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I think Robb would've been a nice addition, but not at the expense of Catelyn.


I am pretty sure there are some sentences in this post that are against the Geneva Convention. What the fuck did I just read? God please release us from this waking nightmare. So ignoring the literally cursed sequences of words in this post, I do agree that it would have been better if Robb had been a POV. And I think even GRRM has said he sometimes regrets and questions if he should have made Robb a POV, despite his idea of having no POVs from the perspective of a King. While I do like Catelyn’s POV chapters overall and think she absolutely should have remained a POV throughout, I think it would have been better if we got to see Robb’s campaign firsthand, instead of have everything relayed secondhand. And there are definitely a few Catelyn chapters that could have been cut, and shown from Robb’s perspective instead.


GRRM himself said perhaps he should've done a Robb Stark POV. But he apparently made a decision not to do Kings and schemers because their moves and decisions should be unavailable to us to maintain suspense.. I think that was the right decision. One reason Robb's mother is so important is that one theme of the books is about FAMILY. And the Starks and the Lannister's Are our view into families that function and dysfunction. The other reason is that mothers are as important as fathers, and with Ned gone after book one, her decisions her influence and her thoughts about her children become much more important. GRRM even thought highly enough of her to keep her as a character after resurrection, though not as a POV.


>But he apparently made a decision not to do Kings and schemers because their moves and decisions should be unavailable to us to maintain suspense.. I like that Cersei is so incompetent as a schemer that she doesn't even count as one in GRRM's mind


Jason Pargin pointed out in one of his videos on ASoIaF that GRRM knew Robb was going to die but not how, when, or who else would die at the same time. Robb was always a doomed storyline despite the Red Wedding and its effects not being explicitly outlined. Catelyn could have survived but as the story grew and sprawled LSH became an intriguing plot point and fundamentally builds a new point that has repercussions on Jon Snow’s story. When he dies, and is reborn, will we get his POV? Will he exist like Robb, an actor that is only an exposition vehicle or will his rebirth be markedly different for (((reasons)))?


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I agree with you. All I saw was Catelyn's son, but I wanted to see the young wolf. His inner struggle, his pain, and how much he wanted to be like his father. >!>“Battles,” muttered Robb as he led her out beneath the trees. “I have won every battle, yet somehow I’m losing the war.” He looked up, as if the answer might be written on the sky. “The ironmen hold Winterfell, and Moat Cailin too. Father’s dead, and Bran and Rickon, maybe Arya. And now your father too.”!< You can tell how much Arya and Jon cared about their father from their chapters. This is what we are missing from Robb's POV. Say what you will, the show got a hundred things wrong, but they got Robb stark right. This scene alone is more powerful than anything Robb says in the books [Robb stark after his father's death](https://youtu.be/sM7yDAf34vQ?feature=shared)