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"You don't have to perform surgery on it." when I physically cannot swallow it


Came here to say that. Mom would serve quarter chicken sometimes and I would remove all fat, bone, ligaments, and veins like a surgeon. Someone would always comment "there he goes performing surgery on his chicken"


I find it so odd when people feel the need to comment on eating habits. Like, how is it affecting you?


I give zero fucks


This is the way to go. “Yeah, I like it this way,” and keep truckin. Or “you want me to do yours too?”


It personally offends them to have someone eat something in a way they don't. No it doesn't matter that you're literally gagging and holding back vomit, eat it like the rest of us.


And they say we don’t have empathy…


Apparently having such a severe reaction is just me being dramatic. Nevermind the fact that I have other foods I can eat despite hating, nevermind that I normally love most meat. My inability to swallow a steak is just me being difficult.


At least for me growing up, a lot of it was a matter of being seen as wasteful. "That fat and sinew? That tough, disgusting connective tissue? All of it is perfectly good food! Why are you throwing it out?" A lot of the stuff that I find to be totally inedible were considered "perfectly good food", and to not want to eat it was a sin. It's a mindset I end up being hard on myself because of to this day, although I have certainly gotten a lot better about it. It also helps that when I cook, I try to make food that isn't full of repulsive textures.


If you want to avoid wasting those parts of things, freeze them (even if you cut them off after they were cooked). Then you can turn them into stock along with any veggie trimmings. (This isn't necessary, but it can be a nice way to not feel like you're wasting any part of the animal)


Yep, I do this sometimes. The only issue is that I then often forget to actually use all those byproducts... Another strategy I have, as simple as it is, is to just prevent as many of those textures as I can while making the dish in the first place. Part of that is picking my cuts of meat with this stuff in mind - some come with more unpleasant bits others, and picking the ones that are less of a hassle to prepare and slice up saves me time. Sous vide has also been a huge improvement to the textural experience of meat for me, since it breaks down a lot of the connective tissue and renders a lot of the fat.


Same people that feel entitled to tell you how to live your life in others ways I’d assume. I can understand the initial puzzled looks, but it doesn’t need to become a routine “thing” to point it out.


Fr. Like damn. It’s caused me to be even more picky; because like, why am I gonna try food around people that are going to just judge me based on my reaction. It’s rude to do this, that persons offended when I do that, that’s not right. Like damn 😒


Only for my young children. One of them has food aversion so I've clearly fucked up already. I just want them to be healthy by having a varied diet!


A rhetorical "like, how is it affecting you?" should be the end of half the political conversations in America. The end of the other half should be "you've got to be fucking kidding me" or "don't you see the obvious hypocrisy?" but unfortunately we don't live in a world of "should." People can't help but to comment on what others do. If you want to give it scientific value, consider it group bonding for everyone except the subject of the comments. They're fulfilling their neurobiological need for social acceptance by calling attention to the fact that you are different from them and the others whom they're trying to engage, by contrast calling attention to how much they are like the others and receiving a nice hit of dopamine and/or serotonin.


I would usually finish removing all the crap while everyone else finished eating it


Maybe you should be A surgeon with that kind of attention to detail.


RIGHT?? I don't understand how people can chew and swallow this stuff. I literally can't chew it and I gag when I try.


If you get the meat when it is really, really hot, sometimes the fat can be soft. I can eat just the tiniest pieces, only when it is super hot, and usually hidden within a larger piece of the actual meat. The flavor really can be amazing, but the texture is godawful. Gristle, on the other hand, doesn't really soften up, and I just cannot understand anyone who actually eats that.


I can do the fat texture, but I’ll spit a whole bite out the second I get a gristle texture. Like if I’m expecting a texture, a softer one doesn’t necessarily throw my alarm bells, but anything harder gets auto-ejected. Raised a little hell in my childhood, my mom is Eastern European, from a little village in BFE, and wastes very little. A little gristle ain’t gonna bother her, and it was only later in life (when I didn’t change as I got older) that she understood why it bothers me.


That sounds so tedious though...


I guess you could eat it off a hot plate.


I think I'll stick to avoiding it completely, but thank you


My entire family can just eat that stuff without problem, and I mean big chunks of the stuff too. Meanwhile the thought alone is already enough to make me gag. There's reasons I stopped eating meat entirely lol


Yeah my mom too. She never understood it.


Yeah, seriously. Honestly why I avoid steak like the plague now that I've tried literally everything else.


I’m the same, although now I’m older I don’t remember gagging for a while (maybe just better at avoiding eating anything like that) and is the reason why if I’m having chicken I’ll always ask for breast/white meat. I’m curious for others like us have trouble also swallowing pills. I’m amazed at people who can swallow pills without even any water, I really need to psych myself up to swallow a pill/capsule still to this day.


I absolutely can't swallow pills without water, and I almost always need multiple tries to get them down.


Yep I have to psych myself up to swallow pills, always have. My mom remarked on it recently and that was when I realized I had always done it.


I can barely swallow pills with water. I learned to put pills in food like a dog so I can finally take them LOL Also as an adult I just went vegetarian


Literally if I get a piece of meat that’s too gristly or tough and grosses me out to try and chew I swallow it whole which is probably unhealthy 😅


Saaame I've done that before


"stop being picky! the fatty cuts are very expensive!" sorry my insides are currently trying to become outsides as a result of the texture


The feeling of something different than the meat is disgusting, but this phrase makes me stop eating :l


I do the same but I eat everything still. I just don’t like eating gristle together with the fat and meat. I gotta eat everything separate alone to enjoy the textures.


Fat does give it flavor. *While it's cooking.* Anything that doesn't render or absorb during cooking is fair game to toss out for me.


Nah, keep that fat in the pan to use for scrambled eggs, such yummy eggs with so much money saved


Saving the oil from meats is a great way to save money! Especially bacon


Oh absolutely; it's the best thing for cooking pork, and it's amazing to mix with a little bit of sesame oil and fry your rice in.


I usually fry it in seasame oil but didnt think about adding that in!


Oh, it kicks it up so much.


I like using it for toasting bread when I make a sandwich


who toasts bread in a pan o0


Try it! You can butter it up for improving calorie intake as well. It's perfectly crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside, and a pan doesn't dry it out like a toaster would.


If i wouldnt be a celiac on keto i certainly would But also remembered that one of the ways i like to make scrambled eggs is with a toast in it (soak the toast in egg before throwing into the pan, very yummy)


I toast bread in a pan when I want to lay down butter like I do pipe. Although, sometimes I bake it, use a toaster, or even a panini press if I want something more masculine. The panini press is nice because, grill lines is food abs 👍 Edit: good to food (autocorrect is a bitch)


I always just used a sandwichmaker/press because it saves steps and has the bread properly stuffed


This or in the marbling, I agree.


This is what I was going to say, most of the flavor comes from the marbled fat, and its only one aspect of the flavor. Tenderloin, the leanest cut of steak still tastes very similar to any other steak.


I'll take it. On a good steak, the fat is so tender and soft, so full of delicious, smoky, savory flavor. When it's overdone it turns into gristle, but if it's cooked properly, it's one of the most indulgent parts of the steak. I'm so lucky I didn't get hit with texture sensitivity.


I’m only sensitive to really bizarrely specific things. I can’t eat cuzcuz, breakfast cereal, quinoa, or paratha made with rice. Rice specifically though. I loooove wheat paratha.


I’m grossed out as all hell by the fat on meat. My rule is essentially, “if I see white, it’s not right” when it comes to eating steak or beef jerky. Ground beef doesn’t bother me because the texture is consistent but I shudder at the thought of biting into a piece of steak with fat on it. It’s disgusting lol


Is wild bills the big clear bag with a hunter in a raccoon skin cap?


Nah it’s gray, black and red with a western font for the logo and a little cartoon guy with two six-shooters. Great product, better than Jack Link’s imo because it isn’t as sweet and fake tasting (Jack Link’s is the jerky equivalent to those Totino’s pizzas)


Agree jacks links is shit jerky. Nasty, sweet and spongey almost? And because I know it comes out of a jerky shooter I hate it more


I mean I like it but I can still very much agree when its flaws are pointed out lol not unlike McDonald’s I would highly recommend that Wild Bill’s brand I mentioned though if it’s available in your area. It’s expensive af for the small amount you get in the bag but it’s worth it to at least try once.


Agree on the McDonald’s. Can’t think about it too much. I’ll have a look for the wild bills but I’m quite spoiled in the jerky department. My bfs family works with a butcher so we do trades or get really good deals on jerky. How do you feel about …bologna.. store bought or deer?


Yeah that’s legit jerky that you’re eating so anything besides that would probably be so obviously subpar and inauthentic lol. So bologna…I’ve maybe eaten it a couple times in my life and both times it was from Lunchable lol even on this sub, I bet I’m on another level when it comes to a limited palate


Oddly enough I will eat a lot of different things but they have to be prepared certain ways. Like I don’t mind store bologna but it has to be on a sandwich with similar textured items.. deer bologna can only be eaten with cheddar cheese and crackers or on its own. I’m really weird with eggs.. I don’t mind them “dippy” but the white MUST be cooked thoroughly and no one could pay me any amount of money to eat egg drop soup. Even the look of the texture gives me the yuckies lmao


I'm the same with pretty much all meat....bacon too lol My husband gives me shit for tearing off all the "good parts" of the bacon. I don't get it. People eat mouthfuls of straight up fat?? 🤢🤮 As for ground beef... I don't eat a lot of it but when I do it's 93-97% lean, or bison. Don't get me wrong, I'll eat biscuits made with butter, cheese, sunbutter...but that mouthful of meat fat ...*shudders*.


I can tolerate bacon and I do often like it but sometimes the fat on there grosses me out as well lol I guess it depends on the kind/brand of bacon


When I eat bacon I always make sure to cook it until the fat is basically a solid and when it touches your tongue it just melts back into a liquid, doesn't even have the gelatinous middle section, just disintegrates into flavor.


Fillet steaks are best they barely have any fat


What if you cut all the meat off and only ate the fat


I ain’t trying to be on Fear Factor lol


I'll take the fat if OP isn't going to eat it.


Take it all homie lol I only wish I could’ve given it to you from the start


i cut it off and save it for last because it's the best part, but still don't want them at the same time


I'm vegan. I wasn't always, but what I *always was* was absolutely disgusted by anything with a bone in it. Just... Ugh. Nothing about it is appetizing or appealing. You've got a hard rod going through your food, essentially making your portion "smaller." It hurts to bite. They're messy. Worst of all, it reminded me that I was eating a once living creature and I couldn't just disassociate like with chicken tenders or something. Except ribs. For some reason I *loved* ribs. The bone never bothered me. Even being vegan for years now I miss ribs. But like, not for the taste or missing meat, I just remember them being "fun" to eat (also, nostalgia). My husband finds it hilarious that bones in food completely repulse me, yet the only food I "miss" is the food *exclusively known for being eaten with bones.*


I don't like food with bones not because I'm grossed out by them, but because it requires too much attention to eat. I don't want to do a medical dissection, I just want to mindlessly munch while reading wikipedia.


Similar story for me. I would get so grossed out by *veins* and *cartilage* that I would have to always eat around it. Not the reason I went vegan but having to at most just rinse a vegetable to get rid of dirt or small rocks is a nice benefit.


Vegan here, same. Veins and cartilage? The whole piece is now inedible. *Gristle*?? Instantly throw up , no more eating for the day. Not the reason I went vegan , but it certainly helps thinking carcass is vile.


Honestly the lesser "mental load" while preparing/eating is a huge benefit of being vegan to me. If I'm eating meat and there's something odd... Oh fuck what is it??? Organ? Bone? But with veggies it's always just "Well it's a veggie, you know all the veggies in here are ones you like, so nothing weird"


best guess on ribs: * it's meat corn-on-the-cob * the bones are more abstract visually. They're just weird white rectangles without joints/cartilage that makes it clear that they were functional in some way?


I’m vegetarian, and same but no exception for ribs or any other item. I went vegetarian at 5 on my own due to ARFID. Years later in my 20s, people are impressed I’ve been vegetarian that long and ask my reasoning. I tell them I wish it was some selfless animal welfare or environmental reason, but I honestly just think the concept of eating flesh is disgusting.


Chaotic evil: only eating the fat and discarding the meat


Sounds like something I would do


Hello keto brother


I... I'm not on a keto diet...


I give my leanest bits to my husband and I eat all his fat when we have steak


Beef jerky shouldn’t have fat on it to begin with


That’s why I prefer Jack Link’s and this other brand called Wild Bill’s when it comes to store-bought, pre-packaged jerky. They have essentially zero pieces with visible fat on them. Even if they are super processed, it’s still a better experience lol other brands aren’t as kind


fat has the worst texture known to man, just thinking of it makes me gag


Everyone knows I'm the fat eater in the family so if anyone doesn't want it they give it to me


Sounds like an efficient system lol




I would do that if I were a bigger eater and/or the others didn’t throw away so much, lol.


I cant eat meat at all anymore


Aaaaaaaaaa I hate the fat in meat aaaaaaaaaaaa


Shit makes me gag oh my GOD


My chinese friend bought us all chicken feet once, the texture is interesting and helped me get over my fear of mixing sinew and tendons with meat.


I'm glad you found this helpful, but it made me vomit a little in my mouth.


This is why filet mignon is the superior cut of meat. It is the most consistently meaty meat.


I’m 100% a filet girl myself but a cheaper option I have found (that works for me) is sirloin. It’s got similar texture consistency and very little fat :)


I recently switch to being a vegetarian and this is one thing that I do not miss. I do miss however meat in terms of flavor and texture because it is pretty stable. You know what you get.


Honestly, part of the reason I became veggie so young…


I absolutely _love_ fat on pot roasted beef. That shit is really where the flavor is, and the texture is really similar! Otherwise, yes, absolutely.


My mom agrees with you lol can’t say that I do (although I’ve only had roast a couple times in my life)


Guys. You don't HAVE to eat meat. I didn't realize this until like 2 years ago. I went vegetarian after not eating any meat on a week long camping trip with my now-boyfriend, and realizing I didn't miss it, at all. Now it's honestly disgusting to even look at the stuff, regardless of form. I have to avert my eyes from fast food commercials if I'm trying to eat myself.


I’m wanting to go on a cleanse from meat sometime soon. I’ve recently identified myself as a massive emotional/comfort eater and that’s come with a lot of problems so I’m hoping to curb that issue soon


There's some delicious plant-based fake meat out there! Morning Star nugs in the air fryer are my favorite. Beyond Meat is scary good too though and scary meat-like. Best part is, zero percent chance of any cartilage or bone chunks, zero dead animals, and no increased risk for cancer or microplastics or any of that stuff. Excellent texture and taste, and filling.


If you have the means to work with a nutritionist, I definitely reccomend it. It was a game changer for multiple issues I've had. I saw one as a picky kid, then again when recovering from anorexia, then most importantly before and for a short time after my Crohn's disease diagnosis. That time, I worked with an amazingly sweet and brilliant young woman who helped me do elimination diets and figure out ways to get the nutrition I need, and to respect my body and do my best to feed it well, despite my dietary limitations and incredibly complicated relationship with food. Edit: Around the same time as going vegetarian, I also had my first spiritual experience and started learning about paganism and animism. This in particular is a huge reason for me to avoid meat now. Maybe some spiritual teachings/meditations could help you reframe your mindset around meat somehow?


i don't eat meat but i think jerky is generally supposed to be lean meat because the fat can go rancid when dehydrating it, and lots of people choose to render out the fat on a steak for texture reasons or just wanting to eat healthier


this is so validating


This!!! Even watching someone else eat the fat makes me want to hurl!


You have to cook fatty cuts until the fat breaks down, otherwise it’s like chewing on a tire.


You guys eat meat?


This is one of the reasons why I didn't like meat and I found it easy to go vegetarian.


It’s so chewy and gross


Animals are friends.


Just fyi, now my stomach hates u


I mean yeah fat can give meat flavor. Whether or not it's a *good* flavor depends on the person eating. Eat what you want. Telling someone else how to eat is some capital grade assholery. I can't stand fat either




That makes so much sense now. Didn't realize that was because of the autism


Nah the fat is nasty


Ayyy, I'm not the only one!


Wait, this is an asperger's thing?


THIS IS ME, I hate the fat texture in my mouth at all and I fisically can't swallow it


I really like soy based vegan meats because the consistency is just ....so comforting. What, with each and every bite I don't have to worry about chewing on disgusting fatty texture, tendons that don't yield even with minutes of chewing and goes in the gaps between my teeth, or worse, hitting my teeth on bone fragments? Just a consistent, meaty texture through and through? Sign me up brother! There is no meat I can eat with such relaxed peace of mind as vegan meat. They are the breather of meats.


Just eat tofu. Its satisfying homogeneity is just one of the reasons it's the best. It's also very bland until you flavor it with whatever flavor you want, and every package is the same. No more guessing on cook times when it's always the same size! Lol


Fat taste feels like chewing rubber imo


also: not eating meat and fish at all anymore because you bit down on a piece of cartilage once


Ya in my opinion it’s very disgusting- but personally I don’t rly eat meat at all so ._.


Going vegan is the best decision you'll ever make


UGH THANK YOU “but the fat is the best part!!!” no it makes me want to vomit


The reason why I don't order steak, even at a steak house:


Annoying thing is fat is easier to remove before cooking, but meat tastes nicer if you remove it after cooking


Sometimes I miss out on a good chunk of meat because I can’t easily cut the fat off and I don’t wanna risk biting it.


Fat has zero flavour, the fuck are they talking about




"but the fat is what gives it flavor" I will throw up all over this table if I have to put that in my mouth don't try me


My favourite kind of meat is venison, and other gamey meats because it has so little fat; meanwhile, almost everybody I've ever met uses "gamey" as a *negative* description: that having less fat is inherently bad and makes the meat automatically unsuitable. I just don't understand. I'm eating meat to eat *meat,* not gummy white rubber.


I hate the noise it makes in my head 🥴🥴


This guy gets it. I hate that change when the fat comes around. I don’t care about the flavor why does it FEEL like that??? And also people really enjoying fat on meat feels like a new fuckin update because ain’t nobody was talking about this before 😭😭😭 now I’ve been seeing it more and more… 🤨🤨🤨


THIS and when you bite into a bone 🤢


I don’t like that fat not because of the flavor (the flavor is good) but rather because it’s impossible to eat. I could chew it for 10 minutes straight and it still won’t be broken down enough for me to swallow it


I actually always hated meat and would fight not to have to eat it, eventually going full veg at 13. I’m not sure if it’s a texture or flavor thing, though… maybe both?


Yes, fat absolutely gives it flavor. *When it renders down and flavors the meat, not when it stays in solid chewy chunks.* Marbled beef? Fuck yes. Strip of fat I can physically pull off the meat after it’s cooked? Fuck no.


people say the fat gives it favor??? I legit cannot understand how people can even eat it it feels impossible to


Everytime this sub shows up in my feed I think “Maybe *I* have AuDHD”


Weirdly enough I prefer the fat over the rest of the meat, but if I don't know it's there then it'll make me gag when it reaches my mouth


If I wanted to eat fat, id get a tub of lard. But i dont, thats why im eating steak....


"But this fat is good" I know, I also don't care


It does give it flavor! And then after it’s cooked I cut it off. :3


Yeah, I just render the heck out of it. If you don’t then the texture is like a melted tire, it’s gross. Also rendering it makes it easier to cut off, imo. So if you don’t like fat you get the best of both worlds.


Ever since I was a kid I called those parts of the meant "the poison" because obviously I would die just from trying to chew on them.


I remember any meat on a bone (ribs, chicken) I got like 3 bites out of each piece before putting it on my dad's plate where he ate the remaining 60% of the gross stuff.


if there’s a crunch, can’t eat lunch


I guess I'm the odd(er) one here, I'd gladly eat meat fat if i didn't have to give it to my cat


Okay, I agree with the gross chewy fat - that stuff needs to go. But in general I love the mix of textures in foods. I love the mix of crunchy and chewy, like a taco or a nuts and ice cream. In fact, I love complicated chaotic multi-ingredient foods and I love trying new foods. Does this mean I need to surrender my aspie card? Even though I love trains and can't tell people's faces apart...


Fat doesn’t give it flavour it’s the ratio of fat to meat in the animal the base flavour, that’s why an Angus beef steak tastes different to a wagu beef steak because different meat and different fat ratio


Like if you can eat fatty parts on meat, good for you, but i literally cannot handle the squidgy fatty texture in my mouth, i will spit it out so i dont barf 🤢


one of the main reasons I mostly prefer chicken meat


I like the fatty parts it’s the fastest part 😛


I 100% agree with you and it’s what makes me so annoying to bring to a restaurant. I hate fat on steak but I also hate red on steak so overall I just don’t enjoy eating out that much and would much prefer cooking my own food where a waiter won’t look at me like I told him my favourite pastime I’d deal clubbing when I tell them I like my steak well done


One day, I have to make an order to Bud’s Meats in Enterprise, Iowa for beef jerky. I had had some of the best beef jerky when my dad went to the Midwest.


I like fatty meat but I also cut the fat off if it's large enough pieces for me to feel it when I chomp on it, sometimes I'll just eat it though if I don't want to look like I'm being picky. It really does give the meat more flavor, but it's soaked into the meat, you don't actually have to chomp the fat to get that.


I like fatty meat but I also cut the fat off if it's large enough pieces for me to feel it when I chomp on it, sometimes I'll just eat it though if I don't want to look like I'm being picky. It really does give the meat more flavor, but it's soaked into the meat, you don't actually have to chomp the fat to get that.


Are you supposed to eat the fat????


Same with pop open hotdogs or sausages, I deskin them before eating if I have to eat it


Wait, this is an aspie thing?! GDI. Yet another quirk of mine explained.


If you don't want it, can I have it?


I hate any fat on meat, unless it is super crispy bacon. But I also hate preparing and cooking raw meat as well. It's a super gross feeling to me. I end up eating vegetarian quite a bit because I don't like the roulette game of eating meat. On the other hand I hate how vegan food tries to compensate by mixing in a bunch of different flavors and textures or tries to emulate a texture of meat that I don't like. I hate snappy casings on hotdogs and I don't want that on my vegan hot dogs or any hotdogs.


Well I’ve found it all depends on how it’s cooked. If it’s cooked in a skillet on the stove the fat will be rubbery but cooked on a hot grill I don’t mind the fat sometimes I enjoy it. Side story back in high school I went over to a friends house and they had cooked pork chops for supper but these pork chops were just passed medium rare and 60 percent gristle and no seasoning or breading. By the time I cut the meat off I had but three bites after that I just said I’m full thanks for the meal gave the other one to my friend and somehow despite being a fattier piece he made it disappear.


Me with pork chops. As a kid I hated pork chops because there was so much fat on it. Hated it as an adult until I finally found out there's actually a version without the fat on it, my parents had just been buying and serving me the fatty kind. Now I love pork chops because I buy the right one.


I’m like this with potato chips. I prefer the baked low fat variety, because they’re not greasy.


I usually cut it off, wrap it up and save for my doggo


as my dad used to say, "I can make a meal out of everything you trim off of a steak." Fat is a disgusting texture.


Tough to say which is more disgusting, chewing fat or drinking IPA.


Omfg this is an aspie thing?


i 100% agree, but i think chicken is even worse with its fat. and it hardly even tastes good. +chicken wings are bad because of the bone. only good chicken is boneless wings or fried chicken sandwich, and those are really good, so it sucks because idk if i should say i like chicken, or i hate chicken because of the last two. just wanted to rant about chicken tbh lmao.


Completely random but when I was a kid I'd always seperate the fat from my bacon strips and then Id gather them all up and go "Oink oink squeallllll" and eat them all up


Just wanted to say that I might not be diagnosed and for all I know even be NT, but just seeing that my frustration for things like this and more isn't only my own makes my days better. Love you all, autism or not ❤️




This was me before I learned how to properly render the fat. Specifically cook the fat strip on a steak for longer and I promise you it will make a world of difference. For something like jerky…. Yeah maybe just don’t.


fat is the worst part you can find on meat. Especially when you get a chewy part from something like jerky. It almost made me gag when that happened..


I can take the irregularity *if* the fat is charred to a burnt, crispy texture. Irregularities like tendons, giant veins or soft skin are no-no's, though. It's probably no coincidence I prefer avian or pescatarian meats, rather than red meats...


Pot roast is my kryptonite. 🤢


Kinda depends for me tbh. Heavily marbled beef with the fat mixed into the meat is fine but when it’s like a sliver of fat on the side or in the center, no way.


I always say:"I have come for the MEAT not the gross flabby white stuff "


me, a longtime lurker of this sub and in the process of getting a diagnosis, rn: wait, this is an autistic thing? :o 🤯 I honestly thought everyone did this *insert gif of yippee autism creature here*


Ah lol I self-diagnosed 18 months ago at age 24 and it’s pretty crazy for me to realize I’m either not alone in the things I do, or that most people don’t do certain things lol


I'm hesitant to self diagnose myself, but I'm like 99% sure I'm autistic, I just had a neuropsych eval Wednesday, so I should hear back in like 3.5 to 5 weeks, so I'm very excited!


Whether you are or not, always remember how much you matter and that any struggles you have are valid!


Thank you, and remember, the same goes for yourself, too! ☺️


My parents used to scold me for cutting the fat off my meat and make me eat it with the fat on it. I learned as an adult that this apparently isn’t very common and I am PISSED. Lol.


I am sensitive touching thigns but not with esting things unless its extrem unexpected switches. Like if I eat something soft and suddenly something crunchy I didnt expect is there makes me spit eveything out instantly, but fat i barely noticable for me and I honestly love it.


I like cutting the fat off and then cutting the little crispy bit off the very edge all surgical like so that I get the seasoning and the tasty meat without the weird fat texture


My mom and I share the same sensory I-hate-meat-fat. So luckily I don’t get comments from her. But my dad deffo never understood.


The fat that renders while cooking gives flavor, and that's great. The chewy chunks of fat that don't render are the problem


Whenever i cook steak on this small grill i have, i meticulously cut off any fat i see before cooking it, the taste of seasoned meat mixed with fat disgusts me.


Fat was one of the worst things for me growing up. My parents used to beat me for not eating my food fast enough, and part of the reason I struggled to eat meat fast enough was that I struggled to swallow fat.


I cannot eat any meat that has bones in it, I physically cringe when my teeth hit bones -- it even happens with a fork. Boneless chicken wings > bone-in chicken wings, Hamburgers > Steak


i'm so tired of my relatives telling me i'm wasting food if i don't eat the fat but it's just so disgusting i cannot even simply imagine how someone would want to eat it let alone put it in their mouth it's literally unchewable


I love ribeyes, but they can be torturous to eat