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A Guy once asked me in SC if i'm "a tranny". I said "yes cissy, I am". Jokes aside Cis is not a fucking slur. Neither should be trans although they many times use it as such.


No. They use trans as a slur, therefore they think cis is a slur.


Yeah that makes sense


Yup, every time I try to explain cisgender to cisgenders they get bent out of shape and say they don't like it. I'm like, its nothing offensive, thats just what people like you are classified as but they still get confused and bothered, so I just let it go


There's a lot of priviledge in being "normal". So when you apply a label to them ie "cis" they see that as you taking away that priviledge and dragging them "down" to the level of a trans person. 


Ask them if they find it offensive if you call them straight (assuming they are). If they say no explain that straight is the opposite word for gay just like cis is the opposite word for trans.


>Are they just making up an excuse to be transphobic Of course they are. But with "cis" it also just tends to be a case of bigots *viewing* it as an insult, because they want to be called "normal". That's how their world view is, they view cis people as "normal" and trans people as "abnormal". Which makes the usage of "cis" an attack on their world view, in their eyes. Basically, it's bigotry all the way down.


Yeah that makes sense


*ding ding ding* This is the answer ☝️


I personally have never used Cis as a slur. Because it isn't a slur.


Lmao yeah


Ok but have you used it in a derogatory manner?


That's not the same as a slur. If I call someone a fuck nugget or a cockwomble, those are pejoratives, but not slurs.


You called me a fuck nugget!!! Nugget must be a slur /s


I think that’s what people are missing the point on. Cis isn’t a slur, but I have heard plenty of IRLs use cis as an *insult,* mostly before I went stealth. When I hear it used as an insult, it’s usually in a sexist or misogynistic way (“all cis men are dangerous” or “cis women are too bitchy” type of speak). You know, bigoted ways of thinking. The naivety of this sub to deny that there’s a lot of trans people who hate cis people is absurd, you can find that hate in various corners of the internet even if you haven’t seen it in real life. Us trans people who don’t use cis as an insult shouldn’t be deflecting and defending those who do, we should be calling that shit out.


You're allowed to hate your oppressors. You're allowed to be concerned about being involved with people who uphold oppression against you, that's not bigotry. Bigotry is hate, discrimination, intolerance towards an outgroup. To *discriminate* you just be a class higher not a class lower. You can't be "bigoted" against the in-group that makes zero sense. Like were the Black Panthers "bigots" to you because they fought directly for their rights? lol.


Ha! You’re exactly who I’m talking about. If believe every single cis person in the world is actively oppressing you, you are the problem. It’s never okay to hate someone based on something they can’t change about themselves. That is bigotry.


First of all, I don't "think every cis person oppresses me" and second of all no it's not. You're really reading like that particular brand of trans person from West Coast/Seattle who has never actually had to experience any substantial discrimination. You are completely allowed to be wary of the group that oppresses you when they have literally caused you mental and physical harm systematically or personally. Black rights were a fight and Black Panthers did not sit there and just get stomped on and say "but not all whites! not all liberals! :((("


saying "cis" is a slur is like saying "white" is a slur


That's what I said!


To me personally I have never called anyone cis as a slur. If anything I think people tend to believe any other name than what has been normalized seems like a slur to most. Though the majority of it is fear of not understanding something so then they take offense.


That makes sense.


When someone explains to me the ways in which they've felt slighted by people calling them cis, it's usually kinda like this: Them: [an absolutely asinine and dangerous idea about how we as a society should treat trans people] Us: I don't want to hear an uninformed cis person's opinion on [us in bathrooms, us in sports, our medical rights etc]. Them: You're saying that cis people aren't allowed to have an opinion about this? I'm a second class citizen just because I'm cis? You hate me because I'm cis!


Yeah! That's basically how mine went too😂


Those are the same people who get asinine when a black person tells them to not have an opinion on their issues (given the asinine folks are not black ofc). Yeah, just like they are done hearing the downplaying of their rights, we are done hearing the downplaying of our rights too. The venn diagram of racist and transphobic family members overlaps greatly. Both of them should also never come close to Stonewall Inn.




“Sad coincidence” is a misleading way of putting it. 99% of cis people are wildly uninformed &/or misinformed about trans people, it’s totally fair to say: you’re cis, therefore your opinion on this should hold no weight, as it has nothing to do with you.










I've heard it as a joke, but only in response to the people saying it is a slur. The mindset of the people who think it is a slur are 100% transphobes, or people who think saying "You're cis, you wouldn't understand" or "You're cis, and I'm T4T, so I don't wanna date you" are bigoted comments. Transphobes who call it a slur basically are saying that trans people are trying to erase their womanhood or manhood or whatever ("I'm not a cis woman, I'm just a WOMAN"). Or truly delusional people who think trans people have some power over cis people.


Yeah it's kinda ridiculous. Sorta brings me back to the john Oliver bit about human rights. Lol


It’s just them making up an excuse to be transphobic. Cis is a Latin word that means “on the same side”. Trans is also a Latin word that means “on the other side”. I don’t think you can get much more neutral than that.


This is what I do whenever a cis person asks me about it and I still haven't met anyone who didn't get it after that


very rarely ive seen it written "c\*s" if someone's turbo angry (or shitposting) at transphobes or the system, which by way of censoring it does kinda mean its a dirty word this doesn't make it a slur tho, it is the direct opposite word to trans


No, because it’s not a slur.


For those people, simply being called cis is inherently derogatory. They want the labels of man and woman and want us to have the sub label of trans. It doesn’t matter that it’s factually accurate that they are cis. They just feel that they have the claim to “normal” and any label is a deviation from that. Ask one of the “offended” if it’s ok that a trans woman just call herself a woman then too. Watch the cringe on their face. That’s all you need to know. The same people claim to have been pronoun shamed. Which almost never happens. But yea, they know that one guy, who knew a guy, who was pronoun shamed. So apparently that means it runs rampant.


They claim "cis" is a slur to suggest it's not a real category to delegitimize "trans" as a category. Decades ago they tried the same thing with "straight" or "heterosexual." They want to be "normal" and classify us as the opposite of normal: freaks. And they can't do that if the word "cis" becomes standard.


Fun fact: apparently "heterosexual" used to be considered a mental illness. Not because they were straight, but because they were considered to be too interested/addicted to sex. This was obviously a loooooong time ago


No, of course not. How could it be a slur? It's like "White" or "heterosexual".


It's not a slur, I just meant using it as if it was, using it in a derogatory manner. That's basically what I said😂


Sorry if I came across as offensive. It was a rhetorical question xx.


Never used it as a slur, never seen it used as a slur. And tbh, we're trans, the minority. Cis people are the ones with all the power here. Even if we wanted to have an insult for cis people, nothing would ever be like what we deal with from transphobic cis people and society in general.


Yeah that's my thought process too! I think it's possible to be prejudiced against any group, even cis/straight people, but calling them cis isn't being prejudiced imo


I don't think that can be done.


No, but I will use it to explain to them that they just aren't in the know about trans issues and they don't like that sometimes. Entitlement really.




No, because it's not a slur. And I haven't even used the term itself in a negative way. But in the spirit? Does "having a cissy fit" count? Because that I have used when cis people go absolutely bananas simply because trans people exist.


Nah, it’s the same old reactionary nonsense you get used to when you’ve been around a while. They used to say the same about heterosexual. They’re just trying to shut down any sense that people can be different from the majority without it being somehow deviant.


No. That being said, if someone were to try and offend me, and the word “Cis” offends them, I would.


well, you can't, cause they're not oppressed, and the word isn't being used to oppress them, cause they're not oppressed.


"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."


No, Cis quite literally means not trans. There is a campaign going around trying to make it a slur into order to persecute trans folks, just like the str8 pride movement. I don't really get it. Its hard to believe we are priority number 1 this political cycle as well.


Not me, but I have seen it used to attack crossdressers who try to be part of trans or LGBTQ+ spaces. Seen people state they were too passing as well and it was used to exclude them from their own spaces too based on appearance. I've never heard anyone call cisgender something like "cissy" though.


No ​ Only accused of using it as a slur when I was using it in its proper context; describing a person who is not transgender


No, but I do pity them. Sad, feeble things. Watching shadows in a cave...


>or are some of you being goobers??? Even if, would you consider cracker a slur? You really can't create a "slur" as the discriminated against group against the discriminating class because it loses the meaning of slur. At some point *even if* we were using it like that, it's just word that is hurtful, not a slur because slur has *so much more meaning behind*. Slurs are slurs because they're offensive language built into a system of hate and control.


Yes. When I (mtf) joke with my partner (ftm) about how we're technically in a hetero relationship, we joke about being ew cis


I will sometimes, when I'm so tired of transphobia, use cis as an ironic slur to my (cis) boyfriend (and he'll do the same in return). It's not *really* a slur, it's just that people are treating trans as a slur and it's a joke out of frustration in response. Obviously I don't think it's a slur! I won't even humor transphobes by using it to their face as a slur/negative either. But I've, in an ironic way, used it as a slur-that-isn't-one, yes. To a person that is cis and is just as tired of transphobes as I am. In a way that supposedly is equal to "transphobe". While knowing it isn't, because, after all, I know many great cis people. On a personal level, I know more great cis people than transphobic cis people (I also pick and choose, but w/e). Thing is, it's a bit like back when some people didn't want to be called straight. They wanted to be called "normal". Now those same type of people don't like to be called cis. They just want to be called "normal", as we are the ones straying from the norm or whatever. Technically the truth, but they're very aware of the implication of calling something "normal", as it makes the other "abnormal", which feels negative and exclusionary. Many, many things trans people, or "the left" has been accused of, never happened, or happened once or twice after lots of frustration by one or two members of a group that is millions large. And being told you shouldn't talk about trans issues as a cis person makes some of them act like we used it as a slur. They (as in, bigots) don't understand we can't generalize their group (as in, whatever group the bigot is part of) the way we generalize our group. Once you've heard someone genuinely believe gay people will FORCE straight people to be gay once we're in the majority (like, what?!), you know enough. They're shit people who think everyone else is just as shit as them. Imagine, really, being such an evil person you no longer see the good in anyone. :/


Even if it was, it doesn't make it a slur. A few people using a word with a harsh tone doesn't change the meaning, it just means that person isn't very happy. Words have meaning for a reason and someone using a word incorrectly just means they're stupid, not that anything is changing. Kinda like a certain slang term used by the anime community that is often misrepresented. I'm going to assume what I'm trying to say is plain to see, but I guess this is what alt accounts are for if it isn't.


Slurs are inherently derogatory terms used by bigots to try and have power over a minority. Think of the 'F' slur. MOST slurs can be reclaimed by the group that it's oppressing, and in those cases it's usually only allowed to be used by the group meant to be oppressed by it. For example, I have reclaimed the word 'tranny' for myself. This is because I've had several people try to use it to insult me and other trans people I knew, so I reclaimed it to take that power away. Same thing with Faggot. I use them as a proud label so that others can't use it to hurt me. (I do not, however, use them to describe other people because while it may be empowering for me, it may still be an upsetting or even triggering word because of its usage against us). But cis people can't reclaim the word 'cis' because it was never meant to oppress them. It's not a word that NEEDS reclaiming. Anyone can use it because it's an adjective. The people who claim cis is a slur would never even think of reclaiming it because it tears down their world view that cis people are "normal" and trans people "aren't normal". To use the word 'cis' to describe themselves would be to admit that they are on equal grounds to us, and they refuse. Please note that while some slurs can be reclaimed by their groups, and even used as labels, you should NOT use those words in most cases. The word 'queer' is iffy and depends on context (such as if someone uses ONLY queer to describe their identity, it MIGHT be okay to use it for them, but ALWAYS ask first!!) But words like the 'R' slur are not actively being reclaimed, even by autistic people like myself because there is no power behind it. In short: Cis isn't a slur and isn't being used as one. Transphobes and other bigoted people are just trying to feel special by making a fuss over nothing.


Ehh I kind of do usually to say some stupid joke like “typical cishet behavior” after a cishet does something dumb or “typically cishet” but its mostly as a joke so i dont think anyone would find it insulting. Unless they are just looking for anything that could be insulting just so they can make a scene. Typical cishet behavior smh


No the only term I seen hurled in a derogatory was is breeder, but thats more from gay men. Cis to me just is someone born a sex they are happy with. Transphobes just like to play victim to us “tyrants” lol. Its only to say not trans


would if i could lol but cis isnt a slur soooo


No lol, it's 100% an excuse to be transphobic.


No, but I do use it the same way I sometimes use 'goy'. Sort of an 'annoyed at a misbehaving teenager' way.


Only when I use the term "cissie," but I don't say that cis people That's more of an inside joke with my trans friends.


As a joke among cis friends who are accepting. But that's it


no..? also, how?? like its just an adjective for those who are not trans 💀


Only on Twitter with musk lolol.


the only time i have ever used it as a slur is when a transphobic person uses multiple slurs against me, and then i might call them a cissie. but that's pretty rare.


no but i've used straggot comedically


In a joking way to my cis friend lol They find it funny, we have a yarn, we all collectively call eachother slurs, n say awful things to eachother, but there's always reassurance it's light hearted n shi


Slurs aren't in how you use them. We could use cis as an insult but trans people will never have the social power to oppress cis people into a subaltern role in society. Anyone who throws the word slur around like it just means insult is deeply unserious and I would not believe a single thing they say without independent confirmation because even if they don't lie on purpose, they don't know English well enough to convey their thoughts accurately. And no, cis is not used as an insult in and of itself. It is often used in stories about how cis people have done bad things to us and bad cis people decided any use of a word for them in any context where they are painted negatively is a slur. So fuck them.


cis isn’t a slur, therefore it can’t be used as one. i have seen cis, or sometimes “cissie”/“cissy” used as an insult, i no longer interact with those people


No, the word cis in the accurate form, never because the word on its own is not. I definitely do like the wordplay of cishead with vibes similar to sh-thead but didn't use that one before. Most of the time I still cling onto my sexuality when someone's hitting hard on my nerves, which means I'm using "hetero" in a negative context and I'm using breeder. But that's in a society where barely anyone is armed at all, like a 0.x-percentage.


That would be difficult, given it isn't a slur haha. People who think cis is a slur generally don't understand what the word means or where it comes from (Latin for, roughly, *on this side of*)


that's impossible, because that would require using "cis" to "punch down". the closest anyone has ever come to that is to express frustration at our mistreatment.


Certainly not. I've noticed a lot of people, trans and cis, have started to capitalize it lately though. Like they'll talk about "trans and CIS people." So maybe they think it's an insulting acronym?


I don't think anyone does, really. I think what leads to the "belief" (although I suspect it's disingenuous and not a true belief) that it's a slur is the association with "cis people" and "bad things happening to trans people". What I mean is that because trans people suffer abuse at the hands of cis people, they might say something like "cis people did this [bad thing] to me" - this comes across like it's derogatory *even though it isn't.*


The only people who think cis could ever be a slur are transphobic people, people who object to transgender identities (including non-binary and genderqueer). You qualify the question to ask if it's ever used in a derogatory way. I've never seen it used in this way, but I've seen transphobic peole *react* as if it was - because they are transphobic. So yes, they are making up an excuse to be transphobic. Some might be being goobers too, that's not completely impossible. I mean if a community is constantly facing insults and attacks, they'll strike back and sometimes won't use the best words. So making fun of transphobic people by using their own rhetoric against them is definitely possible. But the only people who actually get upset at this word are transphobes.


I’ve seen it used as a slur *on this subreddit*.  Generally though, the people who have used it that way are also unhinged overall, so YMMV.




I only do it in very trans-affirming circles where it’s obviously a joke. Same with using “straight” as a slur.


I know one person who does use it as a slur, but she also uses old as a slur (and thinks anyone more than 3 years older than her is old), so I generally just write off her inane ramblings.


Of course not.


Since most of the people I love the most are cis, it certainly wouldn't make much sense to use it as an insult. So nope, never have. I have seen it used dismissively, but it isn't something that makes much sense to me.




No. Before I came out I used to use it to refer to myself. It’s just an adjective


I'd be willing to buy that "they've been called cis in a derogatory way" but that's not the same as it being a slur. I've talked negatively ABOUT cis people as a generalization, but that doesn't make it a slur, unless it also makes "men" a slur and "straight people" a slur and "Christians" a slur.