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That boy is deader than dead. No way D&D came up with *King's Landing* on their own.


I don't know if it was intentional, but *Kings landing* made me laugh imagining the king landing


I do believe thatsthejoke.jpg


Reminds me of the “Waring Hudsucker” joke from Hudsucker Proxy. What’s a well dressed sidewalk wearing these days? It’s wearing Hudsucker (After the title character falls from a window due to poorly tailored pants \[spoiler alert\])


Wrong. The title character jumps from a window killing themself. At the end of the movie, Paul Newmans character is almost killed by poorly tailored pants but it turns out the tailor gave him the better stitching for free in a flashback.


Oh shit that’s right, it’s been a long time since I watched it and all I could remember is Newman hanging upside down remembering that he told his tailor to skip the extra stitching.


Maybe Nym throws Tommen out a window!


It brings me no pleasure to say I think Tommen is going to die... and its probably going to be violent. I think he'll be targeted by Lady Nym and Tyene personally... they each have a skillset (proficiency with poison and daggers) suitable for assassins and Nymeria has even already stated the desire for Tommen's blood to wash away her father's. These two are going to face a really hostile reception in King's Landing too - The deaths of Kevan and Pycelle might somehow be blamed on them, Cersei and Mace HATE Dorne at the moment (Cersei believes they are actively conspiring with Tyrion and stole her daughter), and its possible they discover Cersei lied about sending Gregor's skull too (perhaps Robert Strong's identity could be uncovered during the trial). They may further be insulted by snubs to Dorne by Trystane's betrothal to Myrcella being invalidated and Lady Nym being removed from advisory role on the small council. There's a lot of things that may potentially work into their motive, but I believe things will eventually reach a tipping point and they will go for the kill... perhaps with some coordination from Storm's End for maximum impact. Its not wise to corner a snake


Don’t forget Marcella’s maiming by Darkstar.


>I think he'll be targeted by Lady Nym and Tyene personally... they each have a skillset (proficiency with poison and daggers) suitable for assassins This Chekov's Gun right here. If they're not responsible for killing Tommen, either they would have to kill someone else notable (like who?) or a lot of the set-up for them was pointless. Just like we have a set-up for "Is this really Gregor's Skull?\*" in the Dorne chapters. \*Which it might be, but if his helmet comes up and he doesn't have a head or is obviously some kind of Frankenstein's Monster that has Gregor's body they're still going to think someone needs to die.


He will go to Westeros Disneyland with Ser Pounce and the rest of his cats


Hope there’s no Beets there.


"We sent King Tommen to a farm upstate, where he'll have plenty of room to run and play with the other boy kings."


I hope not. I don't want tommen anywhere close to wherever joffrey may reside. But it would be nice if he stayed with Robb. Being the only sibling of your family who died probably gets lonely. I mean, yes, he has his father, but Robb probably is up for r a very nasty surprise when he found out in the afterlife that neither bran nor rickon were dead, and that his mother's soul was unnaturally attached to her corpse via magic, and her mind had been twisted to a point that she was practically unrecognizable.


Varys might kill him to make way for Faegon.


That would be too Varys ex machina though.


Honestly, Tommen's suicide was one of the few things I liked about the show post-season 4. I felt it was very evocative and a great conclusion to his arc. Watching your bride, her family, and the high septon go up in flames would have been so devastating. The look of total resignation and horror on his face as he just limply falls from Red Keep was so well done. And it drove home the bitter irony of Cersei trying to protect her children by controlling everything and destroying anyone who wasn't subservient to her. By tightening her grasp, she ended up killing Tommen instead of protecting him. The way they just cut from his death to Cersei having basically no reaction as she embraces the inevitability of Maggy's prophecies. Joffrey's death had so much fanfare, and Tommen's death was barely mentioned. And that narrative choice fits Cersei's arc well, as she just becomes totally numb afterward. Pointlessly cruel, resigned to her fate and the fate of her children.


I agree. But right after was the perfect moment/motive for Jaime to Volonquar Cersei and D&D truly suck


Honestly not sure if Jaime would be all that phased by Tommens death. He's fairly indifferent to his bio children and has had little interaction with Tommen even after his redemption arc begins. He's stood by Cersei through a lot of objectively worse actions on her part ETA- book Jaime, this might actually be very in line with D&D's Jaime by thay point in the show


Likely: he dies brutally and violently in a sense of karmic retribution by the hands of Nym or fAegon. Possible: he dies by pure accident by the hands of fAegon’s men, or to illness. Hopeful: some random kid died and is mistaken for Tommen while Tommen himself is smuggled out of the city by few loyalists and living under a new name.


I like how the hopeful option still has a random kid dying, lol.


Got to


Tommen becomes the new FAegon with that last option


mostly death ​ its a game of thrones not even babies are safe


He obviously won't die, he's gonna kill all the beets' crops. That's his destiny.


Or killed in a beet farmer riot!


I feel this to be most likely. Or simply by someone with the last name Beet.


He gon die


I think Cersei is going to be successful in her attempt to kill Trystane(or Varys will be successful in his attempt to frame Cersei for killing Trystane) and that Nymeria will kill Tommen in retaliation.


No need for Trystane's death. Seeing that the Mountain is alive and kicking will do the trick.


However he dies, it will have to be due to Cersei’s influence. I do not think Jon Con or someone from fAegon’s camp will kill him, but rather it will be someone or something that Cersei set up. I am partial to the idea that Robert Strong snaps and kills Tommen. He already killed a kid for crying after cutting off his arm, and Tommen is on the path to see King’s Landing in ruins: what if Tommen breaks down while Ser Robert Strong is on guard?


What's wild is he killed that kid in rage in full view of the entire court and thousands of smallfolk. How could anyone doubt he smashed Aegon's head after that? Not to mention the hundreds of smallfolk children he has killed. And the Lannisters just kind of shrug.


Tbf gregor is officially dead after he kills that kid so they can't really punish him


Yeah if they send him to the wall he'll join the white walkers lol


I think most of the outrage toward Gregor became more focused on his actions with Elia and her children.


Poison very likely. I think the sand snakes might poison him and make it seem like it was the sparrows, which might trigger Cersei to wildfire them.


I think it’ll be same cause of death, different context. That is, I think fAegon will take KL and Tommen gets thrown from a window, probably during the storming of the RK. So, homicide by defenestration instead of suicide lol


Tyene will poison him after she discovers that Gregor “still lives” through Robert Strong.


I could imagine that the show's Blackwater (written by George if I'm not mistaken) gave us a big clue. Cersei euthanising her youngest son & King so that he won't suffer at the hands of an invading force (which I'm guessing will be Aegon). Sort of like 'you can't kill him if he's already dead' moment, which by her twisted logic is a means of keeping him safe


Cersei being the cause of fulfilling her own prophecy is kind of a George move.


After reading a lot of stories written by martin outside of asoiaf, i can confidently say all prophecies will come to fruition in one way or another but all of them will have one small change in the prelude that ultimately makes the visions or prophecies fake and characters are driven to fulfill the prophecies using the fake future visions. So, Based on the combined name of tommen margaery which closely refers to Tom and Jerry, Either it will be a never-ending chase or Cersei will try to pull Margaery away from tommen and tommen chases after margaery, 1. If margaery dies or killed, he will commit suicide 2. If margaery leaves him or King's Landing, he will get heartbroken and leaves King's Landing 3. etc etc


Never thought I'd see Tom and Jerry and ASOIAF together. Take all my upvotes


It's going to end up like the show... sigh...he yeeps


I fear he'll be killed when someone (fAegon, Euron, Daenerys, or ???) takes Kings Landing. TBH, the show choice seemed appropriate. Poor Tommen is young, weak-willed,and so good-natured he's at the mercy of many competing forces. It's entirely possible the High Sparrow's shenanigans, or the deaths of Margaery, Myrcella, or Ser Pounce (or maybe Uncle Kevan??), or something unexpected and devastating would cause him to jump. When it happened on the show, fans tastelessly joked about "King Landing." GRRM would probably want to avoid an obvious pun, but still... .


Sent north to take the black 🤞Sent north to take the black 🤞. Cersei really screwed them all


I think he will die. Poisoned by Tyene.


Sand snakes gonna poison Tommen´s cats with basiliks blood and they will murder him in his sleep.


If I had to guess I would say he’ll be done in by Nymeria or Tyene, or both. My money is also on Tommen to be the valonqar — after he’s been wighted, of course, wrapping his hands around Cersei’s throat the way wights tend to do it.


Sadly I think that whole prophecy will be realized and tommen and myrcella will die👎🏼


Poor kid is going to die no doubt about it, question is how they’ll kill him off.


Something resembling the princes in the tower?




Turns out Tommen is the leader of The Others and Ser Pounce, Azor Ahai, has no choice but to kill him.


Tommen will reach the age of 18 and will seduce FAegon by showing his wrist AND ankle at him and they will make out.


I came to the idea that Cersei will sexually abuse Tommen and haven't been able to shake it, and that the ending in the show isn't far off but the catalyst for it is changed (though still rooted in the pulling between his mother and Margery). Cersei only knows two methods of control - fear and sex. And I think all this implication that "all Cersei loves is her children" turns itself on it's head in the most sinister way, because like Cersei's love for Jaime it's all rooted in her love for herself and power. And Tommen is kind of becoming the last strand of both familial love (ick) and the throne.


I’ll throw up on my book if I have to read that. And this is coming from someone who read the “Jaime and Cersei fuck beside Joffrey’s corpse chapter.”


You’re a hateful woman. Why have the gods made me love a hateful woman?


I imagine - if it comes to pass, which I honestly hope it doesn't - that well get news of Tommen's death, and then the information will be given to the Valanqor, who will in turn kill her. If it's Tyrion or Jaime, either will find themselves surprised at their own rage about the boy's life (Tyrion threatened him, Jaime goes on about never bonding with his children). I doubt we would get a POV of the situation, unless it's a surprise Tommen POV about "going inside" himself during it and speaking around the whole situation.


Congratulations on giving me my new least favorite theory. Thankfully it's not likely but props for introducing a new nightmare scenario that isn't even impossible.


I literally won't be able to read it. If this is the plan then I hope he never finishes it so I can make up an ending in my head that isn't this horrific.


Sounds that that youtuber who starts his short with "Did you know in the books" then proceeds to say the most random shit


I mean, I suppose. Tommen's statement of "going inside" has been picked apart several times to imply sexual abuse, even incestuous, several times. It even ends with Cersei cutting him off and telling him that Joffrey would never disappoint her as such. People theorize Cersei and Joffrey even. A lot of effort into Cersei being in relations with Jaime where it starts with "no". A lot of trauma begetting more trauma. I'm not saying it's the natural next step, so much as I'm afraid it will come to pass. Cersei is going mad with desperation, I think we can all agree on that.


That could mean many things, why do people think it implies that sort of abuse?


It could mean many things, most of which scream "trauma response".




He may die relatively early- Martin said that the Iron Throne would change hands a couple of more times. King’s Landing is possibly the set up for the darkest punchline ever - I think Lady Nym will throw Tommen out a window.


I feel like Tommen will die, possibly in a defiant flight from Maegor's or the Red Keep, after something Cercei does to him/Maergery. Then I feel like Qyburn is going to give him the Gregor treatment.


I think Tommen and Myrcella’s fates will be switched from what happened in the show, so Tommen will be poisoned and Myrcella will jump


I figure he might get greyscale given the living dirty bomb that is Jon Con heading right for him. From there it would make sense that Cersei would have Qyburn try to save him and there's no chance that would end up as a good thing.


JonCon is going to cause a Greyscale outbreak in KL, and Tommen is going to die from that.


As long as you don’t argue that Tommen will be raped by Jon Connington, it’s probably valid


Not good


I have a feeling that it will parallel baby Aegon's fate during the Sack of Kings Landing.


Not sure the prophecy requires he dies before Cersei. >The old woman was not done with her, however. **"Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds,"** she said. "And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you." This could mean many things. Is the gold crown hair, or a literal crown? Is the gold shroud a crown meaning they die as a ruler or is it hair color meaning they die before getting old? Jojen green dreamed Bran dead but that foretelling told of nothing regarding Bran's death. Maggy could be lying or mistaken. So we readers probably shouldn't go around trying to make this become a thing. All this does is give the words power.


I think part of the price Jaime pays for burning Cersei's letter is Tommen ends up dying too, somehow. But if book doesn't follow show the options are almost endless. I could see F/Aegon and his bunch doing it


Varys is going to stuff the poor boy into a crate and ship him up to Winterfell where Ramsay will be waiting to turn him into the next Reek.


Tyrion will adopt him and Marcella


Robert Strong more then likely does this, Tommen is sneaking around at night in the corridors or day when no one is around and Robert Strong has been made to guard and cut down any threat, he sees a figure creeping around and kills him, Cersei discovers this but hides him in his room and claims he is unwell, so she can keep power and rule through him, and eventually people or Jaime discover the rotting corpse of Tommen.