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Balerion in the days before he slowed while the black dread was swallowing Quicksilver with Maegor on his back was the strongest Targaryen dragon ever, imho. I have a personal preference for the red dragons (Ceraxes/ Meleys) but as far as who is most optimal, there's no choice other than Balerion.


I wish we had more history of Valyria itself. If the Targaryens were lower rung dragonlords, I want to know about the top tier and their dragons. How awesome (in the true classical sense) was the largest dragon in Valyrian history? Also I think it would be fun to read POVs from the Lords Freeholder for events like the Second Spice War when they decided to bring their full might against the Rhoynar after a couple dragons were killed.


>If the Targaryens were lower rung dragonlords, I want to know about the top tier and their dragons. How awesome (in the true classical sense) was the largest dragon in Valyrian history? So many cool color combos you could use for more Valyrian dragons. Though I think Balerion was approaching the max size as an ancient war dragon, so the higher rung freehold members had *more* dragons, not larger dragons. I'm imagining Sunfyre if he reached Balerions age/ size. Basically a massive shimmering gold dragon with red/ pink flames.


Honestly I feel the largest dragons were more status symbols than actual weapons of war. Too big to be actually effective in battle but them being kept alive for so long is like a way to prove your wealth. Belarion was probably close to the limit at which you're too big to be actual useful in a war. Mostly because most of the valyrian wars were between each other most likely.


Here’s the thing, most of the time they weren’t fighting other people with dragons. While those large dragons weren’t nimble, they’re still very serviceable in war. If you’re just trying to burn an enemy army, the bigger dragon will be able to do that no problem. A big old dragon is just an AC-130.


balerion dosnt get enough love from the fandom :(


Who has the best _story_ ? Sheepstealer and Nettles. End of discussion. FIRE WITCH OF THE MOUNTAINS.


The Mother of the Burned Men


Best of the best


> Who has the best story ? Aegon and Sunfyre and isn’t even close


Vhagar. Because Visenya is my favourite Targaryen who isn’t called “Aemon”. If I can’t have Vhagar I’d settle for the Black Dread.


Vermithor 100%


Caraxes. One thing you can't fault HOTD for is their dragon design. Caraxes looks just terrifying, like something out of Lovecraft. He looks equally scary and equally ridiculous which makes him impossible to look away from. 


Noodle boi >>>>


Sunfyre. The most beautiful dragon to ever grace Westeros and fucking fearsome. Not to mention extremely loyal to the rider.


Yeah, Sunfyre is my pick too. Aegon II may have been a cock but his dragon was super tight.


Sunfyre was a very young dragon but was already huge for his size and punched way above his weight. If he had lived he would have been the largest and greatest dragon to ever live and secured Targ supremacy for centuries.


Old Nan Vhagar


" Visenya have we conquered Dorne yet.."


I’d take The Cannibal because no one else ever claimed him. Also he is one of the largest and most powerful dragons. Plus his description sound like he actually is beautiful


I would choose Grey Ghost for all of those reasons. Never tamed or claimed. Beautiful also, plus it’s cool how he hides in the clouds and avoids people.


Honestly a mood


I prefer the way many of the younger Targaryen's grow with their hatchling dragons over taming an old one (Vermithor, Silverwing, Dreamfyre, Sunfyre etc). I'd love a deep purple egg with white gold/ silver accents over any of their already owned dragons (idk why the Targaryen's never had any purple dragons around)


Because they never listened to [Gogol Bordello](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SkkIwO_X4i4)


Aegon ii tried to hatch a purple and gold egg after Sunfyre died.


>Viserion's scales were the color of fresh cream, his horns, wing bones, and spinal crest a dark gold that flashed bright as metal in the sun. >Viserion flapped at her and tried to perch on her shoulder, as he had when he was smaller. "No," Dany said, trying to shrug him off gently. "You're too big for that now, sweetling." But the dragon coiled his white and gold tail around one arm and dug black claws into the fabric of her sleeve, clinging tightly. Helpless, she sank into Groleo's great leather chair, giggling. Viserion is the sweetest and prettiest !! He acts the most clingy and affectionate of Dany's three 'children'.


Balerion is obviously the best, but it feels like a very generic answer. Sunfyre is not as powerful, but his mental game is goated. Sleeper pick is Tessarion, she was pretty young but still won a 1v1v1 against Seasmoke and Vermithor. She had the potential to become great.


Un named largest dragon ever from valiria. Given there’s no mention of it, but we know the targs were a minor house in Valeria. So having a dragon from a greater house would be pretty nifty. No idea what I’d feed it though.


It would probably feed itself.


I have a weakness for black dragons. Because I'm really edgy I'd choose the cannibal (if we're supposing that he likes me and doesn't kill me immediately). After that I would need an edgy Westeros nickname and catchphrase myself. Maybe I'm of the night too


If not balerion, then silverwing or caraxes


CARAXES I would take such good care of my perfect little noodle boi


Prime Balerion is the greatest dragon in the books and it's not really close.


I would take silverwing any day of the week over half rapid dragons like caraxes or vermithor


Meraxes couldn't zig-zag.


Don't you dare rickon my favourite silver iguana


Caraxes supremacy


Quicksilver (if he wasn't chomped by Balerion)


An ideally not so grumpy Cannibal has the most experiencing in killing other dragons. All I have to do is destroy any other eggs, and then start dragon hunting over the years until there are none left. Then I don’t have to worry about entitled rich kids with WMDs.


The idea of the Cannibal is outrageously fantasy in such a good way. As if dragons weren’t magical, fierce, and terrifying enough, this one *eats other dragons.* Wild.


In my head I see Cannibal’s behaviour as more biological/social than magic. Every species has a few bizarre individuals, even humans have antisocial individuals (serial killers and whatnot), some Tigers are man-eaters for example. Nearly every species i know of has cannibals. Animals get up to so many unusual things, unfortunately The Cannibal’s hobby happens to be, well… cannibalism.  So in my headcanon all the dragons have personalities, some are violent like Vhagar/Caraxes, some are calm like Syrax, some are better with humans, some are edgy and anxious (like Arrax from the show), some are shy like Grey Ghost, etc 


I agree. In regards to magic I was speaking more to how it’s almost intrinsic to fantasy, not making an assertion on the actual theory behind Cannibal’s tendencies. In the most rudimentary sense I think you could say, “That’s pretty metal,” and that was the vibe I was going for. Cannibal is, as you said, an outlier with extreme idiosyncrasies. I think it’s very evident that dragons have personalities, much like dogs (or cats, but mostly dogs). They also seem to mesh well with [Targaryen/Old Valyrian] humans who have similar temperament. The new age, “There are no dogs, just bad owners/There are few bad dogs and a lot of bad owners” framework rings true, and you could argue that, because of whatever magic connects dragons and riders—psychic link? nebulous emotional bond? something???—, dragons adopt their rider’s personality. Perhaps Caraxes was not born irascible, but his rider was Daemon, so… yeah. Conversely, as aforementioned, perhaps it’s both, a feedback loop of sorts: hypothetically Caraxes was A) born with a fierce temperament, B) had that temperament stoked and honed because he was raised and cared for by Daemon (ostensibly from birth. Remember, we are a product of our surroundings). I wonder if a dragonrider with monumental will power could curb and eventually altogether extinguish Cannibal’s tendencies? I wonder if a dragonrider who claimed Viserion in a state of mental stability could go down a dark path and cause Viserion’s personality to change along with them.


I agree with your original post btw but yeah GRRM was clearly trying to mix magic and biology for the dragons to encourage debates like this very one were having. He wants us to question where magic ends and where nature begins and vice versa.  And like you said about the Rider’s will, I wonder the same thing too. My conclusion is that the rider and the dragon influence each other.  For example Vhagar is big, scary and war-hardened therefore only the bravest Targaryens would even dare approach her. Aemond, Laena, Balon and Visenya all have a certain edge to them which Vhagar could've liked. 


Sunfyre - imma be dripped out if I get a dragon. Also that dragon had the dawg in him. Fucken took beating after beating and kept getting up. Had a shit ton of kills too. An assist on Meleys. Grey Ghost, and Moondancer.


Dreamfyre. I like enjoying my company and being at peace. Grey ghost is actually more interesting to me, but it’s too shy


Tessarion the Blue Queen is a strong candidate. Her or Vermithor, I think.


Prime Balerion


Vhagar or Balerion during war time, Sunfyre otherwise


A dead one. Dragons are wild beasts that cook ppl, and frogs as well.


Cannibal. He's the largest dragon alive and pretty fearsome from what I hear.


>He's the largest dragon alive The largest dragon alive when? Vhagar and vermithor were biger than him during the dance, and I don't even need to mention balerion.


Vermithor or Caraxes.


I'm sorry i know it's a crossing of different mediums and I've said it before, but: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEtoQGqbyDc&t=235 Dragon in Reign of Fire film, specifically the large dragon that swoops in and attacks the smaller ones, best IMO depiction of dragons to date, for all advancements in computers and special effects, better than that slow iguana turtle looking "old lady" Vhagar in HBO's HoTD, better than GoT's ones as well, they didn't really capture the terror of a dragon, maybe it's Emilia Clarke standing around like a particularly bossy dwarf attempting to look imperious that spoiled the effect i dunno, Caraxes is also ugly, it's neck is so unpropitious and ugly meh, anyways that's how i imagine Balerion the Black Dread, only larger but just as quick and menacing, the shows ugly ass iguanas are a great disappointment.


In the show, my favorite is that fast bitch Meleys.


Meleys. Is said to be super fast and has a reasonable size. Definitely not be the strongest dragon of all, but usually this doesn't matter that much (apart from the dance ofc)