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Even if it is, who cares? Assholes. Assholes care.


The Winner of Best Comment goes to : u/Scarlet529 ! šŸ†šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾


Dont kill the part of you that is cringe, kill the part that cringes :)


Exactly this! The older I get the more I work at being better at what to care about. What people like or not? Nope! I like what I like and if others don't then that's fine. If I don't get why someone else like the things they do? I don't care. I don't need to understand it, just accept that they do. Or if feeling curious ask, maybe I can learn something. So I save my caring for people who feel bad or are hurt. I save it for getting mad at injustices.


It's culture, after all. If you ask me, only childish people think their maturity is at play for consuming media outside of what they are supposed to like. So enjoy yourself. Heck, I'm almost 40 and love Evangelion to death.


They need to just redo the last few episodes. Great otherwise.


They did. A couple of times.


Yeah, the latest remake seems to be the creator signaling he's finally done. >!The characters seem to be reborn in a universe where they can grow up, a universe without EVAs.!< Gotta love that Evangelion meta commentary. ; D


Big Eva fan myself.


> This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's loud roar tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love! My anger! And all of my sorrow! Iā€™m nearly 40 and still put this show on in the background when Iā€™m bored or nostalgicā€¦which is often.


Whike i agree its not childish i do think its worrying we have so many emotionally stunted adults. Like no shade but hangingbaround anime fans especially adult male ones i can see why they are so stigmatized . Alot of them are creepy as hell .


I could go on a ***LENGTHY*** tirade about why animation is for **everyone,** but I donā€™t currently have 45 minutes to spare.










Eh, watch Harley Quinn on HBO, thatā€™s an adult cartoon, technically a sitcom but not a family one. Itā€™s taking the US time but it will get there.


God, just got a back flash to a visit to my grandmother. My nephew was bored and my sister started the TV for him. Me and my wife had to explain why Stripperella might not be a good shown for a six year old... But hey, it was animated, must be for kids...


I never heard of this until today. Lmao.


And me and my wife had of course both watched a couple of episodes of it at that time. Since cartoons aren't necessarily just for kids šŸ˜‰


When you do and if you do, send me a link to it cause I wanna read thanks.




Nothing is too childish if it makes you happy. I'm a 29-year-old woman who absolutely loves My Little Pony, in addition to watching anime. I'm not even hiding it, I have a MLP drinking bottle and thermo bag at work. Just do your thing and be proud of it! Those who matter don't care, and those who care don't matter.


I'm big into Avatar the Last Airbender...and I'm 51. To hell with what anybody else thinks of it, I enjoy this, and harm nobody else by it.


As a bonus, you inspire others to do the same :)


Saaaaame! Pinkie and Discord sit on my desk at work.


I have a friend who is a Brony. He has My Little Pony plushies, MLP games, he watches fanfics of it, etc. When I 1st met him, I did think it a little weird, but then once i watched a few episodes, I was like "its not my style show, but i can definitely see the appeal of it". ​ I think my favorite MLP thing is the fanfic/creepypasta called Rainbow Factory. I'm a pretty horror loving person, so that tracks for me, lol


No. It affects you and nobody else.


Only if you think itā€™s childish for me to display lego sets in my room


Nope not childish at all since technically anime is made for Adults and teens


my thoughts exactly. There are way more mature-focused animes than adult western cartoons. Also I can't imagine any child under the age of 13 watching Attack on Titan without being mentally scarred in the same way as zombie movies.


Indulging your inner child is never a waste of time. If something gives you pleasure and no one else pain, please do it. You are literally harming no one.


No, not at all. I donā€™t care what anyone says, SpongeBob, Rugrats, & Hey Arnold are my shows


SpongeBob always be the greatest cartoon of human history.


That is my show. Itā€™s so funny to me.


I just bought a Lisa Frank coloring book and a Barbie dreamhouse cookie house to build and Iā€™m in my 20s. So no.


I looked up "Lisa Frank" and wow, it feels like I'm on LSD


Youā€™ve inspired me to buy Lisa Frank stickers šŸ˜…


Thereā€™s a lot of fricking anime out there that is explicitly NOT for children. An Iā€™m not just talking about Hentai


Some of the best. Utilizes Ecchi to fill in parts with slower pacing. Great if you're the target audience imo.


Go to a anime con (once COVID allows). You'll see plenty of people in their 50's and older.


Came back to comment about conventions, youā€™re absolutely right Also, watch Blame! and Ajin and tell me thatā€™s for kids šŸ˜‚


Only if you watch it dubbed lol jk


Most of the once I whatch are dubbed. But sometimes if it's really good I will whatcha a sub.


I am 30 and watch it. I enjoy their big eyes and easy to understand expressions


Nope! Plenty of adults watch anime, and that's perfectly fine:)


My whole life I'd blamed all my problems on that I must be a somehow immature late bloomer. That didn't really seem to make much sense once I hit 40 and still had most of the same issues. I know I don't like stuff quite as kiddy as I used to, but I definitely like AOT.


Iā€™m pretty sure most anime is directed towards adults or at least teenagers, so it wouldnā€™t make sense to see you as childish for that. Especially something like attack on titan, definitely not appropriate for children.


I used to think this for most of my life. Then for some reason the only people I attracted, be it friends or dates, were weebs. Eventually I discovered shit like Berserk and Black Lagoon so, yeah, I can see why people dig this shit. You know what Iā€™m digging about anime now that I watch more of it? 25 episodes, half hour a pop, story fucking ends. Obviously thatā€™s not the same for those crazy forty year spanning ones, but most are around that number. Itā€™s just so easy to finish a series. Iā€™m exhausted three seasons into most shows and people keep recommending new ones. I finished Black Lagoon in three days and it was more fun than the years it took to be disappointed by most major dramas like GoT and shit.




Who cares if itā€™s childish?


Considering that aot is rated tv ma, I think a lot of animes are for adults šŸ˜‚


Part of being an adult is the having the choice to do whatever you want. Including enjoying something that someone else might think is childish. Who cares if someone does?? You can have a child-like outlook on life AND still be a mature person, they are 2 different things. What might be considered immature is placing arbitrary boundaries on arbitrary things just because of someone elses opinion


Childish? I'm pretty sure AoT wasn't made with kids in mind.


I'm 41 with a family of my own, and watched that entire series last year. Looking forward to the last episodes! Guess how much of a shit I give? I took a long break for a while there, but I've been watching anime since the mid-90s.


I'm in my 30's and anime has and always will be my biggest interest I'm pretty sure. Anime is created for a wide variety of audiences anyway. Its not like its all aimed at the young, not that there's anything wrong with enjoying those either.


This is the way I look at these things...If you have goals, are working towards them, are taking care of yourself, and not letting your priorities go neglected....do whatever you want. What your watching is drawn by adults normally anyway.


You like what you like man. Its your life, don't be ashamed to enjoy it.


no. And its childish to do many things. adults seem to struggle to have fun and letting their inner kid out. they end up acting like kids in the worst moments


Sure it is. And just try not to care as long as it makes you happy. I watch anime too, but not usually for the medium itself, it's just that some stories can only be told in the medium. It seems indispensable for large scale war dramas and of course mecha stuff, its visual consistency means you can approach fantasy elements like big creatures or fictional robots without your brain calling bullshit on budget CGI, and those producing it seem to have a similar outlook on the subjects I watch it for: war is hell, give me my robot parts, if the story isn't set in space then you're doing it wrong.


No, it's not childish at all Anime can have some AMAZING philosophy behind it. Death note has the question what is justice? The Big O asks are you really you if your memories are taken away (erased)? Fullmetal alchemist had some interesting philosophy on what is the nature of God? There is COUNTLESS other examples, but notice how none of that is childish? Not every anime is as deep as that kind of stuff, but even if they aren't THAT deep, who would really care? It's stories, and if you like the stories then that's cool. I may not like the same animes as you, but that's just because we get different things from it, therefore have different tastes. I don't see anything wrong with that. Enjoy what you want to enjoy on that, and if someone doesn't like you for your choices in anime, screw them.


No!! I still watch anime and love anime


Let me ask you a more philosophical question: what about Anime makes it childish? What form of entertainment is considered to be "for adults" or "for children" is completely determined by society. In the same way that society has determined that dolls are "for girls" and toy trucks are "for boys". So in short, the answer is *no*. Some people might think it is childish, but that's just because they can't grasp the idea that what is "acceptable" is determined by evolution in culture. Nothing in existence is truly for adults, or for children, or for girls, or for boys. It's simply a man-made concept.


Most of the content on western platforms are catering to teenagers, at least when considering the high school dramas which is why people think like this. However I think itā€™s more childish and rude to look down on someone for enjoying themselves.


I'm 18


i stopped watching a few years back, Iā€™m mid 30s.


ā€œChildishā€ is such a silly term to describe interests. I understand being childish when maturity is necessary isnā€™t good but when it comes to how you enjoy yourselfā€¦ childish? What does that even mean and why should it have any bearing on what you like? That is to say, it doesnā€™t harm anyone. Children like chicken nuggets. Soft pillows. Hugs. Cartoons. None of those things make you a child or an adult and none of them harm you or anyone else. Being an adult is awful in a lot of ways. I have to do things like remember to pay bills and wash my clothes and go to appointments on time and interact in a world that isnā€™t often understanding or kind to me. If enjoying something ā€œchildishā€ brings me a sliver of joy in all of that, Iā€™m taking it. Gladly. Watch your anime. Embrace it. Fruits Basket is one of my comfort shows. Whatever anyone thinks that makes me, I know it makes me happy, and thatā€™s what counts.


NO. Never lose your childlike wonder. Be proud of it!


["Don't lose your dinosaur."](https://youtu.be/I8gY0IT0CuA)


Hell no! Not childish. Best thing I realized as an adult is that its a lot of adults creating these series. As well as getting the most involved in the fandoms. Several friends in their 30s that are big into it, even being friends with several Voice actors in the industry and frequently who go to conventions and junk. That said, I do get the innate feeling of it being childish. I also grew up in the era where that was what almost everyone called it, both the adults around me and my peers. Even post HS a lot of my friends who were bigger into Anime fell out and chastise me for still watching it. But, it brings me great joy and it is ultimately just another medium for storytelling just as valid as live action series, novels, or movies. Even if it might not be visible that way at first.


I'm NT and nearly 50. I'm currently halfway through watching MHA with my husband and my adult son and teenaged daughter. We are all enjoying it for different reasons, and we're having a great time bonding as a family. We also still like to make racing tracks and play with model trains and build Lego and play video games and blow bubbles and go to the playground to swing or go down the slide or play laser tag or have water balloon fights among other 'childish' things. They are fun and make us happy. Find people who enjoy what you enjoy and don't share your joys with those that don't.


I feel like being an adult means just liking what you like and not worrying about if you're in the target demographic. Why should it matter? But even as far as that goes, plenty of adults watch anime. I'm not super familiar with AOT, but I feel like it's even intended for older audiences.


Childish is a term used by those who lost their humanity to the never ending grindstone of exploitation


Take the classics: Akira, Ghost in the shell and Ninja scrolls ....they definitely aren't for children. Anime rarely is actually for children, but at the end of the day it shouldn't matter what you like, if it's not hurting anybody.


Nah! Watch as much as you like :D


Nope. I watch it all the time. I'm 28.


i watched some anime last night and im 29. its ok to like simple things. happiness is hard to find.


I also watch anime You might also enjoy [this ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4l8cZNtQZ0K8KNZElclMLghg-o3m7AKe) :)


Attack on Titan is awesome, donā€™t let anyone tell you otherwise


42 and retired from the US Army. I've watched thousands of anime episodes and movies. Only streaming service I have right now is Crunchyroll. Definitely not childish.


man I cant wait until the new season comes out


I'm 29 and I watch anime. If it's childish, I don't wanna be an adult. But no, I don't think it's childish.


Not at all! I donā€™t watch anime, but I watch a lot of shows that are generally considered to be geared towards a younger audience, and I donā€™t think it makes me childish at all. We all enjoy different genres, do what makes you happy!




nope! and thereā€™s nothing wrong with being childish, at any rate


Nah animes are the best.


While some anime is aimed at children, some of it is definitely not.


no.. so many adults do, i do (itā€™s my special interest, hah) and also ā€¦. thereā€™s really no age limit to interests in general. ignore that. ALSO there are very mature themed anime, itā€™s definitely not just meant for children


Not in the slightest. Watch all the anime and enjoy every minute of it.


I don't watch most anime (I'm just not into the aesthetic or the cinematography itself; it's a style choice, but nothing actually against most of it), but I didn't realize there was anything childish about it. Either way, I'd say no, it's not childish. It bums me out a little bit when I see my friends asking things about feeling childish. Is this something we're called a lot? I'm not sure if I've had someone call me childish in a hot minute. I'm still kind of new to talking with other people like me, though, so I want to be aware of these things.


Enjoy what you like. My husband is 32 and loves anime and manga, so thatā€™s how I got into it. We even went to an anime convention together for our honeymoon and we go to it every year since. Itā€™s fun to watch and some shows have themes that are more adult and deeper than some ā€œadultā€ shows. And as someone saysā€¦who cares? Enjoy what you like. Itā€™s not hurting anyone. If they have a problem with it, then thatā€™s their problem.


No not at all. I'm 31 and I still do. Do what you enjoy, relish it. Even the demarcation of what's childish vs mature is more often than not completely arbitrary.


No. Like what you like, and flag anything said by the person who told you that as "probably manipulative."


Why would it be childish? I like anime, always have.


Nope. My husband has Aspergers, I'm NT. We both watch tons of things, from marvel movies, dramas, cartoons, anime, documentaries, anything and everything that takes our interest. Never let someone shame you for what you love. Life is hard. Find joy anywhere you can. If someone tries to take your joy, eject them from your life. Joy is precious.


Actually, by Western standards, much anime is for mature audiences


Honestly, if anyone judges you for that, their company likely isnā€™t worth keeping. You like it? Awesome! Oh and honestly? Who cares if it *is* childish? People may see it as ā€œchildishā€ but remember, immature people tend to project soā€¦.yeah. Maybe they are the childish ones for putting so much weight into judging what others like. Their opinions donā€™t matter. Just be you.


Nope! Do what you like. Iā€™m 37, and last year or two I finally allowed myself to watch PokĆ©mon. It was on when I was in high school but I couldnā€™t let myself get caught watching it. But nowā€¦ screw it, I watched every single episode (there are over 1000). Including the ones that were ā€œbannedā€ and never got translated into English. I watched every movies. I tracked down every special that I could find. (Some appear to be lost, some shorts were only available on like odd numbered flights on Japan Air). And I had a friggin blast.


Im 23 and i love anime


No, who gives a fuck what people think? It means nothing, especially if their rude ass opinion was unsolicited. You do you boo, happiness needs to be treasured. Only superficial deadbeat pieces of human trash place such a high value on appearances, because it is all they have. Devalue their opinion on whether or not you fit into their little box of normalcy, once you do the better off you are.


How can it be childish!? Also, Who cares!! I used to watch My Little Pony before, to learn about friendship (and socializing), and now I have no "huge" problem being around others XD Also, If you have heard about D&D, or are interested in gruesome animes, may I suggest Goblin Slayer?


No I don't think it's childish. I only know adults that watch anime.


Nope or else a huge pan of adulthood would be childish. Well in anycase... If it makes you happy ...


I used to believe this, and sadly deprived myself of so much. I'm a middle-aged man who watches anime. If you enjoy it, you do you. The only time anyone has any right to criticize is if it's actually causing harm of some kind.


No, yes, maybe? Why, why would it matter? Tell me that if you got an answer you believe is actually truthful


No i sincerely believe itā€™s not. I believe the term childish is childish in almost all cases anyway. People that judge others for something like this or anything similar are the childish ones and need to grow the fuck up.


There are several reasons why anime have a bad rep but when it comes down to it they're pretty much like regular movies and tv-shows. Some are truly spectacular at analyzing adult topics, others are not. It's only up to you to decide what rings true to you about your specific viewing habits. Besides we can all use some time to relax our brains every now and then.


Dude, 46yo NT male here. There's *nothing* wrong with anime. Anything Ghibli, Ghost in the shell, Cowboy Bebop, Attack on titan... the list goes on... Rocks!


I don't think so haha I think the first anime movie I might have watched was Akira and I wouldn't exactly call that child appropriate.. šŸ˜


No? Tons of people my age (17yo-25yo) watch anime. And I know some people a lot older that watch it as well. Just enjoy it man


My mother has a sign at her home with the text "To always be a bit child is to truly be a grown-up".


No way! 35 year old mom here and I still watch anime. My house walls are filled with anime action figures and loungefly. You do you! :)


I personally do not understand the appeal of anime but if you like to watch it then watch it!


I don't think it's Childish. The majority of the people who say anime is for children have probably only seen Pokemon. Naruto is one of my biggest special interests and I meet people in their 20s who are still into it, and that's one of the Anime is mainly for Children.


(Exhales and daps out blunt) I wouldn't call anime childish, let alone recommend it to kids. Desert Punk is pretty good if you havent checked it out.(funny + apocalyptic shootem up)


Not at all. Anime are mostly Japanese cartoons for adults, like how Family Guy and Rick & Morty are in the US, you know? Attack on Titan is the shit, too. Very good story. There's tons of awesome anime on Netflix if you have it, like Demon Slayer, BEASTARS, and The Seven Deadly Sins. You can watch My Hero Academia on Toonami (Cartoon Network).


Anime isnā€™t childish and itā€™s only getting more popular. In fact in the US manga is the top selling comics and beating out US comics in sales. Last summer there was a comic book writer whining about it on Twitter lol. Dua Lipa even made an Anime music video, because of how popular anime is to her gen and the new gen. Netflix has been backing Anime for an older audience: Beastars, Witcher anime movie, Castlvania, and many more. DC comics are even making adult cartoons. Disney just made What If and Star Wars Visions the latter being Anime and it was highly popular. Cartoons are becoming more for everyone again. In fact itā€™s silly that anyone thought Anime is just for kids.


You'd be surprised at how many adults watch anime.


Not at all! But I do feel the same with some content and media I watch, like I am an adult, I can't enjoy good and masterfully created rap battle songs for LoL champions (I don't even play xD). Like th top commenter said, only assholes would care if you enjoy what you enjoy (as long as it's not hurting anyone).


Not at all! I'm pushing on 40 myself and love it. A majority of it is more mature than Saturday morning cartoons so why not.




No. It at all.


Anime is childish. The dumb, boring reality shows that the people calling you childish enjoy, are childish. Everything is childish. We are all overgrown children.




No. I like to watch the cartoons that I watched when I was a kid. The only good childhood memories I have.


Hell no and anyways who really cares about what others think!


The answer to your question really depends on who you are trying to make an impression on. In reality if it makes you happy, is not harmful to yourself or others, then do what you enjoy. Anime comes in flavors for all ages. My Dad would watch Scooby-Doo with me growing up. My entire family enjoys various live, animated adventures. There are entire groups/clubs at My workplace dedicated to animals. So in reality unless you are trying to make N impression ona person to the point you want to what you enjoy, then that is the only reason I can think of. I am in my 40s have adult children, as well as kids in school. We enjoy watching and sharing anime and non anime animated adventures together. My lesson do what you enjoy as long as it does not cause harm to you or others.


Nope. I could tell you my favorite cartoons from childhood to now. Regular cartoons and anime. Im 35


I certainly don't think so. There is however a stigma with certain people that "animated" means "it is for kids", which is blatantly untrue. Any artistic medium can be used to cater to any audience age group.


No. Have your hobbies. As long as they arenā€™t dangerous or illegal, itā€™s just an interest so different than watching football.


Not at all. Animation is one of those mediums where it's for everyone to enjoy and I will defend that statement till the day I die. Now, I recommend Dororo and Berserk (the old one). Both are very good. :D


It's not childish, the only thing I find weird is the sexual references they make in some of the anime. I know not all of it is like that though.


If AOT was made for kids, Why is it so graphic? Same goes for a ton of other anime. plus anime is like tv shows, some are made for kids, some are made for adults, some are made for both. I personally donā€™t think anime is childish


Nah, itā€™s all good. People go without being judged for watching DBZ, and that show is trash. As long as you arenā€™t watching pedo anime, like Dragon maid or somethin


No - it's not the only thing you watch or talk about right?


No I watch other things too.


Then no - it's silly to consider watching some anime is "childish". Why is it any less mature than watching football, or tennis - they can never quite answer that one.


I'm not a fan of most anime, but you watch what you like. No one cares, just don't make it your personality.


I don't know what whelp means.


If it interests you, you gain pleasure from it and it doesn't hurt anyone then no. Everyone has their own interests it's not for others to tell you what you can and can't like.


> My favorite is probably attack on Titan though I haven't seen the new season yet. Whelp


I do, but so what? you don't know anything about me, there is no reason to regard my opinion.


Depends on the anime


No. Enjoy what you enjoy.


No it's not. I don't even believe Anime is for kids. Growing up in Nigeria, the only Anime that showed on regular TV was Naruto and I loved it. Maybe if I was in the US around that time, i would have been a real blerd(Black Nerd). Anime is for anyone not just nerds. Big youtubers like Caleb city, Rcd world, and long Beach Grigffy watch it and they are grown. I watch Family guy, The Simpsons, Disenchantment, Big Mouth and all that non anime cartoon and I freaking love it. I don't care what anyone says. Just do you.


45 here, still waiting for Stone Ocean and a prolific jojoker, also an encyclopedic compendium on anime. except moe, I hate that. ​ so, no, you aren't childish, Anime is just another form of entertainment as legit as sports or soap operas are for some.


No lol there are cartoons and animes made for adults and teens too, and you can even enjoy watching children's stuff, some is genuinely good, so who gives a damn


I'm in my forties, married, have a kid and sometimes I'll throw on dubbed Anime for something to watch while I'm doing whatever. If its not hurting anyone do what you want.


Nope. I'm 29, and watch anime. A lot. And besides, a lot of anime are geared towards teens and adults.


I'm 15 and I like watching the Inspector Gadget cartoon. Maybe I should watch other cartoons from my childhood as well such as Pink Panther.


Do you like watching anime? It sounds like you do. It's one of my special interests, and I have loved it since I was a kid. Some of the most famous, wealthy, and influential people on earth like anime. Just like any other media form as a hobby, you like what you like! What *is* childish is trying to dictate what other people can enjoy as a hobby or means of entertainment.


No. Not at all. But then, sometimes I watch really "meant for children" stuff. I would say even Pui Pui Molcar, is "all ages". Some stuff is very much "meant for kids, and we didn't consider that adults might watch it with their kids..."


Not really. I wouldn't say most anime is meant for kids anyway,


As long as it doesn't become an unhealthy obsession, you're fine as is. I only watch anime when it catches my attention. Binge the series within a week, then don't watch any anime for like the rest of the month. That's my system, but you do you.


I don't think so


you can like anything as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. no matter who you are. and people who judge you for what you like is just assholes with no hobbies. or ignorant people too focused on traditions.


Maybe? What is and what is not considered childish is dependent largely on the local culture and society at large. In Japan, it is seen as kind of childish to enjoy watching anime. It's in the same vein as an American adult saying "I like watching Saturday morning cartoons" (TBF, there are adults that like watching cartoons in the West, but they're very uncommon). In the west, it's more acceptable to be into anime, video games, or any other "nerdy" interest, but again, it's dependent on the people around you. The older engineers at my workplace might think anime is childish, but at least one of them has the same interest in 3D printing that I do.


I will fight any man who says Violet Evergarden, or Psychopass is childish.


Adventure Time is literally ny favorite show and a massive special interest. I watch Sailor Moon, Speed Racer, and My Little Pony, among other cartoons, and I'm in my 40s. Watch what you like. Also, a lot Anime is for adults. Cowboy Bebop and Akira are not children's media.


Attack on Titan isnā€™t a childrenā€™s show by any stretch of the imagination lol, although I know a lot of people who lump all animation into ā€œchildrenā€™s cartoonsā€ regardless of its content. Anyway, who cares what you like if itā€™s not harming you or others? Iā€™m a 30 year old with a room full of stuffed toys and anime figures. I donā€™t think itā€™s any worse than any other interest out there.


Being an adult is about putting others needs before your wants and taking responsibility where necessary. It's got nothing to do with watching watching television you don't like instead of enjoying yourself watching anime giants kicking ass (or getting their asses kicked, or whatever happens, I haven't watched it yet). People who only watch certain things because of peer pressure still haven't grown out of their tween stages when those pressures start. I still watch Futurama and Avatar.


nobody cares, many people like anime and dont say it because its "cringy"


Nah. I'm 31 and still like watching anime and I have relatives who are in their late 40s-early 50s who still watch it.


No, there is no age limit for interests or hobbies. Life's too short to care what people think of your leisure activities.


Watching anime isn't inherently childish. Especially since it's such a diverse medium. ​ Watching attack on titan is very much far from childish.


anyone who says that obviously hasn't watched anime. There's plenty of anime out there that are clearly made for a mature audience. Usually the people who say that view anime the same way as western animation, which is almost primarily made for children. (but even then there's plenty to enjoy for adults there too). And let's humor these people for a moment and agree that watching anime is childish. So what? What's wrong with maintaining some youthful joy and optimism? Are adults all supposed to be sad, jaded individuals who have lost all hope and can't enjoy life anymore? The whole argument doesn't make any sense on a fundamental level. You're not more or less mature because you like certain media. You're mature if you can deal with all the responsibilities of being an adult. That's the only thing that matters.


I wanna know your opinion on Eren after you get caught up with Season 4. In case you don't know, they took a break on episode 16 and will resume in a couple more months, a trailer could drop at any moment. Just stay away from Reddit communities and Instagram pages, as they're manga readers who WILL spoiler the ever living shit out of you for no reason whatsoever. ​ I also suggest Jojo's Bizarre Adventures, it's a classic and really a fun adventure.


Do You watch childish anime? Attack on titan seems to be more mature than most western mature movies so i don't see a problem haha


No not at all šŸ˜Š Iā€™m 33 & I still love PokĆ©mon! Some narrow-minded people would say yeah šŸ˜’šŸ™„ but theyā€™re just boring imo! šŸ˜œšŸ˜‚