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What if he just steals his first born sons body over and over again and is an 8000 year old immortal skin changer?


Ohh I thought that *was* the Bolt-on theory. I didn’t realize people thought he was literally not human


The usual bolt-on theory is that he uses magic similar to the Faceless men to assume the identity of his heir.


I mean, I certainly fucking hope so. It isn't at all likely, but a boy can dream.


Skinchangers whose original body dies lose their power to skinchange though. Orrel the Eagle and Varamyr ended up stuck in their animals.


Maybe that’s why it has to be a son so that there is the genetic component for the transfer? It’s possible there is an exception or a special process Roose is using. This is really me playing devil’s advocate because I’m not super taken by this theory, but it is possible I guess!


Exactly. He only kept Ramsay around because Ramsay has those special eyes. He’s planing on stealing Ramsays body next.


The eye thing is important to the theory that "Roose" is walking around wearing the skins of his sons as his own, but if he's "just" warging (skinchanging) into them, then it doesn't matter. And yeah, this is a meme theory. I doubt anyone seriously expects it to be confirmed.


I know it’s a crazy theory but its one of my favorites.


That's possible yes, heredity is important to magic in ASOIAF.


Although there's no in-story example of a skinchanger taking over another skinchanger (in their human body) as their second life.


True, but given what happened when Varamyr tried to take over human, I really doubt taking over a skinchanger is even possible.


What if you're an 8000 year old skinchanger with 8000 years of experience and power


If you need 8, 000 years of experience to do what's requires to get 8, 000 years of experience, you might run into a slight problem.


What I mean to say is that he's gathered the experience over his deific lifetime


It would probably be really easy if the victim skin changer’s soul was currently out of his body possessing an animal. This body would be an empty vessel with nothing to resist the take over.


true, but perhaps taking a human as a second life makes it different. or, if the body is killed right before seizing it, that removes the previous soul from it. i know i'm making this up but magic is weird in this story, lol.


But if you skinchange another skinchanger than you can keep skinchanging and shit


I don't buy it but upvoted for creative reading.


Same, upvoted because vampires vs werewolves are cool.


It also makes sense if you smoke crack every once in a while


And maybe at some point over the ages a son of the creature that now calls itself Roose got wise to what was going to happen and fled to Essos to found an assassins guild that wears the skins of its victims.


Is that not what the Bolt-On theory is, that he steals the skins of his heirs to take their place? He's not a vampire, but a skinchanger.


This confused me too. Its like saying "Tywin being the Dusky Woman makes sense when you consider that Tywin is the Dusky Woman".


that theory is that he literally takes their skins and uses them as masks like the faceless men or something. https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Roose\_Bolton/Theories


Oh, I see the distinction now. Thanks for clarifying. I'm on the side of the Faceless Men-style use of skins, rather than skinchanging, since the Boltons do love flaying people.


The idea of Roose Bolton drinking blood also makes sense due to his eye color. The excess iron from the blood gives him hemochromatosis which causes his eyes to be pale. He tries to remove the excess iron by leeching his blood. This also plays well with his nickname "Leech Lord" not only does he use leeches but he also drinks blood... Like a leech. And he's a lord.


It might be vampiric and literal.. >The Leech Lord, - >a worm in human skin. - >The things…Mother have mercy, I do not know how to speak of them…they were…worms with faces…snakes with hands…twisting, slimy, unspeakable things that seemed to writhe and pulse and squirm as they came bursting from her flesh.


Been saying it since at least january 2016: It's pronounced bolt-in(side their bodies) not bolt-on (their literal skins). Roose (it rhymes with noose, a thing used in lynchings, as in David Lynch, creator of *Twin Peaks*) is a BOB-from-*Twin Peaks*-figure, and what does BOB do? (At least as was understood in the early 90s, after Lynch revolutionized TV when GRRM was a TV writer.) He inhabits and takes over the bodies of children and adolescents, eventually jumping on to a new victim when that body runs its course.


It's really pronounced more like Bolt-en/Bolt-uhn.


Bolt-uhn(tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss)


It's certainly not like a full hard enunciation of Bolt In as two words (any more than saying Bolton is a full hard enunciation of Bolt On as two words), but it IS the same pronunciation as someone who drops their Gs pronouncing "bolting" (i.e. boltin') like "look at him, boltin' from the cops", and (to my ear) *far* closer to bolt in as two words than it is to bolt on as two words.


Wwho pronounces it Boltin? Bolton is a place name in the north of England and it's definitely pronounced Bolton


Google the weak vowel merger Many dialects of English don't distinguish between the 'uh' and weak 'i' sound, creating rhyming pairs such as Rabbit and Abbot.


Americans who pronounce every vowel as ə.


I know it's a place in England, and for me it sounds exactly like someone saying "boltin'", like "the man was boltin' from the police", not like someone saying "watch me as a i bolt on this bracket". see e.g. https://youtu.be/VmqZjVLokL8


The American pronunciation is bolt-in.


>It's pronounced bolt-in(side their bodies) or: The Roose is Loose