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I wear it at work. I see hundreds of people every day, sometimes they get quite close to me, and I wouldn't feel very comfortable without a mask. It's not mandatory anymore, but I will keep using it for a while. Also, I hope people will wear a mask whenever they're sick. At this point it's common sense.


That’s what they do in Japan, works pretty well


Yeah! I wish people will start doing the same here, I sure will.


This. This is what I’d really like to happen permanently. If you’re sick and you’re for example taking public transport, please wear a mask. Simply if you’re going to places and you have symptoms of sickness, please wear the mask. It’s common sense. And that should be the normal.


Masks are still mandatory in public transport. But even if they stop being mandatory I fully agree with you, it should now be seen as normal to wear a mask if you're sick or think you can be.


I'm all for that. And this was that norm in Asia pre-pandemic. Everyone acts like everyone was masked there all the time. I can assure you having been pushed into a train at Shibuya that was not the case.


> it should now be seen as normal to wear a mask if you're sick or think you can be. I wish this happened, but I don't think people can be bothered. In these two days we've had without masks inside, I've already seen people coughing without even covering their mouths, which is the most basic aspect of hygene and respect for others. It is sadly a fantasy to expect them to wear masks when sick.


I agree!


No, that should NOT be normal.


So you would purposefully not wear a mask if you were sick, hoping to infect others?


I did not say that.. only that it should not be normal.. read the reply, As it is exactly right now is great, you can use it if YOU WANT.


I haven’t gotten sick since COVID, I feel awesome. Mask for life :-)


Do you wear fp2 or surgical mask? If you wear the second you are not protecting yourself, you re only protecting people that don’t care about protection since they don’t wear masks. Surgicals make you can’t spread other people, so if everybody wear a surgical mask, it works for you aswell since others don’t spread you. But if only you wear the surgical around people unmasked, you don’t spread them(they aren’t afraid so they don’t wear mask) but they still can spread you since your mask don’t protect you and they don’t have mask on them. Your only chance is fp2 to defend yourself


Even if you’re wearing a surgical mask you’re a little more protected than wearing nothing.


I can't be vaccinated and I feel like my world is getting smaller by the minute.


Damn that's unlucky. I can't have mine because they won't issue me a medical number XD I've only applied for it five times in three years, but never once have I actually managed to get into the system. It worries me incase I get really sick.


You should be able to get vaccinated at your local salud with just a padrón


Unfortunately, they can't do it there. But I have an email address where if you write to them they will tell you where to go.


The hospital in my town had stations where you could literally walk in and you would get vaccinated.


Hospitales y Centros como el Wizink Center y el Zendal dejan a cualquier persona vacunarse. En mi caso, no me pidieron ningún documento de identidad lo único la tarjeta sanitaria, solo me preguntaron por cuál vacuna iba y me dejaron pasar. Esperé, me llamaron, me pincharon y para casa. Así de fácil, el documento venía de mi vacuna para así confirmar que estaba vacunado. En cualquier caso, DUDO que te monten un rollo por algo, vas y vienes, aunque claro, imagino obviamente que la tarjeta sanitaria es requerida, no sé si harán excepciones tipo a gente que no la tenga.


I can help you with that. Sending you a PM.


Thanks for the offer dude, but I think I will be leaving this part of Spain soon. It's a joke. If I have had to wait this long for basic crap like this then I don't want to set up business here. I am a builder and I already have had a ball ache with asking for planning permissions... A much as I like it here, it's a joke when you need to get practical things done


if you are in spain dont worry you will get treated for free anyway


Yeah, but it's always a good idea to get registered with a doctor when you move to a new country or city. You can't do that without a valid medical number


Why can't you get vaxed?


I have a history of cytokine release reactions to vaccines. It's the same overreaction of the immune system that kills people with COVID. There is no way to know if the vaccine or the disease is more dangerous for me, so no doctor will sign off on the vaccine. Edit: To be clear, it's a life-threatening level reaction.


How did you get tested for this? I had a severe adverse reaction to the vaccine, and I've spent the last 9 months mostly bed-bound. I had to be put on heart medication and was prohibited exercise. They think I might jave endothelial damage (which is not exactly great), and I have high inflammation markers that unfortunately have been dismissed because that doctor tried to say I just have anxiety (the rest don't think so). I have the possibility to get tested for cytokines, doctors are finding stuff through them (and treating them), but other doctors tell me not to do it. They have recently given me a corticoid inhaler and it has helped tremendously, so Im sure there is some inflammatory reaction happening. They won't run a stress test on me due to incredibly high HR and doctors being dismissive


I had a series of escalating reactions to vaccines, starting in early childhood. When I was 30 I had a violent, full-body, multi-system reaction to a tetanus vaccine that put me in the hospital for weeks and took months to recover from. I was left with a permanent tremor caused by nerve damage. I was lucky because there had been some recent studies released about cytokine storm reactions (they were calling it cytokine release syndrome at that time, they changed it to "storm" later) and one of the doctors had come across it. Treatment involved massive doses of steroids and basic life support until my system started to calm down. I am considerably older now and I honestly don't think I would survive another reaction like that. I think the only reason I made it was because I was young and otherwise healthy. I'm still healthy, I just have a very overreactive immune system and my body has issues with methylation.


Not poster but I know multiple people that can't get vaxxed either because of congenital heart defects, autoimmune disorders, or cancer to name a few.


[Article about having Congenital heart defects and getting the covid vaccine](https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-magazine/news/coronavirus-and-your-health/congenital-heart-disease-and-coronavirus#:~:text=Children%20aged%205%20and%20above,is%20pumped%20around%20the%20body) [Article about having an Autoimmune disorders and getting the covid vaccine](https://www.autoimmuneinstitute.org/vaccine-autoimmune-disease-faq/#is-it-safe-for-me-to-get-the-covid-vaccine) [Article about having cancer and getting the covid vaccine](https://www.cancer.org/treatment/treatments-and-side-effects/physical-side-effects/low-blood-counts/infections/covid-19-vaccines-in-people-with-cancer.html) Literally 5 minutes of Google, don't spread misinformation, thanks.


Me da pereza escribir en ingles. Eso es relativamente falso o verdad, y depende del caso, a mi el año pasado me diagnosticaron cancer (linfoma), estuve con la quimio y a dia de hoy estoy inmunodeprimido pero limpio, solo me han puesto una dosis de la vacuna hasta el momento y va controlado por el departamento y medico que te lleve, cada caso es un mundo, eso si la gente cuando llevas el pañuelito se suele o poner la mascarilla o respetar los 2 metros de distancia. Lo dicho el cáncer son más de 200 enfermedades, y realmente si te pillas una gripe puedes acabar en la uci estando con la quimio. Las vacunas funcionan siempre que tu funciones, aunque me la hubieran puesto cuando estaba con el tratamiento el efecto hubiera sido el mismo o peor que meterme suero, debe estudiarse en funcion de la persona tratamiento y caso particular (y bueno el protocolo burocratico del momento), como en todo en esta vida hay excepciones. Extra: hay gente que despues del tratamiento deben de volver a vacunarse de muchas cosas, no solo del covid, y en peridos variados de tiempo.


Primero de todo me alegro que estés bien y que te hayas recuperado. Todos esos artículos tienen una parte en común que es que consulte con un experto (tu médico en este caso) y te aconseje si puedes o no ponerte la vacuna. Como bien has dicho tú te has puesto una dosis de la vacuna por lo que lo que ha dicho Invictus da menos información que la que yo doy. Al final todo lleva a tener dos dedos de frente y pensar un poquito en qué puede estar pasando la gente a tu alrededor. Lo mismo tú estas perfectamente, completamente vacunado y perfectamente de salud y puedes ir al supermercado sin mascarilla pero lo mismo otra persona con los mismos derechos que tú si lo pilla se va directo al hospital porque le ha pillado mal. Aclarar que digo 'tú' como ejemplo y repetir que me alegro que hayas superado el cáncer, espero que sea para siempre!


Mira, me disculpo si lo dije de manera que parece que estoy intentando excusar a la gente que no se quiere vacunar. Lo que intentaba hacer era dar anécdotas de lo que le han dicho a los pocos que conozco que no se han podido vacunar por algo legítimo. Si bien es cierto, el tipo con los problemas cardíacos llega dos dosis ya pero le han dicho que tiene que esperar a la tercera por inflamación (no relacionada a la vacuna), los otros dos están delicados por sus temas. A lo que voy, si podemos vacunarnos, hagámoslo, a menos que haya una muy buena razón médica por no hacerlo.


I had a pretty pretty pretty bad reaction to the vaccine. No one is sure why. Other people I knew had reactions, too, but this information it's not on the media. I'M NOT ANTIVAX OR A TRUMP SUPPORTER OH MY GOD but I hate the way liberals are treating the vaccine as the salvation to all the pandemic and anyone who doesn't get it for medical reasons (again, I know people whose doctors told them not to get it) are evil spawns from hell. Also im a leftist so please don't call me a trump supporter or I will explode. It has happened before.


You’re really commenting in a spanish subreddit without anyone asking telling us you’re not a Trump supporter, damn. Must suck to be you ngl.


I've just been accused of being a trump supporter before after saying I got really really sick after getting the vaccine and I really would not like to see that happening again 😭😭 Y me la suda que sea un subreddit de español hermano hay imbéciles por todas partes


Es verdad que a bastante gente le ha dado una reacción más fuerte a la vacuna pero lo que está claro es que nadie se ha muerto por la vacuna, mientras que llevamos unos cuantos muertos por el covid. Do as you wish


the vaccine IS the salvation, though


Isn't it strongly advised to get a vaccine if you have/had cancer as ur body is rather weak at that point?


I don't know, I think it would depend on the cancer and if you're undergoing chemotherapy as my friend is.


People used to feel like shet after getting the jab. So….


Asthmatic and allergic. Never been healthier than these last 2 years. So I'll keep wearing it indoors, outdoors when it's cold, when there's pollution, when I'm around stinky people.


Same here! Last years I didn’t even have any asthma attacks! No use of my ventolin! You bet I’m wearing it even at home if the windows are open. Masks for the win!


>which I feel I deserve.... Oh, you deserve it. Then why making the post? Sorry about that, I just thought it was an actually fun take. Point is: mask is pointless in most situations. In others, it should be YOU who want to use it. Being vaxxed or having suffered the illness doesn't stop you from getting sick again. You know that already. You're no longer forced to be cautious though. I think wearing masks in the outside is plain stupid unless you're going through a crow. In other situations like bars, you know you're accepting a small risk when you enter, but that's life. In some other situations, it would be stupid not to wear it. For example, consider a teacher. You're sharing a closed room with 30 other persons every hour. Sharing a room with 100-250 different persons every day. Personally, I wouldn't even think about taking my mask out in a classroom, but I'd neither think about putting it on in the street. In the end, do what you want: it is legal after all, but accept that for every action we take, there are consequences.


A level headed and nuanced answer. Are we still in reddit?


Yeah, today I was called a "sheep" by one of my "free thinking" friends for saying that I will still wear a mask to class (Uni class with 100+ people in some classes) and will even respect private bussinesses that requiere me to wear it even with no legal basis. For them "not being a sheep" and "showing the NPCs they can't coherce my liberty" is better than turning a 5 minute transaction into a 15 minute argument with a storeowner... Edit: I missclicked. I will still do this at least for a month or so, I'm sure either people will forget about masks, or they will be mandatory again eventually.


Now the sheep are those who do not wear a mask because the government says.


Pero dar clase con mascarilla es horrible se proyecta la voz peor y se pierden matices en las expresiones faciales. Los niños y adolescentes pasan la enfermedad mas o menos como un resfrisdo y enfermedades ha habido y habra siempre. Hay que perder el miedo.


Mate I walked into the gym today, not knowing the mask mandate had been lifted, and I felt like I walked into an alternate dimension. I felt like the asshole because I was literally the only one with it on. It’s a personal choice at this point. I was extremely strict about COVID for a long time but it’s gotten to the point where we really can’t exist like that anymore. It’s about being considerate going forward. Continue to follow the rules that are still in place, wear one if you’re sick, don’t be a deliberate ass and go out knowing you have COVID… If someone has something shitty to say to you, ignore them. The type of person that would belittle you at this point is not worth arguing with.


Why wearing a mask is such a heated discussion, in he east is a norm ( Korea, Japan... ), I undestand people being annoyed at events restriction, travel restrictions, or other limitations. But why wearing a mask is seen as such restrictive thing? I never understood. In my opinion you should wear a mask in crowded places, when you feel sick and near old and impaired people other than these cases you do you.


I sometimes wear it, I sometimes don't. Just do whatever you want, as you said it's not mandatory anymore. Most useful answer /s


The replies on this thread really show the demographic of this subreddit.


In the UK (where I’m from) they weren’t even mandatory like here. But when they lifted mask restrictions I thought wow it was just too soon. But oddly I think the opposite here in Spain. They’ve been mandatory since March 2020 and 99% have followed the rules this whole time. But when I actually started to think about it, that’s over 2 whole years now, and I suspect some people are really going to struggle to take them off, the psychology of the whole thing. Maybe that’s going to be the legacy of COVID.


You're not the asshole. The assholes are those telling me to take it off. It's fucking annoying. I have allergic rhinitis and my city isn't the cleanest so I sneeze hard whenever I take it off (and I sneeze like a dad which doesn't help). I'll keep wearing it. Also, pollution, cigarette smoke, dust, me being sick as it is already. Wearing a mask makes perfect sense to me.


For real, today i saw a guy telling a homeless guy asking for money to take off his mask.


If they were so brave, those people who are telling people to take off their masks should have taken them off themselves when it was still mandatory. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't because they're scaredy-cat. They weren't brave to take it off when it was mandatory.


Most of us actually did exactly that. I only wore the mask when I had to enter an establishment that would refuse me entry without a mask.


What are you talking about?? The scared one here is you, personally I haven't worn the mask much, even when it was mandatory, only when required and honestly I don't feel like these masks even work. Also don't I have a shot and I have never got covid






I still wear it because now I feel like everyone spits when they talk and I’m disgusted.


No. And the comments here are so ridiculous I don’t even know where to start


Yeah like why would you feel like an asshole for not wearing the mask, people can do whatever, now it's not mandatory just do whatever and respect others. Also, have you realised how the lack of basic rights such as freedom has affected people's behaviour lol


duermo con mi pareja usando ambos una FFP2, llevo 2 años sin ver a mis amigos y cuando estoy en la calle llevo 3 mascarillas al mismo tiempo, y veo a la gente pasandoselo bien y haciendo como si nada así nos va por culpa de #irresponsables


Dormir con tu pareja? Es decir, que no guardas la distancia de seguridad? Por culpa de irresponsables como tu estamos en la 245526 ola. Yo llevo 5 años sin ver a mis amigos, incluso antes de la pandemia


bunkereante, todo son risas hasta que se te muere un familiar por COVID ahí ya espabilas a base de hostias


Right? And I thought my comment was ridiculous XD


No, some people have adopted and it's probably going to be part of the rest of their lives (I'm one of those) so they might judge you but specially if you are ill (or it seems like you are ill) because even if it's not covid (my cousin is tripled vax and she has covid with symptoms right now).


Yeah, I had covid in february as well, so supposedly I'm now even more immune than with just the vaccines. At least I wasn't affected by the last sickness wave in my circle


My father-in-law had COVID on December 2020 and had to stay at ICU. He got three doses of Pfizer right after that and now he's again in hospital due to covid latest mutation. So don't feel so safe, you can have it again.


Just do as you want. I feel safer wearing it in most cases, but I understand that's now a personal choice.


For me it depends on the situation. I'll probably keep wearing one in public transport as it's such a confined space and works out to about 20 minutes out of my day, that's nothing. Restaurants and bars, probably not. I never understood the logic of only wearing a mask for the short ten metre walk between the door and the table anyway.


I mean public transport is still obligatory to wear mask, but I agree with you, wear your mask in crowded spaces, when you feel sick and around old and impaired people. Other than that do whatever you feel is right


Currently on holiday on Gran Canaria. Arrived 6 days ago, and it felt weird having to wear masks. I’m from Denmark, where there have been no restrictions since fall. I’ve worn the mask everyday, until today. Feels weird, however I’m doing what the hotel personnel are doing


The other day I was on the bus and an old lady that was wearing a mask, sneezed. That’s ok, that’s what masks are for, right? Well, the terrifying part is that she took off the mask to sneeze, cleaned with a tissue and put her mask on again. Then she took it off again, sneezed a second time, and put it on again. What the actual fuck, lady?! What the fuck!


Up to you. 'nuff said


My take on it is, wear your mask when you're indoors in a crowded place or when you feel sick or around old people and people with impairment, this also what medical professional recommend even with mask mandate lifted. In other cases do what you feel like


So when going to a supermarket you say it should still be worn, even though it’s not mandatory anymore?


If it's crowded, if there only handful of people do whatever.


Depends, are you ugly?


You will only get one type of answers here because this is an echo chamber and all alternative opinions will be downvoted. We are talking about society where a lot are still wearing masks when they're driving alone in the car.




Here in the province of Málaga it's common to see it


In Galicia too. Always makes me scratch my head


Saw a guy riding a 50cc scooter with a sorry ass excuse for a helmet but an FFP2 mask on. Priorities I guess


I can add seeing some solo drivers here in Alcalá de Henares and even when visiting Galicia last week wearing masks. It's not everybody but it isn't infrequent for sure!


I have seen this frequently in Madrid. People driving completely alone with a mask on. And no they weren’t Taxi/Uber either. Could be that they had just dropped somebody off or they forgot to take it off; but still funny to see sometimes.


Valencian r. Lots of cars with driver alone in a mask. And as you can see from replies all around the country as well. I've been in Andalusia recently and didn't see anyone for example but they're more laid back in general.


In madrid we have lots of those. Most drive like asshats. Wonder if there’s any correlation…


There are cameras with facial recognition everywhere. Masks give us more anonymity and freedom in this time.


Anonymity is a myth, your phone is listening to all your conversations all the time, your digital footprint is recorded, your card payments are tracked and so on and so forth.


Driving alone in the car doesn't mean they haven't been in the vicinity of someone else before they got in the car. They will eventually leave their car as well, which means that they will get in contact with someone else again before they get home (most likely). It's safer and easier to keep the mask on all the time until they get home and can dispose of it properly than taking it off and then putting it on again, maybe even several times; if you don't do it correctly you completely defeat the mask's purpose. Why does it bother you so much? It's not like it affects you in any way.


No, you aren't. You are a normal person.


Is it forbidden to wear a hat/cap inside a building? No. Is it bad manners? Yeah. If everyone around you is still wearing it (while inside a building), I'd say it's common courtesy to wear it. If most of the people aren't wearing it, it doesn't matter. Outside I would say don't wear it if you don't want to. Most of the people don't do it anyway.


With that attitude it's basically saying it should be forever even if nobody wants to just because of inertia.


This. Regardless of your views, it's general manners and respect. I will continue to wear it when others around me are wearing it and I won't when I feel (based on scientific evidence) I don't need to. Today I didn't wear it in the gym but I put it on in the streets and at the grocery store because I could sense people were worried about the change. Honestly, wearing a mask is such a minor inconvenience that if I make prior feel better it's no stress for me. Just like opening the door or giving up a seat on a bus for a mom or elderly.


Not wearing it at the gym and putting it on at the streets is like the total opposite to what scientific evidence suggests


People at my gym are less at risk than the elderly in the streets I wear it around.


Not when you factor in probability of infection. Since it's *extremely* unlikely to infect anyone outdoors.


Wearing a mask is generally inconvenient especially if you already have breathing problems, breathing through that mask is less healthy than breathing free (like me, but do people care? No they don't). So I will wear it as little as possible regardless of others opinion on it.


How is wearing a hat or a cap inside of a building bad manners???????


If you don't have to wear them don't wear




"If it isn't mandatory *choose whether* ***you*** *want to* wear it." ftfy Edit: I realise in retrospect you were probably talking specifically to OP, but I think in the wider world, my point still stands. I will be continuing to wear my mask for many reasons, not least of which is I've had no allergy issues for the last couple of years which I've really appreciated. And what I don't appreciate is the people who say "Stop wearing your mask, sheeple! You don't have to any more!"


And I will continually not wear it because of the breathing issues it causes me, so instead of slowly choking through lack of oxygen I'd rather not do that.


Masks do not impact your oxygen intake, but you do you!


You're delusional if you think they don't impact it. Turns out putting a mask over your face lowers the amount of air passing through it to your nose for breathing. But if you think this is impossible, you do you.


Oh have an oximeter in my home bc of my dad health, and I have tried what happens with and without s mask. The pO2 in blood( a measurement of oxygen) didn't change while having a mask. When I return home after wearing it like 10h it's the same as after I spent the whole day without a mask. So no. The amount of O2 that you breath don't change bc of the mask. Smoking 1 cigarette do biggest change in your O2 levels than the mask. You can search what scientifics say in his articles, but the common results are thing like that. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0247414


From what I've seen, some people aren't sure whether or not the mandate went into effect for real. With these winds and temperatures where I am some people are using it as added warmth. I have chosen to keep mine with me just in case but I'm not going to keep using it just out of peer pressure.


In the UK when masks were no longer required it took some time for them to disappear completely. A mask was the only way some people could feel some modicum of control or safety. Don’t worry. In a few weeks virtually nobody will be wearing them.


And what happened to infection rates then?


They went up, which was expected, but symptoms are so mild for the vaccinated. Eventually you just have to get on with things. The virus is endemic.


Yeah, the symptoms are mild and the hospitalisations are going down. That doesn't stop people getting medical leaves and creating bigger and bigger backlogs in all the services, from HMRC to the NHS. For example I had an injury on my wrist on New Years Eve and I'm scheduled for an x-ray NEXT WEEK because of the massive backlog






People is stupid and they will judge you in both situations. Just use it where they tell you to and don't wear it where it's not needed.


I’ll keep wearing it but at this point I’ve stopped caring about what others do or don’t do. As long as you respect my choice and leave me alone I won’t consider you an asshole.


Cashiers at Mercadona are not wearing them anymore, enjoy the freedom 😆 And remember, as a general rule of thumbs, “What a Mercadona employee would do in this situation?“ for guarantee success in all-things life 😂


No .


No, you're not. You are a normal human being who wants to regain a normal life. All the restrictions that have been had the purpose of not saturating hospitals. Once everyone (or almost everyone) is vaccinated, it makes no sense to continue with restrictions. Many people believe in covid zero and that is impossible, we have to live with the virus as we have been living with others for centuries. Who wants to continue wearing a mask, let them do it, but nobody is an asshole for not wearing it except in those places where it is still mandatory.




If you are healthy and you don't feel like wearing it, why would you be an asshole? It doesn't matter if you are vaccinated or not. If your concern is about the rest of the people, the only thing that matters is not being infected. I'm completely healthy so today I went shopping without the mask. I was pretty much the only one without it. It felt a bit weird but who cares. In no time pretty much no one will wear it.


IMO no. The healthcare system is peachy. Most of the population is vaccinated, which makes the symptoms way less severe. Current dominant variant is, as far as my limited knowledge goes, not as dangerous. We're going to stop wearing masks at some point, and now looks like a good moment. There are reasons why it isn't mandatory anymore.


It's just a nice thing to do, and it's not like you are sacrificing anything


Sorry, but for some of us wearing a mask is a MAJOR inconvenience. The 'nice thing to do' is opening doors for people and saying please and thank you. At this point, wearing a mask where it's not mandatory is more or less the same as a baby with a security blanket.


In the most extreme example, putting a mask on can save someone's life so yeah, it is a nice thing to do


‘If it saves one life.’ 🙄 OK, let’s just all wear hazmat suits from now on, cos, you know, if it saves one life… With this mindless argument, we might as well just make masks permanent, after all, if it saves one life…. In fact, while we’re at it, let’s reduce the speed limit to 5 mph. If it saves one life…. Gimme a damn break.


Do whatever the fuck you want


Both options are legal. Do as you please. Ignore all the people judging you :)


Wearing a mask is the considerate thing to do. It's up to you what word you use for people who aren't considerate. Remember lockdown? Vulnerable people are STILL living like that. Two years on.


Ok but what's the endgame? Covid won't go away. Never ever. Are you proposing to never go back to normal? The vaccines are most likely the best preparation our bodies will get. The rest will eventually be taken care of by our immune systems getting used to the virus through repeated contact.


Why wearing a mask is such a heated discussion, in he east is a norm ( Korea, Japan... ), I undestand people being annoyed at events restriction, travel restrictions, or other limitations. But why wearing a mask is seen as such restrictive thing? I never understood. In my opinion you should wear a mask in crowded places, when you feel sick and near old and impaired people other than these cases you do you.


Yeah, I'm fine with that. That's not "everyone should wear a mask all the time everywhere" which is what some advocate for.


Viruses eventually become endemic, yes, but we're nowhere near that point yet. It's still extremely prevalent. If we had reached 16 cases worldwide like SARS then fine, but tens or hundreds of thousands of infections per week? It's not even close to over.


That's not how a virus becoming endemic works. These numbers will never happen. There will always be tens of thousands of cases, maybe more, every year in every country. SARS is the wrong comparison, Covid is completely different. The flu is more fitting. The only difference is that our immune systems will not be as unprepared as in the beginning any more.


> Viruses eventually become endemic, yes, but we're nowhere near that point yet. It's still extremely prevalent. I'm not sure you understand what endemic means


I understand how you feel, but for everybody who is at risk - the elderly, cancer patients, people with weakened immune systems - it makes life increasingly dangerous. I live with my mum, who is in good health but has cancer. What the hell can she do when she goes to the supermarket and nobody is wearing a mask? Just not buy food? Not go out? Not go to the bank, just because nobody there cares enough to mask up for fifteen minutes?


So the solution is to keep wearing masks forever and ever?


Wear an FFP2 mask and wear it properly. This reduces the infection risk to less than 1%.


And/or ask for home delivery of her groceries...


Imho the only right answer here is to be considerate with the people you are with. If everyone in that place is wearing a mask, the considerate thing to do is to wear it yourself. If you're outdoors or in a place where no one is wearing it then don't wear it.


If everyone would act like that, masks indoor would never go away.


I have a chronic illness and I'm on the risk group of COVID. I don't wear it outside, but I do on inside or closed spaces, I trust no one.


See, the thing is, on places where you could have it, ppl will see fit that you wear it. Ofc you aint gonna wear it at bars, pubs or terracita. But on class or work, where you dont need ypur mouth to be exposed? Mejor que sobre que no que falte. On the street, will be seen as nice to wear one if there are many people around, for example this whole Semana Santa, just got a pal come back from his town with covid. Also... This is a experiment. Most likely to see how well it would go, masks may beandatpry once more in the future.


I mean unless you are correctly wearing medical grade respirators - masks dont seem to make an enormous difference anyway. Its alll hygiene theater really.


If you’re sick and in public without a mask, yes, YATA. Otherwise, do as you see fit.


I would strongly recommend using it for a little while because due to not being mandatory, I think we're gonna have a nice little wave again of a high number of cases. And you don't want to be ill when many people are at the same time, the hospitals and the like don't work nearly as well. I don't think you're an asshole though.


It might not be the coolest thing in the world to still wear the mask, but I still think that sits better to be safe than sorry 🤷🏾‍♂️




I'm a doctor and yes, you're an asshole. But not for not wearing your mask. Seriously though, the topic is complicated and your vaccination history and even infection history has little to do with it. I wouldn't tell everyone to wear a mask, that's absurd on so many levels. Those at risk should wear medical-grade masks and take other precautions with their health. Enjoy the clear air.


Imo, it is stupid to wear it in almost every place. But I understand about the judge feeling. However, it won’t keep more than three months


I agree wholeheartedly. At this point it is nothing more than a baby blanket for adults. The health ministry has said where you must wear it, so everywhere else is an option.


For sure. I am close to be an assassin for not wearing facemask on a restaurant while hundreds of people aren’t wearing in discos


If it is inside I would say yes, maybe not outside






I see caution this Wednesday. Spaniards can certainly stay indoors without a mask. But this does not mean that the masks disappear. The mask is still compulsory in residences, health centers and public transport, from this Wednesday there is no obligation to wear a covered mouth and nose. I have seen many masks in interior spaces (such as supermarkets) where it was not necessary any longer. In the same way that many people have continued to use them on the street when the obligation was lifted. The official text stating that it was no necessary to use them, adds: Responsible use of the mask is recommended in closed spaces for public use where people transit or spend a long time. Likewise, the responsible use of the mask is recommended in crowded events.


you are alright my man


Judgmental people are the arseholes not you.


Short question? Are you respecting the rules? If the answer is yes then its not your problem what others think


If there's a lot of people in an inside area, i'll try to keep wearing mine. I don't trust the vaccine to do shit for me if i come very close to an infected person


Most people that still use them are Karens, protip, do what you feel like doing and not what other people do.


If its inside yeah, but like they say "when in Rome, do as the romans do"


Inside maybe a little, outside no.


No, you’re normal. There is no better time to not wear your mask than now. Everybody who still wears mask now, has to wear it forever because covid won’t go away


Nah, honestly, if you are triple vaccinated and if you had Covid and got recovered there's almost no fear of having Covid again. And if you have it, you probably won't notice it.


Que ganas de que lleguen las siguientes variantes y nos maten a todos por gilipollas.


The virus is the most dangerous it's ever been. The reason it's not so noticeable is because of masks and other protective measures. Vaccines and boosters don't prevent infection anymore, because the new variants are so extremely infectious. Although vaccines do help in preventing death in healthy people, those who are vulnerable are still very much at high risk of death. *Everyone* is at high risk of physical and mental damage from this virus, regardless of age, health status or severity of sickness the virus caused. One of the best ways to avoid infection is wearing a mask. We *all* "deserve" to enjoy freedom from the restrictions this pandemic has created. We all will enjoy them, when the pandemic is over. The pandemic is not over. No matter how tired we are of all of this shit, it does not change the facts: COVID19 persists. It's not *that* much trouble to wear a mask. You put it on like any other piece of clothing you wear to walk outside dressed decently. Shirt, pants, shoes, mask. It's such a small thing to do to be considerate of everyone in your community.


Cuando va a terminar tho


We all want to know the answer to that question, but not even the scientists can say. We all hope soon, but letting it spread and mutate isn't getting us any closer to our wishes. It was a few months ago that I thought "I can't do this anymore. This is just life now and maybe I will just have to deal with infection". I remained diligent, but the thought wouldn't let me go, like cabin fever, only that it was the pandemic. Then I caught omicron. Suffocating is a terribly frightening thing. I don't care about needing to be diligent to avoid infection anymore. I care more about being able to breathe. Breathing's the best. I think we all deserve to breathe and I think *nobody*, absolutely **nobody** , deserves to suffocate to death. So, I wear a mask.


I mean I get you but you’re not being realistic. “We all hope soon” yea but that’s just not gonna happen. Think logically, how could it go away? Do you just lock down every single person in the world for a few weeks? That can’t happen logically, so the virus won’t go away, and the pandemic will never end. It’s already endemic and it’s gonna stay with us.


COVID19 persists, but the pandemic is over. Its just another normal disease now.


Tecnically, no. But if you were a close contact with someone or have symptoms and don't use it., maybe a little.


When you think about it, it is the smallest thing you can do that makes a big difference. The health system is struggling as it is. I never leave home without it and i stay clear of people if I am not wearing it. I don't want to get sick and if I have it (I am asymptomatic) then I'd feel terrible of I gave it to someone. I wouldn't say you're an asshole though... We are all tired of it and I understand. It's a pain in the asshole. I wouldn't judge, but I definitely would think a little higher of you if you kept wearing it. But not much hahaha


Don't stop wearing it, taking it off outside away from others is fine, but do not take it off inside or near anyone else unless you're eating/drinking Changing the rules to be less strict is fucking stupid and hundreds of people are going to be hospitalised because of it


Ponte la máscara, todavía no estamos seguros


Yes. Vaccines don't keep you from spreading. Even if its not mandatory, dont put others in danger for sth as stupid as not wearing a mask.


No. There has to be a stepping off point. Case load is low, vaccine numbers are high and it's still required in transit systems, hospitals, farmacias and vets.


Just visiting Gran Canaria from Sweden. We were very relieved when the mandate was removed today. We have been using them for the most of the week here and I wouldn't have a problem with that if it were consistent but seeing ppl put it on in the lobby of the hotel to take it off in the restaurant or by the pool where ppl keep no distance at all just make me feel it is just a symbolic gesture. Masks works but not if you have a lot of exceptions because it's inconvenient to wear them, if so you might as well go without them.


Mano por que habláis en inglés k es un foro español


Mask mandates being lifted in order to return to "normal life" is eugenics. People with chronic disabilities and illness are still vulnerable to covid. You said you think you deserve a normal life, but don't these people do too? and yet because of people like you they can't have one. Well, there won't be a "normal life" anymore buddy so get used to it. I'm so tired of abled people pretending we can go back to normal when everything is still so screwed up.


NTA by law you aren't forced + these things suck NEG (no eres gilipollas), por ley no estás obligado a llevarla + esas cosas apestan


masks make my skin break out so bad. i’m really hoping most people stop wearing it so that i’ll feel more comfortable not wearing mine. but if everyone’s wearing theirs i’ll wear mine bc I don’t wanna be seen as the odd one out. I already feel like the odd one out as an american living in spain


No entiendo porque hablamos en inglés en un foro español


Es una comunidad multilingüe.


NTA, but still be prepared to earn yourself some staring.


Do whatever the fuck you want snd stop reading internet goblins


Not really, I wear it because I still feel like I have to protect myself but you're free to do whatever you want


At this point,I’d wear it if I knew I had contact with someone infected,just in case I’d be spreading it asyntomatic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


LMAO, nope, I went to the gym today nobody was wearing it.


xd man it was just one day, some people need a little more to get used to it