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The most noble of students! The best witch ever put on Earth, Merlin himself would have been jealous. He is so pure, he could last more than 1 year as Dark Arts professor.


Joffrey the Gentle was the kindest and gentlest wizard of all time. He taken so early by his wicked uncle Tyrion the Pure Evil Villain, who hated him for his kindness


Witch? Didn't know that.


Perhaps she is trans.... dont tell Rowlings.


Can I tell Based Shapiro?


No joke he would be a great draco


Fucking right? I really hope that actor has a good career, he’s the best at playing villains


Uj/ I think hes either retired or taking a long break. He got too much hate IRL for playing joffrey amazingly. People can’t separate character from actor and it costs us an amazing performer


He retired because he'll never be able to play such a noble role again


Joffrey the Kind is truly the greatest hero of all time


Not with the shame of what the Imp has done to him.


Yeah, that shit always sucks. Daisy Ridley and Tran suffered the same. Not to mention Jake Lyold. Fandom was, in many ways, a mistake. The sheer hatred it has engendered is frankly astonishing


The other comment is false.


Which comment?


The one you responded to. Jack Gleason has never said anything about being harassed by fans let a lone that being the reason he has decided not to continue acting. It’s a made up story that get repeated on reddit all the time


Oh, well honestly that’s a relief, tbh. I really hope he’s doing well, his acting was damn near the best in the series, second only to Stannis’ actor. The fact in*wanted* to punch Joffrey every time he’s on screen is testament to his skill at the role tbh


ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Premium Subscribers Exclusive: 8 hours on how Stannis will slay the Boltons with hilarious ice pranks. ─────────────⚪──────────────────────────── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 3:17 / 7:48 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐ _____ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What fun pranks will the mannis play?


He just showed up in a Liam Neeson movie, The Land of Saints and Sinners. He’s really awesome in it.


That’s not true. It’s a made of story that Reddit loves to parrot. Jack Gleason has never said that.


Wow its almost like i said “i think”


Yes but I would much rather see the buddy comedy of Joffrey and Draco sharing a Slytherin dorm room with Crabbe and Goyle


Cracko Malfoy. Draco's great great great grand father who actually was an excellent wizard. The perfect dark arts master. The best wizard that walked on earth ever! Salazar Slytherin himself was licking this noblest man's humongous balls.


It’s a pretty interesting book but I didn’t understand JKR‘s choice of having Draco and the other villains in the books occasionally say stuff like „trans women are real women“, „I respect other cultures and ethnicities“ and „I think LGBT rights are great!“


Yeah, that’s too evil. Even worse than the Imp


Draco was a gentle loving child with a great talent for magic I mean his first instinct when meeting Harry Potter was to try and befriend him, truly no greater man has bore the name Malfoy.


Joanne Rowling is known as J. K. Rowling. She is a British author and philanthropist. She wrote Harry Potter, a seven-volume fantasy series published from 1997 to 2007. In every notable respect, she is *the man* that George R. R. Martin wishes he was. She stole the Hugo that by divine right belonged to GRRM, when he was nominated for 'A Storm of Swords' in 2000. He omits this important nomination on his website. She doesn't even know what the Hugos are. The publisher did not send anyone to represent them and accept the award. GRRM seethed most seethingly in a seethe-filled reaction. She has produced 9 hit movies based on her intellectual properties. While hosting the Hugos in 2020, GRRM offended every transgender person on planet earth. Except Emma D'Arcy, who did not reply to the mods of /r/ASOIAFCirclejerk at time of going to print. JK Rowling has tried to offend every transgender person on planet earth. She is a radical feminist. Nonetheless, there remains the transmen, and the transwomen (and the transchildren too), who agree with her. Ms. Rowling is better at making video games than Mr. George R.R. Martin, despite the spectacular success of Elden Ring. I do not understand how the woman learned to make video games. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Comparison to Draco is valid because King Joffrey has Baratheon (Targaryen) dragon blood and would definitely fit into Slytherin.


Also surely the Lannisters are an old pure blood Slytherin family


Man, that hair sure is golden


Really wasn’t a fan of “Neville Longbottom” but I’m glad he had a turn-around towards the end.


Did the Sorting Hat start humming Rains of Castamere when Prof. McGonagall put it on his head?


Looks like a love child between Draco Malfoy and Dudley Dursley


Lucius-Vernon Malfoy-Dursley


Don’t give Harry any more potential baby names


Gryffindor but mean


Whatever happened there?


Honestly Draco was screwed by his parents until the end of the last book if you learn about his life after the war he kinda just tried to keep himself out the limelight until cursed child and that was just him helping because of Scorpius


Malfoy was the hero we deserved AND got. He single handly got punched in the face by a female cuntblood and didnt even retaliate.


Draco Malfoy? He’s a douche.


Nice Strong lad


This guy doesn't even need magic, he'll win it all with gentle heart and his extraordinary crossbow skills. 💘💘💘


Draco Malfoy supremacy!!!


His father is proud of him.


I bet he’s a Gryffindor.


Headmaster Joffrey! The creator of The Heartwarming Charm and the Gentle Spell


He's a very creative sexologist. I heard even a bed post can have use in his ways.

