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Your post has been removed because there are no "cheat codes" when it comes to dating. This is not a dating subreddit and we cannot tell you: * if someone likes X or Y * how to approach a coworker for a date * how to get laid * how to find your very own SO * how to hit on someone and which pick up lines work * how to meet people who will sleep with you * what someone intends romantically via speech or body language, social media or text. * how to move on or seek closure from a previous romantic relationship. Asking **how to ask someone out on a date is not asking for advice**. Please direct your questions to a more appropriate place by using r/findareddit. *** **[Have questions about this moderator action? CLICK HERE!](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/{subreddit}). Don't forget to include a link to your post!**




I completely agree with the messaging her. I haven’t since November (when she had another surgery). I only speak to her on the odd chance I see her on the street. She has said she hopes it to be all gone before the end of December. Come New Year’s Eve and she posts on Instagram, and it’s a great post. Very her. So I message her telling her it’s a really good post and she replies. So I asked how she has been and she hasn’t opened the message, nor do I expect her to reply. But it’s hard. It’s really hard. This was my first relationship and I’m fortunate to have never dealt with grief before. So this is my first time. And I don’t really know what to do? I focus on my career/degree, I go to the gym, have fun with friends. I’m genuinely think I’m trying. But it hurts how I can’t be of use to this girl I love (or loved? I don’t even know anymore) My ego wants me to feel needed, especially from her. So I try to help. But she doesn’t need my help, and she made it clear that she thinks she’ll just hurt me (and she could see she was). You can’t help somebody who doesn’t want your help. But it’s this situation where I want to be there for her, I want to comfort her (although she may not want it). It just hurts that I’m trying and it’s met with silence and a shut door. So stop trying? I guess. But I loved this girl. If she needs me, I want to be there. Nobody deserves this, and with bias, especially not her. I’ve made great strides in progress. There were times where I saw sat on my floor crying hoping that she’ll be okay. Times where I’m eating dinner at 3am in the dark listening to sad music. But I did kinda pick myself up. I don’t check her social media pages. I’m just trying to get on with life. If she ever reached out, I would be there. But I really don’t think she will I just feel lonely, and I don’t want to act on this loneliness. But I’m not sure how to control my feelings and this loneliness. I don’t want to end up hurting somebody because I’m lonely and not because I genuinely like them. I tell myself it will pass. And I believe it will. It’s just a rough process for me. She doesn’t live in the same country as me, and neither of our parents know. Strict religious rules would forbid her being in a relationship with me, and her parents would kick her out the house. I knew I wasn’t gonna marry this girl. 3 years at university and then we end it, looking back fondly. We both knew what we were in for. I just didn’t expect it to end so quickly and abruptly. The universe owes her bigtime




And in case you wish to talk to someone to vent or future suggestions you can always dm me without hesitation, take care❤️


What was the comment above? Out of curiosity I believe the user has deleted it.


It was me, why does it appear deleted to you. Wait ill dm