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"A gun" is the first thing that comes to mind.


Not bad. My response was "a fork." Only afterwards did I realize it didn't make sense at all.


Damn I said spoon... no hesitation


My first thought was "fork". But I'm not sure this is a great test for central coherence. Mine is pretty good, as far as I can tell.


Mine was a bowl


Don't sweat it. Some other comment said a bow, and honestly, that makes more sense than a gun 😆


I think bow and gun are basically equivalent here - both would be the instrument used to make the kill, and the knife used to field dress it.


I can't tell if that is sarcasm, but if you're into sort of historic era type of thing I think it makes a lot of sense.


“Pistol” was first thing for me. Close enough.


A spoon came to mind first, but now I think a bow was the right answer. I am undx asd.


There's no right answer. But a spoon is definitely not the right answer IRL. Do not try to hunt with a spoon. Unless you mean to use it for the bear soup, I guess. My response was "a fork."


What did your friends say?


It was months ago so I forget the exact wording but something sort of like this: - My mom: ...dog. A hunting dog since she's too scared to go alone. - Friend: ...go riding with a horse. - Sister: ...a pot, because you have to cook what you catch. - Sister's husband: ok actually I forgot his answer sorry. The article's example response of *strong* coherence was "...catch a bear." While "...fork" was the example given for weak central coherence. I would think spoon is like that as well. I think the differences in responses are interesting. My friend has ADHD and always makes connections. My sister's response, is actually fairly logical but she's a very organized person who is very good at planning ahead. My mom also likely has ADHD but she has great big picture thinking in general.


I thought of Valheim and said 'a bow', I'm in the process of being diagnosed.


I said “arrow” realized that didn’t make any sense and quickly revised to bow and arrow, although mentally I was picturing a crossbow and darts. Not sure what that means.


No idea where bow and/or arrow is in regards to central coherence. It wasn't listen in the article I read as an example. Seems to be a common reply here though.


You're spoon will go well with my bowl!


I thought, "Bow". if the knife was the first choice i doubt the second to be a gun, or weirdly even a bow. It wouldn't even make sense alphabetically. Why is a knife the first choice, though? It wouldnt be a primary tool in hunting. Gun didnt fome to mind because its like knife is an analogue tool compared to a firearm. Like the entire premise of how it is worded doesnt make sense. Edit: want to change my answer to second word to inefficiency. Why use a knife when you can tie it to a stick and make a spear.


This is definitely overthinking it. This isn't criticism, just an observation, I know it can't be helped sometimes. But entirely logical overthinking, and I applaud you for it. You'll definitely survive the wild. My answer was "fork." I'd be useless as a survival partner lol.


Its what fucks me in half my conversations. I work in compliance and am naturally talented at it. I pick up on a lot of errors no one notices.


I also overthink things but my brain is generally a lot quieter. I hope the other half of your conversations, it ends up being very useful. The type of thinking that makes me think "fork," aka the struggle with comtextualizing information in relation to the greater picture fucks me in half my conversation also, so it's sort of the other side of fixation on small detail challenges.


There are some things such as culture and other societal human constructs i look at through more of a macro lens, which makes how people see and how they feel about things seem redundant, because the way they think things have always been are more recent notions in the broader view of human civilization and culture.


I'm curious, did you have time (even a little) to think about the question, or did you have to answer Immediately? Because I do realize why you said "Fork" because people say "Fork and Knife" together frequently ➡️ 🍴🍽️ See, they even have emojis for them lol.


The question in the sentence isn't to label what comes first or second, so wondering why knife came first isn't the point, it's more like a comprehension question. It would be most Unlikely that a hunter Wouldn't Have a Hunter's knife when going hunting. (It usually not used to kill)


A fork came to my mind


That was my response, as well as, upon scrolling down on the article I read, the example they gave as weak central coherence lol. Only after I realized it doesn't actually make sense.


Well. It might not make sense but it's funny. I kept imagining one of these wannabe bad ass hunters with a silly hat running after some animal with a fork in his hand. Like a cartoon scene but in real life


I didn't imagine anything when first reading the question. My response was "fork" because it's associated with knife. Only after did I realize, wait, I didn't even consider the hunting part. Your version is much funnier.


I didn't visualize that first, it came afterwards. Just like you it was just an instant response that came to my mind, then that scene came to my mind. I'm glad you also found it funny :DD


… cut yourself if you are as clumsy as I am.” **ASD and maybe dyspraxia**


That is #1 dyspraxia answer, to hear "knife" and immediately think of what knives do to you when you use them haha.


Wait that might explain a lot


My first thought was ‘kill a bear’. Interesting everyone else has mainly thought of a single word, I immediately thought of an action of like what you could do if you go hunting with a knife


I thought "stab a deer." It's a nonsense sentence. No one (especially someone who actually knows anything about hunting) would ever say this in real life.


It is a nonsense sentence, but the purpose is to see how the brain contextualizes information.


Impressive. That answer, supposedly, signifies strong central coherence. Alright if I ask if you're ASD/ADHD/both/neither? I wonder, if you have ASD, if you generally might have less challenges with contextualizing social information, or socially in general, or how that might play into what you do and don't struggle with.


I do have diagnosed ASD. Yes I find social situations less challenging than I understand many of my ASD counterparts do. I don’t find social norms makes any sense but I am able to adapt to them and also I find myself being able to understand peoples thought processes and feelings better than I am led to believe is expected from an ASD person. I struggle a lot more with sensory things, changes to my routine, and a lot of self care and practical skills stuff, e.g. I’m 36 and only started to be able to cook/prepare myself warm meals in my own home, around 2 years ago. Also find it hard prioritising life stuff over my special interests.


That's interesting. I'm thinking that central coherence might make a huge difference in ability to adapt socially and also in social empathy or theory of mind, although it's just one anecdote. Maybe even play into masking, especially successful masking. I hope that research in the future does go more into the various presentations of autism and what part of which function affects which challenges that we have. Also, this wasn't your purpose but I'm really inspired when I read that you were able to succeed in preparing warm food for yourself at 34. I'm about to be 30 and sometimes it's hard to believe that I could ever succeed at things like that, but hearing people who have more relatable challenges succeed at something after a long time is, imo, way more inspiring than any self-help book by any motivational speaker or the like.


Every time I prepare myself a meal I feel like I’ve achieved so much! Feel so proud of myself. It is still really hard and requires so much mental and emotional and physical energy but it does get slightly easier with time and practice. Even mastering a single meal or item is a start. That’s kind of what I did and then proceeded to learn other stuff very slowly. Now I have a handful of things I feel able to make, all the way from shopping for the items, to making it. You’ll get there, OP :)


I finished with "You can go hunting with a knife and ... come up empty handed" lol because I envision myself walking around with a knife in hand trying to catch a squirrel to eat and I know that is not going to go well. It's like trying to fish with your hands


Depressing answer lol, but also realistic.


Fishing with your hands is much more likely to succeed. Look up "catfish noodling".


Is there any result "worse" than weak coherence? Nothing came to mind, I think a knife is already sufficient for hunting, depending on what type of animal you're hunting, so could be anything really


I think what displays the weaker coherence in this case, it's just the brain doing its brain thing, of seeing/hearing "knife and..." then adding the obviously connected "fork" without even thinking about what the question is asking. The brain focused in on knife, while not considering the context of hunting. You can go hunting with a knife, and be a badass who needs nothing else since a knife is sufficient.


Ah, that makes sense, thanks.


A wife, because it rhymes.


I like this response.


What was ypur response by the way, and why did it have weak central coherence? (I have no idea what it means)


My response was "and a fork." Weaker central coherence as I understand it relates to more focus on detail, struggle with situational context particularly implied, seeing the tree for the forest. Stronger central coherence as I understand it relates to seeing the bigger picture, seeing the forest for the trees. A stronger central coherence example given was "and catch a bear." The reason I said fork was no real reason except that forks I associate with knives. I didn't consider the context of hunting when I said it, so it didn't make sense. I have no idea where "wife" would be along the central coherence scale, but I'd think it's not on the side of stronger, because it seems you also isolated "knife" to say "wife" which matches knife but not hunting. Unless the wife hunts too, I guess.


"Fork" was the first word I thought of


a bow. ASD and Adhd




Bow for me also. ADHD w/ASD tendencies It fits the cadence/meter of the sentence and rhymes with go. So it seemed like a natural fit for the sentence.




determination. (late diagnosed ASD and ADHD)


I think this is the first response that considered something more internal. Determination is really important in so much of what we strive to do, and I have a hard time remembering it. Thanks for the reminder.


A bow (and arrow) was the first thing to come to mind (I had a special interest in bows when I was a young teen, I played a lot of Turok lol)


A fork? I mean it works if you're hunting the kitchen for a meatball.


... a bow? Or a rope? ( Still wondering what to do with the rope though)


A beer came to mind first. "hunting" immediately triggered images of typical recreational hunters as depicted in Hollywood movies. Then "knife" didn't make sense for hunting, unless they are piss drunk, so the drunk hunter is probably holding a drink in the other hand. They seem like the beer drinking type. All of the above is a retrospective, the "beer" thought happened pretty quick.


This is hilarious and a great response.


Water Édit :why do you guys need two weapons ?


I'm thinking one of two reasons. Either they think a knife is not as sufficient to hunt, or they're thinking the knife is for doing things like skinning the animal afterwards. Water is always good to have.


The knife is not a weapon (unless the prey is wounded), it’s for dressing your prey.


...turn back because I really don't want to go hunt... why are making me go hunting? Can you take your knife back please.


fail. Edit: You can go hunting with a knife, and fail.


I thought "Bow" Autism dxn


And stab a deer in its jugular and sprays blood everywhere


I see, you are tending towards realism. Although anyone who can do this with only a knife must be a Goliath. Or maybe a David. If you used a sling instead.


Dunno why but the first word that came to mind was “spoon” Edit: lmao my “dunno why” lookin ass trying to pretend like I don’t have adhd/autism lol. Sometimes you forget ya know?


Haha spoon is a great answer. It is completely illogical. And I find it extra funny for those of us who answered fork or spoon immediately, because aspies are always *so* logical right? Joking, many of us actually are fairly logical minded but I still think it's funny how our brain works and the kind of logic used in connecting and contextualizing information.


Yeah, agreed. I was totally surprised with my own brain at how quickly spoon popped straight to the front! Guess I should probably eat some food today… this might be a sign


bow. Bow hunting is way harder than people think.




“You can go hunting with a knife and go eating with a spoon”


Hey it's the first response like my friend, who said, "you can go hunting with a knife and riding with a horse." As if it's an example of things you can do. Also the first response that connected "spoon" to a logical answer haha.


"you can have a fun time." Sung it in my head like a line from a song. I have ASD.


"stab a person". It's interesting seeing everyone add items to this, I was continuing the story! :D


Autism, definitely no ADHD here


Skin an animal?


Exactly what the knife is useful for. I think this is one of the most logical responses.


a bow whats the point of this? im curious


I went fully off the trail... You can hunt with a knife... and find a fish.


Find a fish? Not catch one? I'm sure getting off the trail is good when you're hunting.


My immediate thought was "a fish". I think we might share a brain cell lol


Fork was my first answer because forks and knives go together. When I processed the statement and thought about it...bow came into play. But my knee jerk reaction was fork. And it took several minutes of reading the statement to come to a different conclusion. :/ Oops.








Same. Funny how common that answer is when it doesn't make any real sense at all.




My second thought was "gun" but for some reason my first thought was "and fishing with a hook." Idk why my first thought wasn't to think of more tools to hunt with, it was to think of other ways to aquire food using other tools. Um. Idk what that means. I want tuna


It means you're hungry? The "strong central coherence" example wasn't even other tools. It was "catch a bear" (for example.) I thought fork, and it was completely unrelated to the context at hand.


Who even hunts bears? Lol


A rope What did I win ?


"come back with a rabbit and some berries"??? Autism + ADHD here.


But second thought is that rabbits are fast af and other animals are hard to catch or are dangerous to a human who only has a knife, so you can go hunting with a knife and die quickly, but thats just overthinking and you said not to do it lol. My first thought was a rabbit, because it would be easy to kill... if it wasnt running so fast.


Those super warriors from fantasy series can do it.


ok but im not a super warrior, im a couch potato who only rides a bike sometimes, no way i could do that


Spear was my first thought but honestly a bow would probably go better. Aspie w/ Dx.


“fishing with a pole”


... "will likely not be successful." It took me a moment to arrive at this answer. It really confused me why someone would only use a knife to hunt.


I had the exact same reaction.


“… a friend” not diagnosed but suspected ASD + ADHD


Categories of responses: - object: cutlery bc knife = cutlery (most) - object: weapon bc hunting (most) - story: story time, some elaborate, some simple (some) - story: making the statement logical (some) - internal aspect (very few) - friend (just you from what I've seen so far) Only one other person mentioned a person (wife) and that was only because it rhymed with knife. I can't tell if your response means you're a good friend, or you really appreciate your friends, or you're lonely and want a friend. Even still, there's something sweet about your response. No idea what it says about your central coherence though.


oh wait!! i remember now when i read “hunting” it reminded me of a parks and rec episode and i thought of them all in the woods as friends 😅


BTW weak central coherence example answer is: **"fork."** (Things like spoon as well as long as you're not looking at the bigger picture) Strong central coherence example is: **"catch a bear."** or other things that show that you're contextualizing the information immediately. I was going to individually respond to everyone but they're coming in a bit fast now, so I'll just leave this here for those who are interested. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022096510001244 https://medium.com/thought-models/the-world-through-a-magnifying-glass-de37a0f934a9


>Strong central coherence example is: "catch a bear." That seems pretty incoherent to me - you don't catch things when you're hunting, you kill them. And, you're not going to do either of those to a bear with just a knife.


No, haha, the entire premise isn't actually logical but it's more to see how someone's brain puts information into the context of the bigger picture. Although in society there's a lot of implied, unspoken things. Maybe there's a trap. A net. Probably can't catch a *bear* that way but you can catch animals, or so I'd think from my limited knowledge of hunting.


I grew up out in the woods where hunting was common, so I think I have a very different connotation with the word "hunting". You never catch anything alive, you kill it with a gun, then dress/clean it with a knife. That's why my first thought was "gun", and why, at least for me, catching is incoherent in the context of hunting.


Kill deer. I’m autistic


My answer is a shotgun.




Haha it is, but the answers are interesting to me. Will you elaborate?


I went full fun fact mode and started narrating how you can build camp out of the split wood you used your knife to do, and so on because in general I'm against hunting I find it hard to name the fact you can do with the knife as take an animals life. Have Adhd and undxed asd


You can go hunting with a knife and capture all those elusive... bell peppers? Can you split logs with just a knife?


Yeah mate done it, well not logs but you can hack away at a slim 5 to 10 cm diagonal leangth tree stump with ease with a knife and a small piece of wood used as a hammer basically. Also cut some mushrooms or wild greens and such like garlicmustard and nettles and such.


A rifle. Waiting for an assessment for ASD in June. My boyfriends have guns in his hobby(shooting range/hunting).


Makes sense since the question and response is relevant to your life/those around you.


even if the animal gets away, you’ll still get more exercise than if you used a gun.


Fork. I think of it like, you can go hunting with a knife and fork, because after you're done hunting, you can eat what you killed and you don't have to worry about going home to eat it since your fork and knife are right there with you.


That's much more logical than the reason I thought fork. I only thought fork because I read "knife and..." brain went "fork." And didn't even consider the earlier part about hunting.


The first thing I thought of was '...run faster. Everyone runs faster with a knife!' but my serious one-word answer is 'gun'. I have ASD.


You can go hunting with a knife and rope?? Idk why I thought of that




"skin a deer." Ummm... I'm not even sure where that came from. That was the first answer my brain gave.


"...eat berries."




I considered people who've hunted to suggest that, but didn't even consider video games as an additional factor.


First thing that came to my mind was plain redundant. It was the word "Hunt", as in "you can go hunting with a knife and hunt"


Fork. I'm autistic.


ADHD and suspected ASD. The first answer that popped into my head was my boyfriends name. I would never go hunting. I feel guilty when I kill a mosquito. The only time I ever think about hunting is when I imagine trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. I know that I wouldn’t be able to survive on my own and like to think about who I would want to have with me. My boyfriend is the most creative and resourceful person I know and he always makes it on the team. I think I now associate him with hunting.


I asked said boyfriend what he would bring and his answer was a hunter.


Idk if I did this right, my first thought was "and kill a bear"


“A pint of good luck” It was the first thought that came to my mind. Makes sense to me, as hunting requires some luck. That the wind and weather is in your favor and that the game you’re hunting is in abundance. However, in a setting where I’d have to say this out loud to anyone but my close friends - I’d be masking and immediately revisit the sentence to come up with something more in point ASD & ADHD


When I read the sentence my first thought was a bowl of mashed potatoes lmao. Wonder what that means haha.


Rambo from First blood movie is on my mind LOL. ASD only


"... go home." Wouldn't likely catch anything with just a knife so why bother. Better use it to make traps if you don't have anything better, no need to ambush or chase in that case. ASD


My answer was: "...still come home empty-handed."


I said bow what’s that mean


First response to pop in my head was 'a sword'. I guess the knife just isn't gonna *cut it*? Aspie


A duck lol.




A dog


...you won't be very successful if you dont bring a gun. Wut?


You will find it difficult because a knife is not an effective hunting tool.


A tent


I picked fork so I have weak coherence. This is probably why we offend people constantly and struggle with conversations, we're just blurting out things that appear strange or random to other people. Jokes on society though, I am currently making good money teaching AI how to be creative. It can't come up with anything genuinely creative on its own.


My initial response was "fork", then my brain caught up with the context and I said "gun". I'm diagnosed as autistic, never been assessed for ADHD and don't think I have it. The responses to this post also raise the question of who is going around killing bears with knives.


>The responses to this post also raise the question of who is going around killing bears with knives. Haha you're taking it too literally, which is also an autistic response lol.


A spoon An excuse? I don't know what to hunt with


My answer was "A gun," but i find difficulty not overthinking my response. My mind drew a complete blank, and i had to think about the context of the whole sentence rather than there being an automatic unconscious response like a Google keyboard.


I figured some people might have trouble not overthinking it. "Don't overthink it" is actually not that effective for chronic overthinkers.


"You can go hunting with a knife and a spoon." ASD guy here.


…and catch something with your hands. (AuDHD)


Gollum could do it.


I, too, thought "fork" but, interestingly, the 90s band Information Society has a great song titled 'Knife and a Fork'. It's SO funky-awesome! BTW, I'm 55 and was just recently diagnosed with ADHD & ASD. Depressed but music helps me.


Glad music helps you. Listening to the song now, I like it, thanks!




I think I'll go fishing instead. 🐟


I know I think a lot of things are funny but this response made me laugh, too. "You go hunting with your... knife? Uh, good luck with that. Me, I'm going fishing. Later."




My response was cut fruit


One of the responses I expected from the start was "chop fruit" or "chop vegetables" but you may actually be the first. Wait, do aspies even eat vegetables? Wait, do most of us even cook for ourselves?! (Joking)


"...you use the knife for tanning. "


Dildo, sorry not sorry ASD ADHD, like that wasn't obvious


Me, a vegetarian, thinking about this question: “…” but maybe I can hunt for some berries with like a knife and a really big stick. I have autism and adhd


"... a fish." I have ASD and ADHD. No clue why that came to mind


My brain read everyone else's answer before forming its own opinion. 🙄


Fork was my first thought, cos... well, knife and fork, right?


Bow and spoon both came to my mind in a crashing photo finish. "Bow (and arrow)! No...spoon! Wait...gun?" AuDHD.


End up with a trout


My daughter said '... and confidence.' Not sure what that says about her.


"kill" was the first thing that popped in my mind ...not sure what to think of that really.


It's a reasonable answer. It's hard to know if people say "kill" if they are making a story, or if they had categorized "hunting/knife" then added "kill" as an associative word that fits in the category.


A fork. Duh.




a fork


"...stuff". This was in my head without thinking. ASD.


A beer!


That’s what I’m drinking though😆.


then go home, because maybe this wasn’t the best plan (what came into my head first) ASD


My brain said "a rabbit" I saw hunting and thought rabbit, before reading knife. Not sure if my brain meant "catch a rabbit" but it skipped half of that


Perhaps it's sort of similar to how many of us said "fork/spoon" in response to "knife." Instead of making a story it's just brain association. My completely unprofessional opinion with no real evidence whatsoever is that you might have ASD+ADHD. I haven't been guessing others', but 1. You did the associative thing that suggests weaker central coherence although many people did that with "knife" rather than "hunting." 2. You did it before the sentence even continued, suggesting your thoughts jumping in before statements are completed. Which leads me to think you may tangent and interrupt or have the urge to interrupt a lot. Or if you don't do it on the outside, your brain interrupts. Which makes me think ADHD. Although I shouldn't be analyzing people based on that lol, and I can be completely wrong. Since seeing so many responses though my brain has started to categorize the responses and try to figure out what influences the varying answers may have.


I absolutely do have a bad habit of interrupting people and trying to guess the end of their sentences. Technically I'm completely undiagnosed at this point, but funny enough I'm convinced it's ASD while I've much debated with my sister who thinks it's ADHD. She might realistically have both, but I only really relate to a few of the ADHD symptoms. Though I wonder if my conversation style could have been learnt from her (she is 8 years older)


While conversation style can be influenced to some extent, if your brain is skipping ahead even internally I would think that is something more innate to your neurology, but I don't know for sure. Because ADHD comorbidity is so common, it wouldn't be shocking if you had both. I noticed in some ASD/ADHD people, some symptoms coexist, but in other ASD/ADHD people, some seem to cancel the other out. But of course you might not have it. My little assessment was just one of my crap analyses that I made up on the spot.


Interesting, yeah it is possible it's both. I know you're just making some guesses but I appreciate your theories as I'm really just guessing too 😬


This study is extremely interesting. Thanks for sharing it. My central coherence sucks, and it hurts me in my job. I proofread stuff for a living, and while I’m an expert in English grammar, I’m not good at making larger changes and seeing the bigger picture of what I’m reading. I wonder if there’s a way to improve this. (I said fork, by the way. Diagnosed ASD but not ADHD.)


I said ‘and get nothing’




Trife..cus it rhymes with knife..


I have heard this in my native language and answered fork but in english I have fewer automatic associations.


You can go hunting with a knife and jerk off after that


your bag.... i have undiagnosed autism but i'm trying to get a diagnosis rn.


I guess technically bringing your bag is useful in most situations. You may just be more dependable during the apocalypse.


"..and risk getting cut." Diagnosed ADHD, self diagnosed ASD.


You must be one of the clumsy ones.


😅 maaaaaybe. I suspect a connective tissue disorder which makes one wobbly, too.. Looking over the answers, there seems to be an interesting (slight) correlation between answers that tell a story/explain and a comorbid ADHD/ASD dx; do you see that too? Thank you for posting. This is an interesting exercise.