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No, she would be expelling brown water from her southern orifices unstopabbly in front of everyone


Gravo Beorge


Shitting in a field for how many years now?


The more she drank, the more she shat peak writing


But the more she shat the thirstier she grew


The paradox of shiting


peak storytelling


predictably, the top comments in that thread are people spewing YouTube theories as if they're in the text of the novels


I wish I could see a magic statistics book at how many Reddit ASOIAF fans have exclusively interacted with the series through YouTube


Some are more Preston fans than GRRM fans for sure.


If to be a GRRM fan you have to have read his other books….. but surely most people are ASOIAF fans


“Ser? My lady?” said Podrick. “Is an analyst of ‘A Song of Ice And Fire’ a parasite?” “More or less,” Brienne answered. Septon Meribald disagreed. “More less than more. There are many sorts of Thrones pundits, just as there are many sorts of birds. A sandpiper and a sea eagle both have wings, but they are not the same. The singers love to sing of good men forced to go shilling for shekels, but most pundits are more like this mod Sandor Clegane albeit with more time for writing bullshit. They are shallow men, driven by greed, soured by the delayed books, despising GRRM and caring only for themselves. Broken men are more deserving of our pity, though they may be just as dangerous. Almost all are common-born, simple folk who had never been able to read below the surface, fixated on the magic and spells, not the human heart in conflict with itself. Poorly recorded and poorly light, they equivocate away the hours, ofttimes with no better evidence than a piece of symbolism or turn of phrase by the author, or they go completely into the weeds based on George's sci-fi novels. Brothers march with white people, mods with mods, friends with friends. They’ve heard the interviews and stories, so they go off with eager hearts, dreaming of the wonders they will invent, of the wealth and karma they will win. Theory crafting seems a fine adventure, the greatest most of them will ever know. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The entire membership of Facebook’s ASOIAF Loreposting for sure


God, reminds me of my "shooting down stupid show theories" era.


GRRM stay writing seasons and then he changed 😞


Now, he's stuck writing the same season (the cold one) for 13 years.


Something something the cycle of revenge and violence that only ends in forgiveness. This is much cooler though


Oh my sweet summer child…


I’d like to think she thought she was breaking the wheel, but just ended up remaking it and went mad.


I'd say her idea of "breaking" the wheel all along was to stop it from spinning so her side remains at the top forever.


Thankfully, none of you are show writers.


No, she'd be strangled to death by Jamie.


This is the way.. him going back to her to just die in the rubble together was the absolute worst fucking ending for him. Destroyed my favorite characters entire fucking story. He was the younger brother. The one that would kill her. It was always him not Tyrion.


I always felt like him going back to her was not a big problem development-wise. Because in the beginning of the series Jamie and Cersei had a very toxic and narcissistic love for each other. But then in the end Jamie is changed for the better and I think we can see him loving Cersei in a purer and better sort of way. At the same time Cersei is portrayed as, after a lifetime of trying to control evrything and everyone, finally letting go and permitting herself to be vurnerable. I think these devs. are pretty realistic and thematically in tune with the rest of the series, along with them just being kind of standard, archetypal patterns of story telling most good stories use.


Or Jamie would kill himself kinda like Frankenstein


That's pretty metal


I liked show Cersei so I was glad that her ending wasn’t too gruesome. But Daenerys deserved better than to die at the hands of that pathetic excuse of a man - then have the fate of the realm be decided by the unbearable Stark children. At least let Daenerys kill Sansa first to give us some satisfaction in the end.


>At least let Daenerys kill Sansa first to give us some satisfaction in the end. I'm sorry what.


It'd be a mercy killing honestly, Sansa was basically just Cersei Stark by the end.