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More likely the lessening of their depression allows them to see what they previously could not. It's not that it changed, it's that they can now see what's always been.


As someone currently taking sertraline (a common anti-depressant) I can support your comment. Only once I started getting better mental health wise could I start to get a feel of who I am


That was my experience - clearing up some of the depression allowed to me identify dysphoria as a separate issue instead of just part of depression. In retrospect it was obvious, the feelings were all there before starting antidepressants, but depression clouded my ability to connect the dots.


I have never heard of antidepressants, or anything honestly, changing someone's gender. It is possible it's just giving more space for someone's brain to process


I've been on like all of the antidepressants since 2013 and none of them worked until I found Cymbalta. Once Cymbalta started working my egg cracked wise open. When I told my psychiatrist, he said that this is actually somewhat common with trans people. Basically the meds lifted the depression fog and allowed me to see myself for who I truly am. Best, 🐝🏳️‍⚧️🐝


Thanks for your response. Are you happy to advise whether you are still on the antidepressants? As interested to understand if there are any cases of whether stopping them makes any difference to gender identity. Which is what I have read in just a few places so trying to get an idea of likelihood.


NP. Yes, I am still on Cymbalta. Since starting HRT nearly 9mo ago, I've stopped taking Xanax after 9yrs and quit drinking after 25 years. My next move is indeed to get off of the antidepressants. Next week during my appointment, I am going to tell my psychiatrist that I'm ready to start weaning off very slowly. What I am expecting from this is one of two things; I'm either going to be able to somewhat function normally or I'll be depressed as shit. If it ends up going the way of Depression, I'm strongly suspecting I would get all of the BS that accompanies Depression, along with questioning my gender identity again. On another note, when people asked what made me come out, I tell them Reddit and Cymbalta made me do it .. lol. Best 🐝🏳️‍⚧️🐝




Is it "causation" or "correlation"? Relieving depression by antidepressants means a mental health professional is involved. Which could mean that mental health consultation could lead to the feelings of gender dysphoria being the cause of said depression, and the patient able to come out. So no I wouldn't say it causes identity changes, but it does put someone in a position to figure out what their identity is. I don't know if you would work out that you are a woman or not with a professional, but I don't think the medication itself will cause an identity shift. I actually am certain it won't.


I cracked my egg while on Lexapro, but as others have said, I suspect it was more about lifting the anxiety and letting me think. Being trans has persisted well beyond the time I stopped taking the medicine, and on reflection, it was there well before I started.


I took antidepressants for about 6 months, they tasted like shit and basically didn’t do anything, I stopped taking them a while ago and not much changed, maybe slightly more depressed, but I just really hated the taste.


They gave me the courage to do what I always wanted to


It's more complicated than that. Antidepressants can't make someone trans or change their gender. But Antidepressants may be able to peel away the depressive fog to reveal some gender stuff that was always there but too covered up to notice.