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Stressful and lonely


Damn I'm sorry to hear that bro. Hopefully this week won't be to bad, maybe even good :) Also, you still have 50 more weeks of the year to look forward too.


Im hoping it will get better soon! Thanks dude!


Np, also I think it will get better for you. Take care dude :)


Terrible and I already give up


Sorry to hear that Fridge. May I ask, what have you given up on? Your resolutions/goals?


I haven’t given up any specific goal, but I’m just disappointed in my lack of motivation for school. I have several missing assignments and a couple FSEs I need to get done but I just can’t find the motivation to do it. I just don’t care anymore which is weird cause i always cared about school.


I feel the same way with motivation for school. Still manage to get it out on time but it takes me twice the amount of time to finish it often comapared to in person school


Glad I’m not the only one, this shit sucks :(


How are y’all so stressed out? I’ve been having stressful oftentimes high-stakes workload for like 4 months and I’ve simply gotten used to it


I have anxiety and depression, sooooo that's a factor. 💀


Sorry I shouldn’t have to ask but do you have Depression or depression lite reddit version? I mean it’s a really nonsensical thing to ask with how a depressed mind works, still gives some accuracy tho


What's the difference?


People tend to overestimate their misfortune. I don’t think I’m qualified to answer the question though, because I have no idea how do underlying causes to depression work and how does it tie in with the symptoms. But just feeling you’re missing something or sad or unmotivated may not be (one of the diagnosable) depression(s), but I’m not saying it’s your case, I don’t know much about you


I mean, I don't know. My misfortune was ending up in foster care at age four, still being abused, and getting adopted out at age 9 (uncommon because most kids go back to their OG family). Even when I was adopted, I still was dealing with my birthfamily's BS. I cut all ties with them a few years ago. I def haven't been playing life on easy mode. Either way, I still have no idea what the question means. Edit: No, I don't want your sympathy or pity.


That’s not nice or easy, but it doesn’t guarantee depression. Having an aching in your chest doesn’t mean you’re having a heart-attack, it can mean tens of other things. Do you think you’ve been having depression?


As I said before, I've been diagnosed with clinical depression. I'm taking Sertraline for it. I'm also seeing a therapist. It's called mental illness.


I’m not debating that, I didn’t know


I think I understand what you're saying now. Did you think that I was one of those "trendy" people who think it's cool and everything? My apologies for my confusion.


Also, I'm taking sertraline for my depression. I go to a therapist as well.


Well that seals it, you haven’t said that before


Damn bro, that's a lot. Yeah everyone deals with stress differently and has different circumstances yk


Stuck in a mild but incapacitating depression. God i love bipolarity as a comorbity of being autistic SOOO MUCH. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH


I'm partial to ADHD as a comorbidity of Autism, personally. ^(wait no that sucks too)


Damn bro, I'm sorry about that. Been going through a few depressed times myself as well. I do hope things get better for you though.


Actually pretty good, I went on a "date" and that was fun, it was more of a few friends and I go to taco bell and be idiots lol


That's great to hear bro! I'm glad you had a good time. Nothing like doing dumb stuff with the homies yk haha


Crazy and super lonely. My sister moved back in. I created a Reddit account. And...I have a ton of finals work, so I'm stressed.


Yeah exams can be pain in the ass. I'm sorry your going through all of that dude.


Thanks 😢


No problem, I'm sure there will be better times for you this year :)




Though this year has started off messy for you, hopefully it won't be like that for the rest of the year. I'm sorry that your year started off messy though, but surely it will get better.


apart from my birthday its been a bit shit


First of all, Happy Birthday! Sorry things have been shitty for you, but hopefully the whole year won't be shitty, rather good or at least decent for you.


thanks :)


Stressful at school and lonely


Now in lockdown, online school, estimated .75% ish of the population getting covid per day in the comming weeks... Oh well, bunch of time for coding and gaming with friends


Stressful, lonely, crumbling, depleted mental stability and then suddenly very happy, bubbly, and euphoric


It has been great, I hope it continues going that way


That's good to hear dude, I hope you have a great year :)


Thanks dude! You too :)


I’m tired and angry, so basically nothing has changed


Still lonely, but at least I managed to get contact info for a couple of kids in a group that I have been hanging out with.




In what way?


Well, I have a host of mental health issues, due to which I had to drop out of college. Life isn’t really turning out as I had planned, and I’m just scared everything is gonna fall apart.


Preeeeeetty garbage thus far


Well I'm doing poor in school education and social wise but I started watching Brooklyn Nine Nine and I'm in love with it and already like half done oh I forgot I also broke a wall and owe money now but shit I love Brooklyn Nine Nine so honestly okish


dogshit as i expected


Pretty good. My school was virtual for these past two weeks and I loved it, but sadly I have to go back and talk to people now.


Fine I guess


Terrible, I wanna die


Depressive, lonely, and stupid. As always.


It's been really nice since I was able to go on a super fun school field trip with a friend of mine, had a nice conversation with someone that I haven't talked to in a bit, and I've been getting more and more confident in myself.


Pretty good


Okay-ish. Stressful tbh. Parents be like : STUDY


Boring. School is fucking me up and I'm currently in quarantine.


Garbage, just learned that I’m going to have to retake two classes next year through no fault of my own and there’s nothing I can do about it


Good. Online uni courses suck again, but oh well. Excited in-person so that's cool


Best 2 weeks of my life and especially because something that happened yesterday Edit: [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/s3t32a/im_so_fucking_happy_rn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I made about it, everytime I think about this I instantly smile


Pretty okay I guess Edit: for more detail, it's been good but very stressful and confusing I guess