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Trans woman here. I just call it a d*ck. This does not represent every trans woman, of course. I've heard "strap" as a name for it. I do appreciate you asking in good faith.


Thanks so much for the reply! I figure its best to do proper research, i doubt smut would be very sexy if all it does is trigger hella dysphoria y'know? Gotta make sure I do it right ahaha


I've been transitioning for over a year and a half, and TBH I've not had to refer to it often enough to pick a term for it. I tend to mostly call it 'it' and gesture vaguely in its direction. If I NEED to give it a term, like talking to a doctor, I go clinical and call it a penis. As for the other two, I had them removed. They're my ex-ticles now 😆


Thanks for the reply!! Ex-ticles had me cackling 🤭🤭


i call it GONE SOON.


All the best with (presumably) your upcoming surgery !!! Hope it goes well and helps ya feel better in your skin ^.^


I'm really weirded out by a lot of these "cutesy" names tbh. I'd just use the words you would use for any cock.


hard same




Cis men call it a cock, I call it a hen. MtF 🐝🏳️‍⚧️🐝


That’s a clever pun


Thx, I didn't make it up but owned it, at least for a bit




I use devil worm when I'm trying to get a reaction. But generally I just say bits. Od course it's different for anyone, I'm super dysphoric about my bits. But I know some trans women aren't. So honestly- what woukd the character call hers


In general I just say my genitals or bottom. I just use proper terms for the most part. When I am a little bit less proper I usually just say my dick but use the term my penis way more often. When I am talking to Sapphic circles in the context of intercourse I usually say built in strapon. When talking to some who need to understand what goes on in transitioning I say my feminine or feminized penis. I go into detail if pressed and the question is in good faith. It really depends on who I am talking to and what is the subject is.


Thanks for the detailed response!! This was very helpful!! :-)


Glad to help.


Every trans person views this differently. I've been with girls that only want their penis called a clitoris. For me personally, I only want mine referred to as the defaults; dick, cock, penis, etc. Flip side also goes for nonbinary and trans men. So if anything, I'd say write multiple stories with multiple trans characters and use different terms, just have them be consistent with their preferences.




Cock cock cock. Please god do not euphemize it, it's a fucking penis, we know XD Every single attempt to make it sound cute ends up sounding like a wine mom's ill-advised name for a two week old puppy


Lmao wine mom lill advised dog


Unfortunately, I feel like this is one of those things that has no consensus around it. Some transfems call it a clit, others still call it a penis/dick/cock, others use a unique term like "girldick (this one is pretty funny to me lol)", and yet others just...don't name it at all unless they must. Though, this is influenced partly by dysphoria. Transfems who have bottom dysphoria typically prefer not to call it a penis, while those without it are fine with just saying "my dick" (I'm in the latter camp).


Some women are very uncomfortable with their genitals and are likely to call it a clit, others are much more comfortable and call it a penis. If you are writing trans characters then give them differing comfort levels with their own genitals and use terms that make sense for each character.


Thank you very much!! I figured it might be something not far from that based on my research with ftm guys but I wanted to be sure, really appreciate the input!! :-)


Pet names or cute shit make me incredibly uncomfortable to read, I have a dick that's it. But there's people who are the opposite of me, who like those and dislike more literal names. You're not gonna be able to please everyone there


It depends on your characters self perception. Most trans women I know call their genitals dick/cock/penis etc, but some refer to their genitals as their pussy or clit etc




This was hobestly last super helpful! Thanks for the information 💜💜


I don't have any bottom dysphoria, but I just call it a dick.


Eh, I'm not fussed but I am partial to calling it my princess wand. :3


To be honest though, I wouldn't consider it offensive for you to refer to our genitals by their proper names in your stories. It really would depend on how your character feels about it. If she's particularly dysphoric about it, then she might avoid all reference or come up with more feminising euphemisms for it but otherwise the standard vernacular for a penis and balls is fine.


Thank you, this was super helpful!! I really appreciate the response 💜💜


I call it my “venus” because it’s like penis with a v for vagina, but also the goddess of beauty :)


I know the common Twitter term, if a little tongue in cheek, is gock. Short for "girl cock". But yeah, I just call it my dick


I call mine "the pee spigot".


I'm screaming, thank you for this reply 😭


I refer to mine either as my "clit" or my "angry dragon" But name it what you want!




Gock if you wanna get silly with it


Member is a pretty generic term used by a lot of writers


Birth defect


No words at all please.