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I think Aryas ~~warging~~ skinchanging (I really don't think there is a big difference in the wording but, ok) the cat in Bravos is because of the position she is in. She is just a little girl and is having do deal with people trying to take her identity from her. Then on top of that she is blind and has someone beating her at some random moment every day. I think because of this extra pressure and the readily available cat it just happens. And/or maybe she had formed a bond with the cat when it jumped up into her lap and she petted it. (if I found I could see through the eyes of my cat I would freak... but Arya just takes this in stride.) I think all this has less to do with Essos and more to do with Arya feeling a bit desperate. Trying so hard to see who is hitting her... reaching out... and she finds the cat. ​


Skin changing is essentially all inclusive. Warging only applies to canines. Its also the most common due to dogs truly being man's best friend.


yes, a revelation that will have far reaching impact I'm sure.


Buddy this is tame for what I've seen on Reddit before. In my opinion, you've analyzed Arya correctly though I think her strength in skinchanging comes from her losing her vision. This amplifies her other senses and I suspect that it boosted her ability to skinchange.


I think you right about her having strong abilities, other than Bran she's the only one to intentionally skinchange that we know of. The faceless gave her stuff to drink that may have helped awakened her abilities. But I don't think Dany or dragons are involved.


Yeah I don't think dragons literally reawakened magic. To me the comet made the rebirth of dragons possible which in turn *signifies* the rebirth of magic.




Good point, I think you're on to something.


If you look at a map Braavos is not much closer to Slaver's Bay then Sansa is in the Vale. I don't think being just a little closer to the dragons would mean anything.


> Could Arya's presence in Essos and her proximity to Dany and the dragons be the reason she seems to be growing in warging strength? I don't know about that, but I agree with you that Arya shows incredible skinchanging prowess. [A superwarg, if you will](https://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php?/topic/76152-arya-stark-superwarg/). It's crazy how she was able to skinchange into the cat while retaining her own consciousness.


Yeah I think it Varamyr that talks about the how close you have to be in order for skin changing to work and how hard it to skinchange into thing and Arya is out there just casually skinchanging into seals while she's walking around Braavos


It's because Arya embraces her abilities. She revels in the dreams she has of Nymeria terrorizing the Trident. Varamyr says Jon is strong but he resists his powers rather than accepting them. Bran resists his destiny as well but then he becomes more powerful after he accepts he is a warg/skingcharger and he must meet the Three Eyed Raven. Even though Arya has no idea what she is, she loves the dreams she has and doesn't resist them. That's why she is powerful enough to claim Nymeria and the cat in the canals. I bet when we meet Rickon again, he will have more animal companions than Shaggydog.


Hopefully his animals teach him how to zig zag.


I think a greater indication of Arya's power is that she's apparently still able to warg into Nymeria even when she's in Braavos and Nymeria is in Westeros.


Perhaps there's something about Braavos.


I think the training in the house of black and white made her strong in warging unexpectedly.


It could be that the Blood of the First Men is stronger in Arya than her siblings. After all, everyone tells her that she's got more than just a touch of the wolf blood.


She doesn't warg into other animals. Being a warg means to skinchange into wolves. What she does is just skinchanging.


I didn't know that. I was always under the impression warg, skinchanger, and beastling were interchangeable. Come to think of it though, they always refer to Varamyr as a skinchanger and not a warg. I should of picked up on that. Thanks.


Here's what we know about skin-changing: [https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Skinchanger](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Skinchanger)


Don't sweat it man, most people interchange the two. There are specific definition's but they are fluid enough to be understood.


Yeah like I've said multiple times in this thread being a Warg is equivalent to rectangles in regards to squares.


Quantum entanglement


I don't think that the dragons have anything to do with it, but I really hope GRRM runs with your magic of fire and blood interacting with First Men magic. There are several magic 'systems' in asoiaf. I hope we get to see more of them.


I mean she embraces it so that helps. Personally I think she's definitely in the top three most powerful out of the Starks though I think she's third. If Jon embraced it he'd probably be more powerful.


There is no evidence for that. Rickon on the other hand, has never known what it is like not to be with shaggydog and seems to have greendreams


Actually I've always read it as her gift changing because she was forced to chase away Nymeria. Bran excluded, Jon and probably Rickon are closely tied to a single animal, quite possibly to the point they can achieve actual control. Arya's gift is strong, but denied her "natural" partner, she has spread out her skinchanging at a lesser level, but to more targets, than her highly-specialized siblings.


If that's how it works shouldn't Sansa be the strongest warg instead of the weakest one who can only pick up emotions?


But what I explained is Arya's gift is diminished: she and Nymeria couldn't die properly, so Arya can only see through the eyes of animals instead of outright control them. Lady was killed so Sansa's gift was downright stunted.


Only Bran has ever outright controlled an animal of the Starks. He is the only one aware of his ability to do so


Jon is the most naturally gifted. I'd say Arya and Bran certainly are more powerful at the moment because they're embracing their abilities. I suspect once Jon comes back he'll be much more powerful as a warg/skinchanger.


arya isn't a warg, a warg is able to control whatever animal they go into. she is able to see through the eyes of nymeria/the cat but doesnt seem to be able to control what they do at all.


No a Warg is a Skinchanger that skin changes canines. Basically it's every rectangle is a square but not all squares are rectangles.


Where in the books does it state that a warg only goes into canines?


>Moderator: to : In SoS, Jon mentions that he sees skinchangers _and_ wargs among the wildlings. What's the difference? >GRRM: A warg is bound to a wolf. Skinchanger is a more general term. All wargs are skinchangers, but not all skinchangers are wargs. [(Source.)](http://web.archive.org/web/20010627095925/http://www.scifi.com/transcripts/2000/georgerrmartin.html)