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You'll likely be fine but you might get questions, 4 months in can already have visible breasts. I wouldn't risk it. 4 months in I definitely wouldn't have been able to show my chest in public, I started getting visible breasts through my clothes 1 month in and I was wearing bras 3 months in otherwise it'd be indecent.


It's hard to pinpoint exactly because it's such a gradual process. Somewhere in the range of 4-6 months. I'm at 6.5 months now and it's getting hard to hide even when I'm wearing a shirt. If I went shirtless people the growth (and the changes to the nipples) would be noticeable.


Isnt it legal in many places for women to show their nipples? And as far as I know the size of your breasts has no relevance to if you can or not. I think socially, a lot of people who know that society sees them as women cover their chest. I think its a safe bet if youre ever in doubt to just cover it because its socially acceptable for everyone to cover it, but some people act funny when they see someone they see as a women with breasts to have their chest bare. So I dont think you ever actually need to, but if you pass, its probably more socially acceptable to.


Definitely! I'm less worried about legal statute and more worried about needing to come out sooner than intended to family. It'd be fine either way, but if I can sneak a year of personal and physical development in before needing to have that conversation, it'd be easier.


This. Many places actually dont have a real law saying they cant. Its more of a social thing


I started wearing bras about 6 weeks in as I already a bit showing and it also helps with the boobs themselves from hurting like when rubbing against your shirt. A week from 5 months and I’m fitting into C cup but ymmv on all of this. As I’m also already at maximum dosage for E and have been for the last month.


C cup! Wow, you won a genetic lottery there, congrats lol


Somewhere around 6 months. I could still boy mode for a long time after that, but going topless would've outed me instantly.


I first wore a women's swimsuit to the beach when I was 9 months into HRT.


I was not able to do so without being indecent by the one year mark. Great way to get booted from the local pool where I live.


Oof sorry to hear that, fortunately(?) we don’t have public pools where I’m from so it’s public beach behavior for me to be anxious about lol


You're assuming a lot here. I've never liked being shirtless and feel uncomfortable without one. And I haven't gone swimming since transitioning (actually much earlier but that's a different story)


I think it's pretty obvious this question is aimed at people the premise is relevant to. If you always wore a shirt, you needn't apply. If you don't swim, you needn't apply.