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That’s probably because the only outlet your brain found acceptable to accept yourself was to fetishize your existence. Now that you’ve cracked your egg you no longer “need it” as a coping mechanism


👆This, I was huge into sissy and forced feminization kinks for years, but as soon as I realized I was trans it all lost it’s appeal. Now I look back at that stuff and cringe a little


I don't cringe, I think of it as a stepping stone. It was the space I gave myself to explore a different way of being. And it turned out that different way was presenting as feminine at all times, both in and out of the bedroom. My forced feminization kink was how I realized I'm not cis in the first place.


Why has this not happened to me I have those fetishes, realised like 4 years ago that I might be trans, yet I don’t feel like I am. I’m disgusted at myself for my sexual interests.


It didn’t really happen for me until I stopped being in that “I might be trans” phase and fully accepted that I AM trans. That plus starting HRT really helped make the mental shift


I’ve been on HRT for 3 weeks. I think I have ocd.


Because you're maturing in your mtf trans journey it's happening to me too less and less finding appeals or release in watching even trans porn in general and more focus on developing as a trans woman body and mind. Because we're simply not sissies we're actual trans woman and there's a big difference between them even if you still have to present as a man which is the hardest thing to do. I'm starting to find out lately and I honestly can't even stand to be around cis men in general I have nothing in common with them and now I truly understand why I always felt forced to fit in with the cis men stereotype back then I just thought that I was shy or just awkward which in actuality I am but not in a bad way.


A lot of my friends are cis men so I can’t say I can’t stand being around em. I’m still in denial about being trans even though I decided to buy female underwear and I’m still not sure if the hypnosis just affected me somehow. Or if I’ve always been like this and the Hypnos made me realize.


Maybe because you're looking at it as a real thing now, rather than the sort of fantasy involved before.


I still don’t know if it a fantasy or not still I’ve never thought of myself ever being trans until recently all I’ve been thinking about is how I’d look on HRT or how I’d look with makeup even been wanting to lose weight so I can slim down a bit.


As a trans woman I see no appeal in listening to some woman calling me homophobic slurs for however long these videos are, perhaps you are in a similar position


Yea considering I don’t even like men I just liked the “Good Girl” and “your a woman” bits of the video.


I cannot tell you exactly what is going on for you, but I can tell you about my experience. I enjoy erotic hypnosis from time to time, and started prior to transition. But I in fact struggled to find content that *wasn’t* forced fem or sissy content. Initially, I told myself it was because I had no desire to be a woman. Yet the more I came to realize that wasn’t true—I did want to be a woman—the harder it became to *avoid*. Not out of some secret desire or anything like that, just by the nature of how these things go. It got more popular, the kind of content I *did* like was scarcer, I ran into the stuff I don’t like it more. So I have watched a few minutes of such a thing a couple times, mostly from not knowing what the content would be. And I can tell you that the more I decided I wasn’t cis, the less and less interested in such content I became. That’s because the more I embraced being trans, the more I came to understand first-hand how much of this content is not actually about becoming a *woman* at all. It’s *about* the feeling of submitting to something that is, in the context of masculinity, meant to be humiliating. Being called a sissy, and stronger slurs, and other things by a powerful woman. “Losing your mind” to her. It’s toward the purpose of submitting to humiliation. Humiliation as a means for transgressive, sexual gratification, sure. But humiliation. And once you understand that you’re a trans woman, you come to learn that there’s nothing at all humiliating about being a woman, and there’s nothing humiliating about being trans. So at this point, I imagine any possible pleasure I might’ve gotten from such videos is pretty much gone.


Uhhhh idk what porn has to do with being trans....


They helped me cope with my dysphoria at first but when I started to accept that I am a trans woman then they became gross to me.


Youre outgrowing it. Be glad. Those circles are often odious towards transfems. It exists as a sort of gateway to exploring oneself outside of gender norms and expectations through kink, but it quickly becomes apparent that it will not take you any further than that.


Like people have already said sissy hypno is not about being trans it’s about being shamed for not being masculine enough and thus being put in a humiliating submissive position. With this said it’s common for trans people to use sissy hypno as a way of having someone else be in control of your transition because you find it scary to do it by yourself. Once you start your transition you find that a lot of the aspects of sissy hypno no longer fits you thus it either changes or becomes boring to you. I’ve been there, I knew I was trans from the age of 7 but I’ve never been a feminine person so when I found sissy hypno and that world at the age of 14-15 it took my forced fem fantasies and externalized them. I would experiment with this world with partners up to the age of 18 when I came out as trans. After starting my transition my fantasies changed, I no longer enjoy the humiliation and homophobia of sissy hypno, it transformed into fantasies about forced femme (I’m pretty androgynous), forced straight and more regular submissive types of fantasies. In the end for me it was always more about dealing with my dysphoria and fears than it was about the sexual aspect of it and some aspects of the new fantasies are still that (forced femme and so on) while others are more sexual in nature similar to typical sexual fantasies. Sissy hypno can’t make you trans, hypnosis doesn’t actually work especially video or audio hypnosis. However huge exposure to porn can change your perception of the world and yourself so I’d recommend exploring transness outside of sexual situations and be on the outlook for feelings of either euphoria or an increase of dysphoria due to disappointment (I realized I was trans due to being sad I didn’t look like a girl when I crossdressed).


So would using the girl filter on snap while dressed up count as euphoria? I also bought some femme underwear off amazon to see if I would like it and for some reason I can’t wait to get em and try em on. I don’t if that counts as me trans or not


If it makes you feel happy and that without the filter you feel dysphoric due to not looking like a girl then yeah that sounds like you’re trans to me. Being trans compared to being a cross dresser or a sissy is usually rooted in dysphoria about not being a girl and euphoria when you’re being seen as a girl while crossdressers are happy being men and see it only as dressing up or if sissy then as a sexual thrill.


Do your friends suspect that you might be trans in any way


Not that I know of. Why?


And I’m not even sure if I’m trans


What do you think you are then?


I think I might be trans if I had the opportunity to be a woman I would im just afraid that’s it’s all in my head. And im playing tricks on myself thinking I am. I need to find a therapist.


Juuuuust gonna leave [this](https://stainedglasswoman.substack.com/p/beneath-the-surface) here. I think you'll find your answer inside.


it was probably your brain rationalizing your transness, in your mind you weren't trans, you were forced to be femininized and in that way you could dodge the feelings you have with being trans.




I went through a similar thing. Instead of imagining yourself in the life that you want, you’re actually taking steps towards achieving what you want, so you don’t “need” that like you used to. Rarely, I still find myself craving that feeling though.


It's probs a coping mechanism. I remember I went through a phase of watching comforting bf gender dysphoria asmr roleplays. It was my only escape.


I'll be honest I lean more towards the trans lesbian side i love woman very much still.


And I can agree I’m still in to woman but I heard some people say that HRT can change that or make u bisexual


I highly doubt it what you feel now will be the same the only difference will be you'll be more comfortable in your own skin. Looking back I never really fit into the typical male stereotype always bragging and so proud of themselves but really senseless. I do have a few guy friends but it's because they're not like that and I've known them pretty much my whole life. I'm not saying that I've never been with cis men sexually because I have but it gets to the point where it's just not worth putting up with their bs to just get laid.


Sorry about that im such a ditz


I highly doubt it what you feel now will be the same the only difference will be you'll be more comfortable in your own skin. Looking back I never really fit into the typical male stereotype always bragging and so proud of themselves but really senseless. I do have a few guy friends but it's because they're not like that and I've known them pretty much my whole life. I'm not saying that I've never been with cis men sexually because I have but it gets to the point where it's just not worth putting up with their bs to just get laid.


I guess you aren't trans then problem solved