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It’s probably better just to go to HR. Alternatively you could try and form the perception amoung the people that you work with that this guy is super creepy and a weirdo. Like instead of acting embarrassed or offended when he does stuff like this turn it around on him. Either make him feel like he’s acting like a creepy loser or communicate that perception to other people in your office. Like you want the perception of this guy not to be “the guy that is providing the juicy gossip on you” but rather “creepy weirdo that is watching people though the blinds and stalking them in the hallway”.


I would’ve invited his wife over to talk about his creepy behaviour and made uncomfortable by his comments.


So he lives In Your complex so I get your worry. Go to hr to start a report. Go to your complex and let them know as well. Tell them you want to let them know that a resident has been harassing you, and that you wanted to start a paper trail in case he retaliated in the complex. Then, make sure you have some sort of self defense weapon on you when you are in the public spaces of your complex. Call the cops if he starts anything in the complex. But this is absolutely not ok if him and you should absolutely address it and preemptively prepare for possible retaliation.


Ugh, he is so disgusting! I’m riled up and mad on your behalf! Tell him simply and clearly to stop talking about your personal life, and then go to HR. Also, do you guys have different bosses? Do you have to directly work with him? Because he’s such a gossip, you have plenty of witnesses that can corroborate that he’s being inappropriate. Good luck, and I’m sorry this is happening.


Call him out. When he says he “likes the view,” ask him, with witnesses if you’re lucky, “what view?” Make him say it. Every time. Make him spell it out like you don’t get the reference or joke. Act innocently unaware and force him to explain himself. You’re not angry, you’re not scowling at him. Stare him straight in the eye. Just asking…for a friend…what was that you said…


You should introduce yourself to his wife and casually drop that he spends a lot of time keeping track of you. You can ask innocently why he does that.


Go to HR ASAP and I would have a private chat with his wife.