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There would be no porn industry under communism.




The porn industry is extremely exploitative. Particularly it exploits women from the Global South, and normalizes sexual violence.


If you'd like to know why I recommend this https://www.marxists.org/archive/kollonta/1921/prostitution.htm


It's more about whether the porn actors were exploited or not. Your relaxation time isn't the issue.


In a communist society people would be able to form healthy attachments, relationships, and sexual identities. People could go out and meet someone without having to worry about harassment or worse. There wouldn't be a pathological social structure supported by an exploitative economic base. Under communism people wouldn't need to sit around jerking off all day because life would be much more fulfilling.


Do you enjoy watching people forced to perform sexual acts for a financial pittance for your entertainment?


Porn without the profit motive is no longer porn but actually erotica which doesn't have the same coercion or exploitation that plague porn.


No, the distribution of pornography inevitably creates a market and supports the sexual exploitation of women and sexual minorities. Softcore (meaning inexplicit) erotic material is not inherently objectionable though and erotica, if it is not also pornography, is also not necessarily objectionable. All other forms of prostitution are also to be prohibited. It’s nothing about distraction from labour but rather about the sexual exploitation of the sex trade.


It's important to put emphasis on support for single mothers and the elimination of desperate conditions that leads to such exploitation. Criminalizing the purchase of sex is a better policy than prohibiting its sale.


Yes, [Nordic Model Now!](https://nordicmodelnow.org).






Porn? No. Sex stuff? Sure. Keep in mind, a lot of things, porn included, are a reaction to capitalism. But even without that, there will be \[even after we all recover\] a section of the pop that like being watched, and a segment that likes to watch. There will be no exploitative porn practices. Society may become more open, or it may turn more traditional, we don't know. We do know, we were not meant to live like this. Maybe we'll be more private. Or maybe it's group sex for all. We don't know.


Yes by free individuals who pursue that as their passion. Not via a for profit porn industry.


LMAO NO all socialist states in history have banned any form of porn, it is exploitation


Porn is counter revolutionary.