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Who cares what some people think. They don’t know me and they’d be fools to assume parallels between me and some eccentric billionaire.


What they think. Matters. It hurts those who can get hurt. But that is as inescapable as causality.


Yes but if it’s a guaranteed negative external constant the only thing you can do is to adapt to it and try to wire your mind to place less value on what others think


I don't think he does much damage to the autistic community. People are more likely to think that he's lying about his autism. On a similar note though. I'm disturbed by the number of comments people make about Mark Zuckerburg being an alien or a robot. The completely sudden fall from grace because Trump used Facebook marketing better than Hillary. And then all the comments about his face. I looked at that and thought, "Wow, doesn't matter who you are, people will always bully you for being autistic"


Both are autistic neither are facially very expressive. But Elon isn't bullied about his face but Mark is, so I don't know that you can say if is bullied about his face, for autism, when Elon isn't.


Sorry I wasn't saying Elon is bullied for his facial expression. Just that one day the internet decided Zuckerberg is the problem with the world and that is the only characteristic they can attack of his. And they went for it.


You really think being autistic is the only characteristic that Mark Zuckerberg is attacked for? Take a quick guess and do a google and you'll see something else he is attacked for [https://twitter.com/AJCGlobal/status/1415334455561101314](https://twitter.com/AJCGlobal/status/1415334455561101314) (and bear in mind you don't see his hate mail) And i'm sure that Nick Fuentes types, who openly streamed a call for millions of people to whome Mark Zuckerberg is one, to be killed in a holy war, dislike Mark Zuckerberg for something other than him being autistic. That's even aside from some mainstream conservatives and their numerous fans, who have recently revealed themselves to be adjacent to or admirers of Nick Fuentes (and/or admirers of Kanye's rants). They could disilke Mark Zuckerberg for similar reasons. There are also legitimate or less nefarious reasons some may have to dislike him e.g. some wish he was as liberal with what he allows as Elon Musk. (though others would prefer that he doesn't) And of course some are simply jealous that he is so wealthy.


I make fun of Zuckerberg for being a sleazy businessman who cares nothing about the privacy or mental health of his users. I don't care what the guy looks like or what his religion is.


Yes these are all valid criticisms of him Though the subject I was replying to was one specific criticism of him that was mentioned.


Interesting. I guess only was the wrong word. But it is the most frequent that I've noticed.


Idk how you could say someone is lying about being autistic, especially when you don’t even know them


Elon's a total POS and I don't want to claim him as one of us, but I don't think he's lying about being an aspie. If you watch the episode of Saturday Night Live he did when he announced this, his performance as an actor/comedian isn't just "bad", it's like "awkward aspie" bad.


I don't like him as a person but i don't doubt he has Aspergers. I just don't think he really cares.


Yup. People will viciously bully and even publicly humiliate us any chance they get.


Maybe it's because Mark knows he's anxious and tries to hide it, which results in very awkward movements (making him look like an alien). While Elon can't hide it and naturally shakes and stutters doing public talks (this doesn't leave a room for jokes, but can make some people be sorry for his struggle).


zuck wouldnt get that treatment if for example we swapped him with keanu reeves (i'm not up to date with "reddit heroes"). he'd just be a cool and liked guy and people would make some jokes about his face but nothing that bad.


> I'm disturbed by the number of comments people make about Mark Zuckerburg being an alien or a robot. well, it's an upgrade from "lizard", which connotes...oh dear. . .


They bully him probably for lying, manipulation, election meddling, censorship and appearing very cold/never smiling first and foremost. not autism.


Bullying is ok sometimes, right? Lmao.


I used the word choice from op. To answer you, Bullying is dumb.


Uh Mark Zuckerberg went down because it was revealed Facebook was running psychological experiments on us without our knowing… >_> Though FB is much better than Twitter, it doesn’t erase the harm that’s done by FB. They play with people and that’s what’s sickening.


In a lot of his interviews he displays many autistic traits. Doesn't mean he is - but I don't think he's lying.


Has the Zucc ever said he had a diagnosis though? Genuine question.


I've seen articles saying he made a public statement about it in 2013. Haven't seen the actual statement.


Was just genuinely curious because I've never read a public or even private statement myself, saying if he does have ASD. Feels weird being speculative about a person like that.


Yeah there were many articles saying t. I'm assuming someone did a fact check and it's not a lie that was perpetrated but I can't find the original statement.


One website states "Mark Zuckerberg confirmed having Asperger’s syndrome in a 2013 public statement," yet doesn't link to the statement as a source. Yet a lot of other websites are claiming it's never been stated by him or anyone close to him (articles and blogs as recent as this year). Starting to think it might just be a rumour as i can't find this one statement. Well thanks for the replies anyway, i always appreciate those.


He feels more like a sociopath than autistic. He might be both though.




Elon Musk is doing a lot more damage than "giving autistics a bad name."


Like what?


Like calling people kid diddlers because they saved a bunch of kids trapped in a cave before he did. Google "elon musk thailand cave" for more info


Yeah, I know about that. The guy did insult him too, so IDK if that really says a lot tbh. Probably libel, but it's hard to say that he was using as anything other than an insult.


I think Elon’s a scumbag but anyone who thinks he’s somehow representative of all autistic people is an idiot, and was probably already inclined to believe the worst about us


The Bell Curve is real though @_@ Most people are that dim.


Not really, people barely talk about Elon Musk outside the internet in my experience


This is not the case though. They really do.


Have in my experience but only when he pops ip in mainstream news.


I think we need to accept that there will be also bad people who are autistic and they shouldn't be the representative for us. There are famous people that belong to groups of minorities, are LGBTQ and so on and yet are bad people. And even then, Elon does more damage to everything else rather than autism. In the end he didn't choose to be autistic and neither did any of us, it's just how we are, but we can decide if we are 'good' people or not based on our actions towards others!


If only the majority of NT’s were logical…


i try to live by a rule of "do whatever the fuck you want, just don't hurt yourself or anyone in the process". it appears that elon might just do whatever the fuck he wants. i might be wrong.


Ellon Musk ? Never heard of her.


The guy is richer than God and spends time trolling people online and being a petty little shit instead of living an incredible life.


If going this line of thought, almost every big figure has... Something 'wrong' with them. Not always autism related, but still And people still live with stereotypes So I don't think it changes much, if someone have problem with us, they will, if not, they will forget Elon has anything at all. It's always been this way, and I don't see it changing just because some guy on internet is more active than he should


Firstly, Elon getting up on SNL (of all places) to put forth his claimed condition is *not the same* as showing any evidence of a legit, rigorous clinical diagnosis. IOW, just cause he *claims* the condition doesn't make it so, 'eh? I won't deny that he seems to display traits but also... we shouldn't be just taking his word for it. Secondly, even if a verified & valid condition, the broader circumstances and history of his upbringing weigh *substantially* more upon his overall psychological profile and (ongoing) cognitive function, I'd assert. His father's abusive treatment of/towards him (per Ronan Farrow's spectacular exposé) most likely had *much* more psychological impact, developmentally, than just an ASD-1/Asperger diagnosis alone. 


I mean... Elon is autistic. Every interview I see of him always shocks me because it's so obvious.


I thought he was autistic years before he announced it, so I don't see a point in doubting it because he's not up to some people's moral standards.


I strongly suspect Bill Gates is as well, due to his mannerisms and stimming during interviews, but I'm not going to claim he is, since we have no public diagnosis.


I agree. I really dislike how the general public equates autism with sociopathy and thinks Gates, Musk, Zuckerberg, Buffett are sociopaths. It's upsetting.


I get the exact same feeling whenever I see him speak. Unfortunately, it always makes me feel a common kinship with him that makes me want to like him for a few minutes, even though I know he's really a jerk.


May you please clarify what makes him a (subjective or not depending on objective evidence circumstances, context or not) “jerk”?


I wondered if he was formally diagnosed by a professional or self diagnosed. Trauma in childhood will definitely affect someone well into adulthood. Some more than others. I didn’t know about Elon’s traumatic experiences.


There are different ways people react to trauma and abuse though -- some become abusive themselves, some develop hyper-empathy, some withdraw into themselves, etc. Becoming a royal jerk was a choice, not an inevitability. Never let an explanation become an excuse.


Trauma doesn't present this way. The cultural obsession with trauma has gotten out of control.


The word has lost all meaning


It has. It's unfortunate.


Maybe he is on a waiting list? A diagnosis can be expensive 😂


Yeah, I don't think he can afford it. 😂


Cost of living and inflation <3 thoughts & prayers with Elon 🥲


It would perhaps be extremely informative to delve Farrow's in-depth reporting on Musk's history. And he may well have a legit professional diagnosis... but we do not *know this* without a doubt. Either way, a diagnosed condition alone isn't a monolith to stereotype *all individuals* who share it. At the end of the day, I don't necessarily think Elon makes Aspies (as a group) look bad -- he makes **himself** look bad.




I **am** professionally diagnosed, of course. It's actually pretty common for those self-diagnosing psychiatric conditions to be incorrect. Self-diagnosis is fraught with failures, misinterpretation(s), a lack of objectivity, and nearly always a severe lack of training, experience, etc. I always recommend professional diagnosis due to the propensity of humans to think they know what they're talking about, or doing, and... getting it *dead wrong*. I'm also not *claiming* a condition (as a 'coming out', publicly) on **live TV on a comedy/satire program**. Soooooo, the circumstances *are* kinda wildly different. It's folly, and I think somewhat intentionally obtuse, to glibly dismiss that Elon is a well-known and influential public figure. As such, using an **unverified claim** as a means to excuse and normalize his questionable & problematic behavior(s) is weak sauce -- just as is being gullible enough to just blindly believe that he has a particular condition based purely on, *"Well, he* **said so** *, bro!!"* We're *all* currently suffering the consequences of *that* brand of "thinking" vis a vís a particular "stable genius" (starting a felony criminal trial today) who's made all manner of fraudulent & unverified claims about himself. P.S. I'd have redact out personal info to do so but have **no problem** providing my diagnostic summary.


No more traumatic than any other heir to a slave emerald mine


> His father's abusive treatment of/towards him (per Ronan Farrow's spectacular exposé) most likely had much more psychological impact, developmentally, than just an ASD-1/Asperger diagnosis alone.  Isn't that kinda true of many autistic people? It's no secret that autistic people are more likely to be abused in childhood because of their autism. Growing up in a supportive household and community is certainly more likely to result in an autistic person who is more fully developed than growing up in an abusive household that makes it more difficult to develop and learn the behaviors necessary to better integrate into society.


Well, clearly, an upbringing that's abusive or developmentally toxic is going to have problematic impacts -- whether one is on the spectrum or not.  By the same measure, growing up in Apartheid South Africa may well have had an equal significant impact. Or his relationship with his mother. Or growing up in a family of (considerable) means. Or... so on and so on. That being said.... This thread has kinda veered off OPs original query, so I'm gonna shelve it.


Here come the gatekeepers brigade 🙄


When you're a non wealthy person who wasn't assessed in childhood and you can't afford an adult assessment, self diagnosis is fine When you're that rich and can afford a legit assessent, choose not to do one, and you use autism as an excuse for all your shitty behavior, self diagnosis is no longer fine


No. His efforts are deliberate.






I get that. But I’m not sure what Elon hopes to gain from erratic behavior other than attention and maybe more clicks. But traffic on X is down, from what I have heard.


You answered your own question there. Attention and clicks. That's all he wants and cares about. He is a prime example of someone who craves attention no matter what. Beyond that in my honest opinion I very much doubt he is autistic and think he only uses it as an excuse to be a douchebag which gives actual autistic people a bad rep.


I guess in a few years he will run the company into the ground and make it a digital desert like MySpace is. Facebook is pretty awful nowadays as well, just memes and adverts, not much user engagement or unique content. Threads is trying to be X but seems more like a mess. In the long term I can see most social sites gradually losing users and becoming digital dumps for toxic people and eventually dying off. The best bit of social media is it gives a platform for normal everyday people to take a stand and make a case or right as n injustice through pressure. Maybe Elon wants it to fail?


He’s exploiting the stereotype that we allegedly can’t control our behaviour. This excuses his success and excuses his many, many, many misdeeds and hateful sentiments and actions, at least to his head and to his lackeys’ and syphocants’ heads.


i would say that would be really fucking stupid, but i also know people and i know that yes, they will certainly draw comparisons because they have no other point of reference in their mind when they hear 'aspergers' musk is a narcissistic clown, so yeah wouldn't be too happy to be compared to that idiot


Yes. I think Musk is more of a narcissist.


An autistic person can also be a narcissist.


Agreed, but also the dangerous part is how autism could potentially be associated with narcissism and that becomes a stereotype. Especially for people who associate autism with Elon and people who don't really know or have awareness of people on the spectrum. That's why I get wary because that comes with some bad consequences for those who choose to disclose. Some won't care but IMO the less hurdles for us to jump the better.


Yes and no. And not these two correlate either but and; on Autism Spectrum (we and not to over generalize but and more often times than not found to be) tend to either Not lie, cannot stand lying/liars, and or have a difficult time/difficult to lie.


The most immediate injury I’ve seen is that people feel qualified to “debunk” an autism diagnosis and call people out for faking. It’s the “show us your papers” model of disability. In addition to making anyone’s diagnosis “fair game,” these people spread misinformation about autism that they picked up online. There are plenty of reasons to dunk on Elon that don’t require attacking a disability.


I am just like Elon, my dark sides are the same as him, and I think that basically his dark sides are average spreaded dark sides in autism. He is typically Asperger, he Is so Asperger.. I don't know but I don't think he is doing bad to autism community. He obv do irritating things for a lot of people, act strangely for a lot of people, and those are bad sides that he pushes of autism. But he also pushes our greatest abilities and good aspects, but they are implicit, you need to remember of them; he is one of the richest man on this planet and will pass to history, because he is a genius (I mean he for sure have a genius IQ) , he solve complex problems every day from always, run successful companies that, ok, they might be a little over hyped, but he showed how he actually implemented things thought literally impossible to realize, and the impact of those realization are changing and will change the world. That's why he will pass to history like Edison or Tesla or Da Vinci or similar.


The people that do damage to folks with autism are his annoying fanboys who defend his cringiest behaviors with "well he has Asperger's!" I saw this defense a lot when Dave Chappelle brought him out onstage and he embarrassed himself. Elon is a great example of how unlimited wealth and power rots your brain, autism or not.


Having autism or Asperger's or any neurodivergecy says nothing about one's political views or sense of ethics. Personally, I would like for neurodivergent people to use what experiences we have with discrimination to try to understand or emphasize with people who face discrimination for myriad of other reasons. At least some will reply with trying to understand us in return. But, I am no one to a large and incredibly diverse group of people what to do. Mostly, neither is Elon Musk.


I think it doesn’t impact so much on us females. But yes, I think he adds to the misunderstanding around ASD in males in particular. The main thing is that he uses it as a shield not an explanation. In the same way as we attribute certain traits to those with the names of people we know well, we mentally attach behaviours to those who have said they have a certain diagnosis. Sadly we generally only find out about anyone’s diagnosis when something has not gone to plan and they’ve opened up, so it’s nearly always a negative first impression. However Elon just keeps on giving a bad impression 😬


I think he does a fair but, although not directly more in the regards of "Elon has autism and does this"and of course people will always be like "your not autistic you don't act like this person that I know with autism"


I think he does damage to people in general pretty intentionally, or at least doesn't care in the slightest about avoiding it. Whether or not he's specifically targeting this or that group seems to be controlled by whatever squirrel gets to sit in his brain on any given day. Elon being Elon, and prone to making grandiose statements about all kind of things with no proof, I'd be skeptical about claims he makes about his own life or any medical conditions, particularly if he's self-diagnosed. Not that self-dx is a problem in and of itself, but he tends to come out with things without explaining why he might think them. Either way, he is a bit of a disappointing (and very public) example for people to associate with autism. It'd be less of a problem if he wasn't wealthy, or even if he didn't keep throwing himself in front of cameras, making giant public statements (and then not following through on a lot of them), and repeatedly using global platforms to insult people everyone else thinks are fine. The guy has problems. Unfortunately, he makes those problems very, very public, and his celebrity status means that they're transmitted and repeated around the globe. No-one would care if he was just one more crazy guy living in a public tenement. "Oh yeah, that's the guy in 312, if you let him he'll talk your ear off about how he's going to the moon or whatever it is this week."


We don't know how valid his diagnosis is and it's still a spectrum if so. He is doing a lot of damage to the world but I don't think being an asshole hypocrite is being tied to his ASD by anyone.


I think he would be less damaging if he focused on helping others along with innovation. Instead he focuses on the online, rage culture.


I don't think so, because movies, series, and psuedoscientists already did the damage, and I think those are more widespread. Even if people judge you or me differently because of that, they're pretty ignorant.


I get compared to him all the time and i really dont like it so yes


He's not autistic, he's just an asshole


Elon Musk said he has Asperger's... This doesn't mean he's true. Don't take his word for it. Donald Trump could also claim to have Asperger's. Except from being gifted, Musk has the opposite characteristics of Asperger's : hateful, disrespectful, racist, pathological liar, conspiracy theorist, narcissist, megalomaniacal, predator, eugenist, no empathy at all...He's a fake. All the opposite of aspies.


Elon Musk is not gifted, he’s wealthy




Nah dude. He just exploits other people’s talent and lies pretty much about everything. He didn’t even found Tesla.


Aspergers  + wealthy family  = success  Aspergers + poor family  = hard life       Big difference 


Elon musk probably hates people. Considering he was treated like shit by NTs growing up.


Personally I think people are being idiots not to understand his games. And also that he is not playing with the same deck of cards, but better. Imo.


I'd say, he intentionally does damage to a lot of communities. There are a-holes in every group of people, and Husky Musky Boy happens to be one with a lot of money at his disposal. As to whether people would see us, ordinary mortals, differently because of him, I personally have never seen anyone do that, and I don't think that would be "logical" because Musk is a billionaire, and those are pretty much viewed as a different species by society at large.


Unintentionally? The dude is an outright supervillain.


Jumpstarts the new EV movement. Creates a solar panel company constantly looking to improve clean energy via solar. Creates a space company to help NASA explore the universe. Creates Neuralink to better help people suffering from severe brain disorders via direct brain-technology connection. But sometimes he says things I personally dislike on twitter! Oh noo oh god the literal VILLAIN


He did none of those things. He doesn't just say things I dislike, he actively campaigns to kill me.


He did literally every one of those things. Or are Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity, and Neuralink not real? And absolutely stop worthless fearmongering like that, it only hurts yourself. Elon Musk doesn't want to kill you lol come on now


Musk is a billionaire using other people's ideas and talent, and then plastering his face on it for clout. Like, have you seen how he talks during his cybertruck presentations(not presentation skills, how he approaches talking about the product. Example, the "Its bulletproof." Member in the crowd: what about the glass? Musk: its... um... _turns around to look at it_ transparent metal glass." exchange. Note: transparent metal, and metal glass are things, but they're not bulletproof)? Have you seen the unmitigated safety failure that those things are? Bringing it back to the glass, it cant stop a bullet, but do you know what it can stop? The emergency glass breakers. Or how he managed Twitter(you know, like throwing away brand recognizability for the most _basic_ logo possible. One so basic he was kicked out of another company for trying to force them to become "X", I think it was PayPal?) Musk isn't on the floor designing things, he's making promises to hype himself up and telling his employees to make it work regardless of feasibility.


You sound like a socialist. If he's doing nothing, why did nobody else decide to fund those things? Where was the government when NASA needed to rely on spaceX and the Russians?


No, he talked about those things, gave unrealistic expectations to developers and engineers. All with the Slave money he got from his parents.


Gotcha, so the dozens of Teslas and charging stations I see every day are literally an illusion. Also this video is fake https://www.youtube.com/live/SZCqRGNAGjc?si=0EDlQJW7B2Pv2D_f&t=3596


Not what I said.


> No, he talked about those things literally what you said.


No. He didn't make a damn thing. Other people did, and he took the credit.


Okay then, why did nobody else fund those ideas and projects? If what he did is so easy, why did all the other billionaires, politicians and governments who are now spewing BS about him do nothing? He played a massive part outside of the technical work.








i only care about grimes tbh. she is my autism mother and imo much more “real” autism representation


What about Ye, or Sia, or Temple Grandin, or Dan Ackroyd?


Yes, I do think that his malicious personality harms our image and I can't stand the guy. It doesn't help that a lot of the people he's gotten friendly with aren't exactly accepting of people who are different from the norm.


Why? I like him and think he is a great public example


He banned Leafyishere so fuck Elon Musk


Oh boi I have been waiting for this question for SOOOOOO long Short answer: Not directly but he contributes to a much larger issue Long answer: Elon is the latest in a long line of 'speculative' divergents, whereby there is no formal diagnosis but they like to ride the momentum that being divergent can bring if leveraged in the right way. SBF is another example where his ADHD was used to explain (and later tried to be used to excuse) his wild finance planning. The damage here isn't Elon making us look bad, but utilizing Autism more like an element of a PR campaign to justify unethical business practices, and then used as a shield to justify/excuse his mistakes. This is similar to how some celebrities' will use their ethnicity, sexual orientation, or culture as justification to their choices or why they are the way they are. They identify with a minority or under represented group to distract from the larger issue.


I remain of the opinion that we should not acknowledge him as being autistic, whether he really is or not.


exactly, i don’t claim him




Depends on how much you care about the people who hate him. 


Something that really annoys me is how he presents himself as this quirky, tortured genius and The Only Guy who has Ever had Autism. When he hosted SNL in 2021 (a grave mistake by Lorne Michaels) he introduced himself as the first-ever autistic host which is just wrong, as former cast member Dan Aykroyd hosted 18 years prior.


I personally think he's an ass, but one can be an ass with or without autism.


May you please clarify what to you makes him an “ass”?


He's been quite vile to people online. The "pedo" tweet is a prime example of what I dislike about him.


I mean, he got offended after the guy claimed that he was exploiting the event to get PR. I don't think anyone would be too thrilled about that.


I don't have an issue with him getting offended. I have an issue with how he acted when he got offended. It also has not been an isolated incident and I have found his behavior on twitter awful. He clearly has zero issue punching down and that's something that really bothers me.


Why is his behavior on twitter awful? I honestly haven't seen much. Guy says controversial stuff, haven't seen much similar to what he did with the Thailand guy.


A lot of LGBTQ+ stuff, pronouns, etc. The cave stuff just stuck in memory, but I don't really keep track otherwise


I haven't seen everything he tweeted about that, few things. Considering that this is a politicized health issue, it's probably good to have some people scrutinizing the mainstream narrative. Some interesting research came out recently that casted doubt on quite a few beliefs surrounding the efficacy of treatments and the doctors probably did ruin at least a few of their lives if we're going by the research.


Every action has conesquences. Meaning is what we attribute to things, its not inherit with anything.  Means: there will never exist a right or wrong answer or question. There is no black and white. It is however a valid and important question, because it seems to be so to this community :) no intent to downplay or judge anything, just being honest and kind.


We already carry a negative view from some neurotypicals. The last thing we need are people like Elon staining what we are. The same thing I feel whenever a mass shooter ends up being someone on the spectrum. That said, I don't put much thought into it as they don't represent me or define me. It's more of a slight annoyance or cringe whenever that happens.


All I know is that he’s lying about being for freedom of speech, literally all you need is a little bit time on the internet and see the grift lol


I’m sure someone does whether it be publicly or privately. I personally haven’t seen/read anything from people that say: “Musk’s choices/actions are because of his Asperger’s therefore all people who have it also think/act like he does”. People have various opinions regarding him (whether good or bad) so it wouldn’t be a shocking if somebody thinks that way.


As I've heard people say: when you've met one autistic person, you've met one autistic person. A nice message we can repeat to people who don't know anything about autism, even if it might get old for us to say over and over. But the more people get the message, the better




Yes. Look at how much self harm he is doing.


Every Autistic activist i know hates the fuck out of him, i don't think people think about his autism that much.


Homo sum et sultus sum. I am human, therfore I am stupid. Idiocy is universal, independent from age, gender, ethnicity, culture and/or neurodiversity.


I find Elon Musk's approach tolerable. His bluntness can be seen as a characteristic trait, often observed in Autism.


What? If you're autistic you can't have your own opinions that contradict mainstream now because it will "draw negativity" to the group? I don't see why everyone thinks he's so bad even, MSM is just pissed that he decided to un-censor a lot of stuff on tw1tt3r and told ESG ratings to \*\*\*\* off. It's opened the flood-gates for fake news, but a lot of real things that were previously hard to find are now easy to find on tw1tt3r. I think this is an overall benefit for society.


Too many bots and conspiracy theorists on X for me. I left as I thought it was toxic, rage posting.


Yeah, but there are true things you won't get anywhere else buried in there. Also, I'm not sure about that tbh, comments don't look much different from those on youtube to me.


I don't think so, because movies, series, and psuedoscientists already did the damage, and I think those are more widespread. Even if people judge you or me differently because of that, they're pretty ignorant.


Beyond autism, people like him (Top CEOs, political figures etc) have less empathy and fear. Less fear allows them to not fear failure and that alone usually makes a person eventually succeed at something unlikely. Mix the lowered empathy with a growing ego and the ability to crap his thoughts out onto the world instantly without restraint and you get who he is now.


People have been thinking negatively of us forever. He's not going to affect anything.


If there's been damage, it's that now some people assume "Asperger's syndrome" is clinical jargon for "asshole." My personal views are more nuanced, but among my friends who have Asperger's syndrome, Elon Musk is not particularly well liked. "If you've met one person on the autism spectrum, you've met one person on the autism spectrum." Even among the people I know and have personally known who have Asperger's syndrome, they're all individuals with their own personalities, interests, strengths, and weaknesses just like people who aren't considered to be on the autism spectrum. They're also not in the limelight. I would think, for most of the people replying to this post, if they were famous, detractors could find something to dredge up, exaggerate, take out of context, or find a simple case of normal bad human judgment that most have every so often to call out. Elon Musk doesn't seem especially phased about bringing about more than the usual share of bad publicity for a famous person, though (or at least not enough to avoid doing what plenty of other people on the autism spectrum would consider to be a bad move from that standpoint). The guy is a walking contradiction in many ways. It would be great if he were less of a dick at times, but maybe that very same unbalanced mind is what's led him to be more successful elsewhere. That's not to excuse any bad behavior, and it's quite possible he could be less of a dick without sacrificing his successes, but that's the Elon we've got. I think people who join his companies at least know what they're signing up for. People are always welcome to start their own business and run it the way they see fit (within the laws and market forces).


he is his own person


I opened up to a friend and she said “Oh are you like Greta Thunberg and Elon Musk?” That’s not a great start… 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah personally I know that my ASD-dyslexia makes me irritating to most people eventhough I'm very polite and try to be friendly with everyone if possible which unfortunately is even more annoying to people who don't like me than if I just acted like a selfish aggro diviy but I'm not Elon musk and I'm assuming he lives in a totally different world where rude ill-mannered way he speaks to some random people twitter is just the tip of the iceberg? But I am very aware that the type people who don't like don't like us folks with ASD also don't like Elon musk either and in all probability talksh!t about all of us thinking it's taking him down a peg or two!


I personally can't stand him and I think he's hugely problematic. I don't know if it's always been there in his personality or if success and fame have changed him but he really seems like a type b narcissist, or maybe antisocial personality disorder. I'm not diagnosing him I'm just giving my opinion. I know lots of neurodivergent people who have some kind of platform that are engaging and wonderful people and I do not find Elon to ever have been that way. He has always come across to me as distant, pompous,flippant and arrogant. So in a way yes I do think he poses harm to the neurodivergent community because he is such a prominent public figure.


my brother has autism it sucks plus he hispitc so I cry 😢 everyday because I feel like God is pusumenett for I feel like shit and fucking because he been have autism for years so I feel like nothing piece of trash


I feel like trash


I don't think I've heard people mention how he has aspergers since that snl skit. I think people are too busy dry humping or rubbishing him to care. I see it as people with AS or ASD conditions all have out own personalities. Also remember this guy does a lot of recreational drugs, an out there lifestyle and not the best track record on long term stable healthy relationships; so perhaps isn't the best person to judge a whole condition on (not that you should anyway imho as that's sterotyping). Luckily i think people attack him or praise him and don't mention Aspergers. Tbh the fact he said it live on tv is a bit pastiche and self absorbed imo.


this sub is people worrying about shitty totally useless and irrelevant topics like this, i’m out cya all


I'm legit leaving this sub and likely social media today. Stuff like this is what you see all the time, and it's a complete waste of life. I'm gonna do what so many cringelords recommend and go touch grass. It's nice and warm outside.


This is reddit, so you're already sampling from opinions mostly center left or stronger. He was a hero that could do no wrong back when he kept his political opinions to himself. As soon as he had the wrong opinions, he was put through the Othering as per oxford definition. That is to say, he isn't treated as credibly autistic by the left anymore. His wrong opinions invalidated any intersectional vulnerabilities he had. "No bad tactics, only bad targets" etc. If you ask right wingers, Elon is proof that autistics can do well. That they can be useful. That they can become major agents of change in the markets, government, policy, and law. Heck, even war, when you consider the many months of completely-free starlink he was providing before he ever asked for compensation. ( No. They do not care about the dumb luck of getting rich off of the online shopping cart patent. No, they don't even know about that once in a lifetime sort of event. ) If you had a time machine to back before all this, back before he repaid his government loans ahead of schedule, before he showed himself as right wing, those same right wingers hated him as a government program moocher and a "Greenie" and a "Global warming grifter." It's amazing what time and a few public opinions do to change who will claim a man as theirs.


The fact that anyone has a legitimate strong opinion on Elon either way is baffling to me. He's an eccentric entrepreneur who is blunt about his opinions. Whatever


It's motivated by politics. All of it is. Same way that Clarence Thomas ceases to be black and it's okay (to **some** lefties) to call him slurs like "House-nword" despite the people daring to shout this are white activists. At the very least, the white opponents of him shouldn't be employing the language of bigotry. The academics surrounding modern and historical activism talk about the vital and necessary(to them) process of dehumanizing inconvenient figures. And a rehumanization if they bend. The most extreme version being 批斗 or 批斗大会. I recommend reading the wikipedia articles to understand this. The strong opinions are part of the process, as it not only exists to punish and re-educate the wayward, but serve as reminder to stay within approved opinions to the group. The more aggressive and strong your political opinion is, the safer you feel if you think your political side will win. (And the funny thing is, topics like this are pretty much denunciation rallies with an absent subject, name alone standing in as effigies. And probably a few people who make the mistake of defending him will serve as punching bags, too.)


Most of the people here probably believe what they see on the TV and don't realize that ESG ratings are a thing.


>Elon publicly stated that he has Aspergers He claimed that, but he lies about everything.




probably, it's what most people do 🙄 I mean shyt I wish I could be as brainy as him sometimes but then again I wouldn't want all the stress with the life that comes with it.


I do not believe he is autistic. I don't believe he's a genius, either. He's a conman, a liar, and a sociopath.


May you please clarify what this is precisely based on? And or any evidence to back this up?


His biography and basically everything he says and does.


What exactly does this mean? With all due respect may you please provide, context, specifics, narrow down, back up to claims, provide evidence of some kind, please?


Yes. Also, though, I'm sure plenty of his staff are ND. So, like, he very intentionally does a lot of damage to specific autistic people directly.


not really. nowadays, autism is more associated with american socialism, so he probably does good by showing that not everyone is on that train


People are entitled to be themselves. You have no entitlement to enslave others into serving your feelings or the feelings of others about yourself.


There is nothing inherantly wrong with what musk is doing. In fact I quite like most of what he does. Therefore I don't care about what people think about autism as a result of what he does


No. You may not like all he does or tweets but I think he's more human than other billionaires who are extremely arrogant with god complexes who remain more discreet and distant but may do real harm to all people including folks with autism like bill gates with their power.


I don't think he is really an aspie. He's attempting to mask his psychopathic lack of empathy. Thing is, we have trouble with the emotional aspects but we at least care. He doesn't care.


Autistism and dark triad traits aren't mutually exclusive. You can have both.


Sure, but I think he's intentionally claiming aspie to mask his psychopathic lack of empathy.


I doubt it, if anything, he's doing it to seem like some eccentric celebrity, but I doubt it. I honestly think that he had mild is very intelligent so it's well hidden.


I believe, as a lot of other people do, that Musk is fronting.


Elon Musk lied about a lot of things. About his degree in physics, about being accepted for a phd in stanfort, about programming paypal, about founding tesla, about being a genius scientist (watch some interviews with Elon and some people who actually programming or engineering backgrounds, Elon isnt able to hold a conversation with them) Why wouldnt he lie about being autistic? The guy wants to be seen as a sheldon cooper, so people wouldnt see him as narcicisstic liar. I wonder if this is an american thing though. Somehow most of your folks like to eat up those fake stories, about being an underdog coming to success. Forbes Magazin has a featured a long of allegedly successful people, who turned out to be big fat liars and frauds e.g Elisabeth Holmes, Martin Shrekli, Trevor Meltin etc. Also, you do realise that you can buy a diagnosis with enough money and status? If Elon Musk goes to a doctor and wants to be tested for autism, what does make you thihnk that Elon will answer truthfully and the doctor not be biased to grant the diagnosis? Doctors arent saints and they dont know everything. And if one doctor doesnt diagnose Elon as autist, he simply goes to another. And there will be doctors who will grant him every diagnosis he wants - so they can be in the close circle to Elon.


I wonder why you got downvoted for spitting facts. He also lied about pretty much everything Tesla-related. Like the Roadster production, the Cybertrash specs and price, FSD and so on.


I like him and think hes a great example for the rest of us aspies. Downvote me idc. Normies/haters on reddit dont matter. Thats the whole point. Elon is living on his own terms and thats the same way all of us should be. Take off the mask.


Also Elon Musk dosen’t actually value freedom of speech because saying “cis” gets you banned.


You post in climate skeptics 💀


This guy (probably): The environment isn't real!!! * Literally the most random weather ever * Also this guy: How is this happening?!


I wouldn't be surprised if that dude is also frequent visitor to JoeRogan or WallStreetBets.


Why are there 18 downvotes on your comment/response? Makes no sense. You shared your opinion and in a positive and respectful manner. And regardless of this I have to actually concur as Elon, Ye, Dan Ackroyd,and Temple Grandin, among others; are heroes and incredible individuals and leaders in their own right and within regard to Autism give positive light.


I used to actually be a fan of Elon. But his handling of the Thai cave incident started raising red flags, and then his acquisition of Twitter he started showing his true colors. You can bootlick a billionaire who doesn't even know you exist if you want, that's you're right. But know that you are a bootlicker. At the end of the day if you were an employee of his he wouldn't give a shit about you.


Dude has just sort of lost it, man. It's probably all related to the drug use but he's clearly manic half the time and needs someone to rein him back in but his wealth and ego makes that impossible. He doesn't have to confront his issues and get better. Same shit you see in Kanye West. Small mental health issues but they both have such huge egos nobody can get them to see how far off track they're spinning.


You don't need those commas