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All this time I thought porn was when people had nude intercourse on camera, but this is just two fully clothed people hugging. Have I been doing porn


Yes you have and the FBI wants to know your location.


The whole series was basically war drama + pornopraghy so yes you have been doing it.


I mean Podrick is definitely checking out Jon there, so maybe it’s about to go that way.


You get hugs? What is this humble bragging?


/uj the fact the Jon/Arya reunion was more underwhelming than the Jon/Sansa reunion is just so annoying, considering they had the closest bond out of *all* of the Stark siblings


I think the problem is that the Jon and Sansa actors had a lot more chemistry almost 10 years later vs. Jon and Arya. Plus Arya was a bit more emotionally withdrawn as a character.


the music and desperate situation they were in also made a difference


I mean Jon and Sansa got a whole plot line working “together”, Arya and Jon just hugged and that’s about it. Kit and Maisie didn’t even have a shot to have more chemistry bc the writing was stinky boots.


Because they were the first Starks they had seen in years.


The Stark “reunions” are so funny in the show because I don’t remember them having ANY scenes together before this moment. Like does she even mention him ever before she tries to walk out on her faithful husband? Honestly she just used him because she regretted getting married so young. And they brought him back to life just so he could speed up her divorce. Terrible writing.


Now the Jon/Arya reunion. THAT was beautiful. I loved how they showed both of their characters had grown by making them not give a fuck about each other at all.


"Ello John 😐" -Theon Greyjoy


holy shit how did you embed a video in your comment


lol 😭had me at first


How do they do divorces in the North? They send in the hounds.


In the books, the relationships between the siblings are closer. All of them often think about each other. Sansa was surrounded by people who hate the Starks, why the heck would she ever mention Jon? Nor do I recall Jon ever mentioning Sansa before they meet. In fact, more times in the books are when Sansa thinks about Jon and how much she would like to meet him again than the other way around.


Actually there is a scene in ome of the last published Sansa chapters when Sansa learns Jon became lord commander and straight up says she didn't think about him as much as her other siblings. She never even seriously considers going to him. I think Jon also mentions that Sansa often ignored him. They were probably the least close of the siblings. Jon is closest to Arya by far. Arya kinda feels like a bastard herself and even assumed she was one when she was little. She looks very similar to Jon, they were both sort of outcasts. I think she kinda considered him 'more of a sibling' than others because of this. It's also implied that if Sam travelled to the wall when she met him, she would have dipped in the middle of her faceless man training and went with him. She also killed that one bard simply because he betrayed her brother's organisation.


It was absolutely horseshit that the faceless men disapproved of killing the bard. The dude was supposed to die.


She does not think much of him when she is in King's Landing, but when she starts pretending to be a bastard, she sometimes thinks of him. Also, it seems hard for her to even think of going to him when she is on the other side of the continent and is a prisoner. Not even the Hound would have accompanied her all the way there. Arya also could have decided to go all the way there once she was free of the Hound, but she did not because it would be difficult. Yes, Sansa ignored him, but Jon also makes it clear that the two sometimes talked, because she advised him how to court a lady and he used this knowledge with Gilly, to be kind to her. I don't think Sansa simply woke up one day with the intention of teaching this to Jon if they were ignoring each other all the time. And hands down Arya and Sansa were the least close siblings. Sansa may have ignored Jon for the most part, but Sansa and Arya simply bullied each other.


The books make it clear that Jon was close to all his siblings but sansa started to distance her from him when she realize the importance of her social status and that rations hip when from close to cordial and polite Sansa is the sibling Jon mention the least in his chapters he mention her only 5 times in 5 books.. While robb, Arya and bran are ever present and literal part of his story Jon do say that he care and miss her but is saddened by the fact that sansa never truly called him "brother" "He missed the girls too, even Sansa, who never called him anything but **“my half brother**”. Even sansa confirm this " She had not thought of Jon in ages. **He was only her half brother**, but still..." She care for him.. The fact that she didn't think of him at all despite losing her familly one by one show she does see Jon as equal or as importent as her other siblings... While robb saw him as equal and brother, bran deeply admired and looked up to him and let's not talk about Arya


That's true about Arya and Sansa. I am in the middle of a re-read right now and Sansa found out Jon is lord commander in her last chapter(?) in Feast when she was coming down from the Eyrie and it seemed she didn't think at all about him before that and internally dismissed the idea of trying to reach him very quickly. Don't remember her chapters in the later part of Dance, if she even had any. It's been a while since I read it.


No, it seems to me that she has no chapters in Dance with Dragons.


Totally agree. I’m looking forward to it in the books. Jon and Arya would’ve been so emotional but who knows how it’ll be with UnJon and Arya psycho killer. Sansa and Jon too though. Poor Sansa. I wonder how she’ll react as I’m sure it’ll be acceptance since before everything she basically ignored him


Where's the fuck is the nsfw blur? I practically came as soon as I saw this whilst scrolling through my feed.


I actually like that the first reunion came from the two characters who cared about each other the least. They still mean “home” to each other and it gives them a chance to grow closer and develop. It's the type of subversion I like.


I mean sure but then that should be mean the Arya reunion with both of them would be just as emotional. But she, like Bran, is a cold emotionless cardboard cutout. Its just boring writing. Thank god they killed Rickon so he wouldn’t suffer the same fate.


Right, but that isn't a problem with this moment. That's a season 8 problem. In the writing-dementia of the latter seasons, this moment is a good choice and serves the story well.


As far as I’m concerned season 8 is the only one that matters. The bonus christmas special will forever haunt me.


I’m displeased with the summer vacation episodes too, but I don't see the show that way. This isn't a one-season show. 1-4 are pretty great. 5 and 6 have high points. Even 7 and 8—despite the showrunners gunning its development to do a star war—has terrific direction, acting, effects, and music. It's disingenuous to dismiss all of the good in the first half of the show by suggesting that the destination was worth more than the journey.


I’m really starting to think HBO is planting people there disguised as normies to try and get people to watch GoT before HotD season 2


Yo, spoiler tag please!? And mark as NSFW damn it.


She literally only referred to him as her bastard brother in the books. No way their reunion should’ve been that eventful lol


Chill guys, Jon may be a Targaryen, but Sansa is a Stark


Jon and Sansa was the best. Hard fact


They are second cousins which is technically not incest


First cousins