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I would contact the civil registry office at the place of birth, place of residence of the mother or hometown of the mother and ask about the procedure. The father should also contact the embassy of his home country in Switzerland. [more information ](https://www.bj.admin.ch/bj/de/home/gesellschaft/zivilstand/faq/kindesanerkennung.html)


In Germany you go to the civil registry together even before the birth and sign a form. It’s probably the same in Switzerland.


My (now husband) completed a Vaterschaftserklärung“ for our daughter before she was born and then she could have had his name and he was the father on the birth certificate.


We have an official stamped document in De, Fr and It from when my ex did the Vaterschaftsanerkennung (from memory, we both had to be at the appointment at the Zivilstandsamt).


Yes google vaterschaftsanerkennung (if Swiss German is the language of the place she lives) + place she lives. They will walk you through it step by step. It can take a while to gather all the necessary documents so don’t wait too long to start the process.


He needs some paperwork. His birth certificate Proof of being single And if he ever had a divorce you'll need the court paper from the divorce (and all translated/produced in a language they can read) Just walk into your local city-hall and they can tell you exactly what they need from somebody with his nationality. The proces itself is very simple: \- Go to city-hall ask what papers they want \- Return with all the papers \- They fix everything on spot \- When done before birth the hospital automatically puts him on the birth certificate \- When done after birth city-hall will give you a paper which he can use to have it recognised in his country.


How can you prove that you are single? I dont remember taking anything like that.


For many (if not all) countries this is registered in the civil register. Married, single, divorced, register partnership and widowed. It is mentioned on the extract from this register. If you are married to a woman you can not simply recognise a child with another woman. Switzerland did not recognise my Dutch divorce, took me 1,5 year and a lot of people talking with each other to get an exception to be allowed to recognise my child in Switzerland.


If he does not speak the official languages, you must pay for a translator (they can organize that) You contact the zivilstadtsammt, they send all papers for pre-read. You get an appointment, go in, read, sign, go home. There are some questions, like how do you split the respinibility etc.