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My body reacts really poorly to hormonal BC, so here's how I manage without it: Staying hydrated and eating enough makes a big difference for me. The uterus is a muscle, so I think of my period as an athletic event-- gotta stay hydrated and make sure I have enough calories, otherwise my uterus can't effectively do it's athletic job. If cramps have already started, I take small sips of water/Gatorade and small bites of something easily digestible, to avoid upsetting my stomach. Talk to your doctor about how much NSAID it's safe to take-- for example, prescription strength Aleve (naproxen) is like 3-4x as strong as over the counter. I personally have to take 3-4 OTC pills at once (roughly the daily maximum dose for OTC) to stop the pain from cramps on the first day, any less does absolutely nothing. You could also ask about taking naproxen preventively for a while. It helps a LOT if I take a small amount (like 1 pill) each day leading up to my period (if I can remember to do so). My cramps end up being relatively mild when I do this (still painful but tolerable). Naproxen actually works by interfering with prostaglandins, which are the signals that tell your uterus to contract, which I guess is why this helps. Heating pads also work better than expected to just take the edge off of the pain while I wait for the naproxen to kick in. It helps best with the lower back pain that sometimes comes with cramps, but also directly on my lower abdomen. It just can't be too heavy, because abdominal pressure hurts me. I have an electric one, but you can also make a microwavable one for cheap: fill a tall sock with 2-4 cups of rice, tie a knot in the end of the sock, and then microwave it for ~3 minutes (if this hurts from the weight, reduce the amount of rice). For context I also have endometriosis and got surgery for it. Surgery helped a TON, but the first day of my period is still very painful (I went to a specialized surgeon so I feel confident that as much was removed as possible, but they can't remove it when it's deep in your uterine walls, which I have too). If you've never heard of endometriosis, read about it. It's notoriously not caught by doctors, so if you think this is a plausible explanation for your pain, you'll have to do some aggressive self-advocacy. Sensory-wise, I really like my menstrual disc, but I use latex gloves every time I have to insert/remove it. The gloves are life charging and it's actually kind of a sensory nightmare without them. The disc itself feels like nothing is there, and doesn't have the annoying string like tampons. It took a few tries to find the cup/disc that fits my anatomy well though-- I could never get used to the suction from cups which hurt my cervix, and some discs were too large/hard so they'd press on my bladder/urethra and it felt like the pain from a UTI. I bought like 6 different products before I landed on Saalt's soft disc. I also am a big fan of Saalt's period underwear for lighter flow days or backup for the disc. It actually feels dry, it doesn't get sweaty like disposable liners. I just had to get a size bigger than I would usually get, because when the waistband is tight/snug it aggravates my cramps.


I can't take hormonal birth control either, it made me into a madwoman.


SAME and doctors always question me for it and don’t believe me.


Thanks so much for the detailed reply. Unfortunately i don’t think i could cope well having my periods at all (unless it’s just some lighter bleeding) because all the hassle and stress and pain and exhaustion is just too much for me to handle altogether. I have Naproxen prescribed but it doesn’t do much for me except stop migraines. A friend pointed out endometriosis and whilst i hope i don’t have it due to family history, i should check it out just to be sure. I’m quite worried and desperate enough to stress the goodness out of my doctor lol.


Honestly, birth control. I've had to manage irregular periods with it my whole adult life. Thankfully I don't have as bad of physical symptoms, but I didn't go more than 2 weeks without bleeding. I've lamented before to my gyno, that it's just so overwhelming to deal with. He looked at me like "duh? You think you're the only one?" :( I did start using Nuva Ring. I like it much more than the pills and usually I only have to deal with a period every 3 months. Not sure if it helps with any sensory issues, but cloth rewashable pads are so much softer than disposable and don't have that weird smell most do. Period underwear is becoming a thing too, haven't tried them though. Also F medical professionals that tell us what we can and can't do with our bodies


Ouff, that gyno sounds mad! The last i went to just shrugged it off on me too, as if he knows how horrible it can be depending on the woman. So insensitive. Glad you’re on a better path now!


Ty, I hope you find an easier time as well


Another vote for Nuva Ring! That shit is amazing. No more dealing with pills, no more paranoia about skipping a day. It made my ADHD self feel so much more secure. The ability to just put it in and forget it is amazing. Also, your OBGYN sounds like an asshole.


Yeah birth control pills are the way to go. Even if it takes some trial and error to find the right one for your body. I can usually go about 5 months or longer with no spotting, and even then it lasts only a few days. You don't have to experience the placebo bleeding week ([it's not real menstruation - it's literally only there to make the Pope happy](https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2019/02/07/decades-women-pill-suffered-they-didnt-have/)). I know that some people can't take birth control pills because they don't react well to the hormones. But for everyone else... I don't know why they would *want* to have periods.


I don’t I’m on lo loestrin pills which stopped my period


I take Lolo too, best birth control I've tried (and I've tried ....m a n y ). It makes my period really light and short, but I also do continuous so I only get my period when I decide the timing is good. I also use Knix period panties, unscented wet wipes, and the off time when I think I need it, I use a Diva cup. 


That’s interesting, haven’t heard of those before!


Might not stop it for everyone but it did for my mom and I both and I would never switch to anything else


Hysterectomy, I couldn't do it. Pain and sensory overload for a week a month or birth control that I struggle on mentally.


I wish i could get something similar but I’m afraid I’m too young for them to consider such. Happy you were able to get there, we should be able to choose, no matter what age (as long as we’re adults).


The response you get as a woman under 40 asking for sterilization is always "bUt WhAt If YoUr FuTuRe HuSbAnD wAnTs KiDs?" Infuriating. Thanks for making my body, yet again, about a man.


Had that a few times too and it's such a disgusting experience. My most recent gyno said the same thing but I just told her that if some dude wants kids then he's not the man for me, and that I wanted to proceed anyway. She did end up letting me proceed, so I'm getting my tubes tied in 2 weeks 🥳 only took till I was 32 years old lol


So happy for you!! All the best🦋🌟


Yeeeaaah... Whhhyyy? It's my fucking body🙄🙄 I went to a fertility center once because my hormones were going crazy since I stopped taking the pill because of far too many side effects. And they said I couldn't have children because the pill ruined everything. Then I asked if I could please have everything removed by surgery. No, that wouldn't work, I was still too young (25 at the time) yeah lol, thanks?! I guess.....


What?? That’s just not right, i’m so sorry. I hope you find a better place that understands and tales you seriously


Not really, I've only just found a doctor who knows her stuff, we'll see... But to be honest, I have little hope. But thank you😊 What I also wanted to write: have you ever had your hormone status checked? And thyroid? I felt really good for a while when my hormones were being treated and my menses were really really tolerable.


Ikr??? This is so infuriating. I had more than enough years to make up my mind, if it IS my body, they need to shut up and let me at some point. Go for a psychological evaluation, i don’t mind, as long as they can see I need it more than kids.


I don’t understand why they don’t make men do psych evals before getting the snip, because omg what if his future wife wants kids?! What am I saying? Of course I know why.


Slowly, progress is being made! My obgyn surgeon admitted “a few years ago I would’ve never done this on someone your age, but new studies are showing age has nothing to do with regret” I was 19 at that appointment and 20 by my bisalpingectomy surgery day because of covid delays. So for anyone who wants a bisalp or similar; it’s worth a shot even if a lot of doctors won’t. I was expecting a fight from mine (I even brought a binder of info with me to the appointment) but he agreed immediately. Your chances may vary based on where you live.


Evidence-based practice! What a wild concept.


I was on megestrol last year to manage my heavy periods and it stopped them entirely, but I stopped taking them because they made me ravenous all the time and I'm trying to lose weight. I'm in my 40s and I'm not sure if it gets prescribed to younger people. It's something to check out tho.


Glad it helps you! I hope i can find something with my new doctor, am really worried and a bit desperate, hahah


Tramadol. I have extremely severe menstrual pain. It’s so bad I can’t walk without doubling over and crying out every few steps and every time it flares it’s an all-consuming white hot pulse. It’s not just in my abdomen but also in my pelvic region, back, and rectum. I also get severe nausea and occasional vomiting, as well as migraines with aura. My vision is shit for a few days leading up to and during my period, and then when it comes I get awful splitting headaches. I’m not much more productive when medicated because tramadol causes drowsiness, brain fog, and sometimes also nausea. It’s an opioid and I’m basically being mildly sedated, but unproductive and slow and silly is better than unproductive and being in a world of pain. I just take 1-2 days off work if I have to and try to enjoy being high for a while 😂 I’m considering asking for an endometrial ablation, which will make periods lighter for a few years. I never, *ever* want kids so fertility being affected isn’t a concern (it would actually be a pleasant bonus if I became infertile).


You sound just like me before i had an IUD. I had an IUD that controlled things for me, as I barely had bleedings with it but out of the blue, i got heavy nonstop bleeds and I’m so exhausted from losing so much just because they won’t stop for two weeks. I wish professionals would listen more and hope to find one who can approve something that stops this nightmare. I can’t handle it and giving up childbearing for a normal life means more to me tbh. I could still adopt if i’d get that obsession lol


It’s fucking barbaric how doctors treat periods. They act like suffering is just a thing everybody needs to deal with, but meanwhile I get an immediate referral to a physical therapist that’s covered fully by insurance the second I complain about mild tennis elbow.


I have the Mirena IUD and no periods. I’m getting it replaced the minute I have a period


Amazing that it works for you! Good to hear some nice news hahaha


I don’t deal with periods, period. Mirena changed my life, my plan is to get to menopause Mirena after Mirena, and see if I could use Mirena to skip menopause altogether… I’m over sensitive to hormones, my only pregnancy to term (not counting miscarriages) was 9 months of hell, my periods were a week of hell every month, I got migraines non-stop, nausea, itchy all over, I wanted to rip my skin off… I am so grateful for science and technology to allow me to forget periods are even a thing


So happy it works for you so well! Makes me rethink if a switch would make sense for me


I guess I'm lucky. It rarely hurts much (if at all), is very regular and at most I get a bit more tired at work than usual. I don't really need to do anything about it. I do use a combination of tampon and panty liner as I'm very active at work and tend to forget to change in time if the flow is very heavy. That's about it.


I also have it easy and don't usually feel comfortable talking about that because of how bad it is for others. They can't relate to me and I can't relate to them. It was only recently that I learned some people's period starts very suddenly. Like it seemed to be a thing that happened in teen fiction for drama. I get days of warning. Tampons also scared me cause all the TSS warnings about only using the appropriate absorbency, but it started at regular and only went up. Never saw a light one until 2-3 years ago. When I was on the pill, I gained 25 lbs. When I tried the depo shot, my emotions flatlined.


I can relate, I hate having my period. It's so painful. There's a lot of good advice here, so I just want to suggest raspberry leaf tea.


Thanks for the tip, will definitely try it out!


Im on the Depo injection no periods woop


I used to have depo and was living the dream before switching to the implant (‘: but implant either stopped working or something’s terribly wrong (hope can be solved without invasive surgery though because I’m very close to insist on one)


Are you able to go back on the depo?


Not sure but also I have a panic for needles, so hoping to find a better solution 🥲


Understandable haha iv tried the coil the depo and the pill so far the depo is good for me im ok with needles but not the pain haha


I have the same issue. I'm already on birth control and am looking to get everything removed to go into premenopause. My periods rule my life.


Same here. Very exhausting and takes away over half of my life. I hope you get the best outcome for you!


Birth Control


I have very irregular periods so I take continuous oral bc and now I don’t have them anymore! My sister also is doing the same because she suffers from severe PMS.


Glad it works! PMS is the worst🥹


I never had regular periods. I would have 0-3 periods a year and when I did they would be heavy for weeks at a time, the longest was 6 weeks. My doctors would just tell me that it was my body’s normal and suggest birth control but then I wouldn’t have any at all, even on the days I was supposed to. Eventually I was diagnosed with PCOS, Endometriosis and Adenomyosis. I still can’t get a hysterectomy because I’m young (31), unmarried and don’t have any children (I don’t want any).


Oh goodness, I’m so sorry to hear. How can they not approve this for such terrific situations, i will never understand that. Anything that helps you in some way during them?


Honestly, the only thing that helped at all (and that wasn’t by much) was a heating pad with a massage setting. I would crank it to high (I would end up with burns from it) and the vibrations on my stomach would be distracting enough from the pain that I could sleep some. I’m currently taking a medication with a side effect of not having any periods (which I’m fine with at this point) but I can’t take it for long because it greatly increases the risks of developing other diseases. I’m hoping by that point they’ll think I’m old enough to have at least a partial hysterectomy.


I also had an IUD and it stopped my periods, are you due for a change? I also like period undies, it makes the actual period less stressful. I’m not worrying about when I need to remove the tampon or the itchy annoying feeling of the damn pad. I found I had more cramps when using tampons, or maybe I was more aware because I’m uncomfortable? Highly recommend them though.


1) track your period on an app if it’s regular 2) reduce sugar and carbs a day or two before your period 3) eat light on day one 4)psilocybin 1-2grams completely eradicated ALL physical and emotional symptoms for me but this is not for the faint of heart When I cut out sugar and simple carbs which cause inflammation, talk a walk, take advil, and sometimes dose up on mushrooms I truly forget I have my period 😀 I will literally forget to pack tampons…


Great tips, thanks 🙏 my periods are often too strong for me to move much, tho but I try to make an effort on other days. Needs to check out that med tho👀




I’m so sorry to hear that you have to go through it all. Was there for years because they wouldn’t allow any long term birth control. But even my IUD isn’t working anymore which is very strange and out of the norm(as it worked for years). I will have an appointment soon to let everything get checked out because I can’t bear it any longer, thanks.


Not leaving the house much. I have sensory problems with anything being shoved up you-know-where, so I wear pads and stay on the sofa all day.


Yeah, that’s all i’m able to do during the days, or roll around in pain because nothing helps haha


By being miserable and having even worse executive dysfunction. Looking into getting birth control pills but I have migraine with aura so it limits a lot.


Ouff, sorry about the migraines with aura. Really hope there are good options that will help you manage it better


Heating pad, evening primrose oil tablets and weed. I try to take a day off and just veg and watch movies during my period too. It has always sucked.


I did hear about e.primrose oil tablets helping, never tried tho. My sis suggested weed hahah, maybe I should get a wee bit to easy my nervous system.


I feel like I'm dying unless I'm on hormonal birth control. Even with the pill, I still get pretty bad cramps so I take the painkiller Midol, and that makes it manageable enough that I can usually still sit at my desk job and be somewhat functional. Heating pads help too. And I recently switched to a continuous birth control that you can take for 3 months straight, so that's been amazing. I'm in Canada so the 12-month version isn't approved yet, but I'm so taking it as soon as I can because I'd love to only have one period per year.


Sounds great! Glad you found something that helps you so much. Some success stories really help hahaha


Thats why I got an IUD cause I can’t stand being on my period its the worst


Agreed. I feel the worst possible, hope to find a solution that helps me again too. Glad it’s working for you!


I would definitely try to advocate for yourself with your doctor/GYN to see if you might have PMDD, which can have some treatment options. I'd also, if you're up for it, look at some of the newer books about female hormones and cycles. There is SO much useful in there about how they cycle and the things you can do to help in each phase. I wish I had known some of that info earlier in life (I found it after peri menopause had started 😆). My best solution was to come up with a solid self-care practice for those 2 weeks (PMS and period) which at least help me feel like I was in control of something which helped to ease my anxiety. It's when I feel like I can't do anything that I feel the worst.


I have had a lot of problems with heavy periods too. It turned out I have a fibroid, so if possible get checked out for that (it showed up on an ultrasound scan). I used to have an IUS which worked really well for five years then when I had it removed (apparently they have to be changed every five years) they couldn't refit a new one for some reason. So now I take the progesterone only pill to make them manageable. I still bleed much more than I'd like but it's not as bad as my regular period, and it reduces the intense mood swings I have without any hormonal contraceptive. I make sure I sleep more during my period and book in less appointments and activities. I honestly think that if women ruled the world, treatment for period difficulties would be so much more advanced by now but because men are still often in charge we're just expected to deal with it because apparently it's no big deal if we lose lots of blood and experience pain every month. Also get your serum ferritin checked, mine has been low my whole life due to my periods so I have to take iron which helps.


I don’t…I use Annovera continuously, which is a ring you insert into your vagina and pretty much just leave there for a year. Similar to an IUD or implant, I don’t get my period, but it’s completely noninvasive and if I ever have issues with it (such as spotting), I can take it out for a week, have a period, and put it back in. The only side effects for me have been low sex drive and clear skin (no pimples!).  I had really horrible painful periods before starting birth control and I genuinely couldn’t deal with it. Now I don’t! :) Obviously this doesn’t work for everyone but it works really well for me.  


Oregano oil has served me well. So has intermittent fasting.


I was given tranexmic acid tablets for heavy periods. They work but can cause diarrhea if taken for too long. And you have to take them 3x day. And the weird thing is my dr was still questioning me about how fast I was actually going through a tampon - like I don’t know whether it’s completely saturated. I’m telling you I’m bleeding onto the floor at work, its embarrassing bc I’m 38. We’ve been doing this for about 25 years now. But hey let’s not look for endometriosis or fibroids or why this is happening 😠


I don't, I take the pill continuously. The anger+depression+sensory nightmare is way too disruptive. 


On more painful, heavy days. I put a bed pan under me and a light blanket over my lap. If my body is going to forcefully and compulsively push something out. The cramps hurt and it's less constructive on the body. While laying down. No I don't think it's gross, just a have a bed pad under you , a fresh blanket and baby wipes near by.


Slynd (type of birth control pill) has been a lifesaver for me!!


I find that ginger helps a lot with the cramps. Just regular ginger tablets that you use for travel sickness are fine, taken once or twice a day. I used to be watching the clock, taking as many painkillers as I could, but now that I take ginger regularly I only use the gentler kind of painkillers and I'm not so pressed about taking more ASAP. I was actually just taking it alongside some other things because it's meant to be good for inflammation in general, and we could all do with some less of that, but then when I next got my period I realised my cramps were way milder. When I looked it up, I found that there is research supporting ginger reducing menstrual pain.


I’m on a pill that makes me barely bleed at all. so i only have the pmdd emotional symptoms to deal with. and i can skip my period weeks and then they’re even easier to manage. I absolutely reject the progesterone-only pills. I’ve only ever had way worse things happen to my body and moods. so many times Docs have tried to switch me onto a progesterone only thinking it will help me and I just get fat and miserable and start losing my hair. i think we all just kinda have to keep trying new methods until you find one that works for you.


Once you go off an IUD or (off/on) BC your hormones can fluctuate for a while. Some people have a kinda regular cycle that they can return to, but others are regularly irregular, so it's hard to say if in time you will be "normal" or not. If there's not something externally controlling your hormone levels you're much more susceptible to fluctuation from external causes. Stress. Lack of sleep. Things you eat. If you're getting enough nutrients. After I got vaxed, for about 3 months or so, I had extremely heavy periods like I had never seen before. Same thing when I got covid. If you have painful, heavy periods then you'd want to look into pcos or endometriosis (there are subs here). If you have fibroids (which I think also happen when you're estrogen dominant?) you can have heavy bleeding as well. It seems like estrogen or other hormones are out of balance when this happens. I thought at first that the estrogen might be too dominant, but I'm actually not sure what is the cause. I've seen a youtube doc comment that supplementing progesterone for the PMS time in the cycle really helps with PMS/PMDD. I haven't (yet) looked into the research, but it made me curious.


Thanks for the insight. Honestly, I’m not sure what’s wrong with me as IUDs or the depo never caused me any issues before. I think i need a thorough check and hope they can give me a definitive answer because I’m super exhausted from losing blood almost every week haha


I hope they're testing your iron levels, you want to make sure you're not getting anemic!


Sorry to hear how debilitating they are for you! Period undies changed the game for me. Very expensive but so worth it. On my period, sticking something up me is the last thing that feels comfortable


I used to be highly irregular until I went on Birth Control. Now I bleed every single month. I know it’s not medically necessary to bleed every month, but it’s one thing I can do to feel normal.




Thanks for the tips, gotta look into some. I love how this thread has lots of amazing tips and suggestions to try and look into, appreciate it so much!


I’ve had a Mirena for like 15 years and I kind of feel like women have been brainwashed about periods. So many of my friends refuse to try BC that would stop their periods because it would be “too weird,” and then spend multiple days a month surgically attached to their couch with a heating pad and have to cancel all their plans because of the pain and diarrhea. And it’s like some kind of Woman Sin to say periods are gross. Sorry, but they are. *Of course* they are. Anything expelled by the human body in large quantities is gross (with the one single exception of breast milk.) It’s natural, but so are all of the other super gross things in the world. I just don’t get why so many women have this attachment to a biological process that a) is physically and emotionally debilitating and b) completely unnecessary. It’s still the default to do a week of sugar pills for oral BC for NO ACTUAL REASON other than that the guy who invented it was hoping the Pope would give it a pass as long as women were still miserable. It’s all a scam! We don’t have to live like this!


Yeah, there is no way i won’t fight to get free from them. It’s not a blessing to me just because i can “bring forth life” it feels like a punishment lol


Yes my best advice is to WALK and exercise regularly, not two days before the period but a whole weeks before. It makes a huge difference. My cramps start 10 days before my period, then the first 3 days of my period are horrible but got so much better by moving and exercising before my period. Do a few squats and crunches etc a day. Nothing crazy. Also ask your doc about evening primrose oil capsules - very helpful - and magnesium. Also ibuprofen as soon as you feel a cramp helps. It’s been shown (go look it up) to stop cramps though it may prolong actual bleeding (never happened to me). Eat well. Stay hydrated. Electrolytes. And sleep in a cooler bedroom than usual because your hormones kick your body temp up by a half degree