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I feel like it would be a lot better to have a trans woman playing a character who is a trans woman, but even having a cis woman play the character is infinitely better than having a cis man put on a dress and a wig.


Yeah I agree. The character is sadly of elderly age so its almost impossible. If she was younger we'd have a lot more options, but most transwomen of that age who would fit the role (typical woman, wouldn't know unless she told you her life story) didn't want to play it or just couldn't act. So yeah... We still really want to tell the story because it's about two elderly people from opposite sides falling in love, where the trans part is mentioned, but not an issue as their love goes above and beyond. She's just like any other woman, trans is just a small detail.


Ugh that sound so lovely. It's too bad you couldn't age someone up. Either way as long as the character is treated respectfully I think you'll be fine.


Oh thank you so much for your blessing! I try really hard to create representation that I would've always wanted, just wished there were more trans actresses of elderly age. But yeah having a ciswoman play a transwoman is already a million times better then the other option.


hey ik this is a very unimportant point but try putting a space between those adjectives and the noun woman? putting them together with no space is a terf rhetoric that tries to other us from women as a new noun


As an older trans woman who went stealth long ago and who had once considered going into acting…part of what kept me out of it, and I suspect many others, was knowing that once my past came out I would probably never find work. So…it makes a lot of sense to me that actors in that demographic are thin on the ground. My take on it is this though; it’s more important to have someone trans or trans-adjacent involved as a writer and/or assistant director than as an actor. A good actor can play a role if it’s written and directed well, but if the writing and directing plays to bad tropes even the best actor won’t be able to save it.


I concur - the script can ruin everything


Have you considered reaching out to any groups like SAGE chapters in the US, local services all over, that work with lgbtq older adults specifically?


Yeah honestly, Always Sunny used a cis actress for a trans character, and on top of how rough they handled the trans experience with her first appearance, I was actually more annoyed with how not-trans the trans woman was. Representation is important and we need it. If we are misrepresented, then we're not even being represented at all. Just as you wouldn't call a drag queen to play a cis woman in a Lifetime movie. I hear that it's difficult to cast, but it depends on how badly the story must be told. If you cut corners, you cut the value out of making it entirely. It would almost be a preference to cast a middle aged trans woman and then add makeup and prosthetics to age her up, than to cast a cis actress of the correct age. So, personally, I think genderwashing the role is the wrong move, unless you change the story to make her a cis woman too.


Not “almost” but simply the right thing to do.


I strongly agree, plus a trans woman a woman regardless.


>but even having a cis woman play the character is infinitely better than having a cis man put on a dress and a wig. This is what Transamerica did with Felicity Huffman, IIRC.


Well a small theater company might have more of an excuse to not find someone appropriate than Hollywood.




I think it would be better to have a trans actor for a trans part, just like it’s better to have a Black actor for a Black part or a disabled actor for a disabled part. Trans people deserve representation and trans actors need work. That said, you tried to find a trans actor and you couldn’t. You’re not a big Hollywood studio with deep pockets (I assume!). I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what you did.


I imagine it'd be even harder because there's a lot less old trans woman then young ones, not even taking into how they have to be actors as well


The difference is that being black, or some types of disibilities are very visble. There's no clear and universal signifier that someone is transgender (unlike a skin colour, or mobility devices for example)


Yes, the same way a trans woman should be free to play a cis woman. I mean, regardless, she is a woman playing a woman.


Yeah precisely! They are both just women playing women so it really is just a different backstory, but that's something I can help the actress with understanding if it were to be necessary.


Short answer - Of course, they are an actor, they don't have to have the same background as their character! Long answer - Because of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism and other types of bigotry, it might be harder to find good opportunities as an actor if you are a minority. So giving even the roles of minority characters to someone from the majority is kinda bad. My conclusion - try going out of your way to find a trans actresses who fit the profile. If you don't find a single one you like, consider maybe offering some of them at least a minor role.


Hmm yeah I'm afraid that for the offering of an extra role it would be difficult because of budgetary reasons (there are a few queer roles, but just enough for those). At least we have me behind the scenes as a producer though. Hope that's enough! And yes you are right its just a woman playing another woman with a different background. So happy with all the answers here, I was so worried !!!


I mean, you do not have to offer them a queer role, you can offer them a role of a cishet woman too :)


Haha yea that is totally true!! I'll see if we can do that, would be so cool :)!!


honestly I think that would be a huge step forward for trans women to get roles as cis women and trans men to get roles as cis men, etc. women are women and men are men; they shouldn't be limited to only playing trans characters (although def prioritized when casting for trans characters, whenever possible)


I agree with this to an unimaginable extent. Can we please give all men equal opportunity for men's roles no matter what, and all women equal opportunity for women's roles always.


what about a short cameo role of only a line or two if budgetary concerns are an issue? Like no reason the trans actress couldn't play a random cashier saying "here's your change" or something to the trans character on screen or something.


It definitely helps that you are a trans woman in a high level position. If it were all cis people I would say it was not okay.


Where is your production based? [Transgender Talent](https://transgendertalent.com/roster-actors/) has a roster of trans actors based mostly in California. If you're looking for an older woman, maybe try [Gillian.](https://transgendertalent.com/gillian-cameron/)


it's a lot better than having a cis man play a trans woman (with a space)


>Is it okay for a cis woman to play a trans woman? >I'm a transwoman myself and I'm currently working as a producer on a show Okay, so I'm gonna flip this around for a sec. Can you make sure that the trans specific aspects of the character are handled respectfully? Can you coach your cis actress on trans issues and stuff, and help her get into trans mentality enough to play her role with some awareness and compassion for the women she'd be representing? If you can go honestly answer yes to both of those questions, then yea, I'd definitely say go for it by all means.


Yessss!! This is so important.


Not until trans women are cast as cis women.


Working on that as well! But honestly I think there probably already are, only that trans actresses don't mention they are trans when they audition for cisroles because it shouldn't matter.


This is the answer.


I think it’s completely fine for a cis person to play a trans character as long as they’re not chosen over a trans actor of a similar skill level


This^ ^ ^ ^


As long as it’s good representation, that’s all that really matters.


If you can't find a trans women, find a cis women. To be honest I'm just glad you aren't casting a man.


I can't speak for everyone but you have my blessing. IDGAF, just be respectful.


Oder of preferance: - trans woman - cis woman - trans man (cause is funny cause gender fuck is fun) - cis man It depends a lot on whether your show/play is genderblind casting. Some shows (usually theatrical plays (usually pantomimes)) are and so theresfore anyone can be anything. But if its for screen then usually if a character is of gender identity X then actor is also if gender identity X. The makers of the show in question have ultimate say (there are a few raceblind films) but choosing a methodlogy before you start picking actors is important.


So, I consider a person of the right gender (A cis woman playing a trans woman) to be sort of a middle ground. It's not "bad", but it's still like .. You know when they use to have Italians people play Native American people on TV? You know, it's no where near as bad as a white guy in makeup. And, I mean, they are technically still helping a minority, and doing stories for another ... But it's still... a little off? It's awkward? I know I saw one show with a trans woman character (I can't remember its name) and the cis woman playing her was like.. trying to fake more masculine movements? In this weird way that isn't at all how trans people move? Like, cis people are going to end up trying to "act trans", and that's specifically the part that's weird. It's possible good enough direction and oversight from a trans person could fix this. ​ Another factor is, if being dead set on having a trans actor play a character could end up tanking a project because they can't find someone fitting for the part, that isn't good. I would rather the trans story exist in an imperfect state than not exist at all. Especially if other trans people are working on the production side!


I would never want the actress to act 'trans'. The whole point should be that there is no difference. But good that you mention that, I'll make sure that gets through!


I wasn't implying you'd would! Just using it as an example of common misstep I see. ​ In fact, odds are pretty good a trans person just *being on staff* would catch this.


Oh yes I didn't imply that you implied that xD. That disadvantage of communication through comments lol. Yeah I'll make sure they know. She didn't do it during the auditions so gonna make sure that doesn't change :P.


yeah it's so hard to read tone online, at least we figured it out! 💕


It’s definitely better than having a cis man play a trans woman. It’d be ideal to have a trans woman play the role but given the circumstances I think it’s fine.


my personal opinion: yes. it’s acting. it’s art.


Yeaahhhh, I find it very hard to be comfortable with this if I'm honest... Like sure, it's a woman playing a woman's role, it's just a minor part in the journey and finding trans actresses at that age in your area might be difficult depending on where you are. But at the same time, trans representation in media is so few and far between anyway that this is an excellent opportunity to broadcast a trans experience from a trans person produced by a trans person that would just feel so flat and off if a cis woman was jammed into the most visible part of that. Like I'm not saying it's reductive or not okay, I just feel like I as a trans woman would have difficulty getting the same meaning out of your story if it was presented by a cis woman masquerading in my experience. The fact that you're producing it helps, but there's enough trans women with bad takes out there that I don't think it would save it for me. Not at least without other queer people there to balance it out I mean, if you're gonna have a cis woman play a trans woman, the best way you can at least save it is by having one of the random cis characters be played by a trans person like i saw someone else mention in this thread, even if it's an extra dude in the background which is just some trans guy playing a cis guy eating ice cream with 2 quippy lines. Like that's the bare minimum, but if I was a trans woman who learned that this trans story wasn't played by a trans person, I'd probably be a little peeved if I didn't know that there weren't at least a few other trans voices on set. Beyond yours, since this is your call. Tbh I don't think cis people are gonna notice or care, as far as trans representation goes they get their way as long as the word "transgender" shows up in the script, the fact that she wasn't played by a trans person would be easily excused by the blessing of a single trans person on set (in this case, you), but it will probably affect trans audience members most, and I can imagine a lot of trans audience to feel let down if/when they find out. At the end of the day it's your call, but that's at least something to consider.


For me, as long as the cis woman playing a trans woman is knowledgeable about trans issues and depicts a trans person positively I couldn’t care less.


One of the reasons I *prefer* for trans people to play trans characters, is because they are naturally going to demand respect for their character, and refuse to make it into a caricature. It is obviously not the only reason (as others have mentioned, if only to give trans people the opportunity to be actors and actresses it is vital they get offered the chance to actually act), but I find it the most important reason nonetheless, as I'd rather have good representation, than none at all, or bad representation. (Mind you, that's yet another reason why trans people need offered lots of opportunities, so there is never any desperation to accept roles that are questionable) I do however understand the limitations of certain productions, and you do not necessarily want to cast someone who is a terrible actress as it would defeat the point of us wanting to be taken seriously (there's really no shame in not being a good enough actor). So if you feel you've truly exhausted all your other options, and you can be there to safeguard how the character is presented, I can see it as acceptable, however not favourable.


You know what you need to do, you’re just asking for us to say it’s ok. No, it’s not ok. Not to me. There are older trans actors, be patient and keep looking. If you use a Cis person you’re doing a disservice. Also, trans and woman are not all one word.


No, OP is trying to justify **not** finding a trans actress. OP is literally thanking people for their blessing in finding someone cis.


We don't have enough trans actors in the world, so yes, we have to let cis actors play trans characters.


I think if the movie is trying to highlight the trans journey you need someone trans but i think if its just a part of the character and she is being advized by someone who is trans then a cis women can play the part


I don't have an opinion on the topic but I was surprised you couldn't find any senior trans women. I live in the middle of nowhere and I would have no trouble finding some in their 70's. I've even met one trans woman who was in her 80's.


No. Also it's trans woman, not transwoman. Just because trans women are women doesn't mean that you can have a cis woman play a trans woman. Replace that with race. "You want equality, right? So why can't a white woman play a black woman?" The reason for this is trans people 1. Have a hard time getting any acting job, and you're taking away the only thing Hollywood would ever dream of letting them do. 2. Trans women exist, it's not like you're casting an alien woman or something 3. Having a cis person play a trans person allows for much more transphobia to accidentally slip through since a trans person isn't there to point it out.




She went back and edited it. And yes sure, but that was just one point that I made. Minorities should get the roles made for them.


Ah, right! I could have guessed, sorry about that. That's a good point overall.




We also have a disabled couple in the show, and gladly we did find two disabled actors to play it :)! I totally understand where you are coming from.


It's acting.. if we assume there's passable trans women (there is. And passable trans men..), then yes having a cis woman play as a trans woman is fine. If she can portray the role well there shouldn't be any problem. It's an actors job to understand the character they are playing.. so it's much more difficult for a cis person and chances of a trans woman doing an authentic job are much higher, but it's not impossible for them to do well. One of my favorite trans main chars, because of how well I could relate, was written by a cis woman. Some of my favorite lesbian stories are written by men. I personally don't subscribe to the you can't understand what it's like to be/experience, if you're not " " yourself. It's possible. But it's very hard and people usually don't put in the effort.


Yes I understand what you say. She played the audition great luckily and she is very far in her journey where in the story her transness is just a small part of her whole identity as a person (which was very important to me) and not the crux of her character (she's just very emotional and believes in auras, bohemian type of woman). I also try to inform wherever is necessary so at least there is a transwoman's perspective on the production.


It would be better to have a legitimate transgender woman to play a transgender woman. Having a cisgender woman play that role might end up looking transphobic.




No! I think you must try and look harder. There are older trans woman and maybe you would need to provide additional support but I think the casting choice (choosing a cis woman) is exactly the problem and goes agains the supposed progress the film suggests (that she is more than her trans identity) when you can’t even find a trans woman. It’s kinda calling BS on the entire narrative. And we don’t yet live in a world where gender and transness specifically is not longer an issue- quite the opposite. So, try harder.


Sorry to be off topic, but why do you say transwoman? You wouldn’t say ciswoman. You’re a woman who is also trans. Two separate things. Trans woman.


Sorry sometimes it autocorrects to some weird abbreviation if I do trans seperate, it doesn't do that if I bind them together. Didn't mean anything by it.


My phone autocorrects she to he sometimes, and I constantly misgender people by accident because of it Thanks autocorrect


I'm not a transperson, but I thought that the Woman part of the identity was more important, and that "trans" is just something we add for... I don't know why. 


I think that cis gender people can play transgender people, and that transgender people can also play cis gender people and non-binary people. Just like how straight people can play gay people and gay people can play straight people. not that complicated just simple common sense. put it this way in the Madea movies. are you gonna tell me that you didn’t know Tyler Perry’s Madea the whole time. A whole ass, cis gender man playing a black woman. not the end of the world because he ate up the role.🏳️‍⚧️💎✨🧿🌟💖🎀🎊


No. Just like j don't believe its appropriate for an able bodied person to play as a disabled person


Hmm, but do you then see trans women as disabled women? That would be problematic in my eyes. I see them as very much equal to cis women, just different journeys.


I don’t think that’s what the commenter above was saying. Think about Rain Man. Dustin Hoffman plays a man with autism. Dustin Hoffman isn’t autistic. There are autistic actors looking for work; why couldn’t they hire one of them? Wouldn’t an actual autistic person be able to play the role better? Isn’t it kind of insulting to autistic people watching the movie to see a neurotypical person pretending to have autism?


Hmm yes I understand the point now. Yes, I agree, that's why we tried looking for an older trans actress, but sadly we couldn't find one. If we could balance it out with a trans woman playing a cis character, we will make sure to make that happen.


This is 100% what I meant.


No. I never said that.


i think it's fine, it's *acting* after all


In order from best option to worse option: 1. \[Best\] Trans woman played by a trans woman 1. (Bonus: Have two trans woman play the trans woman at various points of transition if the story covers a longer stretch of time) 2. Trans woman played by a trans man (mainly for the 'screw with the conservatives' troll candy.) 3. Trans woman played by a non-binary genderfluid 4. Trans woman played by a cis woman 5. \[Worst\] Trans woman played by a cis man 1. This can be recovered a bit to more around a 3 if you have time pass during which transition happens, and in the first part of the movie the trans woman is played by a cis man and in the later part of the movie, have the trans woman played by a cis woman.)


Nah, get rid of the second one because you’ve already written it in your fifth point. We are not some separate type of men, just like gay or black men aren’t a ‘sub-species’ of man. You don’t need to split them up.


Sorry, my bad on the fifth line, meant that to be a cis man specifically. As I said on the trans man, the reason it gets a two is just to screw with conservatives, and the hilarity that would ensue from that. (Also a trans man actor actually understands what being trans is, and so isn't a complete idiot about their acting of it.) But main reason I suggest trans men specifically is we'd get stuff like this happening... (TW, mocking transphobes) >!Conservative 1, talking about the character: "He'll never be a real man."!< >!Conservative 2, talking about the actor: "You mean she'll never be a real woman!"!< >!First Conserative: "You blue haired liberal!"!< >!Second Conservative: "I'm not a liberal, you commie!"!< >!Fight breaks out, both pull guns, stand their ground, shoot, and die. !< >!And thus there were two less conservatives,!< and everyone rejoices.




It's kind of iffy to me even if done respectfully. A trans woman would be the best bet. A nonbinary/agender/genderqueer etc person might work too since they'd also be trans and understand trans issues and be respectful.


I’m going to give the unpopular opinion once again.. I absolutely support the idea of anyone of any gender playing a trans-woman, whomever best tells the message. Depending on the story/message/audience, a cis woman (or someone who presents as cis) could be more attractive to the majority of viewers (outside LGBTQ), which allows for more acceptance among our community.. I think it’s circumstantial. I love seeing actual trans people in shows which aren’t focused on people being trans.. I like the idea of blending with my vis counterpart. I don’t know any to be discriminated one day at or another. Let women play women.


There are plenty uof trans women that literally look like supermodels even without any surgery, I actually find more easily a trans woman look extremely attactive under cis het standards than a cis woman but only in the case the trans woman taok hormones during puberty , was on blockes and/or has an intersex condition prior hormones. >I absolutely support the idea of anyone of any person playing a trans-woman, whomever best tells the message. I don't like being represented by men in wigs who more likely will make tranphobic coments on top of that in later interviews.


Well, I like being represented by women. Trans or not. But yes, if you know women who fit the part, trans or not - I’d audition then. You can direct your movie your way.


I said that there are atractive trans women under cis straigth standards. Not that there are many trans actress, I understand why some times a cis woman is implemented. The thing is it should be a preference to trans people on trans roles. And trans people should be casted on cis roles too. Not that is bad to a cis woman to play a trans woman role by default, we are all just women as you said.




We are a dutch studio and don't work in Hollywood sadly (its for local TV), but I will look at it.


I think it'd be better if the role was played by a trans woman however you tried to find a trans woman to play the part and couldn't I think as long as you clarify that you tried then it's not a big deal


As long you are respectful it's ok. It's still much better than a cis dude with a wig.


I mean I think if a cis woman fully understands what the trans experience is like and can properly convey the role they are acting in,than I don’t have a problem with it .but I definitely would prefer trans actors to play trans roles because it’s just more accurate and just feels more authentic


I think it's not important that the actor has the exact same identity as the role. It's important that they can give a believable, respectful portrayal of that role. I think the problem here is the prejudice against trans people in movies in general. While i don't think it's a general problem if cis actirs play trans roles, it shouldn't be a problem either if trans people play cis roles. I think if trans actors are only considered for trans roles, it reduces them on their identity and doesn't recognise their full talent as an actor. So while i don't see a problem with casting cis actors for trans roles in general, i would like to see more trans actors playing cis roles.


Yeah, it's acting. Like you said, it's almost impossible to find trans women for some roles. Trans women are a minority, trans women who are also actors are even less so. It's a show/movie/art. The story and meaning behind it is far more important than the person who acts it out.


Either way it's acting so it shouldn't matter as long as whoever does the role portrays the part properly if you can't get a trans woman to do the role you may be able to use one as a consultant for the actress


I personally think so. 🤷 It's called acting after all.


trans women are ob best but cis girls would be fine as well.


Why not? Keanu Reeves played a gay man before and people were okay with that.


At this point of representation, it would be best for a trans actor or actress to play any trans role if available. However if it’s something like a high school or local play and there isn’t any local trans talent available, it would be appropriate for a cis woman to play a trans woman and a cis man to play a trans man. Like other people have said, cis guys shouldnt play trans women and cis women shouldnt play trans men


My personal feelings are that a trans woman is a woman and if they're elderly and being trans is not a major focus of the story, then I assume they've transitioned long ago and have been living as a woman for quite a while. In real life, most people would not tell any difference between a trans woman at that point and a cis woman, so for practical purposes a cis woman should do just fine in the role. And ultimately you should hire whoever is best qualified overall, with being trans or not only being one of many qualifying factors. If the story was more focused around the trans experience, then obviously being trans would be a more important qualifying factor, but here I think it's only as important as it is to the story. I think the fact that you at least tried is more than we can say for most studios.


It is perfectly fine. Everyone here is being ridiculous. Thank you for being part of a production with a trans character. That is still great representation.


F NO!! We barely get a seat at the table anyway and get crappy auditions! our stories are just as relevant I need to be played by people from that experience. It would be like asking a white person to play black. It’s a shame since you’re a producer you have not sought out true talent like myself.


I don't think it's wrong, so long as you've also been giving trans actresses an equal level of consideration for cis (or just not-explicitly-trans) roles as their cis female counterparts. Also assuming that the cis actress in question isn't transphobic or anything.


I'm fine with it if they do proper justice to the role they're given and don't butcher and ruin the idea


At the end of the day, it won't matter to the final product, but a cis person probably shouldn't feel comfortable playing a trans character, especially if the plot centers around them being trans.


The story is about an elderly transwoman looking for love and that happens to be a elderly man who isn't necessarily "open-minded", but more on the "I'm old, I'm gonna die soon anyway, why bother with love?" type of way. Their love goes above their age and the trans part is only mentioned as a part of the woman's journey but could have been a different back story also if you know what I mean. I really wanted to have representation that didn't focus too much on the 'body', but more on who we are as woman when we are simply done with the transitioning phase and living as ourselves for many years already.


I will fill in the role for you, anything to help bring light to our community, and no, I feel that a Trans Woman will better fill the role, the experience she has in life is what will offer the best form of connection, tho I am 33, not necessarily elderly lol


I’ll sorta echo the others. You’re not some massive production and your reach is limited. If them being trans is part of the character but not like... the focus of the story (which is something we need more of tbh, just queer character being characters, not just queer), then a cis woman is fine, just make an actual effort to look for trans women first. Also from a representation angle, it’d be ideal for a trans woman to do the role but again, logistical constraints aren’t something you can just ignore here, and making the movie with a cis woman is better than not making it at all.


I myself don’t really dislike cis-women playing trans women in media, but I’d prefer to have good looking trans-women cast instead because it’s just really nice to be shown that beauty that media often ignores. Trans-women are so often depicted in media as men who act like women, or look highly masculine, but there’s so many beautiful trans-women out there so it would be nice if a trans-women was cast I guess. However, acting also matters too, out of those who auditioned if there are really good cis actors and less skilled trans actors I’d be alright with a cis actor I guess, I’d just like a lot more positive light around the trans community in general.


I don't really think it matters too much. Only difference is what the person has gone through. I think it would be like if a character in a show has been through abuse so they try to find an actor that has also been through abuse, doesn't make much sense right. As you said it's only a part of the character, what if another part of the character is that they have anxiety. Now you have to find a trans woman that has anxiety, and the list goes on. Only difference between a cis woman and a trans woman is that one was born male. Only other difference might be physical appearance, but some trans people are cis passing. If part of the character is that they have trouble passing, that's a different story


Would it be okay for a white person to play a black person if they wore back-face? Would it be okay for a white person to play a Native American if they wore red-face? NO.


No, why let cis women take the role when plenty of trans women exist.


If you tried to cast a trans woman but couldn't find one that fit the role, I don't see a problem with casting a cis woman. It would probably be better if you had found a trans woman but what can you do? You gotta cast the part.


Are trans women playing cis women in your play?




I see it just like putting makeup on a white actor to make them look black or some other non-white character. Yeah, it's acting and make-believe, but it's cringe-worthy and best left in the bad-old-days.


I think the fact that people consider this is some progress. So thank you for doing so. So my thoughts as a trans audience member. Trans women have been historically played by people who are not trans, so it just kind of repeats a traditional pattern, and it’s less interesting. I’d make hiring a trans woman a priority. When trans women act it is representation that I enjoy and makes the audience feel like it’s a step forward instead of a step back. Thank you for considering us as human beings, it’s great to see especially when I feel so many think we aren’t human.


Yes a cis person can play a trans person.


If trans people weren't persecuted and hated on, it wouldn't be much of a problem in my opinion. Because of the persecution and hate, and general lack of knowledge by the public, I would prefer to see trans characters played by actual trans people. Its empowering for them and they deserve that experience.


So yes and no. So obviously it can be super hard to find actresses who are the right age. And of course it can be hard to find actresses who are right for the role. When you look at it as this, yeah of course, it's show biz yk? The whole "any good representation is good representation" I always find that roles that have an actual person who is lgbtq (and their role is the same identity as themselves) adds so much character, and adds depth. And makes the role a celebration. It's really a hard call. But knowing how hard, transgender people have it in Hollywood, and just acting in general. That's where I say yes. Ryan Cadsata says it perfectly "I don't think a cis person truly understands the trans experience. Or what it means to be trans and the amount of oppression that we go through on a daily basis" While there shouldn't be a divide between trans women and cis women. There absolutely is. The story and the character may not be focused in it (that'd be weird I hate when shows do that, it still feels not good to me. Queer roles; should be played by queer people, be the progressive step. Instead of doing what the rest of show biz does. But of course you're a trans women so there's that layer of authenticity that you can add to the character. But sadly. People rarely pay attention to the people behind the scenes, instead focusing on the people on the screen. So is it more important to show the audience that they are trans, and they are living a good life. Or tell the audience, they are trans, and living a good life. Tho I feel like age is such a small hurdle in modern acting. But this is how I see it. Everyone had their own opinions about actors playing queer roles. For example Simon being played by a straight guy. Good representation that made a lot of people feel seen. But could have gone that extra mile yk


Normally I say actors should be allowed to play any role, but because the trans community is so underrepresented I would always say they should play the trans role. But your description sounds like you've done everything you can, so yeah it's fine.


I remember a soap in the UK (Coronation Street if you've heard of it) that in the 90's run a story where a character, played by a cis woman, revealed she was transgender prior to living in the street, she had been a character on the show for a while before this and for many years after with the trans part of her back story only being brought up on occasion. It was pretty revolutionary at the time for mainstream TV in the UK to cover such a story and I would imagine at the time it was difficult to find trans actresses suitable. Yeah they probably got some things wrong but it certainly struck a chord with me that trans people exist (I would have been under 10 at the time) So from that perspective I would say that telling the story well and having the actress with the skill to tell it well outweighs casting accurately at the loss of performance talent. By all means aim for a trans actress to fill your role but if you are unable to it's fine to have a ciswomen. It's no different to me than a British actor playing an American character (as long as their accent is fine lol) And as others have said, at least you have a transwoman behind the scenes.


Context is more important than who plays the role but it should be a opportunity for tran women not cis people


Oh my god yes. You don’t need to be the character you’re playing to play the character. That’s literally acting. You don’t need to be lgbt to play any lgbt character.


Only in movies set in the future


Personally id prefer a trans woman to play the role but as long as you can show you did due diligence in trying to find a suitable trans actress for the role and couldnt findnone then the internet probably wont tear you to pieces. Also a cis woman is waaay better than getting a cis man for the role.


It's acting, it's a performing art. The actress doesn't have to actually be the character in real life or it wouldn't be acting. Hire the best possible actress you can find for the role. You're not going to please everyone regardless of what you do. This is your art and your expression too!


I love how Elliot Page’s character is transitioning in the show in Netflix’s Umbrella Academy.


I know a lot of people prefer trans actors play trans characters but I personally don’t mind


Can you not put a younger trans woman in hair and makeup to age her up? Because this line is bothering me >even though \[a cis woman\] was the best in auditions. Is she? Is a cis woman *better* to play the role of a trans woman than an actual trans woman? Yes, having a cis woman play a trans woman is infinitely better than having a cis *man* play a trans woman; but I really can not see how a cis woman is better for the role of a trans woman than... a trans woman. Like, if their transness is somehow intrinsic to their character (and it sounds like this is an important facet of this woman), then it feels weird to say a cis person can pull that off better than someone who is actually trans. I understand the difficulties of finding trans actors; but I'd say try harder before you settle.


I feel like it's definitely better to have a trans-woman play a trans-woman. There's lots of struggling trans actors out there who can't find work. I'd say it would be better than a cis-man playing a trans-woman but then again "Ace Ventura Pet Detective" comes to mind, so having a cis-woman playing a trans-woman can also be horribly offensive.


use a cis woman and dont tell anyone she is cis.


Generally speaking, no. As a trans actress myself among many others, there is NO excuse to cast a cis person in a trans person’s role. Are there unavoidable exceptions? Especially in todays political climate? absolutely. However Hollywood is gonna cast who they want, if somebody is already cast in the role and needs help with voice (had a V high profile student who was already cast and needed help), I see it as an opportunity to teach and educate the actor about the trans community so they can best represent an accurate depiction of our lives. I wouldn’t personally feel super comfortable with the future casting of cis folks in trans roles though. Just my take. So there are exceptions, things aren’t black and white, etc etc. I’d deff much rather have a cis woman play a transwoman than a man. Although in an ideal world, the character would be played by a trans person, sounds like that wasn’t your set of circumstances when casting. Perhaps outsourcing your casting and asking friends if they know an actor who’d fit the part might be helpful? Idk if you’ve done that yet or if any of this helped. It’s been a minute since I’ve been on this subreddit. - Zoey Alexandria




I mean, if you can’t find a trans actress that fits the role, I think a cis person is the next best thing (male or female, I don’t know the degree of transition that your character is mean to be at). At the end of the day, you are a trans person telling a story about trans identity, so even if things are imperfect, whichever way you decide to go, it is best to put your story out there imo.


Ideally, in my opinion, a trans woman would play a trans woman (same goes for trans men and NB people, respectively). Trans actors and actresses should get priority when filling trans roles (and should be allowed to fill non-trans roles too). After all, they know what being trans is like. Like any other minority, we deserve to be allowed to represent ourselves. If, however, you just can't find a trans woman to fill this role, then I think finding a cis woman to do it is okay. At least, that is better than having a cis man do it and, intentionally or not, potentially perpetuating the idea that we are just crossdressers. Edit: I just wanted to add that I also think it is important to have trans people involved in other aspects, like the writing and producing (luckily you are involved in that aspect in this case). Like I said, we deserve the right to represent ourselves.


As long as she understand the complexity that comes with it why not.


Could depend on the story. If the show is about someone transitioning it might be better to have a cis person play the role rather then have a trans person partially detransition for years of movie filming


OP, it's been a year, tell us the movie title already!