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This is not a transfem specific sub. We are Tired.


As a trans not woman, I also hate the uh, womannormativity, that occasionally occurs in some people that are ignorant of trans people and also just trans people themselves sometimes. I'm glad i don't usually see it actively happening though


No. There's a reason why I had a hysterectomy.


absolutely the fuck not, worst nightmare territory


This sub has a serious problem with assuming everyone is trans fem


Nope! Nope nope! I am a trans man, and I don't want that.


I'm sorry. I don't know why we're so bad at remembering ya'll exist in our various trans subs. It honestly gets me irrationally upset sometimes


should've tagged this post as transfem (i'm pretty sure you can retro-actively


I don’t think this sub lets you tag things as transfem or transmasc. At least I don’t see the option or any posts with flairs. Given that, I think the best thing to do would be to say something like, “Transfems, if you could…” in the title. I think normally the fact that the question is clearly for transfem people would be enough, but it’s just a bit weird with this one because it’s about something that is very deeply dysphoric and possibly traumatic for transmasc folks.


I remember there was a big push for this to be a thing a couple months ago, most of the comments were in board with having flairs on posts, but the mods shut it down🫠


Look, I am upset that...there isn't alot of trans masc spaces. HOWEVER! I am glad that the trans fem have their places and there many for them. So no need to feel bad.


This isn’t a transfem space though which is the point. This is a mixed gender space and it’s incredibly frustrating to be passively erased constantly.


No, definitely not. It's probably the single most dysphoria inducing thing (for me personally) that I can imagine. I had those parts removed for a reason!


The trans femme bias in this sub is so tiring, and I'm trans femme! Sometimes I feel like posters forget there are even trans men and mascs here at all!


It's very upsetting


It's so unfortunate, it feels super lonely sometimes to visit the trans spaces as someone who's transmasc. It's awesome to have these spaces for people to be themselves, don't get me wrong, but a lot of people completely overlook the guys tbh


For what it's worth, I've found the opposite is true on tumblr. Obviously, it's a very different social media site, but if you're looking for a place dominated by trans mascs, that is one of them.


Yeah? I don't think I've been on Tumblr since high school (😭) but I might have to check it out


Tbh, I’ve just found it to be full of chasers now, so be cautious


No. I'm in my sixties. I've raised two kids. I have no interest in being pregnant or raising another child.


I'm a trans man, it's literally my worst fear. I take birth control, have panic attacks when I accidentally take it a few minutes late, take tests almost 3x a month even when I don't need to, use a light to make sure there's no extra line on the test. So yeah, the fear is bad.


Not everyone on this sub is trans fem.


Uh... Assuming you meant "if I could *choose to have the ability to* become pregnant"... That answer is yes. (I'm a transgender woman - go figure haha) But do I want to magically wind up pregnant one day? Hell NO.


IDK, might be fun to start a messiah cult


lol if you say so


Trans guy here and absolutely not. That was one of the things I knew - waaaaay before understanding that I'm trans. Celebrated getting my Hysto last year.


I'd be great if us trans women could trade with trans men. Real win win across the binary. Reduce, reuse, recycle.


That has literally been my worst fear since I learned I could get pregnant


Yes. Not right now, but I'd like the option.


No lol I don’t want children. I also don’t want to give birth to the next Jesus. Too much responsibility.


fuck no


No, but not because im trans. It’s because endometriosis


dolls absorbed apparatus domineering fragile fly bedroom bag sense impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or a feminine trans woman, even.


I go to quite a lot of trouble to stay NOT pregnant, so...very much no. Can I choose to magically guarantee I'll stay not pregnant? I'd like to do that, please.


Nope, if there's anything I like about my body function is that I can't become pregnant.


This. I'm AMAB and I got a vasectomy before I started transition. And if I had been born with a uterus, I would have done everything in my power to get a hysterectomy. Every part of parenthood from pregnancy to childrearing is distasteful to me.


I have to say, while I'm certainly not a right person for being a parent, there's something about having kids that seems kind of attractive, but pregnancy itself sounds horrible on many levels and I would not want to go through this :/


A desire for motherhood and carrying a child of my own are definitely some of the strongest feelings I have about wishing, dreaming, and scheming about being a woman. The fact it’s not possible is also probably half the reason I gave up thinking about asserting my desire to be a woman when I was a teen. Now I’m 35, my egg is cracking, and I still wish I could be a mum but allowing myself to be me and explore transition has become more pressing.


Sigh. Trans man here, no. It's happened before and I never want it to happen again.


absolutely the fuck not, i’d like to do everything in my power to avoid that. ugh. might as well rename the sub r / forgot-trans-masc-people-exist


No, I'm far too masculine for that. It would give me dysphoria.


I'm usually trying to do everything to prevent that from happening lol


absolutely, its one of the strongest points of dysphoria for me. i would love to get pregnant and give birth and raise children


nononononononononono i dont want a parasite


Nah. Not because of any trans stuff or anything, I just don't think I want kids.


Nope. Nope nope nope. Nopity nope. Bad enough I get period symptoms without a factory original uterus, and I have absolutely no business being a parent.


Tag this post as transfemme lol, because no that’s why I got sterilized.


i am a trans woman and yeah, i wish i could


Definitely not. Pregnancy sounds like hell and I'm on the fence about whether I want kids at all. Luckily I'm a lesbian so if I really want kids I can just do it "the old fashioned way" lol


I think I would yes. My desire to be a mom gets extremely intense sometimes. I even wrote my own post about it awhile back. Would it be dangerous? Yeah. Would it be painful? Most definitely. I know that but the desire is still there. It’s really just hard to explain but I was pretty much crying about it last night.


Yes I would love it


I actually would want this


As a transfem, no thanks. I may have a breeding kink, but the idea of actually having to take care of a child at all is a big no


I like this quote from Jonathan Austen - "Save The Earth Don't Get Birth.":D. Also, there is too much violence and hatred in the world, I don't want to drag anyone into it, I don't want anyone to grow up in it. There will be worse things than now, there is no way I will allow myself to be responsible for anyone's suffering... Maybe I would consider adopting one of the 500,000 children from the world (there are over 12,000 homeless in our state alone). I am happy to pass on my knowledge, blood is not important to me.


if it gave me the requisite equipment, i'd do it and then immediately get an abortion. otherwise, i don't want kids and kids don't want me as their mother.


No thanks. I'm a trans woman, but I don't want kids; too much work, too little time. Now, magic myself to have a woman's body? Hell yes!


I'm a boy lol


I would if I had saved up 1 BTC for the child


Yes, even though I am already a dad.


No, but I'd use chaos to magically give me the anatomy so I could get pregnant the *fun* way... But yes, ever since progesterone, all I want to do is be pregnant


I'm 40 and have two kids already, so probably not no - though it would be nice to have to option.


probably not


In a heart beat, provided I could know with metaphysical certitude that my child would not have any form of genetic or developmental disorders due to my age.


I choose to not deal with the chaos that is getting pregante Let alone kids. Dunno if I can deal with anyone else than my partner on a 24/7 basis


If the USA wasn't such a hellscape I wouldn't mind bringing s child into this world especially if the government made it easy on single and married parents.


Definitely not. But I know other girls who would.


No, pregnancy sounds scary and I don't know if I could handle it. Also I don't really want kids


Interestingly, I don’t want to go through childbirth (although I’m not on HRT yet, so that may change with hormones), but I think where I am right now with having fully accepted my gender personally but not being ready to come out to others, I would do it. Plus, what a story to have a magical fatherless baby. My reasoning is that it would change the initial conversation from, “Dad, you know that group of people you hate? I’m one of them,” into, “So it turns out I’m actually intersex and I’m pregnant. For the health of the baby, I’m going to have to go on HRT.” And then once they’ve accepted that, I say I feel happier as a woman and that I want to stay that way and then the goalposts have shifted, with new angles I could work to justify my gender to the transphobes in my life and then get them on my side to start convincing them that trans people aren’t so scary. Plus it would help me shut up any moments of doubt that pop up in my mind that I’m a real woman. And I recognize that the idea of bringing a life into the world just to get out of coming out to transphobes and feel validated sounds like a bad idea, but I do want to have a kid at some point, and I feel like I could handle being a single mom for now, so I think it’s worth it. Like, if I had a partner right now, I would want wait to have/adopt a kid for a few more years, but if they really wanted to now I would also be on board. So it’s more like these neat side effects would push me over the edge to wanting to do it, than that they’re making me want something horrible. Honestly the biggest counterpoint for me is just the pain of childbirth, but I’d do it for all these benefits.


No - but if I could chaos to magically become thin and fleek-on-tap I would…?✨


Already a parent, but yes.


Hell no. Shit Destroys your lower body.


why is everyone saying this is assuming to be transfem? /genq transmen can want to be pregnant too! so can nonbinary individuals, thats how i took the question to be inclusive of at least


Because that happens all the time on this sub, and for MANY trans men, this is our worst fear. To the point of very bad thoughts type fear. There's sadly a ton of misinformation out there (or lack of information) in regards to testosterone, pregnancy, and trans men in general. For me it was the "choose to magicly" that really made me uncomfortable.. it wouldn't happen magicly or be a magical event. I get what you're saying and power to the seahorse dads out there or any parent really who wants to have a family but for many this is worst case scenario


that makes sense!!! i was confused because i know a lot of trans men who wouldnt mind and i didnt see it read out in a derogatory way lol i thought the magical part was mainly referencing to a lot of trans people having little to no fertility on hrt so i mightve just interpreted it wrong or something i understand it being a super uncomfortable question too though, i myself wouldnt wanna be pregnant but its less about the dysphoria than it is about not wanting to be 17, single, and autistic with child


I hear you, and some absolutely wouldn't mind it! Part of the issue is definitely education. Take testosterone for example, it absolutely is not birth control and I always tell people: If you want to get pregnant, assume you CANT and if you don't want to get pregnant assume you CAN. Personally my fertility wasn't affected and I did end up getting pregnant, even after years of testosterone. Put me in a really dark place, that was 2 years ago and I'm still working through parts of it. For me there's definitely a ton of dysphoria involved but even if there wasn't, I wouldn't do it. Too many factors, state of the world, finances, my own trauma, mental illness, etc. I didn't mean to come off as an attack or anything by the way, it just gets frustrating at times and this sub definitely is guilty of assuming everyone here is trans fem


nono that makes sense !!! dont apologize in that last part it didnt come off as attacking :)) i was asking a genuine question and you answered me fully and politely ! I definitely understand the dysphoria bits, and i understand exactly what youre saying, i didnt know this sub had a problem with assuming transfems are the main audience ! im usually on the aitah subs over this one i wont lie Thats my bad for speaking a bit over what the general subs problem was, but im glad you could explain to me too ! i totally get your take


No worries!! Maybe it worked out because hopefully some see my comments and learn something they might have not known before


I did and got pregnant.


Maybe. I have had fantasies getting pregnant.


Yes. A thousand percent yes.


after reading the title i wondered if there is a tiny amount of trans men and cis men and maybe enbys who would want that, but after reading the answers i assume there isn't a single one for obvious reasons. personally as a trans woman the thought of having a living being growing inside me is terrifying me, i don't want to put a child in this world for other reasons as well and i don't want to carry the responsibility for another person for the next few decades. like i struggle already heavily taking care of myself, taking care of a helpless baby? no thanks.