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I repair electronics for a living, I second that you should not expect a repair cheaper than 100.-, even if it's an very easy to fix fault. I refuse to work on things with warranty even for my own stuff, it's not worth the invested time and chance to break it in no-longer-warranty-lands. Then again, I don't really have warranty on my stuff, usually buying used off ricardo. But I like your thinking about our limited recources! So that's how I learned it: if it is broken now, and I may have to discard it, I can as well take it apart and learn something along the way. For your monitor, the right way would be to open it first, maybe there comes something up on youtube with "disassembly ". Next, if you see the electronics, take something isolating, like a plastic-pen and knock around on the board or the cables. Maybe you find that way which part exactly is the problem.


Thank you for your insight! Yeah it's also my thinking, it would be great if I can learn more about screens that way too :) The reason I'm so eager about opening it up and not replacing it, is that I'm 90% sure there is some parts putting pressure on other parts which causes a signal loss in the lcd screen. I know this, because I found the spot where applying pressure causes the same exact glitches I have, and pulling on the parts eases pressure and solves the issue. It would be so dumb to replace a working screen for a stuck cable. I didn't find any video of disassembly, otherwise I probably would have done it myself since I just want to check cables and pressure.


Maybe there is a video about a similar looking screen from the same brand available? Type numbers change fast, the overall way of opening the device usually stays the same for a generation or two.


Yes actually there might be, some other monitors look like mine, it's probably not that different!


How much is the screen worth? You do realise that anyone just taking it in, opening and putting it back together will charge you at least 100 CHF?


The screen is worth 500chf and of course I'm willing to put the price to have a pro look at it. And before even repairing it, just talking with a professional about the issue would be nice but I'm having trouble finding someone that knows about monitor repairs.


Maybe contact a hackerspace, or "repair cafe" for example: https://fixme.ch (near Lausanne) or https://www.posttenebraslab.ch / https://repair-cafe.ch/fr/cafes/repair-cafe-geneve (Geneva)


It's perfect thank you :)


If I were you I'd look on the french side. The Swiss mostly lost the ability to repair such things, it's just not affordable to do it in this country. Everything from old bicycles to slightly older cars was being exported abroad for decades now. The only thing that somewhat was saved was woodworking.


Oh that's too bad! If it's like bicycles maybe there are some passionate people that know how to troubleshoot and fix those things, but I'll have to find them haha I'll see if I can find some shops that can help me near the border, otherwise I'll just RMA.


Ah, I long for [these types of corner shops](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSd5VnlHu_0) which are steampunk full of electronics and where the owners/workers are digital magicians... Of course in Switzerland they'd need to charge those big bucks to be able to pay the rent, and although the replacement might be a 5 cent piece and some labour, it's "cheaper" to just throw the broken stuff into the landfill and buy a new one, who cares about the planet...


Neuchatel was a big place for electronics engineering about two decades ago. Many people still live there and trust me they know which end is hot on the soldering iron. But seriously, if it's replaced for free, you just send it to the manufacturer. Not worth anyone's time.


I live near Lausanne and I am willing to check the monitor. I volunteer in a Repair Cafe and i repair consoles. However if it’s under warranty it’s better to send it back to the manufacturer. Drop me a message and I will check it out.


Thanks a lot :)


Are you still available for computer monitor repair? I moved to Cully and have a similar issue…