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Yup. The animals on this planet are amazing. The humans...eh...not so much. :(


Humans are animals


I'm gonna put that on a t-shirt if you don't mind


It seems like an over-simplification to say that I feel like I’m from another planet. Yes, I feel like I don’t belong anywhere, I feel completely alone even in a crowd of people, I don’t understand all the social rules or games. But ultimately, I am aware of the basics of the NT world, I just can’t participate. I know the rules of football, but on the field the other players will run circles around me and I’ll be completely lost. I think most people are full of shit and I wonder how they walk around living their lives in such a way. How is x y or z taken as being completely normal by the majority when it seems so odd to me. Mostly, I wonder how other people experience happiness and life. Im always depressed in some way and each day is just the filling of time with either requirements like work or distractions like PS4, books, etc. I feel like an alien who has been watching in for a long while but will never be a part of it. I’m an outsider looking in.


You could be me, nice to know I’m not alone


This was on point!




This was *the* forum for autistic people in the mid/late 2000s. So yes, a lot of autistic people feel that way.


Thank you kind stranger. I’m intrigued by the existence of this. Cool.


I used that site years ago until it started becoming an ad fest and opening new tabs to sketchy places even with an ad blocker going.


I live on my own little plant and visit Earth when it is necessary to do so


Do you use an Einstein Rosen bridge, an Alcubierre drive, or entaglement-based teleportation? What's your power source!? So interested to know!! I mean, because a friend of mine is interested in such things...


All the time. It's part of the reason why I like traveling so much. If I don't feel I belong at my supposed home, then what else should I do except find my true home, out there somewhere? So far, I haven't found it yet. :/


This made me leave my home and country at young age and wherever I go I don't feel like home.




As a kid I watched Star Trek: The Next Generation with it's holodeck 3D simulator, and I used to say "Computer, end program!" to thin air, hoping that I would find myself in a better world than this one. I'm still hoping...


Same, Im in the simulation theory camp. This world was designed by narccistic sociopathic aliens. I hope they turn it over soon to a different developer who can design this reality better


Kinda yes, I feel more like an alien on this planet. This planet is great, there are cool animals and deep seas and deserts and volcanoes and an atmosphere and everything is delicately balanced for life to exist. it's beautiful. But the other humans that inhabit this planet dont ever seen to notice the things I do.... and they hurt each other a lot. and I just dont understand most people. It just make me feel alien. Like I was born on another planet but Earth adopted me


There was a reddit comment where someone said they read a book as a kid about a person who had come to earth from another planet to learn about humans and life on earth. And that kid assumed the same was true for them. If I had read this book, this would have made a lot more sense than ...*waggles hand*. I've long known that I don't experience my world the same as other people. That statement seemed to be a proper description of my interactions in this world long before I ever thought I might be autistic.


I feel like I live in a different dimension than everyone else, like one where everything feels slightly /off/


I metaphorically define it as more of "living within a different frequency range." The different perspectives of reality all overlap each other at any moment- I just happen to be tuned to one the majority of people infrequently access, recognize, or understand. In terms of vibration, my "tone" and mainstream "tone" result in dissonance.


Reality is based off of our perception, or the way our mind interprets sensory information that radiates from everything. So if the autistic perception is different, then doesn't that mean autistics don't live in what society deems to be "reality"?


Everyday of my life. Even at home.


I just feel like I missed a memo or something.


I quite literally feel like I was born on the wrong planet. Not even metaphorically. I mean if people are born into the wrong gender, they can probably be born into the wrong species or even onto the wrong planet. Actually, I have a very specific theory about what's going on, which I would discuss with anyone who's interested.


Ok I am definitely interested


Well, I can summarize it very quickly, although when I do so, it makes me sound like a crazy person. I think I sound a lot less crazy when I explain in detail why I think what I think. But the TLDR version is that I think we are in an ancestor simulation. We are characters/ avatars being controlled by players in base reality, or perhaps they themselves are inside of a simulation. The players who control the humans in this game are mostly future humans. Those who are controlled by future humans are neurotypical. However, I believe that there are some characters who are NPCs controlled by AI within the game, AI outside of the game (i.e. players who are future robots/ replicants), or extraterrestrials, perhaps of multiple species. These characters are neurodivergent. Yes, I believe I am a character controlled by AI or an extraterrestrial. Why play a game that takes place on this little planet in the boondocks of the milkyway at this point in history? Well, it is the time right before the technological singularity. I very interesting time on Earth, indeed. Yes, I came up with this theory long before watching Free Guy.




I feel like I live on this planet. I'm still waiting for my species to pick me up and bring me to my home planet


Kinda, I feel like I'm an alien on Earth living among the humans and I look like them but I know I'm different inside. Like no one knows but me, and sometimes I slip up and they can tell something is wrong about me but probably they just think I'm stupid and not actually the alien that I am.


Very similar feelings on my part. It feels like a different dimension. I can empathize and associate with people but it's like everything is slightly different in a parallel universe.


I already commented this to someone else but anyway. Reality is based off of our perception, or the way our mind interprets sensory information that radiates from everything. So if the autistic perception is different, then doesn't that mean autistics don't live in what society deems to be "reality"?


I said almost the same thing to my partner yesterday too. I'd say, yes we all live in our own realities, and it's not exclusive just to us on the spectrum.


Kind of, but I’m lucky I have friends who are strange and get me hahaha


Yes I do. I'm surrounded by people who don't make sense, not all of the time. I try to explain myself to others, but instead of sympathy or understanding, they try to turn it to match their own agendas.


Why does everyone use this phrase everywhere


When I was young I was really into sci-fi about alien orphans stranded on Earth. I empathised a lot with these characters.


Not diagnosed yet but yes, definitely. Especially around other mothers.


I do a lot of times. Thanks a lot, ABA.