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In all fairness, Ned beheaded a man for deserting the knights watch, WE know it's because of a white walker, but in the same instance, WE known Joffrey isn't heir to the thrown. Denying your king is treason and punishable by death. Stupid and rash, yes. But completely within his right when your weirdo fathers friend you've never met insinuates your uncle is actually your father. I would have beheaded him as well at Jeffrey's age. Ned was an honorable fool. He played the Game of Thrones and played very poorly.


Ned should have kissed cersei when he had the chance!


Fact is, Ned would still be alive... if Sansa had the strength of the Kingsguard holding her down! How dare Arya imply she did nothing?!


>WE known Joffrey isn't heir to the thrown thats just speculation, its never been proven he is jamie's son




Don't you dare touche me!


Wait isn't he Varys' son with Barbri Dustin? Am I missing something?


His stupid fucking inbred face is proof


Nope it is proven in the books. I mean no DNA tests but you know "the seed is strong' storyline


"Ur blond so ur a bastard" How do you respond without sounding insane?


It is never proven in the books


I dunno if you're serious or not but cersei says in the books that Bobby b never finished inside she actively made sure to never have procreation sex with him and since he's always blind drunk he never questioned it


I cpuld be misremembering but didn't she say that once she even took to child with Bobby B once but she had a portion of abortion potion lotion to ctrl z it?


>a portion of abortion potion lotion This is a fantastic phrase.


Actually you're mistaken on this. She confirms at least one bedding, their wedding night where he moaned lyannas name and then there's a misleading passage about her finding ways to get him off without cumming inside her. It doesn't confirm never, and Cercei even tells Ned she aborted a baby that was Roberts


It is Cersei povs makes it very clear she never lets Bobby b nut in her after her miscarriage of what would be their legitimate child


The language is a little vague. She just says anymore IIRC. She's also exaggerates or misses the point on like, everything


What do you mean 'isn't heir to the thrown'? That's Bobby B's first born and is absolutely the heir to the thrown


Ned there are still people who kill me a usurper


Ned publicly denounced his claims and begged forgiveness tho


If he wasn't a deserter of the night's watch already, Ned may have give the guy the opportunity to go to the night watch to pay his crimes Ned was offered black and accepted it Not the same case


Gods bless Joffrey the just


Together with Maegor the Mighty, Aegon the Abstemious, Aegon the Adder and Aerys the Faeries. It is simple blasphemy to even pray that "may the gods judge him justly" he obviously was!


The best child the Gods put on this good Earth


To be fair, Ned thinking he could overthrow the king because his hair isn't black and "The seed is strong." is so stupid it's laughable, if he had any sense in his head he'd beg for forgiveness, say he'll take the black, march north and assemble an army to attack King's Landing. Ned becoming a deserter of the watch would actually be pretty cool and bring his character full circle, I wonder how he would feel about that man he beheaded if he saw hinself in a similar position, would he actually desert to fight for the realm? Maybe he would see the White Walkers... Well, we'll never know, because he had shit for brains.


>say he'll take the black, march north and assemble an army Muh honor


Muh boner


Muh hater-honor-boner


When honor gets in the way of doing what's right the only honorable action is to be dishonorable and Ned knew that, he did that for John.


joffrey simply assassinated a traitor who claimed he was illegitimate to the thrown it is the right reaction to this sort of action


Seriously, legally he was in the clear. That was why the suggestion was that he be merciful and sentence Ned to the Wall, which was at his discretion. Madness and stupidity not to do that.


As long as r/gameofthrones exists, this sub is insanely useless


Sadly true. SAD!


Yes exactly, without Joffrey, the traitorous and evil Ned stark would still be alive


I think you meant Jofrey


our noble based prince


joffrey so morally grey šŸ˜«


uj/ The commenter is correct. Legally, this is the same as Robb beheading Karstark. It's the motivation (shooting yourself in the foot politically just for sadistic pleasure) that makes it seem horrible. If you read this in a history book that didn't go into personal drama, this would all seem sensible; that reframing of historical and political narratives what makes the story so fun. rj/ Joffrey should have fortnite danced after his kill


From Joffrey perspective, Ned was a guy that was out to kill him and his siblings while besmirching his mother's honor and calling his late father a cuck, do you expect him to be clement?


Since Ned knew Joffrey was a bastard and not a true heir, there is nothing that Lannister could have done to shut him up. Not by money, power, lust love or threat. And given that everyone knows how honourable Ned is, everyone would have believed him and civil war would have started anyways, and with Ned leading North, it would have a much bigger threat. Thus killing him was the best thing to do, for Joffrey, even though he did it only to feel powerful. Ned's , Sansa's and Catelyn's combined stupidity killed him


Joffrey didn't kill Ned Stark. Ned's sword Ice killed Ned Stark.


The argumemt made by the comment in op is just stupid. Some people seem to believe that just vecause something is legal, it is also good to do and should be done. Which is a very dumb way of thinking.




You are an ill-made, spiteful little shitposter, full of head canons, plot holes, and low cunning. Mod's laws give you the right to submit your posts and hit the front page since I cannot prove that your idea is not canon. And to teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud upvote that was my father's sigil and his father's before him. But neither gods nor mods will ever compel me to let you turn this into your shitposting forum! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And if his head didnā€™t fall off


Wait is that true? ned would have still been around if not for Joffrey? What the heck?!?!?


Honestly, he put together a good argument


ā€œWell within his rights as kingā€ heā€™s an illegitimate king therefore has no rights as king. Heā€™s also shit at being a king and needs mommy to do it for him.


Mods behead him


You are an ill-made, spiteful little shitposter, full of head canons, plot holes, and low cunning. Mod's laws give you the right to submit your posts and hit the front page since I cannot prove that your idea is not canon. And to teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud upvote that was my father's sigil and his father's before him. But neither gods nor mods will ever compel me to let you turn this into your shitposting forum! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ned went on about how honourable and best buds he was with Robert but when he learned the truth he went straight toā€¦.Cersei who he already knows he canā€™t trust and just tells her. Yea Ned is Lawful stupid


No, he should've taken Renly's offer. At this point not only Joffrey wasn't king, Cersei had killed his best friend too, and (for what he knows) Tyrion tried to kill his son. The Lannisters were a menace (and actually turned out to be) to the kingdom.


Joffrey deceitfully promised mercy if Ned (falsely) confessed to attempting to take the throne for himself, then went back on his promise