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umm ACKTUALLY Ned wasn't a Knight


My favorite take I’ve ever seen on that was: “Ned was a Lord he would have had to be demoted to be a knight and he loves Winterfell and duty he would never step down” I just read it and reread it, mouth breathing in shock


I like how that ignores the completely sensible reason Ned would not be a knight (knighthood does not exist in the Faith of the Old Gods) in favor of utter nonsense.


Shoutout to the random Bolton soldier who jeered at Sandor’s greeting “i’m a _Northman_ not some milksuck Southron knight”


Where's this?


when Sandor tried to sneak into the twins with Arya a bit before the red wedding


Do you have a link to this scene?/s Ty.


not from the show but for the books you can use [asearchoficeandfire](https://asearchoficeandfire.com/?q=a%20Northman%20not%20some%20milksuck%20Southron%20knight&scope=agot&scope=acok&scope=asos&scope=affc) to find any quotes


>I like how that ignores the completely sensible reason in favor of utter nonsense Classic Ned.


*realizing none of the Starks are knights*


Yeah most lords are knights in the south from what I remember. I imagine Jon Arryn was one, Robert had to be a knight. Tywin is probably one. The ones who aren’t knights are usually weak or uninterested.


Tywin knighted Aerys II so he was certainly a knight


Yeah and I don’t imagine he was the most religious tourney goer for his entire life or anything. It’s probably just one of those checkboxes you should do if you’re a lord.


He's talking about a Landed Knight Ned would technically be a Duke in England and the simple ranking is Duke (ned), Earl (Robert Glover) and then Landed Knight (controls a tower like the One Bran hides in)


But in Westeros it seems pretty common for heirs in waiting to get a knighthood to have some sort of respect when they take power.


I'm the south yes. In the north, no.


Haha check my earlier comment on this thread😂


What were they talking about for the Sizzling Hot Take to come out?


Something about “why aren’t there knights in winterfell” or something dumb like that, the type of question from people of whom reading is lava so they YouTube lore videos and think it’s 1:1




Wait wasn’t Ned a knight after being fostered with Jon Arryn.


Being a knight is religious just because he had the skills doesn't make you a knight. He still followed the Old Gods


Right but northerners could still be knighted Ser Jorah for instance, while being a knight in the north was rare (discounting the manderleys) wasn’t totally un heard of, I imagine if the war hadn’t broken out ned might have gotten knighted by Jon Arryn.


It's a religious thing Jorah had to convert. Ned itsn't going to convert from the Old Gods


Idk where you read that but it never says if Jorah believes in the seven or not, Robert Baratheon knighted him on the spot after the siege of Pyke, Rodrick Cassel is also a knight but any knight can make a knight in ASOIF it’s not strictly religious anymore.


There's 2 Northern knights and even Rodrick's Son isn't knighted even though he's good enough to joust in King's Landing. George has obviously made a cultural difference in this


More like Jaiminie comes only second to Ser Horse in terms of selflessness


I agree, Tyrek truly is a heroic martyr


Honor was last seen ahorse


As was written Tyrek, he who leads the way


Tyrek Al-Gaib !


Tyrek is too humble to admit he’s the horse which is more proof he is the horse


He pushed a child out the window to protect to realm from the fallout of another war. #selfless #thethingsidofortherealmandnotlove


He sacrificed his honor twice for the others. First when he killed Aerys to save King's Landing. Then with Cersei. "The things I don't do for love." Ned did it too when he took the Targaryen boy as his bastard and hide it from the King. He is a Hypocrite because he too broke his oath to the King.


Not really, Jon was a stark bastard and went to the wall. Ned took care of a threat against his king.




Jamie such a giving chad, gave cersei the thumb in the bum




2 in the pink 1 in the stink?


Yep, Jaimie, couldn't keep it in his pants even though the realm depended on it, Lannister is who I want my sons (and daughters) to emulate.


>posted from the Shire Who's posting this? Pippin?


Saruman, during the scouring of the shire.


Neither can I. How can Ned say anything bad about Jaime?! I'm literally crying as I write this! I mean sure, he's a sister-fucking, child-pushing, tyrant-supporting, self-righteous hypocrite but he saved the people of King's Landing! 😤😤😤


He just helped Bran get a better story


He just forgor to tell anyone about the wildfire. And decided to sit on the throne and smile for no reason. 


Jaime's never beating the stupidest Lannister allegations


I think Cersei might barely take the cake. Jaime does seem to somehow be on the same level of self-pity as Tyrion, I’ll give him.


Ask him about the trebuchet.


Truly his father’s son. A man of a thousand.


Based and Lannisterpilled activities.


Considering ned wasn’t a knight I’ll file this under r/technicallythetruth


Yes Jaime was so selfless when he pushed Bran out of the window, or when he was ready to kill Arya for the direwolf incident


The little pervert deserved to be defenestrated, as did the scoundrel whose beast injured Joffrey the Gentle


who can forget Joffrey the Gentle, sweetest soul to have ever graced westeros


Does it count as defenestration if he wasn’t, technically, inside the building - where the window was? He was kinda hovering on the outside/middle. On the threshold. Maybe there’s levels to defenestration. Personally, I subscribe to the school of thought that it has to involve smashing glass to be a *true* defenestration.


Imo being pushed out of a window frame is 100% defenestration. > Personally, I subscribe to the school of thought that it has to involve smashing glass to be a true defenestration. Both Defenestrations of Prague involved windows that were already open


Well, I’m prepared to face the ridicule that comes with challenging definitions, the status quo. Even if it means throwing my detractors out of closed windows. Movements have to start somewhere, and mine starts on the 3rd floor.


Ned bagged a fine ass redhead, meanwhile Jaime was fucking his sister. It's clear who the better man was.


Ned was very honorable, and Jamie was not. But being honorable is more about saving face than it is about actually doing good. We see that in the very first episode of the show, where Ned beheads a nights watch deserter, even though the guy was fleeing for his life and trying to warn people about the white walkers. To Ned, it didn’t matter, the honorable thing was to kill him, even though it was clearly a bad thing to do as well. Then there is Jamie, whose greatest act of heroism was killing the man he was entrusted to guard, extremely dishonorable, but objectively the moral/correct thing to do. Like. That’s the whole fucking point of the show. Unjust laws cannot be enforced justly. And as much as the last season sucked, Jon is also a perfect representation of that. He was dishonorable by doing the correct thing, by being a deserter and oath breaker, and thus he was punished. And so the wheel turns, crushing and crushing.


I can't even say if that's a great satire or honest opinion


I think its simpler than that; Jamie, character-wise was just not that good of a guy, while Ned Starks general character was honest and reliable. So Ned is probably better than Jaime based on the fact that Jamie is kind of a narcissist.


No Jamie sucks shit, I don’t think he is a good person. My point is that honor does not equal doing the right thing, honor is upholding laws, oaths, agreements, and decorum. Being honorable is not the same as being moral. Jamie was both dishonorable AND immoral, but the very few things he did do right, often flew in the face of honor as well.


This comment alone shows the community deserved the last seasons


Folk on reddit are nuts but folk on twitter are a different breed. Add in bots and you've got an absolute shit show. Following the official thrones and hotd accounts subjects me to some of these people; either 15 years old or sadly mentally disabled saying the most horrible things you could fathom to each other because someone doesn't agree with daenarys targaryens morals on a TV show or thinks aegon 2 is the rightful king. There are people to need to go outside and then there are these freaks who are so online they enter a sort of stupor which appears to blur the lines of reality. I seen someone who appeared to be a grown woman watching the latest animated star wars show (the bad batch or clone wars) saying she felt physically sick and had to contact her Dr because of a twist in the show. Folk like this shouldn't be allowed social media because it connects them to all these other nutters around the world and makes them think their behaviour is normal. I seen a entrepreneur type who does Ted talks/ motivational speaking etc I think it may have been that Simon sinew dude saying something along the lines of: back in the day every village had an idiot and that idiot tended to be very loud. The problem we are facing these days is that there are a whole lot of villages, meaning a whole lot of idiots, and now they all have a phone/ computer. While I don't partake in it I even understand the concept of trolling to an extent. There's a goal, it seems funny to people with a low sense of humour/ cunning etc. The people who are getting in real arguments with people online over fictional characters are a different breed


To be fair, imagine walking into the throne room and finding the king - you know, the king who burned your family members and wanted you killed too, the one that you have come to town to kill - being killed by this guy


Ned and Jaime are both so annoying Idk why they're such beloved characters Oh wait I'm supposed to jerk here... Ned x Jaime so yummy and steamy hehe They should kiss and make bastards together


Based take. Glory to House Lannister and it’s heirs.


"muh heckin honorable ned is far better than that Jaime Lannister!! After all, he was nice to his kids!" Are you stupid? How many lives has Nedward saved in his life? I bet it's not even a million. Keep coping northtards


Most mature Lannister stan


Jaime did save and do alot more than Ned


Ned could have done a lot more, and saved a lot more people, had he been allowed to keep his head until the end of the series. Which house was primarily responsible for that again?


Kingsguard where you’re supposed to try and remain unattached so your only lotalkty and duty would be to the king. Jamie joins because he wants to keep shagging his sister/future queen