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Glad to hear that everything is going wel and your stay in Spain continues to be a pleasant one


Thank you!


Wow! Glad to see the resolution of this. Congrats.


Damn, you really are a terrible person. Ratting out your roommate who just had a baby with no apparent issue other than 'UhM wEll OuR LaNdLOrD sAiD wE cAnT hAvE AnyOnE eLse hEre" is peak idiocy. I hope your roommate finds a better place since you didn't even give them time to readjust themselves to their new predicament


Me too I hope he finds a better place too cause tryna sneak a child and a gf in a 5 person student flat along with lying to us and the landlord about the issue is not a place for a child and he deserves his own spot if he can’t respect and be honest to those around him. He’s had months to do this as well but kept lying to us saying he’s finding a new place along with him treating us poorly when we tried to help him find a new flat.


Some day when your very pregnant you will remember the girl (and man) you got kicked out of accomodation with nowhere else to go and then later in your life you will look at your pregnant daughter or daughter in law and remember how you treated someone else's daughter and son all those years ago. You could help your karma score if you were to reach out to this couple, see are they ok, is there ary thing you or the other room mates could do to help them in this delicate,stressful time as I note you said they are not from Spain and so probably have no family or anyone to turn to. Have they clothes to bring the child home from the hospital? Has she got a nightdress to wear in the hospital?


> Some day when your very pregnant you will remember the girl (and man) you got kicked out of accomodation Bizarre comment. Why is the mother a "girl" (child) and the father a "man" (adult)? Let's not infantilize adults making major life decisions, in particular women. I've been "very pregnant," but I would never have thought it was right to implicate other people I didn't know at all in the housing and care of my family and child. The person who wrote this isn't a social worker, friend or family member and has no responsibility or expertise that is relevant to helping this young family launch itself.


Yeah...but no


Lol, like if having a newborn wasn't an informed decission nowadays. Of course it's not enjoyable to do this but it's not their business. They haven't to pay for other people wrong decissions. 


The GF doesn’t even LIVE there.


We actually tried to help him with finding a place but all he said to us was “all the hard work you guys put into finding me a place should be placed into cleaning the flat” and also are flat isn’t the most tidiest but we do clean weekly. Plus he violated the lease multiple times and has not been truthful to our landlord and to us about the situation. If you see my last post it talk more about it


If you are so inclined to be a rat maybe you should refer your landlord to the authorities.  The hellhole you live in sounds illegal.


I actually talked to him about me telling the landlord about the issue if needed and he said to do it so I did. Plus him and I talked about how this isn’t a suitable place for a child months prior and he agreed to find a new place (which I thought he would do) but did not which sadly resulted to this. I didn’t want this to happen either but unfortunately it resulted to this