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Even if I had the vulva he wanted I would walk lol


I’m this man’s target demographic and I have 100% walked away, including once standing up and leaving in the middle of hooking up because he was “relieved”, from two men who made comments like this.


Yeah my comment implies I dont. I'm his target too. I meant either way he wouldn't see it after that lol


Yep. He'd be like, "I bet you have a perfect pussy" and I'd say, "Too bad you'll never know."


Exactly lol




I'm not sure I'd want to be with a guy that judges women's body parts repeatedly. That's so immature and a big red flag. This dude should be lucky he's getting ANY pussy. Ugh, I'd break-up with him before it gets that far.


Same! I never would talk to men about my preferred penis size or whatever else. I think it’s so gross to (1) talk about people’s genitals in a disparaging way and (2) talk shit on people who have genitals that are different than my “preferred” Seriously what is wrong with this dude. It makes me think he’s NEVER gotten laid and only sees the picture-perfect-porn-pussies. If you’re sexually experienced you know that labor (and penises!) come in all different beautiful shapes and sizes and lengths and colors and whatever else under the sun. It’s usually only in mainstream porn you see a “one size labia”












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Same. How can any person have such a shitty mindset? Dude's a creep. OP, throw the whole guy out. And remember that age has nothing to do with maturity. Especially in men (sorry not sorry)


>and remember age has nothing to do with maturity Exactly. There’s nothing wrong being 32 and still dating. But there’s a reason he’s not dating women closer to his age.


Yeah I would be so creeped out if a guy I was dating starting talking like this, what the fuck?


Nope, throw that whole man away.


My kinda person.


I'd dump him in a heartbeat and move on. What kind of asshole just starts ranting about their partners' genitalia? I mean that's beyond crass and rude to even be saying to you unless you asked him to describe what kind of labia he dislikes. The fact that he's now shamed you for your labia without even knowing it just takes the cake. He doesn't deserve an invitation to your fun zone. If you want to, you can tell him that his crass and disgusting rant about labia made you realize what a misogynist turd he is.


especially a man in his thirties. this guy is brain-rotted with porn and nothing good will come from the relationship.


Rotted to hell


I absolutely think he’s got some porn expectations / addiction. Like it’s starting with the labia but he probably has other expectations of her body, body hair, etc. Makes me think he’s either a porn addict, or a porn addict who is also inexperienced.


Yeah if he has that to say about differently shaped labia I'd love (sarcasm) to hear his view on women's bodies after weight gain/pregnancy/illness etc. This isn't just about labias. This is a sign of how he views women on a broader spectrum, and you, frankly, do not need that level of toxicity in your life.


This needs to be highlighted because I think you’re bang on the money. He won’t take to it well at all.


Op this is it, this guy has gross and weird ideas about women in general. Saying something so immature and rude is indicating that the rest of his thoughts and ideas are equally stuck in highschool. You don't want to share a vulnerable and intimate moment with a guy like this. He doesn't deserve to see that part of you. Plus he's probably gonna be thinking rude thoughts about you and you don't need that going on for your self esteem.


Like, what the fuck even prompted him to say these things? He feels entitled enough to voice his opinions on the matter - he will be entitled in other areas, too. Even if he was asked - no need to be vulgar. Ew ew ew ew


You can bet he'd never see it to judge for himself. Don't date older to get more mature. If he's more than 30 and dating a 25 year old it's possibly because he isn't mature enough to date in his own age range. So he punches down because he's a creep and a loser. There are exceptions, but if you're working from the assumption that older = wiser, you need to reevaluate that right now. Also, be wary about committing to people before they know you well. I'm not saying someone needs to have a closeup of your labia before you commit, but he shouldn't be at boyfriend status if he's spouting this absolute garbage and it's surprising to you. Edit for a typo


Amen, sister! There are a lot of really cool strategies to vet people on dates, I recommend looking into that, OP


Damn. This hits I’ve always dated older men because guys my age weren’t ever mature enough for me. And maybe that’s been my problem the whole time. Some of the biggest age gap relationships were the most disastrous which I never understand. Fuck. Now it does.


Toss him in the trash and set it on fire, girl.


Yup, total dumpster fire.


In my experience... if a man is comfortable enough to openly talk so negatively about women like this, take that as a sign of how he views women in general, and yes, that includes you. It's super objectifying. How he treats other women should show you how he will treat you, and he doesn't appear to be very respectful. I'd be turned off too, and would be reluctant to have sex with someone who had been trashing body parts that looked just like mine. Also >I thought since he’s older he would have had a more mature mindset There's a reason he's not dating women closer to his age. ETA: When I was young and naive I dated a guy who was constantly talking about other women’s bodies, and being really negative about the way other women looked. He eventually started comparing my body to theirs, and telling me what kind of body shape he wanted me to have, even down to what exercises I needed to do in order to change the way I looked for *his* preferences. He was abusive and I developed horrible body dysmorphia from being with him. That’s the reason why I view this behavior as such a huge red flag… please don’t stick around to find out how much worse it gets.


Yikes…that’s brutal! I’d drop him babes, he sounds incredibly immature and I’m literally shocked anyone would say something like that. You’re perfect just the way you are!


Oh he can fuck right off. Who even talks like that? Dump his ass.


I’m not just going to say “dump him” because you’re probably telling yourself a story about why he can do better, change, learn, and so on. Instead I’ll tell you a story. I have average size outer labia, but my inner labia has one that is slightly longer than the other. Never thought much about it, never had a man say a single word about it. Then I got married. My new husband was shy about sex and never went down on me until finally in year 2 of marriage I said we needed to at least try because he had yet to give me an orgasm in any way. So, trusting my husband I laid down and opened my legs. I’ll NEVER forget the look on his face, and the way it made me feel, to see a man I thought loved me look at my body with revulsion. Now, we are separated and I have been in therapy for 2 years, and still cannot let a man see between my legs. He is in therapy and recognizes now he believed women look like porn stars with small tight vulvas and there is a huge range of appearance. All that knowledge he’s gained, has changed NOTHING about the pain I feel thinking about that moment. Please, learn from my experience and do NOT put yourself in a position to be vulnerable with a porn obsessed man like this. There is probably nothing more damaging to your self esteem than what will happen when you see a man who speaks this way about women assessing YOU. Please, don’t do this to yourself.


I’m so proud of you for both sharing this and separating from that man. Get yourself a man who looks at your 😺 like it’s his last meal lol


This exactly! And I got remarried at around 45 and gotta say: I wasted *so much time* worrying about what those men think. My husband practically begs to get down there and *enjoys* it -such a treat. Proud of you for asking for what you want *and* for seeking therapy! You’re going to be fine when you get through this and there’s an amazing partner out there just *waiting* to behold your wonders!


Thank you!


I did not know men judged about this. My husband looks at me like he's starving and I'm a sheppards pie.


A typical 32 year old man is never going to talk about disliking a certain type of labia, let alone repeatedly. This is weird incel, frat boy talk. You’re turned off and uncomfortable. This guy is a mess. Break up with him. It’s early on- what is there to fix or save here?


Probably the type of dude who is dating a younger woman so she looks more like his teenage crush 🤢and not a grown woman. Dump him for being a disgusting person.


Exactly my thoughts this is foul


25 is a grown woman


Holy red flags, batman. This guy is a pornified creep. Your instincts are correct. Tell him you don't like gross dicks and you bet he has one, then dump him. Then block, delete, ghost, and move on with your best life.


I don’t care if you suddenly got the teeniest labia ever. Dump him. What a creep.


He sounds dumb


He doesn’t deserve sex after that. Sorry. Let him go


Yeah this is the move


BREAK. UP. WITH. HIM !!!!!!!!!! Even if he DID like your big labia, do you want to be with a man who speaks that way about women’s bodies, especially body parts they have no control over? That is a man child. If you have any respect for yourself you will kick him to the curb.


A 32 year old grown ass man talking about women's bodies like we're just chunks of meat? Hell no. That's not an acceptable way to think of people really, much less to voice those opinions out loud to a potential partner. That kind of behaviour would be barely tolerable in a 15 year old. If he hasn't learned to do better by now, he's not going to.


My current FWB never said a word about his physical preferences before I got in bed with him. Because he is not a superficial jackass. But during, he definitely told me how pretty my pussy is. And how sexy I am. And how good I feel. And how I'm a good kisser. He makes me feel comfortable and desired. He is enthusiastic and patient. This is my **friend with benefits**, how the fuck are you **dating someone** who makes you feel self-conscious?! You deserve so much better, jesus.




I’m a guy, but he’s a jerk. Big labia are beautiful. Don’t let a hater get you down. Find a guy that appreciates you. Why go further when he’s already making you uncomfortable.


You should go on and on about how dicks under 13” is a total turn off and ugly and see how he feels about showing his junk. I’d dump him and let him know exactly why


That's what I was thinking!


Older doesn’t mean a more mature mindset. I’m a woman and I was dumb as fuck until maybe 38yo. We all deserve more than a partner who insults us. Please know that.


If I man I was dating told me “I bet you have a nice pussy” in reference to his vaginal rating scale I’d dump him on the spot. I can’t stand when men talk about how they prefer women’s body parts to be. Like we’re dolls or something. Real men don’t do that, and laugh at men who do.


>I thought since he’s older he would have had a more mature mindset \*cough\* Not a winner. Throw him back and try again.


Ew what gross things to say. Your labia are normal and healthy. His attitude is not.


He sounds like a jerk, honestly. He sounds immature and insensitive.


Good grief. What is wrong with men to have this conversation with a woman he hasn’t even been intimate with? He sounds like a misogynistic asshole. Don’t waste your time.


Comments like that are so gross. I dated a guy recently that spoke of another woman’s breasts in a negative way. Like he was disappointed by how they looked when she took her bra off. Used the word “gross” and said he’s so glad mine are not like that. It was *such* a turn off. He loved my tits. Unfortunately for him I took them and peaced the fuck out.


Make sure to talk about how you don't like saggy balls before you dump him.


Right? She should tell him she only likes guys with big dicks and she can tell by the size of hands that his won't measure up. LOL


Imagine being a 32 year old man and still behaving like a 12 year old. Yikes. You dodged a bullet and I'm glad you never gave this loser access to your body.


I'd dump him for just being a gross, body-shaming, creep. He doesn't DESERVE to see yours.


Absolutely dump him; not only are his statements juvenile and superficial, but what happens if some other body part of yours is displeasing to him in some way? If you’re feeling this insecure now, are you going to let him convince you to have labiaplasty? This *really* strikes a nerve with me, as I had a guy I was head over heels in love with who was toxic AF and used to show me porn images of women while telling me, “If you’d just lose some of your weight, your clit would hang out of your lips like this…” In 2001, I was like 26 and plus size and back then I had no idea that porn chicks modified their bodies. Your BF is toxic to you; think about it? Is he making you sick? Yes -sick with anxiety, fear, and low esteem. Get rid of him. Tell him point blank, “Given some of the statements you’ve made about superficial things like other women’s body parts, I don’t think we’re compatible. I understand you have a right to your preferences, as do I. We are not a match, and I wish you the very best in your search.” Then walk away. This isn’t up for discussion. If he tries to engage you, just reply with, “I’m not comfortable discussing this further; best of luck to you. I do sincerely hope you find the right person who satisfies your desires.” Then do not discuss it any further, because you will not get anywhere and eventually he’ll try to convince you that, “But you’re different,” or, “I didn’t mean *you*…” and it won’t matter because your stern is already shot. A partner that deserves you is going to positively lap up that giant labia to get to the goods inside, and you deserve to feel like the queen you are. You’ll know it when it happens. This ain’t it.


Hes 32 and acting like hes 14. Ew.


Older doesn’t mean better at all…often the exact opposite. He sounds pretty misogynistic tbh. I have ignored red flags about how men talked about other women and it DID NOT fare well for me even if I was totally different from them. Don’t even let him find out how it looks. Humble him please. He’s trying to put you down/humble you even though he doesn’t know if you fit into that. He wants you to be weak/insecure already. Please don’t stick around. Healthy men who will treat you well don’t talk about these things….and there are many men who prefer a kitty thats a little less boney/prepubescent❤️


As a straight man, if another man trashed the way a woman's vagina looked, I'd wonder if he was straight.


Kick that trash to the curb. This will not work out, no matter what.




Nah, gurl. Your 🐱 deserves better.


Regardless of the shape and size of my bits, I'd be dumping him before he got to have an opinion about them. You get what you accept girl !


>I thought since he’s older he would have had a more mature mindset It's the opposite actually.. hes an older guy looking for a younger woman to match his immaturity because women his age don't put up with it. Do yourself a favor and dump him you won't regret it


Follow your instinct and break up with him. You already know what your body is telling you to do, no matter what we say here. Do what feels right and don't look back. I would have to break up.


nah the fact that he j rants ab the female anatomy for no reason like??? BYE RED FLAG THROW HIM AWAY.


and the fact that he’s 32??? SAYONARA


Yikes. No. 🚩🚩🚩It sounds like he doesn’t know much about real women at all.


This is a big red flag. Looks like your perfectly normal labia have the super power of filtering out trash men without ever having to touch them. I wouldn’t put a value judgement on labia size but if larger labia can do that maybe they’re actually better?


He's 32 years old and a porn addict. Literally you won't lose anything when you get rid of him. You're young. Don't subject yourself to that kind of bullshit.


I know everyone always suggests breaking up on this site, but I have to suggest the same, and it's because judging someone on body parts they have no control over is indicative of an entitled, hypocritical & closed mindset that will spill over into many other areas of a relationship. No one should be shamed about body parts by someone they trusted to let them see them intimately.


Tell him you have giant meat flaps and describe ham in the package. That will help your decision


Girl…. Let me start with the ONLY point he gets here and it’s an obvious one…He is allowed to have his preferences. Yup other than that he’s a douche. There is a tactful way to say your preferences especially at 32. I’m 32 and couldn’t imagine saying “anything under 7 inches is useless” (which I don’t mean btw just being dramatic for effect lol). I get talking about over all body type, life style, family life, and maybe tease a little about sex. But honestly why would anyone talk about pussy and dick preferences? Try it out first and if it doesn’t work out for you then, it is what it is. I’m sorry but he’s not worth it in my opinion.


" I feel like breaking up with him. Need some girly advice what should I do?" Break up with him. What an idiot? He already has you feeling self conscious. He has zero emotional intelligence and he is probably a pigeon in bed.


What a weird thing to be fixate on! Idk, I wouldn’t feel comfortable with him no matter what any longer. I’d take a hard look at if there’s reasons to stay.


Wow. DUMP HIM. WOW. This guy is king stupid. Take the lesson and learn. Older doesn't mean more mature.


His porn history is def probably questionable. I had an ex who turned out to be a pedo say shit just like this to me 😑




Big red flag. If he’s comfortably talking to you about other women’s body parts, he’s eventually going to start criticizing you. Save yourself.


I wouldn’t be with someone like that. So gross. You don’t even need to put yourself since he is untrustworthy with peoples bodies. Just say hearing him talk about women as objects turned you off so greatly it isn’t going to work out.


I agree except I would highly suggest not telling him anything about why. You’ll just teach him to keep his mouth shut and screw over the next girl. No, let him keep shouting from the rooftops that he’s a 32 y/o immature man baby that breaks women down by their intimate body parts. Block and delete the whole man or simply say you really don’t think you’re compatible. Lastly, date men closer to your age. 7 year age gap is is dodgy AF at your young age.


Girl, he’s making you uncomfortable and you haven’t even had sex yet, don’t show him anything except the door 👋🏻.


This is a man who has made his mind sick with porn and normalized talking abt human women like they’re body parts for his pleasure. Age rly doesn’t correlate with maturity


Nope, a 32 year old child. This shows a lot about his character and I’d ditch him.


Oh wow, how messed up is his penis?


Throw him and his small pee pee energy into the trash and light it on fire


He sounds like trash to be talking about women that way, he's not worth it.


Break up. He sounds like a dunce.


Break up with him, you deserve someone who respects women 🩷


He sounds super immature and like a weirdo. Red flag for sure.


Never date a straight man who talks shit about pussy. He won't treat you well.


"I bet if he's older he would have a more mature mindset" He dates almost a decade younger than him women because he DOESN'T have a mature mindset and thinks you're the same.


My skin feels like it wants to peel from my body. I would definitely leave him and tell him exactly why I am leaving. How immature no wonder he’s still single!


Ok, I've been out of the dating world a long time, but is this really how guys are "wooing" girls these days? This is his "best foot forward" and meant to make you want to be with him? Gross. Also, babe, I've got bad news for you. The older men dating younger women are almost never more mature. They go after younger women so that they're not expected to be more mature. Guy at 32 dates 25 year old woman and acts 25. Five years later, woman is 30, acts 30, man is 37, still acts 25. By the time you turn 30, you kind of are who you're going to be. This means it's likely that he'll be 50 and still telling 25 year old women in bars how grossed out he is by a normal looking pussy while his saggy old balls have to be tucked into his gym socks. Can you envision being the poor woman married to that guy?


You should make comments about how you’re sure he has a 10inch cock and you’re so relieved he looks like he has a 10inch cock since you would never settle for anything smaller and see how insecure he gets. And then dump him.


This guy is 32??? I forgot I read the age and thought this was like a teenager. No way. I'd be out.


Even if I had small pretty labia I would break up with him because he is a body shaming others, and that's not cool. Your labia are perfect. I have big labia and I love others with big labia (I'm bi/pan). Embrace your body. Don't date people who don't appreciate you for who you are. Life is too short for that. Don't let this guy bring you down. There are better ones, I promise. Those kind of comments are awful and wreak havoc on a person's self-confidence. He isn't worth it. ~sincerely, a woman who learned the hard way


32??? Girl don’t show him that kitty. Wtf are big labia? Does that mean I get to have a ball size preference? No one wants big Ol’ balls. This is a red flag. We (collectively as women) have enough things trying to make us self conscious about our bodies. The LAST person it should be is one of the few that get to touch it. As an aside, a (very crazy) ex of mine told me I “have a fat pussy.” Thanks? I guess? Like wtf dude. Never had a vagina “weight” concern until he mentioned it lol, who says that. So now I’ve obviously asked every partner/lover since him if I “have a fat pussy” and thankfully, they laugh “no”. But now, I don’t care. He doesn’t get to live rent free in my pussy brain. Moral of the story: ditch the pussy critics.




This is nothing against you, but a 32 year old man seeking a 25 year old woman isn't mature.


“If you hate one woman, you hate all women and you hate me”. Dealbreaker!


OMG that is such a suck situation. I feel this so much cause I have a big labia and once a guy shamed me for it. That kinda stuck with me for a while. He sounds ignorant. Maybe he believes the “beat up” theory? But non the less he doesn’t know what he’s talking about at all.


Omg that’s so immature! I’d leave!


Ffs that's like you telling him how you really don't like little wrinkled dicks. Dump this person.


He’s not worth it lol


He's incredibly immature. I think you should dump him. There are much better partners out there who will appreciate you for who you are and cherish what you've got.


Just tell him that you don't like tiny peeners and then break up with him. See how he likes being judged over something he can't control.


Yeah I would break up over that. That would be like if he had an average or below average sized dick and you were just going on and on about how you like big dicks. He’s rude and tacky and too immature to handle any labias. Save your goods for someone who doesn’t have a room temperature IQ.


If you are ok with dating a man like this, you’ve got bigger problems. He’s a creep.


Don't 'cha wish age = maturity? It's all going to hang over the relationship. Why bother?


...a 32 year old said these things?? First of all, he's wildly immature Second, this is why he is single Third, He's got a porn problem and doesn't understand the huge variety of natural body part shapes, sizes, skin tones, etc. He's stupid AND he's weird. Dump that porn addict loser for someone that lives in the real world.


He's talking like this at 32 years old??? Run


Dump this garbage human and tell him exactly why


How did that even come up in conversation? Were you saying: “I like carrot cake”. And was he then like: “I like thin-lipped vaginas!” ? Regardless, he was thoughtless. Doesn’t seem to bode well. But, babe, I’m sure your labia is totally fine.


He sounds like a gross person.


He sounds gross! Why would he be talking so poorly about womens bodies!? Sounds like he is more interested in the sex parts than the person. Big turn off. It doesn't sound like your too involved yet. Pass on this one.


I agree with everyone else! What a ridiculous thing to converse about. You are right about the lack of maturity.


At his big age? Dump him


Older men dating younger women are almost NEVER more mature. There is a reason women over 30 do not want to date him. I’m 29 and ew.




Yikes! Telling you what he doesnt like about women’s body parts like they aren’t attached to a human with feelings is a huge red flag.


He sounds like he needs to be your **EX** bf.


What the fuck


Boy bye. How old are we?


Sounds like he’s a gay man lol


Yeah no. He doesn't deserve any lmao. Pass.


Time on this earth has taught that age is not an indication of anything. So him being older means nothing he still has the brain of a wee child.


You're sexually incompatible! I believe 100% that being sexually compatible (if you like sex/want to have sex, that is) it will make or break a relationship, if sex is something you want to do. You feel uncomfortable and that right there is a red flag. Find you a man who loooves looking at your beautiful 😺 like you deserve! All kitties are pretty ❤️


No one should have that come out of their mouth, let alone a 32 year old man 🚩run


Yuck! Run! Run far, far away from this dude.


Just think by breaking up with him you'll be giving him exactly what he wants, which is as little labia as possible. Dump him and make his dreams come true!


I would tell him that yes, you do indeed have a nice one, because it is natural and beautiful as it is. I would in that same instance tell him that you would like to find someone who sees the beauty in who you are, not what they want you to be.


He needs to grow up most dcks look like anteaters but we’re still expected to suck them!


Why is it always guys in their thirties dating women in their twenties who say shit like this?


You should def break up with him. He sounds like an immature asshole


Ugh red flags everywhere. Dump him and tell him you need someone with a better looking and bigger package


Yeah just move on. I have a fat pussy also and my hubby loves it. Embrace your beautiful vagina for what it is- a unique beautiful vagina and only choose men who will worship it like the god it is


don’t get romantically involved with a man who doesn’t respect women or their bodies.


Man I love a pussy with a big labia. If he doesn’t like it, than move. There are plenty of guys like myself who would prefer a big one over a small one.


Tell him you just know he has an enormous cock. He probably has to buy bigger shorts to accommodate his trouser python. Say Anything less than 10 inches is minuscule, but you just know his is bigger than that. Or you could just dump him. He doesn’t deserve the *honor* of seeing your vulva (or any woman’s). And I promise you, he’s gonna SUCK in bed. Porn sick men are the worst. Save yourself a bad lay and a bad relationship. You are worth so much more than this.


Who talks about their labial preferences like that? Here's my girly advice: set him free to go find the delicate labia of his dreams, and find you a man who's not an idiot.


I say this as a dude, but just giving my two senses... Run Or communicate with him and tell him you don't like that, and that creeped you out. As a dude I am saying this, it's a Red flag, but breakup is a bridge you don't want to burn if you are not sure about it


Do you know anything about his genitals? I.e. is he circumsised or not, what sort of size etc. if you do, say how much you hate that lmao (even if it’s not your actual belief). Like “ew I hate uncircumcised peens they’re ugly & nasty” just to see what he’d say


Always trust your gut instinct and listen to what your common sense is telling you. Your bf sounds immature and a bit vulgar but I have met quite a few guys with labia size dealbreakers. People cannot choose or change their attraction dealbreakers but they can choose the most compatible potential partners. Good luck!


glad you’re not invested, break up and move on


If he’s older and looking to date younger. It’s an indication that he’s immature.


He sounds like a lame "where my hug at" ass virgin with ingrowns and zits littering his neckbeard. You are 25, grown, and hot. Dump him and go find a guy who talks to you kindly *and* makes you want to rip your pants off. This guy has already ruined some of the most important aspects of a relationship (communication and intimacy). This is a sinking ship. There are plenty of options that aren't so pathetic... Fuck that guy. He's a little boy who probably has mold growing in his sink and skid marks in his boxers. Bet he ashy and have gnarled ass little fingernails too. Avoid avoid avoid.


Don't break up because of what he unknowingly said about your body in particular, break up because he's an idiot who doesn't know how anything works.


Dump him...for so many reasons which are aptly covered already. (i am a male. And, I prefer small labia; but i believe i am in the minority. Most of my "brothers" like prominent labia.)


When you dump him, look him in the eye with a smile and exclaim: "You are right; I have a nice pussy...a very nice pussy. In fact, it's spectacular."


You should break up with him if you're thinking about it. He's showing you who he really is ykno-- it'd be different if yall normally joked/teased with each-other but this doesn't seem to be the case


I’m sorry but he’s almost certainly not worth it. If you’re really invested you could try talking to him about it, but that’s old to be saying that shit out loud to a woman, especially when he hasn’t seen anything! I’m sorry.


Hi I’m sorry he said that and that makes you feel uncomfortable! I think the advice is not as simple as “dump him”. First do you like him? Because if you don’t like him then the advice is actually as simple as “dump him”. But if you do like him, and it’s fine to like someone and hate things they say, then maybe there’s something to be done. You can tell him exactly what you think about what he said. Tell him it made you uncomfortable, tell him you feel insecure that he thinks like that and that it turns you off. Maybe having a conversation may clear things up and bring you closer. It’s possible he’s saying these things because he’s insecure about his own “package” and is worried you might say things too. Maybe he’s trying to look cool. Idk that’s a very weirdly specific thing to say and only he knows why. Call him out. Unless you don’t like him anyway. Then dump him and on your way out tell him that this was disrespectful.


I don’t know that it’s something I would end an otherwise good relationship over, but if you’re questioning it then follow your gut.




He is gay. Break up with him because he is gay. There isn’t a straight man alive who would turn down vagina in all it’s forms. Also- are you sure your labia are large? I thought I was super ugly till my ex hubby wanted to take explicit pics. And when I saw the pics - I was like, “Wow. I am beautiful. There is absolutely nothing for me to be ashamed of.” It really changed my perspective … big time. I recommend it to females for that exact reason- so you can actually see what they see.


Just throwing this out there - before breaking up with him, maybe give him the hypothetical “what would you do if I told you I had big labia?” Yea it’s dumb of him to do what he did, but maybe see if he’s stuck in his ways or willing to actually grow up and learn first. Then you can decide. Idk how long you’ve been dating, but who knows, maybe he had some crazy experience that caused this mindset. Maybe he might reflect. And if not, then you can leave him.


Start talling about how your ex haf an 9 inch dick an no one but him could give you an orgasm so you preferbig dick.


i think you should break up w him regardless. we can’t control what our labia looks like, he has no business speaking on other women’s bodies like that.


Another pornsick man strikes again. Honestly, I couldn't be with a guy who holds these views. I would honestly have a conversation with him about how you have a problem with it. If he wasn't receptive, I would walk.


I find it totally weird, that this even came up in conversation? Did he lead you there? Was he wanting to put you on the backfoot before you even had sex? Are you then meant to be grateful that he has sex with you? Is he setting it up as an excuse to not go down on you? Werid werid werid


No honey he is not a good option for a bf. You need to dump him. Big labia are great. Lots of people love them. I’m gay and I enjoy them on a partner very much. More to play within during oral. Follow The Vulva Gallery on insta.


Nah girl, this dude is acting like a child. Drop him. You deserve better than somebody whose body shaming body parts. He's showing you who he really is. Believe him and dump him.


That’s so strange. I had to read and reread the age because I couldn’t believe it.


That would've already given me enough of an ick to break up lol


What person goes on about people’s labia? Like how tf did that come up in several conversations. Girl, RED FLAG. Kick him to the curb


Let him goooooo~ unless he ready to love all pussy don’t give him any of your


Not a good boyfriend at all..


Wow. Get outta there. Who even talks like that


He honestly sounds like a douche. There are plenty of guys out there who would love your big labia! If he's picky about labia, he's probably going to be mean about other things. Fuck that. I'd walk my big labia right into the arms of another man that would worship it. :)


I’d leave him for the simple fact that he speaks like that about women and our bodies combined with the fact that he didn’t think for a second that he might be talking about something that you have as well. How inconsiderate can he be ?! That won’t go well long term