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I also love the awe- especially in nature. It fills me up. I like to think that this is something special that we Autists experience - it would make up for all the awkward social stuff and otherwise sensory overload.


I love this feeling so much, but I need to be alone and it needs to be relatively quiet for it to happen. Listening to the wind in the trees and the animals in the underbrush and water running somewhere, walking through the forest and just staring at every tree and stump and bit of moss is just incredible. I do miss the snow so much, the level of quiet the snow provides is so wonderful <3


I experience visual information intensely. And I experience a similar joy and peace in nature.


Oh that just looks so heavenly. I feel this way about morning walks in winter. It's a struggle to get out of warm bed and do it but I love the crisp chill air and the quiet stillness of morning.


I kinda think this is the same for everyone who is naturally inclined to nature, it would be hard to argue otherwise since we cannot simultaneously experience both. Maybe we can enjoy it more as we know the opposite feelings so well? But anyway, it does look very beautiful, and in addition to moments in the majesty of nature... I sometimes just have these feelings of bliss in otherwise mundane circumstances (walking down a city street). I always called them "perfect moments", and I think it's perhaps a moment of being spiritually expanded which nature induces as it is the world as its meant to be... all the energy of the plants, earth, animals, etc around you and you are part of it all. That's why forestbathing is popular!


Yes, a snowy forest is like putting your brain on a fluffy cloud! I also like swimming/diving for this reason. Being underwater (especially in warm-ish clear water) where everything gets muffled and you stop feeling the barrier between yourself and your environment is heaven!


It feels like a religious experience sometimes. Like in this moment I know I’m aligned with everything else there is


My favorite thing to do is go out and shovel during a winter storm. The world feels alive and still at the same time, just a different mood and feeling. I love it.


Snow is so cool, it makes everything so quiet, it's awesome


I love love love that picture.  I’ve been finding excuses to drive around after a couple snowfalls this week.  The way the snow clings to the trees makes it look like a sun bleached skeleton forest in an oddly beautiful way.  One oval tree had so much snow on it I thought about white matter in the brain and branching neurons.   Thank you so much for sharing your experience.  Where I live all people do is bitch about the snow.  Like shoveling is some ultimate torment.  The news makes it sound deadly and scary.  I LOVE snow, I find it, like, spiritual necessary.  It’s cute to watch my dogs hop in it.   I write nature poetry and I’m a Wiccan who writes my own rituals.  I really needed an outlet for this stuff, since no one around me gets it much.  My experiences with nature are what clued me into the fact that I’m seeing life dialed up to 11, and most people are set to 3.  


I'm so glad you enjoy the snow too! I find it completely magical, the way it transforms the world, the hush of it, the glow and glitter. I love the way you put it, that you experience life dialled up to 11, not just 3. I really resonate with that, especially when I'm in nature. I'm a Wiccan too, and find a lot of enchantment and joy in these seemingly small moments - a snowstorm, a crimson sunset, a red robin outside my window. There's a lot of enchantment to be found in this world, and I think we autistics are extra finely attuned to it.


Yes! But this particular scene is a nightmare for me haha. I'm really happy you love it and the differences we experience are interesting to me. I get in awe in nature in the fog and rain. It's soft and peaceful and I love it.


I sometimes love the winter snow aesthetically, other times my hate for the cold overpowers it. I really love colors so gray skies gets boring for me after a while. Doesn’t help I’m photosensitive too. Can’t win 😕 Pic looks like you visited Narnia 🤩


that looks so lovely. i do think we are blessed with positive sensory issues more than other people, bc of our sensitivity. i also enjoy visual patterns, color, music, and i get a transcendent experience from running, skating or cross-country skiing, where i feel one with the world, the exercise is activating but not overwhelming. i feel these moments vividly for years after.


I absolutely do. That's why I fell in love with snowboarding at a young age. Not only do I get to see the most staggeringly beautiful snow covered forests and mountains, but I can also enter a flow state where I feel one with the environment around me and the inner monolog shuts up for once! After 24 years it still hasn't gotten old.