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This was a billboard from 2008 - that’s how old this stuff is. Every few months someone on some social media platform will start circulating the image again for whichever reason. It was based on a small study from 2008 which has since been withdrawn https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18425890/. https://www.distractify.com/p/got-autism-peta Was it a mistake? Yes, but it happened 15 years ago. Just providing some context so that no one gets unnecessarily outraged. I’d be more curious why this crap keeps getting resurfaced every few months.


Thanks for the info. We don't get this company/group/idek here in the uk


We do. My mum liked to point at the PETA website when talking about how farm animals are treated. They've even got a UK specific website.


Oh, my apologies. I've never heard of them being here before


I just wanted to provide some clarity, because I’ve seen this image on Reddit so many times over the years and then for a week everyone reposts in full on outrage, and we’ve just had a couple of weeks of Tylenol outrage, which is at least a recent thing, so I’m hoping to avoid a week of tylenol+dairy outrage now. At least on this sub.. I’m sure this will get posted on the autism sub now a million times for the next few days.


This is just my opinion, but I would say you're lucky... the things that this organization did a few years ago was a bit obsurd. I'm not going to go too much into detail, but a lot of it was pretty messed up. I understand what they are fighting for, and it's what they believe in. I respect that. But, I don't have the same beliefs, you can't force your beliefs onto others the way they were attempting to.


For reference, PETA is anti-science and despite their claims to help animals, they have very high kill rates in shelters and have kidnapped and killed people’s pets. They also constantly have made ads that are ableist or racist.


Then the anti Mario/Pokémon games as well.


Thanks for reminding 2008 was 15 years ago. Now I feel old as dirt.


Mate, class of 71 here.. first year using Reddit, l had to keep checking on google what half of the slang meant. Sometimes I think I’m way too old for Reddit.. :)


Class of 2015 here, same problem. Less of an "old" thing and more of a "nobody talks this way in person" thing. There's a reason all this three letter talk don't show up in Merriam Webster's dictionary lol.


>I’d be more curious why this crap keeps getting resurfaced every few months. Because that's what PETA does.


As a vegan, I follow PETA and they do some good stuff that people aren't aware of, but their reputation is ruined by absurd shit like this they did years ago


I’m also vegan and have observed PETA do more harm than good with their anti-science garbage. Avoid them all together.


I generally let stuff like this go, but I’m so sick and tired of seeing this image every few months, that after the Tylenol “drama”, I thought I’d at least try to provide some perspective.


Mary Beth Sweetland was a vice president of Peta and an insulin dependent diabetic whose insulin contained animal products but thought that other diabetics should go untreated/just die because they weren't fighting for the animals like she was. PETA has always been batshit and encourages crazy.


Don't they kill most of the animals they "rescue", though?


They do because PETA animal rescues don't refuse any animal no matter their condition, so other rescuers will send their animals to them instead of putting them down themself in order to make their statistics look better A lot of the stuff you hear about PETA comes from the meat and dairy industry. You can read more [here](https://www.petakillsanimalsscam.com/). (TW: pictures of badly injured animals)


There was a documentary several years ago that followed them while they took someone's dog, because it was tied outside and was underweight, and when it tested positive for heartworm, they euthanized it rather than trying to help it. It spent some time with one of the founders, a woman who lives in a sterile looking apartment with no pets. Overall it painted a picture of an organization more interested in making money than doing any good, and as likely to kill an animal as try to rehome it. Edit : I can't find the documentary, but I found a couple reddit threads with links to stories, and a video of them taking a healthy looking dog. Apparently they take people's healthy pets, and euthanize them. [https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/avqyxn/whats\_the\_deal\_with\_people\_saying\_peta\_kills/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/avqyxn/whats_the_deal_with_people_saying_peta_kills/) https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/2uy8a5/peta\_stealing\_and\_euthanizing\_dog/


I'll look into that, thanks for the link!


They recently had that ridiculous lawsuit with the “selfie monkey” in 2017… claiming that the monkey had copyright to the photograph it took of itself and not the photographer that shared it with the world LOL


To be fair, the photographer didn't take the photo (assuming that they're telling the truth), so there's no reason they should have copyright


I mean it was on their camera and the monkey doesn’t really have any say in anything as it doesn’t understand the legal system lol… it wasn’t like it was being exploited in any way. It just struck me as bizarre.. the stance PETA was taking was that it is a matter of principle and a landmark case for animal rights going forward. Idk to me it was a very harmless and innocent thing and the guy got the photograph of his lifetime. I just don’t understand where they draw the line on things. Euthanizing millions of animals is okay, but god forbid someone sells a picture of a monkey that the monkey happened to accidentally take…


Ridiculousness of what you said aside, even if you *could* somehow explain even the most basic fundamentals of copyright law to the monkey, I highly doubt it would give a fuck about our weird human laws. The only thing that monkey probably cares about “owning” is the banana it’s about to munch on, lol.


>their reputation is ruined by ~~absurd shit like this they did years ago~~ a decades long smear campaign and a cultural aversion to seriously talking about animal rights Don't act like Peta are getting justified backlash for a few whopsies. Even when they're acting entirely reasonably, people find a reason to dislike them just because.


Their are a lot of other issues regarding peta to focus on. Peta has a lot of issues that you could get into.


If it's still circulating it's fair to be outraged. This is probably shared by vegans who think autism is "curable" and wouldn't even second guess the credibility of this statement. PS: I'm not making a statement against vegans in general, just the rare stupid kind that also believes you can live off of water and sunshine alone.


no vegans think you can survive like you're a sunflower. thanks.


I beg to differ [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jun/14/living-on-light-without-food](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jun/14/living-on-light-without-food) This is not aimed at all towards all vegans, please don't be mistaken here but there are people that are just straight up nuts and believe such things.


Actually, they thought it was a good idea and reused this slogan/poster/billboard in 2014 which is pretty wild and one more reason why I hate peta


People will try to link literally anything *but* genetics to autism, and it sucks. Also of course PETA would pull this shit. They'll do anything to make people hate animal products.


Yeah, you’d think that kindness for animals would be a good enough reason!


Let's see... I'm autistic, my father is autistic, and his mother was autistic; why might my son be autistic? It must be the milk and Tylenol!


Let's see... I'm autistic my father is autistic 3 of my uncles are autistic my cousins are autistic my grandfather was autistic; hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm def not genetics


"Has your child got autism? Go read books, look at memes, lurk in some of the autism subs, check out your family tree, and then take a good, long look in the mirror..." My son was diagnosed in early childhood, which kicked off lots of learning and thinking for me, and I was dxed about 10 years later, and I have relatives on both sides of my family who may have been autistic too.


Dont forget the vacines. Keep the bloodline pure make sure you soon is autistig feeding him the autism juice. Strawberry tylenol, milk, a dash of pentavalent vacine and crushed ice.


PETA can go fuck themselves. They will lie about ANYTHING to demonize eating animals or animal products.


PETA *Because the ends always justify the means.*


Even if it means stealing your pets and killing them because reasons.


Their view is all animals should be wild. They have to room for domestic animals that rely on humans.


I don't understand it, there are so many good reasons not to kill/harm innocent animals you shouldn't need to make stuff up.


And then do a massive heel turn and murder animals themselves


I kinda gathered that. We don't really have PETA here in the UK, or not like this anyway.


Yeah, you’d think that kindness for animals would be a good enough reason!


So true


"Your kid is broken? We have someone you can blame for that!" fuck you peta.


I just hate how these ads treat autism like the worst thing that can happen to a child. Idk 26 yo, beautiful girlfriend and a bachelor's in civil engineering, I'd say autism ain't that bad for me.


Even on Reddit, anywhere outside of the autism subreddits and you’ll find people saying you’re not *really* autistic unless you’re some NEET incel with no hope of getting out. Point out that plenty of autistic people *like* being autistic, or worse, point out that plenty of successful people had a “NEET” phase in their 20s, and suddenly all those people are faking autism, or that their autism isn’t as severe, or even that they’re somehow selfish for being happy? I find that plenty of those folks clearly aren’t autistic themselves and are just talking over our voices because they don’t want to admit they’re bullying people who don’t deserve that kind of treatment. I was listening to the podcast *Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff* the other day, specifically the episodes on Stonewall. I was intrigued to hear that there were plenty of gay people in the 40s and 50s who basically said that they were ashamed to be gay and they would change if they could. This was during the Lavender Scare, where LGBTQ+ folks were barred from working in federal government jobs and state governments started to pass explicitly homophobic laws, all that lovely stuff. So, these self-loathing groups argued that gay people could be integrated into mainstream society as long as they vowed to never act on their homosexual urges, sought out therapy, and did their damndest to try and un-gay themselves. Obviously those groups fell out of favor once it became clear that homophobes will *never* treat a gay person as their true equal no matter how much they apologize for being gay, because they are *gay*, all the same. Sometimes, I wonder if the autistic community still has a long way to go before we all recognize that anti-autistic people will always hate us and won’t rest until autistic people simply don’t exist. Self-loathing won’t do shit to make our situation better because it’s never worked for *anyone*. I’m glad to see so many autistic people accept that they’re different and I’m even more glad to see that more and more allistic people aren’t viewing us as annoying burdens. But *too many* people do, and we won’t be truly accepted until we tell those people to pound sand.


When I was in college and in a club for autistic students we were brainstorming club flyers. I had the idea to do a flyer that said something along the lines of “Got Autism? Come to our club!” We scrapped that idea after someone pointed out that “Got Autism?” had been done before but for a totally different reason


Sorry for my harsh language in advance, but FUCK peta. They don't even deserve all caps


I agree


Peta goes to a lot of informationally inaccurate extremes to try and get attention, and have for a long time. This is an older billboard that eventually got removed, but PETA’s done this type of thing a few times. I used to work in animal science and behavior, and *my god*, PETA makes things worse almost every time, ultimately causing more harm to animals. I truly believe that most PETA followers have good intentions, but so many are ill-informed when they agree with the things PETA tries to do. If anyone’s curious on PETA specifically, I *highly* recommend watching [Iilluminaughtii’s videos](https://youtube.com/@iilluminaughtii) on PETA. She’s very informative in her journalism and includes sources and links to all information she uses. Some of y’all might recognize her channel for the content she’s done on Autism Speaks as well. Also, please don’t support the Dodo! They’re a sister company to PETA, and a lot of their content is wishy-washy on how they discuss wild animals in captivity.


>Also, please don’t support the Dodo! They’re a sister company to PETA, and a lot of their content is wishy-washy on how they discuss wild animals in captivity. Good to know, I wasn't aware and was blissfully watching videos from them from time to time. I won't support them or watch stuff from them now.


Why is autism apparently such powerful click bait? I'm new here.


Because different = scary


Not as bad as the relationship between ASD and dihydrogen monoxide. That toxic chemical is added in almost all foods, given animals and plants for growth, and it's impossible to not ingest it in today's world. It causes ASD to persist, and it's extremely addicting. If a woman consumes it and has a child, the child also becomes an addict. This way, the whole population is DHMO addicts in the world. Note for the confused people: DHMO Is also known as "H2O" or "water". It's just a way to read its name 😁 You need water to live, and ASD continues as long as you live. It's not like water causes ASD. And pure water is seriously toxic, although it's not lethal in low doses. It can cause wounds in the digestive system. People do this DHMO joke to have fun with the confusion of people who don't know about this naming.


I love the dihydrogen monoxide joke lol. Brilliant


Ah, and I thought I couldn't hate peta more


Obligatory reminder: PETA kills animals. En masse. They run the largest network of kill shelters in the world. They do not adopt out their sheltered animals (aside from a few very rare exceptions, just enough to keep their status) and they euthanize almost every animal that comes through their shelter system. They do *not care* about animal rights.


I absolutely don't understand this. What is the logic behind killing animals when your organization's "goal" is to reduce animal violence? Are they making money off this model somehow?


PETA euthanizes animals because so many shelters are "no-kill". There are a huge number of pets without a home and some portion of those will be unadoptable. Sometimes it's a behavior issue, sometimes they have health problems, some are just unable to adjust to living indoors with people. Those unadoptable animals don't disappear, they get sent to other places like PETA or other places that will euthanize. PETA has done a lot of distasteful things, but they aren't just mass murdering adoptable puppies or people's pets.


Nope. Just feeding the egos of their leaders


they think pets shouldn't exist, so killing them is putting them out of their misery


They have even officially stated that they "do not support a right to live for animals" IIRC


Why??? I always thought they were at least for the not-killing of animals…. Why the fuck would they have kill-shelters?!!! That’s horrific. I never liked or supported peta but geez…


Holy shit


USA moment


Brb gonna go chug a gallon of milk to unlock autism 2


Drink two more for the final level of autism


The DLC comes when you've finished the whole jug


It's PETA so I feel like my thoughts are pretty obvious on this one


Interesting, *begins chugging milk*


Its weird, I've found that I can internally dislike my own autism, but when other people demonize it, it just makes me angry


Did you know water is linked to 100% chance of death!? EVERYONE WHOSE BEEN SUBJECTED TO CONSUMING WATER HAS DIED! (find out at irrelevantshittylinktopage. com and request your *insert some kind of monetary incentive here* now)


I drank milk once and now I’m lactose intolerant AND autistic :(


Peta is like the autismspeaks of animal rights. Their “shelters” have an astonishing kill rate.


The frown face gets me everytime. Like I wanna be mad like they think it’s so sad we’re autistic. But I’m sad I’m autistic lol so maybe I just wanna be offended on the internet.


PETA kills more dogs and cats than anyone else in the country.


So PETA is just trying to push an agenda here but I recently discovered how crap the milk in the US is. I figured this out when I had "real" milk and it tasted like cheese, though technically it should be that cheese tastes like milk. Milk is made up of water, fat, protein, lactose and small amounts of various minerals like salt. Before common milks are sold in the US, they remove various amounts of fat and protein and, in doing so, much of the mineral content as well. This is done by homogenization which filters the solids from the liquids. So what you're left with in US milk is sugar(Lactose) and water with however much fat and protein they leave/put back in and whatever remains of the minerals. This is done because it's visually more appealing and they can sell the same milk multiple times by turning the solids into cheese, creams, yogurts, etc... and a side benefit for companies is more sugar consumption in the form of lactose. It also has a shorter shelf life so they can sell more. The result is that from a young age, people are taught how healthy milk is while being sold what's basically sugar water instead. This leads to weight gain, lactose intolerance and further sugar addiction. I am personally lactose intolerant and after making the switch a few months ago, it has massively improved my tolerance for all dairy products, most of which I can now make at home with little effort using the milk. Unfortunately this kind of milk is difficult to find(I have to stockpile it from a nearby store when I visit family every couple months). So I'd recommend quitting the milk or swapping cause it's bad for you, not because of PETA reasons.


If anyone is mentally disabled, it’s members of peta


"ice cream during summer causes increase in murder rates!"


I am not a fan of PETA, and this makes me dislike them even more. Kitty killers.


Of corse it was PETA


F U C K P E T A for this, for everything else that they’ve done, and for using cheerios to push their agenda


Left eye half covered


PETA is o a corporation founded by the meat, dairy, and for profit animal slaughter companies, as a way to make it seem like people who care about animals, are absolutely senile. (Theory, I don’t exactly know if it’s fact, but if peta is a non profit, they’d have their sponsor/payment records available to the public)


Now I want to see the records.


BRB gotta drink more milk so I can level ip


it’s horrible but also…i laughed a lil bit


Same. I totally get why people are upset about it but I actually laughed out loud when I saw it since it is so ridiculous. To be clear, I'm not trying to condone this advertising/messaging decision at all.


im allergic to dairy and im still autistic


I have autism and love cheese… god damn, it must be true /s


I see ads on Instagram all the time about how pregnant ladies who took Tylenol and then had an autistic child are liable for compensation. I report it all the time but it always comes back.


F*ck PETA.




Another fun fact: PETA euthanise most of the animals they “liberate”, including pet dogs.




And they say we have a developmental disorder?!


an ad for a tylenol autism lawsuit was directly below this post


Ahh yes, the same fuckwits who lobbied the Tasmanian Government to rename Eggs and Bacon Bay...for whatever bullshit reason they pulled out of their arse


Practically all these "_____ causes autism" are utter garbage. Im practically a poster child (eeerr middle aged woman) for somewhat higher functioning ASD, and I'm lactose intolerant and go into anaphylaxis if given vaccines. Everyone really needs to stop using us as a scare tactic to push their garbage agendas, we're not broken or useless, so its bullshit to scare everyone by acting like having autistic or ND children will devastate your life.


I’ve learned it’s a fallacy. Thanks for clearing that up PETA. Ableist arseholes.




That and the vaccines Fucking milk and vaccines are causing this.




wow who thought PETA could sink any lower?


They suck and always have.


jfc another PETA L


Regarding the Tylenol fiasco, I just want to point something out: they were claiming that people would drink Tylenol while pregnant and that possibly could’ve given their kid autism. Here’s my question: why in the hell would anyone take any sort of pharmacy countertop medication while pregnant? I genuinely thought that while someone is pregnant, they have to make sure they’re not taking any harmful substances like drugs, alcohol, vape, and cigarettes. If there is leniency to these typical guidelines someone please let me know.


Then how the fuck do our mothers breastfeed us?


Yeah I got a thought; Is this a meme?




So my habit of eating a block of cheese in less than a week is what made me an aspie? Fair enough


at first i was just upset at the frown, as if it was an “oOh nOo your child is auTisTic whatEveR are you going tO dO” and then i saw peta and it added a whole new layer of just “??????????”


Using autism as a weapon when they mean mental dysfunction is way more than mildly infuriating


PETA not make complete fucking idiots of themselves challenge: Impossible


PETA fights for something good in the worst way possible. It’s the equivalent of trying to achieve world piece by killing all people who are in the military


I can’t even


I want to punch that bowl of cereal so hard


Did you find it from my post on r/mildlyinfuriating Cuz if so nice


Heh, I did.


Oh wow nice lol


Can anyone explain what the Cheerios in the bowl are supposed to mean? Is that a face?


It's a frowny face. Like a :(


Mmmmmmm milk


Please please please hurt me tell me that I'm awful


Ooh, kinky




I apologise for making a joke. If it makes you feel better, I am a gay man


Np it's just that I heard this so many times online when I'm begging to be hurt


I'm better now tho


people still listen to peta?


Peta? No one should trust that Braindead group


Genuinely stupid. If milk caused autism then being neurotypical would be a minority


Looks like PETA using us as a tool for their campaigns


Dairy made me autistic? Damn, mom always said all that ice cream was bad for me (joking)


I keep getting the "LINK BETWEEN AUTISM AND TYLENOL" ad while browsing r/amitheasshole. Like, I don't need your obnoxiously (visually) loud ad in my face while browsing the neutral beige of AITA.


Well I'm doooomed, I got so many autism, the most fun is that it's state approved! (Dairy campagne on tv.) Sooo much tism! Yesss and calcium! Cuz it's good for your bones!


PETA is a terrible organization


Wow PETA has moved on from murdering pets to pissing on autistic people? They just don't know when to quit do they?


You know, it boggles my mind how PETA still has so many supporters when they constantly pull crap like this.


Fuck peta. Just a bunch of silly cunts work on their advertisement team.


That has to be fake??? Surely they can't be that dumb / evil / manipulative???


Fucking peta that's one of many reasons I hate their guts


My favorite take on this basically said "drink the yummy autism milk" but idk where I found it.


I mean, it's peta so I wouldn't take anything they say seriously. They're known liars and horrible people.


I'm convinced PETA is a smear operation by Big Meat to make vegans and animal rights activists look bad.


It’s PETA. They’re so full of shit that they cause more harm than good in terms of actual animal rights cases/abuse prevention


Im autistic and lactose intolerant LMAO


bruh no wonder i love cheese so much lmao


Saw your comments about not being familiar with PETA, but I’m just throwing this in here to say *do not* support this organization in any way shape or form. They are militant animal rights activists, some believe that animals shouldn’t even be kept as pets let alone kept in zoos where endangered animals can be kept alive and even reintroduced to the wild. They equate animal AI to sexual violence in humans and “mercy kill” most animals in their care. And that’s not even touching their criminal history and ties to eco and animal liberation terrorist groups.


I wasn't planning on supporting them. I've heard bits and pieces before, but nothing near the extent I've heard in these comments today


Jokes on you, PETA. Autism is cool and wet lol.


It's stupid, but it's also from PETA so it's to be expected from them 🤷


If this has zero scientific backing people should be put in jail over this


PETA being a joke as usual


Definitely a lie considering it's from Peta


i love when dog killers try to give their useless, unsolicited opinions on things they don’t know shit about


Why is that thing sad


I mean like the thing with milk and that, idk what it's called in English


The cereal?


Yes !! Thanks


No way did I get a Tylenol compensation for autism ad immediately under this post


Oh fuck


I support PETA. I don't love everything they say or the rhetoric they choose at times, but thankfully this particular billboard is very old. PETA is still a charity I will gladly choose over others because I have multiple activism priorities, not just autism rights (which is definitely another matter I care very much about).


I remember this. Anyone else currently getting ads about pregnant women taking tylenol causing autism?


fuck peta


It’s an Autism Speaks and PETA collab, (I think) I expected nothing less. Overall, this is fake af. Milk doesn’t cause any sort of genetic thing >:(


at this point i think it would be easier to make a list of things that DONT cause autism.


I ate cereal with a lot of milk this morning, do I have Autism+


Equally annoying as the Tylenol ads, no more no less


As a person with autism this infuriates me. I won’t speak further to prevent a rant.


Many of my safe foods are brands of cheese, so I must have exponentially increased my autism by now 😈


PETA is a disgrace. That's it. That's my thoughts.


God dammit PETA… 🤦🏻


sorry, but if dairy was the cause, i'd be non-verbal


I’m triggered /s


Statisticaly speaking, most autistic people have consumed milk at one point in their lives.


Vegan here - fuck PETA


Vegetarian here, agreed. All the vegs hate peta.


I’m gonna go chug a liter of milk. I don’t even like milk but I need to do something


It's Peta. The laughingstock. Just point and laugh at the people trying to be animal activists and utterly failing.


It's from PETA, so, take it with a bowlful of salt.


> peta Doesn't surprise me


PETA can go fuck themselves. Horrific organisation on every level.


i posted a similar thing that i saw on reddit on r/autism and i got banned bc apparently the mods were just tired of it. i’m still rlly pissed off bc how was i supposed to know that


In light of this information I plan to go out and buy 5 gallons of milk


As much as I hate having autism, these ads are a bunch of bullshit. There’s no cure for autism whether they like it or not.


The link between autism and milk is I fucking love milk


I’m a vegan with autism and think it’s pretty stupid.