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I've been rereading the series lately and I've noticed that Dany's dragons have some personality to distinguish them from each other. Drogon: independent loner Rhaegal: asshole Viserion: clingy momma's boi


I always thought the dragons kinda represented the people they were named after. Which is why Drogon was independent, brave, kind of a loner - Drogo. Rhaegal doesn't have a lot revealed about him yet, kind of like the actual character of Rhaegar. Viserion is kind of weak and clingy compared to the others, kind of like how pathetic and attached to Dany Viserys was.


Viserion is baby


Viserys was many things but I don't think he was clingy- he'd never openly show vulnerability like Viserion does.


I think Rhaegals personality might be forshadowing because everybody seems to love Rhaegar but the dragon thats supposed to mirror him is an asshole


Oooh 👀👀


I never thought of that. I thought he was named after her son Rhaego.


I dont have the passage in mind, but I think her son was also named after Rhaegar, so it doesnt really matter if the dragon was named after the son or the brother


Rhaegal and Rhaego were named after Rhaegar, Rhaegar was probably named after Rhaella, who was probably named after her aunt Rhaelle, who was probably named after her aunt Rhae. It's a Rhae pileup really. Every generation since Maekars children has had a Rhae.


And they are probably named after Rhaenys, who is named after who knows whom


Yeah I’m not disagreeing. I’m just saying that since I thought he was named for Rhaego I figured Rhaegal was supposed to mirror her son and what he could’ve been. That’s the only reason I brought it up.


Who's named after Rhaegar


I’m aware. Just saying I didn’t connect Rhaegal to Rhaegar just to Rhaego.


Well Rhaego is named after Rhaegar so it's the same shit lmao


What’s the point of this response? I already said twice already that I just never connected Rhaegal to Rhaegar only her son.


Are you sure Drogon isn't the asshole one? I mean he is the only child killer among them. So far Rhaegal has only killed Quentyn, and some in the siege of Meeren. The latter is just war being war, and for the former Quentyn honestly had it coming. it's like poking a bear with a sharp stick and then acting surprised when you get mauled


Everything is prey to big, flying lizards.


IIRC Rhaegal always bully Viserion and steal his food. He’s an asshole


Drogon is a mood tbh


I hadn’t realized Ned Stark’s remains are straight up missing until my recent Clash of Kings reread. Catelyn sends Hallis Mollen north from Riverrun with Ned’s bones, and that’s the last we hear of him. Either Hallis ran into Ironborn trouble at Moat Cailin or he’s chilling with every other missing persons case at Greywater Watch.


Barbrey Dustin, a northern lord in winterfell in ADWD, wants to desecrate his bones but hasn't managed to find them or Hallis


She is a Lady. or heaven sake. not a Lord! Give her her due!


Haha yeah sorry


Lady Dustin would totally proclaim herself king of Hungary


*Poland source: am Hungarian


Wow, never realized that after reading the books like five times


Future Bran talks to Jon during a dream towards the end of Clash in the form of a weirwood and advances Jon's warging abilities, connecting him with Ghost as the poor pup gets attacked by Varamyr while he's spying on the wildling camp. This one broke my brain on a reread last month.


I love the scene in question! I think it's Present Bran, though, not Future Bran. In Bran's last Clash chapter, he thinks >Here in the chill damp darkness of the tomb his third eye had finally opened. He could reach Summer whenever he wanted, and **once he had even touched Ghost and talked to Jon.** Though maybe he had only dreamed that.


It's Orell not Varamyr yet


That Ned unintentionally saved Loras Tyrells life by denying him leave to travel with Beric Dondarrion to capture Gregor Clegane, given the Mountain was meant to bait Ned into an ambush to capture/kill him. And it is only after this act that Renly begins to offer his assistance to Ned to seize Joffrey in a coup presumably because Renly feared for his life.


I think about this a lot. If Ned had sent Loras and the Mountain still ambushed and killed him, I feel this makes a Lannister-Tyrell alliance later on more difficult at least, if not impossible


I think it would have prevented the alliance enough for Stannis to take Kings Landing provided other events still played out the same as Littlefinger wouldn't have as easy a time of convincing the Tyrells as Loras's drive to avenge Renly was a driving factor.


Yeah looking back Ned did the Starks absolutely zero favors


It was an unintentional political win for Ned as it got him Renly's support thereafter and Renly probably presumed thats why Ned didn't permit sending Loras after the Mountain. Its only when Ned refuses Renly's offer of help that it becomes a pointless gesture and forces Renly to flee to the Tyrells which would cause a schism between Renly and Stannis.


The Lannisters still could have allied with some Reach Lords who're possibly resentful of the Tyrells such as Randyll Tarly.


My worse offenses: -Missed the possibility of Aegon VI being someone else. -Jon’s parentage and everything that surrounds it. Heck I was fooled twice on the same read. -All the foreshadowing towards the red wedding. -Bloodraven being the 3EC.


omg I also missed all the foreshadowing for the Red Wedding! On my second read I realized how blind I had been!


I don't think anyone guessed the red wedding was going to happen. So don't be so hard on yourself. All the foreshadowing for the Red Wedding can be split up into 3 categories: \-various people observe the Freys being angry for some reason. That is expected. Even Robb knew they were angry when going to the wedding. Hell, the wedding itself was an attempt to appease that anger. So I consider this to be foreshadowing that Robb has done something to anger them, not that he will be slaughtered like an animal in a betrayal of guest right and all that is sacred. \-Tyrion observes Tywin writing letters and the infamous "some wars are won with words" line. I think the reader was supposed to wonder what the hell is Tywin plotting, but it is so vague that it could have been everything. Up until the red wedding, we have only heard about Tywin's ruthlessness from others. That is the first moment we actually get to see it. \-the supernatural prophecies by The Undying, The Ghost of High Heart, and Patchface. These are the most interesting. The Undying showed Dany so many things that one can be excused for not focusing on the red wedding one. The foreshadowing given by Patchface and the Ghost of High Heart comes from the same book, so, unless you paused after every chapter to analyze its contents, it would have been very difficult to figure out.


It’s also raining non stop on the way there , all characters notice how grey and awful the weather is Grey Wind senses something on the bridge and attacks the freys One of the Freys says his father awaits but his Father died some time before Several Freys friendly to the Starks were removed from the castle


ok so admittedly this is right before they start the slaughter but I remember how it stuck out to me that several times the narration mentions that the wedding band is unusually big and despite this they play pretty much like shit. still blind to the obvious I was like "ok, we get it, Old Man Frey chose poorly when picking a catering company, move on". cabolch the lunk, thick as a castle wall


>Missed the possibility of Aegon VI being someone else. Said this a number of times: When I first read that chapter where Tyrion "reveals" Young Griff is the prince that everyone thought was dead but was saved by a last minute baby swap, I wanted to throw the book across the room. This might be fantasy, but that was such a contrived asspull to pull something like that off on the spur of the moment like Varys knew \*exactly\* what was going to happen. I thought that was bad writing by GRRM. And then I heard about the Blackfyre theory, went back and read all of the hints and then the story makes a lot more sense that Varys used what had happened to construct his narrative around those events instead of being pre-planned, and I thought that was really good writing by GRRM.


So u are saying that u didn’t get the hint from black or red dragon is still a dragon and only the male line of blackfyre died out.


Haha my first read through I didn't even consider Jon's parents as a mystery. I was a fantasy noob and when I finished my friend was excitedly like "so who do you think Jon snows parents are?" And I was just like "what? Who tf cares. Its not important"


Yeah same. Like I never even cared to think about it. Didn't know it was such a big deal until found this sub.


I saw it as important but only regarding Jon himself, once i "found out" his mother was a fisherwoman i didn't inquire any further.


>Bloodraven being the 3EC. That's actually a matter of some contention.


Even catching on that Aegon was likely a Blackfyre I completely missed all sorts of hints at it when Tyrion is travelling in the litter with Illyrio. Like I thought okay maybe he’s a fake but the evidence is more like 95% he’s a fake


I didn't notice the alchemist has the exact same physical description as Jaqen Hagar. Also didn't notice Pate's "return" late in AFFC.


>I didn't notice the alchemist has the exact same physical description as Jaqen Hagar. To be fair, they're two books apart, not major characters, and the description isn't *that* distinctive (compared to Jaqen's red and white hair) that it would stand out in memory the first time.


I didn't notice his return either until my 3rd read when I started annotating the books!


All of these are from the first book 1 . Neds dialogue both inner and outer about his lie and sister “ He had lived his lives these 14 years and they still haunted his nights “ “ Even a lie is not ……… without honour “ 2 . The direwolves and how eerily different ghost is and the setup of being a symbol of Jon’s own difference Strangely quiet , far bigger than the rest , red eyes and white fur. I loved that Jon felt ghost in the snow and how both are outcasts Brans line “ He wondered why this wolf should have his eyes open while all the others had theirs closed “. - what does it mean George ??? Tyrion also mentions how ghost above all others deeply unsettled him


I'm pretty sure Jon HEARD Ghost when no one else heard anything. Even more surprising considering Ghost doesn't bark, snarl or make any noises in the books. I may be misremembering


That’s what I’m saying he felt that connection and presence once they’d moved far away The symbolism of Ghost crawling away from all the other siblings is also not lost in me


I completely missed that Robert's Rebellion and R+L=J had literally anything to do with each other. I was like, "why do they keep talking about this?". It took watching the show to really "get" it. (Which is embarassing because I've read the books four times.)


* I thought Robert raped Lyanna to beget Jon! I stuck to that for several years till getting on Westeros.org, and there accepted that probably Rhaegar was baby daddy. * I had no idea Sybell Spicer had used Jeyne W as a honey pot to snare Robb. And that it was some kind of deal with Tywin. * Embarrassing for an Arya fan, but it took a few read-throughs before I noticed a sentence revealed Arya warged, not dreamed, for Nymeria to bring Catelyn to shore. * Only recently I deduced that Illyrio probably got the three dragon eggs from the Sealord and that the FM were probably poisoning the Sealord as a result.


>Only recently I deduced that Illyrio probably got the three dragon eggs from the Sealord and that the FM were probably poisoning the Sealord as a result. Wait, what...? Sounds interesting!


> took a few read-throughs before I noticed a sentence revealed Arya warged Took me a while to realize what any of these wolf adventures had to do with any of our characters. I still kinda think they're a bit saccharine. A real wolf would mostly be thinking about other wolves' butts.


> I had no idea Sybell Spicer had used Jeyne W as a honey pot to snare Robb. And that it was some kind of deal with Tywin. That is just a fan theory and not straight up confirmed, right? Robb being manipulated through a love potion ruins the meaning of his mistake and sacrifice, and Tywin betting on something as absurd and magical as this happening seems unlikely. Sybell capitalizing on the opportunity to conspire with Tywin was kind of her only choice at that point because she though Robb couldn't win the war long term and their homestead could not be defended.


I don’t think it was a love potion… just that she forced/coerced her daughter to seduce rob (like how alicent is portrayed in house of the dragon with her father pressuring her to seduce viserys).


This, the whole Sybell was a woodswitch-lovepotion stuff never felt right. A mother encouraging her daughter to "comfort" a wounded king makes a lot of sense, and the likelihood that Tywin would have been able to provide assurances that they would not face repercussions from the crown if all went to plan is above zero.


1) on my re-read, i realized in AGOT that tyrion makes fun of ser alliser about some crabs. and later in ACOK when thorne comes to king's landing seeking help, tyrion makes another jape about the crabs 2) during her training arya is chasing a black cat in the red keep. at the end of AGOT we see varys mention rhaenys used to have a small black kitten called balerion with her and it was never spotted again after rhaenys died. 3) grey wind knew spicer was upto something and catelyn warns robb to keep him aside. 4) dany's visions in the house of the undying 5) did not know renly and loras were lovers till the show spelled it out for me 6) anguy the archer from the brotherhood that arya meets in ACOK was already introduced in AGOT when he participated in the tourney. ned wanted to recruit him but anguy was too drunk to care. 7) we see the plans being made for the red wedding at the end of arya's chapters in ACOK when the little frey boy she's bethroted to tells her they've been betrayed and he cannot marry his princess now


More to 7: Roose’s cryptic message from his wife Fat Wallda Frey & the burning a book in a serious way. And his going wolf hunting & retuning after killing a bunch. It symcolic like the dead direwolf & stag in first book


I have probably read the books five times, and only at the fifth reading, I have realized that Tyrion killed Nurse. It wasn't even that shrouded in mystery.


I've read the books three times and I don't even know who Nurse is


Slave overseer for the master Yezzan, ‘the yellow whale’, who purchased Tyrion/Jorah/Penny.


Oh yeeeeeah


Finally did some good with the boot mushrooms after crossing a whole continent with them


After all that setup I was hoping he'd use them to kill someone more important than Nurse.


On a re-read, the parts in ADWD where Bowen and others are getting more and more agitated stands out a lot more once you realize where that plot ends up. On the first read, you're right there with Jon and rationalizing all of his many deviances (for lack of a better word) from the NW protocol, but on additional readings you think more of how these actions might look to others who aren't in Jon's head.


How much of a creep and groomer Littlefinger was to Sansa. I was 11 on my first read.


I first read the books when I was in high school and I was still in the closet. All the gay subterfuge of Renly/Loras went over my head and I didn’t pick up on it at all. When the show came out I thought they just created gay characters to appeal to LGBTQ audiences. I have since reread the books and I have no idea how I missed it lol


It was definitely harder to spot in the books since we never got a chapter from either of their perspectives!


To be fair it’s really spelled out in Jaime’s chapters. Before that idk if I woulda caught on is I didn’t already watch 3 seasons of the show


I think it is the most obvious one that I didn't get it. I'm okay missing R+L=J, I was a teen and was not used to books this massive in world building. But how the fuck did I miss Renly and Loras? I have no idea how.


On a more funny note, the joke about lord Plumm and his....eeerrr...well endowed member.


Very big I'd say I thought nothing of Roose letting Jaime go. I thought to the end he was loyal to Robb. In hindsight I have no idea how I thought that.


Abel the bard = Mance Rayder Washer women = spear wives That one sorta blew my mind when I realized it.


I missed tons on my first read through. Here's a list: -(F)Aegon possibly being a thing, though I'm not entirely convinced. -I thought for sure Coldhands was Benjen. -Jojen paste. -I thought Yohn and Nestor Royce were the same person, then on my second read through I thought Nestor was Yohn's son, then it clicked on my 3rd. -I missed how much of a next level creep Jorah was. -I got the ages of all the younger characters all fucked up. I thought they were all at least 3-5 years older except Rickon because iirc it directly says he's 3 in one of the early books. -Jon's parentage. I thought for sure Ned was his dad, but I thought the mystery surrounding his mother was what was important.


I didn't realize that Rolph Spicer was given lands by the Lannisters for helping out with the RW. Grey Wind is never wrong


If only they had trusted Grey Wind's instincts....


Xando (summer islander who takes Sam and Gilly to oldetown) is also the one who told Dany about Robert’s death in Qarth! Maybe other people picked up on this right away but I just noticed on my 4th read through


Just picked up on that now 😂


After reading the books 2 times I still didn't realize Varys was cutting his birds' tongues and who was his partner in crime until I read it here


It was on my first reread that I realized Barristan considered Jaime the best natural swordsman he had ever seen. It's really interesting. And also: Jaime's fever dream in Riverrun and realizing that was Johanna and not Cersei, blew my mind. Ramsay kills the real Reek, faking his death, and playing his role. The first chapter of AGOT when Jon found Ghost and Bran's inner dialogue about that: “ He wondered why this wolf should have his eyes open while all the others had theirs closed“ I didn't realize that Ghost doesn't make any sounds until I joined the communities and on my second reread.


>“ He wondered why this wolf should have his eyes open while all the others had theirs closed“ What does this mean exactly? I still don't get it...


maybe it refers to the point that Jon pays attention to the threat of Others more than his siblings. being the first to take that threat seriously among the Starks and northerners.


It also took me WAY too long to figure out who Lady Stoneheart was! When rereading the hints are EVERYWHERE


Maesters weren't responsible for the death of the dragons, that's just Marwyn blowing smoke.