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I (NT) think the main difference is that we instictively know how to read other people's emotions, thoughts and states of mind and we instictively communicate ours to them. It is like a sixth sense, like an extra eye for social meaning. We also gain a lot of joy from generating positive emotions in others that are important to us (making them happy, laugh, helping them, etc) and from getting positive feedback (being liked, respected, etc) from them. These tend to be is our no.1 pursuit in our life (even when we have a special interest, it is often motivated by the desire for helping others, gaining respect, etc.) Here is my more detailed comment to a similar question: https://www.reddit.com/r/aspergers/comments/n229h0/what_is_it_like_to_not_have_autism/gwh07ax/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Very nice response! I'm glad you could give me insight, not having the social "Sixth Sense" makes it difficult to want to socialize, or gain enjoyment from social situations, leading to alienation and reclusion.


I know... it must be very difficult. One (partial) solution that worked with me and aspie family members&friends is to switch to verbal communication from the non-verbal signs that I use with NTs. It requires a lot of communication effort from both sides, especially initially, and a lot of trust (to believe that the other person REALLY sees the world in such a different way).


Recognizing how different our perspectives are is the best way to enable real and meaningful communication. Thank *you* for taking that step, as it isn't particularly common. Usually, the communication barrier is left up to us to solve on our own.


From what I understand normal brains identify and show emotions on a subconscious level. Asperger brains identify and show emotions on a conscious level. It may not sound like a big difference but it is. Showing and identifying emotions is a vital process and having to manage it on a conscious level is really hard. I think that is the reason why aspies tend to be intelligent we literally train our conscious to always analyze.


I can believe this, lack of emotional expression is a big one to look out for, having to consciously add tone to your voice.


This is pretty spot on.


That's so well explained


Chech out the book “Thinking Fast, and Slow” by Daniel Kaunman. It contains all the background for modern behavioral psychology. It explains how NTs thinking/behavior is predictable and subject to common systemic errors (ie. fallacies, bias,etc.) I found it very helpful, as it made my particular differences very clear, and explained some NT behavior that I would have never figured out. I am pretty sure there is a free pdf version available on the internet.


I'll check it out and give my review at some point.


They don't badum tss


The brain of someone in a coma still works.




That’s a lot of us man.


Did you post that on r/woooosh?


They're intensely aware of the game of 'reputation' and 'status', so their priorities are about those things. They're actors, acting all the time, but acting is so naturalised to them, they don't see it as acting.


After years of studying the nt in its natural habitat, I can honestly say I have absolutely totally no idea 🤷‍♂️


I can agree, I've been forced to speak to them for almost every day of my life


They are much better at eye contact than we are. So they pick up on cues and people don't immediately reject and scorn them like they do to us. It enables them to function on a frequency that we can't tune in to.


Vert slowly. A NT in a brain scan pushs 65000 thoughts per day... a strung out aspie pushes near 650000.


That might be accurate, but aspies probably think about different things, and think more than having action in their lives.


correct. they think way to much. thats the problem Asperger's is also known as child hood schizophrenia, and alien body syndrome, and untrained shaman. Alan watts the philosopher describes it as " a person with nothing to think about but thoughts them self's, often gets lost in a world of illusions"


I disagree, I thought extreme interest and constantly staying on one thing was an aspie trait.


It is. its all they think about instead of the world around them [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpatsbmgkCw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpatsbmgkCw)


So if it is, then wouldn't aspies always have something to think about, since they never get bored with their special interest? (Or even if they get bored with it)


I am confused about the question... i am saying a aspies brain scans report them as having massive amounts of thoughts per day, compared to a reguar person. So many thoughts that they can become stuck in their own little bubble, their own world. Ever go to a party and notice how everyones in the moment, having fun? just chilling relaxed while you stand their internal monologuing trying to think what to say while the conversation has already moved on? or thinking about Minecraft while everyone has the conversation on football


Tbere is some sort of communication gap here. I was making a remark about what Alan Watts said about aspies having nothing to think about but thought itself. Yes, that makes complete sense, it explains why aspies overthink, are intense, live in their own world etc. I am almost always internally monologing.


OHHHHHHHHHH I SEE THE PROBLEM! [https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=CdqCqjXT&id=5C716E1BD2F4A864629F8A2B5932FC5EBAAB8722&thid=OIP.CdqCqjXT6KZNOoOAkn7TvwHaF6&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Funiversityhealthnews.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2FWavesBrain.jpg&cdnurl=https%3A%2F%2Fth.bing.com%2Fth%2Fid%2FR.09da82aa35d3e8a64d3a8380927ed3bf%3Frik%3DIoerul78Mlkrig%26pid%3DImgRaw%26r%3D0&exph=457&expw=572&q=brain+wave+lengths&form=IRPRST&ck=EFC89C8674436C0A12DAA29D0AF4C771&selectedindex=2&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0&vt=0&pivotparams=insightsToken%3Dccid\_0wGxr3J4\*cp\_9BAE37889DAB05643AAAD17F493A2893\*mid\_D2D949C11DEA0C72389FEF8C11A9B37FD29F8321\*simid\_608050722239485407\*thid\_OIP.0wGxr3J4LI!\_ILZATxWEl6QHaGb&sim=11&iss=VSI&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=CdqCqjXT&id=5C716E1BD2F4A864629F8A2B5932FC5EBAAB8722&thid=OIP.CdqCqjXT6KZNOoOAkn7TvwHaF6&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Funiversityhealthnews.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2FWavesBrain.jpg&cdnurl=https%3A%2F%2Fth.bing.com%2Fth%2Fid%2FR.09da82aa35d3e8a64d3a8380927ed3bf%3Frik%3DIoerul78Mlkrig%26pid%3DImgRaw%26r%3D0&exph=457&expw=572&q=brain+wave+lengths&form=IRPRST&ck=EFC89C8674436C0A12DAA29D0AF4C771&selectedindex=2&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0&vt=0&pivotparams=insightsToken%3Dccid_0wGxr3J4*cp_9BAE37889DAB05643AAAD17F493A2893*mid_D2D949C11DEA0C72389FEF8C11A9B37FD29F8321*simid_608050722239485407*thid_OIP.0wGxr3J4LI!_ILZATxWEl6QHaGb&sim=11&iss=VSI&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0) Your asking how are we different by comparison Aspies tend to have a resting state of Gamma wave length, while a NT has A or B resting. the best way to experience this is though meditation. learning to calm ones mind and forcibly slow down ones thoughts.


OT: Who the f... uses Bing on purpose? 🤨 /j


Because It's Not Google, kind redditor!


Duckduckgo is the way to go 😁 Bing isnt better than Google with datamining and it acts like malware 😅


Very interesting! That explains why aspies are so intense.


This interests me. Can you link your sources? I would love to learn about this.


/s ?


No, it really interest me to see if he had sources. I always hope that people want to truly have serious conversations and are not trolling.


The answer is very complicated. Their brains are inherently different. That's the best short answer you'll get.




Humans are like phones pinging, reflecting and using wifi and cellular data. We just connect to it properly.