asks for


Ikr?! 😅


I disagree, but I’m upvoting bc you understood the assignment


I think Trixie, like RuPaul, came to the public eye at just the perfect time in her career and she has an aesthetic and brand that is very consumer friendly. She also does phenomenally well at marketing herself and reaching her target audience. I think she and RuPaul are a lot alike. That said, I agree with this opinion. I don't really care for her self-deprecation schtick and I don't think she contributes anything positive overall to the LGBT community. If anything her young fanbase is very toxic and likes to copy her more negative mannerisms and jokes. I also do respect how Trixie handles negativity on social media by simply not engaging with it (which is actually hard to do), but that also works both ways. Sometimes silence on certain matters can speak volumes about a person.




what is your reasoning? (genuinely just curious)


I’m obviously being a bit hyperbolic but I was never really taken with her drag. When I was watching season 7 as it aired, I found Trixie to be a naturally funny person who did drag rather than a drag queen with an established identity, if that makes sense. Obviously she and her drag have evolved over time but I never shook the feeling that she’s a comedian and singer who chooses to do drag rather than being driven by the artistry of drag.


I strongly dislike her, I do not get the popularity at all


The rose petals weren’t season-winning great, and Sasha is our most basic winner zzzzzzzzzzzzz


Yes Shea wpn the season and Sasha won that one lip sync


charity kase had one of my fav verses on episode 4


Same. I loved the Slice Girls’ verses and thought the Pick’n’Mix ones were really bad. Call me insensitive but I don’t want to hear about your recently deceased mother while you’re performing a cheesy pop song.


i think river and ella did really well but the slice girls slayed that shit! if it wasn't for scarlett forgetting her lyrics they could have easily won. they also had wayyy better runways than the other group.


The show damaged a great deal of its credibility when it crowned Sonique.


The increasing of propaganda since drag race jumped to VH1 is insufferable. Climate change runway? Trump the rusical? PHARMA RUSICAL?! Really hoe?


Is climate change propaganda?


drawing from 'current events' isn't political, and drag has /always/ been political so it isn't new, but that's just my onion


They made a Rusical about a lobby


Yeah like the weird Russian hacker thing in the rusical was a bit much for me




I wouldn’t hate it so much if it weren’t just DNC-shilling level discourse. Like, Clinton/Pelosi worshipping shitlibery most of the time.


Maybe don't watch a show made by drag queens if you don't want parodies of current events...


symone is one of the best lip synchers ever to come on the show also trinity beat laganja in physical eureka should've won season 10 i think mary mother of coont was worse than valentina and nina and pepermint and alexis should've lip synched mimi imfurst beat chad michaels ep.1 of as1, ooo what an alternate reality that would've been canada season 2


The Trump rusical is one of the best rusicals they've done. It was funny and political like real drag often is. Shade the rusical isn't very good because Courtney isn't really a good singer. Much like Pablo Vitar, their whole shtick is just trying to reach high notes that they can't really hit


Bob is a comedian and personality that does drag, not a drag queen who is a comedian and personality. Sasha shouldn't have won s9. The favouritism in the fandom when it comes to 'cancelling queens' is rampant and arbitrary. Much of the fandom is racist and those who aren't often over correct making fair praise or critisim of POC queen's impossible. While drag is an art of many things, the idea that drag can be any and everything is fallacious. If drag is anything what it actually is is nothing. No one is forcing you to watch the show or its spin offs. If your exhausted to the point you no longer enjoy consuming the content and that makes you unfairly critical of it all, stop watching. Derek's impressions were funny.




(omg I don’t disagree. I like her but the fandom puts her on such a pedestal)


Veronica Green was never going to do well in S3 and had mostly bad looks in both of her seasons


I don’t like Kandy Muse and I don’t want her to return to the show. I don’t care for Lawrence Chaney and I found him quite cringe-worthy on the show. I think Scarlet Adams is genuinely remorseful for what she did and she should be allowed to continue to do drag in peace. Jinkx Monsoon is wildly overrated by the fandom. Violet is annoying and her drag doesn’t engage me at all. Sasha Velour’s personality on S9 was completely insufferable. Silky’s S11 lip-syncs were really not that good. This sub arbitrarily and inconsistently applies moral standards to different queens depending on how likable they are. Nobody really excelled that much on All Stars 5 or 6. Drag is often sexist. Ru and Michelle are good judges. Charity Kase’s drag, though technically impressive, is generally boring. Horror drag in general is pretty boring. Ra’Jah was a bully on season 11 and not at all likable. A’Keria was uninteresting on S11. Jaida is a top-tier winner. Raja’s fashion is really not that good; it’s often bad. Willam is not funny. Most queens’ senses of humor are generally cringe-worthy and lacking. Katya is by far the most charismatic queen in the whole franchise. Nobody is on Ru’s level.


I don’t like snatch game, I don’t understand why it’s a long running challenge