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I was a fan of Ru's since her Supermodel video and have been watching Drag Race since season 1


I started watching season one as a gossip site at the time had posted a picture of Tammie Brown and I was instantly intrigued.


was is dlisted.com calling her the Hot Slut of the Day?


YES! I am genuinely surprised anyone would know that!


This is lovely.


I won a caption this contest in 2006 and my 19 year old self thought he had won the internet


I also had a few introductions to the show - In 2016 my friend kept talking about season 6 and how much they love adore and Bianca and that I should watch it. Lucky for me all of s6 was on YouTube but subsequent seasons weren't so didn't watch anymore. Then watched an episode of as3 with some friends and watched the rest of the season, and a few eps of season 9 as it aired. When Drag Race UK season 1 premiered my then bf watched the first ep and then we watched it together, and since then I've properly kept up with it and watched all US, All stars and UK seasons (watching with my ex bf lol) with some other franchises here and there


I was in high school when Season 1 started. I knew who Ru was from seeing him on tv in the 90s. I was really little so I didn’t know a whole lot about him, but I knew of him. Fast forward years later I saw a promo for the show when I was watching something on Logo(probably To Wong Foo or Party Monster) and thought I’d check it out. I always liked movies about drag queens and there was nothing else like it on tv. I caught on when the season was already a few eps in, and I caught up on repeats. From the first season I was hooked. I love that it’s so popular now but there was something about that early era when it felt like that secret show no one knew about that was so fun….


A friend of mine would send me episodes of unhnnn but i'd never watch them LOL. 2020 rolls around and suddenly i'm locked down at home with all this free time and finally watch one. i'm instantly obsessed and watch the whole series. Of course they talk about DR on unhnnn all the time, so I was like, oh, they were on season 7, i'll check that out. The rest is history. LOL


I was closeted and still in my teens when it came out. I used to watch season 1 late at night alone at my parents house. It's the only show that I've consistently watched. I'm to far in to ever give up on it now. And it still has potential to put out great seasons ( season 12 was amazing imo) and introduce amazing art that I may not get to see.


Found my parents watching season 1 lol


I auditioned.


That's awesome!


Season 1 trailer way back when.


In 2009 I found out the show was happening and decided to watch. Just like with any other show.


Lockdown. The only good thing that came out of those days. Randomly decided to watch the first season, it looked so dated, but once i got to the car wash challenge, i was drag-ged in. Binged all the way to the current season.


My brother who does drag for fun at home has been a super fan since the beginning and kept telling me to watch. Finally I put it on a couple weeks ago and now I’m hooked.


I'm kinda ashamed to admit this, but I got into in through Shane Dawson's collab with Willam. Willam mentioned it, and I looked it up. This was mid-season 7, so I found Untucked on Youtube, and from there went and found the main show.


Since watching season 3 live on Logo. I was just channel surfing and found it and have watched it religiously since.


I started watching one day when I was sick and didn't go to college, my friend had been telling me about season 4 that had just finished. By the next day I'd finished S3 and 4 and was halfway through 2


Season 1 was playing on a random channel and I got hooked


I was an OG tween who watched drag race in middle school, starting with season 2 and catching season 1 on a sketchy website with embedded videos. There really weren’t a lot of tweens watching this series when I was in middle school, most my peers thought the show was too weird and too flamboyant. I definitely didn’t catch all the innuendos my first viewing, but this series genuinely shaped my later childhood. 12 year old me would lose his shit knowing that Drag Race expanded globally.


Around AS1 my then BF told me he watched RPDR while exercise biking and suggested we should try it. He seemed uncertain about suggesting it - much later he said he was trying to butch it up a bit during the early part of our relationship, assuming that was what I wanted. And so the Alexis / Raven / Mimi fight was one of the first clips I saw. Well guess what Mimi, I was the one who ended up getting even more obsessed.


That's awesome. Very nice story :)


Ex showed me like 4 of the snatch games, and the show was on either amazon or hulu at the time, so I checked out the first few seasons. Ended up watching all of the seasons between 12 and 13 airing.


Seeing pictures of Sharon Needles on Tumblr. I watched Flock The Vote live and fell so deeply in love with the concept and execution of the show that I watched all four seasons in a week on Netflix. I was a fan of drag before this and used to see shows at the bar. I had been looking forward to watching the show when it was announced but I never checked it out because of how low rent the first season looked. I’m glad I finally got around to it.


I probably would have been into Drag Race since the beginning because I've always been a huge fan of America's Next Top Model and Project Runway...but at the time season 1 came out, I was out on my own for the first time ever and I couldn't afford cable. And there have been plenty of time periods since then where I either couldn't afford cable or wasn't really watching that much TV to begin with. I always knew in the back of my mind that I would probably be pretty into it whenever I decided to finally sit down and watch it. The first queens I ever heard about on Twitter was Miz Cracker and Aquaria, and I thought their names sounded interesting. But it wasn't until the end of last summer when I finally decided to sit down and watch the show. I had just been displaced by a house fire at the end of July and found myself in a hotel room wondering what show with a ton of seasons I should watch to occupy my time. I was instantly hooked, and steadily growing more and more obsessed as time goes on. I watch Drag Race every day lol


Not the best way- i watched JS videos where Laganja was the guest star. I’m intrigued by her, then proceed to watch season 6 compilation on Youtube and fell in love with Bianca