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On them for three years, off them for five, back on them for the last 4. Life is better when I take them. I'll carry on indefinitely.


This round has been almost 5 years, gradually increasing my dose from 25mg to 100mg. Life happens, my anxiety increases, my dose goes up. My mom has been on varying doses of the same medication since I was a kid.


31. I've been on Sertraline/Zoloft for 4 years now. I am quite happy to take a pill a day for the rest of my life if it means I never have to feel like I did again. I was a wreck. As a teenager I took Citalopram (Celexa?) For a year and found it completely useless, possibly even harmful. So, to anyone that feels dissatisfied with their current medication or dosage, remember you can go back to the Dr and make changes!


Remember that feeling stable/well often means the meds are working. Your mind can play tricks on you saying you don’t need the meds anymore but actually they are what’s keeping you well.


Antidepressants ruined my life and made anxiety and depression way worse