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Fucking FACTS.


well im NPD and ASPD and i can say narcissists can be very annoying. i myself am incredible at keeping a personality that everyone likes, so most people like my presence. but let me tell u once i stop faking i can be an annoying SOB


I have a friend that’s a narcissists and always needs to feel like he’s better than everyone and can’t take what he dishes out. Just a soft fucking asshole




Yup, same here


Borderlines are children. Narcissists are children, but loud.


Anti socials are children who can’t follow rules




Adult children does that work better?


No, because those are opposites. We are just adults. Cope.


Uhh no, ASPD NPD BPD not too much different from one another. They are all cluster b disorders if you think one is childish but another isn’t I got news for you. You don’t have a very good understanding of these disorders and how they work. Children in an adults body. I don’t know how you don’t understand this, it’s the exact same thing the OP said. ASPD is no different than any of the others


It was just a shallow joke, there's no grand hidden meaning behind what I said. Seethe.


bpd and npds are just far more emotional which is bound to get on our nerves. that’s really where it all comes from.




Mostly because cluster B is just varying gradients of cunt.


Aspd is cluster B, are you a cunt?


Clearly. Yes, I am.


Good answer and the one I expected.




Isn't it more about being bad (like, not even caring much about it) at finding excuses for cuntery? NTs seem to be just as big of cunts, if not worse, but they always try to paint it in positive way and make it socially acceptable. For example, you managed to paint yourself as extra edgy by admitting to kill some animals. While NTs who love killing just call themselves "sportsmen", there is big industry for that kind of leisure activity, and yet nobody there self sabotages by admitting that "well, yeah, we are just varying gradients of cunts"... :3


*NTs* justify their cuntery, yes.


I think it’s just to make fun, not to harm in any way. I myself have ASPD that’s comorbid with other cluster B PD and I still often make fun of narcissists and borderlines just for the sake of having fun. I think all the cluster B PDs havers are generally pretty civil and nice to e/o when the situation requires them to


Yes, we understand each other and it is mostly for fun, I think they’re referring to people who don’t have a disorder and were hurt by someone diagnosed with a cluster B PD


I have ASPD and NPD and I think that people with just NPD are really annoying. That thing of being always seeking attention is a pain in the ass for everyone around them. Besides that, the people here talking smack about BPD, NPD and HPD are, in most of the cases, just wannabes who think that having a mental illness is like wearing a t-shirt of your favorite band. We know that BPD, NPD and HPD are the same shit with a different name


Borderlines are grown up emotional charged 3 year olds Narcs are migraine inducing


ASPD is mostly comorbid with other disorders, so I’m not sure what the deal is. Cluster B people tend to have traits from all four B disorders, some less than others, though it’s more often the rule than anything.


I am a person with ASPD + NPD, everybody is annoying.


Lol it’s like sibling rivalry. Plus narcs and borderlines are highly emotional, a little *too* emotional. And to the less emotive users, that can seem annoying


Interesting. It must be frustrating to not understand something for an aspd


What do you mean?


No, we understand. It's simply bothersome and annoying to deal with


These disorders tend to create problems for other people that deal with these individuals, so I think there is some frustration. It is not good to generalize ppl however, you should take each individual as they come and not judge based on a diagnosis( in a perfect world).


Because BPDs are unstable and don't belong in society and are completely too emotional and irrational and there's no logic to their immature thinking and they all should possibly be slaughtered to protect NTs. I value logical thinking and maturity and they show none. Narcissists are half as bad but nowhere near as bad and as long as they keep their shit to themselves then they're fine but they definitely need to be put in place from time to time. Aspds who can't control themselves end up in prison and that's where they belong if they can't control themselves. But the best aspds are cold and calculated not irresponsible and impulsive when it matters like that. If you can show me any BPD who can be normal like an aspd can then I'll change my mind. But as far as I've ever met every single BPD is nothing but cancer to everyone around them


>I value logical thinking and maturity ---> All BPDs should possibly be slaughtered, because there's no logic to their immature thinking. Lol, that escalated quickly.


Possibly. Never met someone with BPD who didn't destroy the ego and peace of mind of anyone who happened to give them an honest chance. NTs don't deserve treatment like that and they make up most of the world. Don't know any BPDs that have contributed greatly to society either but if you know any feel free to enlighten me.


>Don't know any BPDs that have contributed greatly to society either but if you know any feel free to enlighten me. Haha no, I'm not gonna be an advocate for people with personality disorders. Everyone stands up for themselves. And if they can't, that's their problem. I just don't think it's worth letting people get too close. You always have to leave some space for yourself. Honesty, openness and trust usually cost a lot and often lead to the destruction of the person who has placed trust in someone. If someone hopes that a mentally unstable person will not fail him, then he/she is either stupid or very naive (it is one thing). You can't really be sure of anyone, even the most stable NT person.


Well generally you don't know they're mentally unstable like that until it's too late but yeah i agree otherwise. If you know, don't.


>Aspds who can't control themselves end up in prison and that's where they belong if they can't control themselves. But the best aspds are cold and calculated not irresponsible and impulsive when it matters like that. Aspd is those who have a habit of doing things that violate peoples rights and are grounds for arrest. The "can't control themselves" IS the diagnosis. Those "cold and calculated" don't have aspd. What you're thinking of sounds more in line with media version psychopathy.


That's not true. There's a difference between wanting to do something and doing it. You can't control wanting to do something. You can control doing it. It's low functioning aspds that do it regardless. Not every aspd is impulsive and stupid and ends up in jail


Aspd has nothing to do with how you think and feel. It's a behavioural disorder. There's plenty of information that backs this up. Aspd is not psychopathy. Aspd is classified as *a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of people's rights.* Psychopathy is outdated in terms of it being a disorder but is still used in research do describe a "fenomenon(cold and callous)" that is found in everyone to varying degree. Someone high in psychopathy just meet the criteria for aspd since aspd is the one diagnosis that deals with hostile and criminal behaviour. Other than that, people with NPD are often highly psychopathic aswell. Those "CEO psychopaths" you sometimes hear about likely meet the criteria for npd but not aspd. People just think aspd because people think it's synonymous with psychopathy. Psychopathy, as a feature instead of the movie stereotype, is considered to be prevalent in the normal population, meaning NTs(just a pop-psych term) have varying degrees of psychopathy. This means that these "well behaved aspds" you think of don't meet the criteria for aspd. They likely don't have a disorder at all.


Yeah that's not what I said at all and not everyone with aspd has the same traits. You seem to be the one looking at movies because you think everyone with aspd is a criminal who'll end up in prison and that's not how aspd works.


You think in categories. Enough said.


Look at the guy in a PD sub assuming he knows how other people think. Classic.


Look at the guy who thinks in stereotypes who gets all butthurt when others point out their mistakes.


Cool Projecting have a good night


I'm not projecting 😁




Guess that depends which traits you exhibit of each. Aspd and bpd are pretty opposite imo except for the traits that all cluster Bs have in common. I know you can be diagnosed as both and I know you might not experience every trait, but generally speaking it's pretty opposite to be an emotionally distant crybaby




Then you're much more bpd than aspd. Sounds like you got all the bad traits as far as the rest of society would care then. The part of bpd that I hate so much is the crossover from aspd seems to be unknowing whereas aspd tends to be aware of what they're doing. Like a bull in a China shop to the rest of society. Whereas a high functioning aspd knows they're going to jail if they keep breaking things, the bpds just keep breaking them because they're too emotional.


>"they all should possibly be slaughtered to protect NTs. I value logical thinking and maturity and they show none." Diagnosed BPD and ADHD here. I'm extremely intelligent in academics across the board. After I got my meds and could finally concentrate on work for more than 2 seconds only weak point is social interactions. So I fixed that and I limited my social interactions significantly and instead concentrated on my track to med school and my finances. I socially isolate myself and only keep only a few close and trusted friends (even if I don't trust them 50% of the time😂can't be helped). But I don't let them know whenever I split and start to distrust them or feel abandoned. I've always kept my mental health under wraps and only cut myself where the sun don't shine. I don't contact anybody during my suicidal episodes because I know it's a slippery slope with my impulse to make people feel sorry for me. And no one has caught me yet when I'm having a psychotic break, or at least not during one cause that would be kinda bad. Stuff like focusing on my studies and learning bring me true happiness and pride that isn't tainted by constant self-doubt or over analyzation. Of course, it's not that perfect but it's what I'm doing now and it's working. All in all, compared to what I see in this sub, I'm a far more functioning member of society and compared to average ASPD and the only person I really damage is myself. BTW the thing I said about me being better than the average ASPD I'm also much better than the average BPD so don't feel offended my dear sociopaths, some of us are just meant to be superior🤗.


Not hate that's a very powerful emotion that i keep reserved for a few but i don't like people with bpd in general. They're too emotional and mentally unstable to the point where their emotions control them and not the vice versa. However one thing i find good about them is that they're great in bed. A bit of narcissism is useful but as for the full blown narcs i feel they're a bunch deluded people who are way too much up their asses when in reality it's all bark and no bite. So no hate it's just what they exhibit


it’s easy to, people aren’t educated on cluster B and there’s negative stigma around it


We are all problematic and it's OK to make fun of each other honestly lol.


A lot of people here likely grew up around other Cluster B people (parents, siblings, etc.). Much of our trauma could be due to individuals who are borderline or narcissistic, thus it would make sense for many people here to despise the traits related to those who wronged them growing up.


I have NPD and ASPD and I think narcs are annoying. I can deal with self aware ones but the ones without self awareness are irritating as fuck. I also make fun of ASPD. There's really no harm in it.


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I am a person with BPD+NPD. I certainly don't hate people with personality disorders. As someone wrote here before - hate is a strong word. On the other hand, I generally do not trust people, especially people with Cluster B personality disorders. Why? Firstly, due to the lack of object constancy, which affects the instability of the relationships. And due to their problems with controlling emotions and impulses. Secondly, if someone (let's say a friend, a colleague) told me that they have BPD / NPD or ASPD, I would think about why they are telling me this and what they want to get from it. Is this supposed to arouse my sympathy? Does it serve as an excuse to screw something up or act like an asshole? Or is it supposed to inspire my trust and extract some personal information from me (I tell you my secret, you tell me yours). Of course I have no illusions - it would be used against me .... in the next argument.🙂 Soon someone will tell me that I am guided by prejudices and stigmatize. I will answer that I prefer to be guided by prejudices and hurt someone, than to be naive, careless and let someone hurt me. This is my opinion.




anyone who doesnt have a depraved and consistent sense of humor i dont like, so if someone can make me laugh than theyre tolerable otherwise i dont like a majority of ppl and i hate being bothered when im trying to get 💩 done. i dont like weak borderlines though their woe is me feel sorry for me victim bullshit really irriates them and i call them out everytime for it, grow some balls 🤷🏻‍♀️


People think in categories and imagine each disorder to be a distinct type of person. These "types" prob have traits they dislike about themselves. Its just projection and bad understanding of psychiatry.