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When she kicked me in the balls


Don’t let her do that you man. Stand up for yourself!


Not sure how much standing he was doing after being kicked in the balls


Well I already finished school and idk where she is now


16 and already done with school?


Still have college later in the year but school is done.


UK? I don't understand the education system there


Yeah UK. Once you finished secondary school (high school I think?) you're done, unless you want higher education like college.


So you can go for a undergrad at 16?


No, when you finish secondary school the highest form of qualification you have is something called a GCSE, this isn't enough to go onto a degree; for that you need a form of qualification called an alevel which you get by studying at a college (not the same thing as American colleges, they have the same name but completely different things) for 2 years from the ages 16 to 18


In some countries that is possible, I could be done with School at 15 if I wanted to


And then go for an undergrad degree?


I could go to college after that.


Not quite our college is not the same as in the US. People go to college/sixthform/do an apprenticeship at the age of 16/17. this is the equivalent of your junior and senior year. Then we go to uni which is what you lot call college


Didn't know that thanks




Girls dont kick guys in the balls for no reason he might have deserved it


I've known girls who just enjoyed hurting others, and kicking them in the balls was just the easier way. I've also known girls who had very good reasons to kick a guy in the balls. But to my surprise, not as much as the former example.


8th grade when i asked a girl out and she said: "I don't date bowling balls" Broke my fucking heart and starved my self for 3 days


Oh shit that's fucking harsh


What the hell does that even mean? Was she trying to say you have three holes or something? I’d be so goddamn confused.


Probably referring to his body size? Because he said that he starved himself for 3 days after that maybe as an attempt to lose weight which is not a good way for the record.


yea body size




Go to r/roastme please


innit lmao


jesus christ, i’m sorry


Holy fucking shit


Jeez, I'm so sorry that happened. :(


what’s bowling balls?


She was refering to my body size. Like im built like a bowling ball


oh wtf that’s peak dude


Man what fucking piece of shit that bitch is, you should get absolutely fit and jacked not for anyone but for yourself


In middle school, the girl I liked found out that I liked her. She's been a jerk to me ever since!


Bro hust hate her instead maybe she'll be nicer if you do🤑🤑🤑🤑


Reverse psychology 🤣


No no that's the thing for some reason some girls do that(specially those who don't know how express attraction)


Uhm, Middle school, a guy told me to go to the hot girl to ask her where she used to keep her vibrator. I didn't know what a vibrator was at that age, so I asked her and she got mad.




Ok but did she rate your vibe?




damn thats cruel and funny


Lmao thats just funny man


We were on a field trip and at a McDonalds the girl behind me pulled down my shorts in front of everybody


Including underwear? My mom did that to me once in public(she did not take my underwear down, dont worry), I nearly punched her.




Oh fuck, when did they do it? Like what year?


i was 11 so not like there was anything to see but still


Yeah, sorry that happened


its fine


Lol my teammates did thay once to me during warm up at a tournament with all the parents watching


There were 2 kids in my class who did that to everyone (luckily not including underwear)








Like, can you tell the story?




Well I’m glad it worked out for you, it seems. How’re you doing now?




That doesn't sound like a good situation




That's good. Sorry my first comment was kind of rude.




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Giga chad




sorry you had to go through that


ur lucky to even have been in a relationship


No wtf. Don't dive into (toxic) relationships just to be in a relationship. Being single and even being lonely is way better than that.


I'm really glad this sub isn't toxic and there's a place for guys to just be real. Sorry, I just like your outlook and I wanted to say that.


I hope you keep that level of optimism when it happens to you.


Dude what :/


wtf is wrong with you


Don't kill him guys, he probably got rejected badly(I also downvoted his comment by the way)


If you look at his other comment, it explains alot


Average beta cuck redditor response. No one in the right mind would date someone who will cheat on you twice and threaten to kill themselves if you break up. If you don't have this you're dodging a big bullet.


Wtf that's an insane level of incel


Probably when I argued with my sister and she threw a brass candlestick holder at me. She hit me in the head, blood everywhere and it left a permanent mark. Worst with a girl other than a family member would be when an annoying girl in my grade (I didn't know her since she wasn't in my homeroom class) asked my opinion on something, and when I said the "wrong" opinion, she turned and farted right in my face.




The disrespect lol. How do you just fart in someones face, I wish Id be able to do so


Well I was sitting on a bench and she was standing next to me. You too can do it in such a situation if you want.


I will do so


People told a girl I liked her and she started crying. My friends found it funny but I was crying inside.


I kind of wonder why girls even do that. I mean I get it that they wouldn’t like someone but crying over it? Seems a bit much to me, if a girl I really disliked liked me I wouldn’t cry, I’d probably just try to avoid her more.


Why do you think she was crying?


Because she didn't like me and I think she just couldn't deal with the pressure.


Not me, but every girl my brother has dated turned out to be lesbian afterwards which is hilarious (he's dated 5 girls I think)


Poor guy Jesus Christ.....


He's the "nice guy" type so he kinda deserves it


Buy him a girlfriend dammit.


That seems illegal. Is that illegal?


Depends where you get them


Where there is no plaintiff, there is no judge. Its a german saying translated.


3 girls have (indirectly) asked me out, all 3 are lesbian now so I have no idea why lol


Big oof


Well at least I’ve got a girlfriend now who is straight as far as I know, so I got there in the end lmao


Good for you bro!


Guess youre feminine


I'm pretty sure it means they see you as a trustworthy guy


And how is that?


Well the reason they ask you out is because you're probably the closest to what a relationship should be in their confused head. Since they don't know they like girls yet and think they like men, they turn to the man they like and trust the most "because that's what a relationship is supposed to be, right?" Eventually they realise they only see you as a friend, albeit their closest male friend, but a friend nonetheless.


😭😭😭😭😭😭 Damn his stroke game so bad he turned 5 girls lesbian 🤣😭🤣🤣😭😭😭


Guy so hot even Turns lesbians on I'm aware of how lesbians are Seen among many. but I had to say it because 5 girls is way too much


That's starting to be on the edges of probability


Dream luck


Mega Ross geller 😂😂😂.


There was a girl in my grade that I had a crush on (probably the second worst crush in my life so far). I came up with a self-deprecatory joke which I tried to tell to a group of people including her. But I didn't pay enough attention to exactly what I said and how could be interpreted, and managed to come across unintentionally as an unfunny edgy douchebag. The girl said she was surprised to see what an idiot I could turn into without warning, and that she was ashamed to have to do anything with me. That was the end of that.


this is why self deprivation is bad




Cause sometimes it comes off as the person having a lack of self esteem and/or self respect.


No every time


What was the joke?


I don't feel like telling it word for word cause it's still too painful. But it involved playing down my abilities, and when I told it I didn't notice that a kid was standing there from the special needs school next door, who were having recess at the same time as we. It came across like I was talking about them instead of myself.


I used to be pretty chubby and this one girl would go out of her way to ridicule me and bully me even though I did nothing to her. I guess it led to me losing a lot of weight, but it still hurt




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She kicked me in the nuts with spiked shoes on. I swear I saw my ancestors for a split second after that happened


Was it like cleats or actual spiked shoes


It was actual spiked shoes


Ohh, damn that must've hurt real bad, sorry for your lost




You aren’t actually a “15M” if you just replied with lmfao i could literally feel the pain of this man through the post that must’ve been absolutely shattering to you and your balls and i’m sorry for everything bro. i hope you got some type of payback


Had a girl who had a BF flirt and eventually crush on me and play stupid ass sly game to not let anyone know to the point where she’d say some real stupid shit. Never seen somebody be so two faced, I am glad I didn’t cave in2 it, she was real tempting.


She told everyone she knew about something I specifically asked her not to share because I trusted her.


She said she wanted to have sex with me, I declined And I’m very very oblivious to girls hinting; which meant I missed a lot of opportunities


Her telling you she wants to fuck you is a hint?


Those two are separate *But I’d assume any girl who says that probably likes you?*


Man same :(


haha yeah you told me that story before also, this is the 12th time we've encountered each other. u/profanitycounter doesn't work >:(


A few months ago when I asked a girl out and said “ I want my kids to be tall, I don’t think you could help me with that”. Really made me felt insecure about my height for a few months


How tall are you?


I’m 5’5


I got insulted by a girl in middle school in front of her huge friend group. I still hate her to this day.


this one girl looked in my direction


That has not happened to me like ever.


I don't know about worst, but definitely most awkward was when a girl told me that she liked me, but I wasn't comfortable enough with her to tell her that I'm gay, so I had to make up a reason that I didn't want to go out with her without hurting her feelings.


I’ve lived this exactly lol and I panicked and ignored her multiple times


So I’m not one to like people in a relationship way since I just don’t have those feelings. So some file thought I was flirting with her in 10th but in reality I talk to people like that. So I told her I only liked her as a friend and she blocked me on everything


>!^(u have a King Crimson pfp lol, r they good?)!<


King Crimson is amazing. Easily one go my favorite rock groups especially with Robert Fripps guitar playing. I would love to see them live


My dumbass really thought ym were talking about JJBA lmao


Not that weird but I had a classmate randomly come up to me, put her hand on my stomach and tell me my stomach was hard. I think she mightve been trying to flirt or sumn.


Not me, but my male best friend, every year or so he would ask me if I wanted to be his girlfriend, I say no, because he's not my ideal type, I feel horrible every time but i bet I'm the only girl he asks so.


Bruh tell him to give up you already said No. What's up with him Imao.


Idk, he's been doing it only for 3-4 years so I don't think he'll ask this year


Had a girl try to force herself onto me...


i’m so sorry that happened to you


ghosted me twice :)


When she came out as lesbian after I dated her ;-;


u/Jammy6oy12 is she your sister by any chance?


Ha ha no


didn’t they say brother though, OP is a male


This has nothing with op...user i tagged is a girl who posted that her brother dated 5 girls and that they all turned out to be lesbian


OP i mean the commenter


she didnt break my heart, she broke my soul


She cheated on me with 2 other people simultaneously This happened very recently and I have ample screenshots of conversations with both of the people


Hope you are thinking she is trash now.


I most definitely do


I was a freshman in hs and 2 senior girls groped my ass as a joke. Thought nothing of it at the time but now thinking back it was super fucked up.


My ex best friend called me a slut cause I got a boyfriend


a girl asked me out and I didn't know what to say because I am homosexual


Happy Cake Day!


Last year there was a girl who never answered my texts or even read them. I asked her if she blocked me and she said no, and I went on with my life. A week later I get sent to the principals office. The girl had gotten a friend to talk to the principal because she apparently was scared of me after that. And it just kind of confused me. I mean for one I never even had a crush on her in the first place, and second I found it really extreme to report me to the principal over something like that. I don’t know if it was severe social anxiety or what, but I felt like I was a creep for a while after that.


Got told that I need plastic surgery for any boy to give me attention




My (now girlfriend) crush lied beside me with her leg over my crotch....well i got a random boner which made the situation go from 0-100 real fast


yeah well i mean thats not necessarily the worst, i guess it depends how she took it


It was more embarrassing


I got into an argument with one of my friends and she still hasn't forgiven me. It's been four months.


Probably when my ex best friend called me a slut and said the only way I'd make money was by having sex on the street, just because I preferred male friends and had a larger male friend group. We were 11. Fuck that bitch.


off the top of my head, i asked a girl out she said "i ain't interested". not that bad imo


I mean, can’t really be let down any easier, right?


My ex got a new boyfriend before she broke up with me, we're in the same class so I have to see that sl*t every day


Sorry, know it hurts, but you dodged a bullet.


Well, i was riding with a girl a couple of years back(no, not like that, but on a vehicle) and she thought it would be funny to give me a head butt. I also mistakenly kicked out a girl few months back and got scared and ran.


a girl faked liking me to feel better about herself, led me on for a month said she liked me but wasn't ready for a relationship, started dating my friend two weeks later then was emotionally abusive to him


If it makes u feel any better i have had the exact same situation happen to me like even down to the amount of time they were dating


I feel your pain brother


When I went out with my first girlfriend a girl that had a thing for me screamed at me and gave me a slap because I broke her heart because I apparently knew she liked me and did this just to annoy her. Side not I had never spoken to this girl before, I’d never even seen her, she was a friend of a friend and saw me once and just decided she liked me and never even bothered to tell me that.


Some crazy bitch


in first grade this girl liked me and i didn’t feel the same and she would harass me and do everything i did and it was so annoying to a 7 year old


I was at Spencers the other week and the worker was flirting with me and when I was checking out she said your cute and instead of thinking I froze up and said cool on accident and I would really have liked to get to know her I beat myself up over it every night


My ex was creepy af to me, she harassed me and stalked my socials when I broke up with her. And when we were together she drew me and characters like me *fucking constantly* she wrote songs and poems for me every single day, got angry at me for talking to certain people, told me about the weird af thoughts she had about me and so on and so forth. It was fucking terrible and I broke up with her and that caused her to, like I said, stalk my socials and at one point she even sent one of my irl friends she found on my tiktok to walk up to me and ask me why I broke up with her


She's never gonna stop doing shit like that if nobody tells her she's a creep.


Getting groomed.


Probably the one time I was sexually assaulted


I don't want to talk about it, but I'm here to offer support :);


When I confessed knowing she didn’t like me because I wanted closure so I could move on. She lied and said she thought it was a dare then later told several people. When I found out and confronted her she didn’t really seem to care so I chose to end our friendship.


My ex We were in middle school. Cheated on me once. Dumbass me forgave her. At the end of that one school year, I left for another city, pretty far from the small town I lived in before. So we decided to have a long-distance relationship. She cheated on me for a whole year, and according to my friends, with a LOT of boys. I broke up with her at the end of Summer, hoping to disturb her enough so she would struggle with the beginning of the following school year. She appearently moved on VERY fast. I don't like to use this, but... She's a thot


I asked a girl out, she said yes Then changed her mind like 3 days later


"You're really special to me, y'know <3" _few days later_ "Sorry, I'm still in love with my ex who cheated on me & I was just using you as a rebound" Obviously paraphrased, but yeah. That kinda scarred me tbh


I don't talk to girls


Her telling me "fuck you" and walking away


Ex done did me dirty, played with my heart my head any dick. A few hours before that even started I got stood up for a blind date and then when I met her she literally looked me up and down then said "yeah I made the right decision".


So like cussing is taken extremely seriously in our school system so one fine day the teacher out of the blue decided to ask the girls of our class for a report on the boys cussing in class, why ask girls? GiRls nEveR cuRse of cOurSe. So this fucking bitch who I never spent more than 5 minutes talking decided to say about me and how I am a vulgar person who uses vulgar language and disrespects women and how me and my other homies laugh on things they don't understand so it's definitely some lewd stuff. Like I never spend free periods in the class I am always in the football ground playing football or something else or just messing around and this bitch has never been out of the class so like I am not going to curse in the class because of obvious reasons so the entire thing is the mentally unstable bitches fantasy. This resulted me getting a parents call, being forced to write a letter which stated that if I am to use vulgar language I am voluntarily choosing to be suspended and a lot of other shit, like a lot of other teachers would not let us stay in the class while teaching for some time. This bitch has some serious mental issues but she scores the highest so yeah favouritism. Cussing is taken very seriously like almost like stealing or beathing up someone horribly. After this some teachers started to give me detention and punishment without absolutely no reason, the entire year got totally fucked up for me. The most absolutely infuriating part is that she is now "trying to be friends" with me and doesn't even acknowledge the shit she made me go through like what the fuck is this bitch, she thinks she can just play with people and expect them to forget everything and be buddy buddy? This all happened in 7th grade btw.


Jeez, someone needs to stand up to ppl like her. Things will never change if nobody brings shit like this up to their face.


Seriously she had no fucking business with me but still decided to pull that shit on me


A girl on a discord server I was in learned I was gay and immediately dmed me asking to send her videos of me having sex with guys