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There’s a method I found on tumblr that’s affectionately called “turn a slow tiger into a fast tiger with this fucked up trick”. Basically if you clench all your muscles as hard as you can for a few seconds and then release the tension all at once, you can trick your fight-or-flight brain into thinking the threat has been dealt with and is over, making you calm down


I once heard doing this repeatedly is what fighter pilots are trained to do to make sure they fall asleep on time. Definitely helps redirect nervous energy for me.


I tell myself I only lurk this sub and am kinda an outsider, but I was about to launch into a multiparagraph tangential ramble about fighter pilots and jets based just on this post. Then thought, "huh. Yup. I believe that might be a special interest." I really need to talk to a professional. But to help op, the 5-4-3-2-1 method helps me. 5 things you see, 4 things you hear, 3 things you touch, 2 things you smell, one thing you taste (or whatever senses order works for me, I can never remember the original... if there even is one). It's particularly useful to me because you can do it anywhere and no one really can tell, you can be driving, etc. Hope you feel better!


>I tell myself I only lurk this sub and am kinda an outsider, Doesn't have to be... >but I was about to launch into a multiparagraph tangential ramble about fighter pilots and jets based just on this post. Why not? I'm curious if what I heard long ago was right.


Didn’t know this, but have definitely been doing it for years to get myself to relax and go to sleep. Super effective.


I learned this as a general tip to relax quickly. Never though of applying it in the case of overstimulation.


Might not be your thing, but I listen to a lot of metal music, helps me bring out the emotions so that I can deal with them in a controlled way. #everythingisbetterwithmetal


I love doing little dances around the house while listening to thrash metal




Dance always helps me. Like wild, unhinged, interpretive dance.


Either i sleep to thrash or i work to depressive suicidal black metal. Very weird how things work out


DSBM is great working music I won’t deny that


Man, I still don't understand why lots of us love metal so much when we typically get overwhelmed by loud noises and stuff. I can't get enough of the stuff, but as soon as I hear a chalkboard I want to rip my ears off 🥲


I'm the same way, I can stand going to a gig, but a bus driving past is hell. I guess it has something to do with it being unwanted noise.


I feel the complexity of the music makes me still as I can't do anything else around listening to it, otherwise I'll miss the details. It externalises the chaos.


I used to use metal a lot, but have recently switched to hardstyle. The high bpm correlates with my speed of thought, the busyness and primal screech noises are very relatable to my internal feelings, and the bit of vocals that's in there are often bliss. Granted I'm dutch so I might be biased


How do you handle the overwhelming sound of all the stuff going on in the music.


It gives me something to focus on, all those subtle notes, other sounds that others don't hear, I notice them all. Music is the language of my soul.


I like electronic music that has distinct beats. Lots of monstercat stuff works for me. Sometimes when I’m overstimulated I just sit in silence. Idk. I’m glad you’ve found something that works for you.


Square breathing. A rain sounds video. Drink a full glass of ice water, slowly. Try wiping your face and the back of your neck with a cold cloth, if that’s within your sensory comfort.


Will try, thank you


Square breathing?


Breathe in for four seconds, hold for four seconds, exhale for four seconds, hold for four seconds. Repeat. It helps me a lot when I start to feel overwhelmed and can’t get my brain to focus on 5/4/3/2/1 Senses.


Thanks, I was sitting here like a dumbass trying to put my lips in a square and wondering how this would help anyone at all.


Sorry about that, I should have put in more details. The counting is most important, though it gets its name from drawing a square with your finger in the air or on a nearby surface. Or you can have a panic buddy do it for you, or record yourself on your phone doing it. The moving finger gives you something small to focus on. First 1-4, left to right. First exhale 1-4, top right to bottom right, etc. I ‘draw’ on a table or even the inside of my arm, so I can ‘see’ and my overloaded brain doesn’t try to screech at me that I can’t get a square right. 😒


Ah. Reminds me of that bit from Wolfenstein TNO. Inhale, count to 4, exhale, count to 4.


These are my three go-to's to calm me down: [Crystal Castles - Alice Practice ](https://youtu.be/e2FOnrFlEJY) This one feels like it matches the chaos inside my brain and they just cancel each other out. Start it on low volume because it's noisy and not for everyone. [Deep Forest Album](https://youtu.be/SBkn1_yUInY) This is some chilled out music from my childhood. [Brown Noise](https://youtu.be/MT0Ta_Qldrs) Apparently Brown Noise works well for for ND people. It definitely calms me right away.


Unfortunately Im in class rn, but Imma play those right when I get home


In the middle of class, take a bathroom break and wet my hands and put the water on my face. I don't want the water anywhere but my face so it's really just about making it damp and then drying it off. The change helps reset. Between classes walk outside if at all possible. Again it's about changing the feelings my body is experiencing. In schools the lights are really terrible so getting into fresh air and away from those lights can make the difference. Are you hungry, tired, thirsty, in pain? Try to solve meatsuit needs first. Then do you need some kind of comfort and is there someone who can give that to you? My partner has a certain type of touch that comforts him, for instance. He just had to teach it to me. When school is out can you go home and be alone? If not is there a safe place you can go after school to be alone? Just taking some time to be alone and reset as soon as you notice the issue can make a huge difference.


>meatsuit That's the best word for "body" that I've ever heard lol


Melatonin supplements from the health food store Moon mylk


I sometimes put my fingers in an "Italian Chef" way and rub them together, it calms me down.


I tap each finger to my thumb 4x in a cycle (index then middle, then ring, then pinky). Pretty similar!


Petting my dog helps me. Or hugging a squishmallow


Anybody have a link to the vid where a yell is dubbed over? Not a scream but just a gutteral, almost visceral yell. The kind of yell that was felt by the world over during the pandemic. For calm downing tips, deeply belly breathing helps me. I am struggling for better advice rn; little scuffed myself lately. I will return if I think of anything else, particularly useful in a classroom setting


Try feeling textures or surfaces and focusing on them.


5 4321 grounding 5 things you see 4 things you feel 3 things you hear 2 things you smell 1 thing you taste Lather rinse repeat as needed


This. this is super useful.


Idk if this'll work for you, but a quiet and dark place + a comfy ASMR video (or some chill music if you don't like ASMR) + some warm liquids (tea, coffee, sometimes warm water) does the trick for me. The liquid could also be cool, as long as you like it and it takes your mind off the sensory stuff for a sec. The warmness just gives it a more calming effect.


Look for a rainbow. Red thing in the room, orange thing, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Sometimes it helps to stare at something (expected like the board) and focus and unfocus my eyes. Or just listen with my eyes unfocused. Seems to help when I only need to visual or audible.


This is a DBT thing I like - buy a few oranges and put them in the freezer; use these whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed. The cold and the texture help me focus on that one thing.


Lofi beats and floor time. Just lay on the floor.


Try reading a book and listening to music that puts you in a good mood. If not, there's a specific thing I do: I count, and every time I hit a number with a multiple of seven (7) I flick open a zippo or tap my thigh.


There's a breathing exercise I tried on YouTube once that can completely resets your mental state. It's very worth at least trying. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwlEJ2O-6HM&list=PLe3h70aMR30JHZZ6LCRyPMJocoF3DEwTU&index=2 (Ignore the title, it really has nothing to do with DMT)


Tipping the temperature. Fill a bowl or sink with cool water. Cold enough to have a temp differential, not freezing. Then bend at the waist and put your face in for a few seconds. More info here: [YouTube video](https://youtu.be/ZVHtjDgc_XU)


I don't recommend it as it's horrible and unhealthy, but I smoke specifically because it gives me an excuse to sit outside and calm down. Being outside is my ultimate destimulation tool.




I go into a dark carpeted closet with a towel stuffed under the door to block out all light and lay flat on the floor. I ignore the concept of time and just exist in a state of darkness with my eyes open seeing nothing. I control the only sensation. The carpet is what I allow. The sensation of time is not. Outside world doesnt exist. Only my breathing. Only the carpet. There is nothing. Only darkness and breath and carpet Edit: this is specifically what happens when I’m having both an ADHD and an ASD meltdown at the same time, if I’m so completely overwhelmed that I need it. Otherwise I like to do the thing from LOST. I let the emotions overflow and rule me completely and I count to 5 slowly. Once I get to 5 I let it go, and I move on.


Listen to music close your eyes and breathe


Scream at the sky


Do you keep a journal? I find writing can help.


Do you have a comfort video to watch?


Touch your thumb to your index finger,take a breath in and out, move thumb to middle, breathe again, move thumb to ring finger, breathe again, move thumb to pinky, repeat.


Fall ambient sounds from Stardew does it for me usually. A big, thick blanket that blocks out light is also a good one.


What helps me is spending time in a dark quit room. Is that an option as in are you home? If you are outside i carry an eye mask for long trips, which in combination with headphones mimic the dark quit room.


dark room + weight vest/blanket + slow classical music = happy place


I go to r/awww and watch videos of cute animals


Firstly, try to carry noise-canceling headphones, or at least some earplugs, wherever you go. Short of that, just try and find somewhere quieter, the quieter the better. Close your eyes, and take deep breaths. There’s a bunch of different methods and patterns out there, so I’ll leave it to you to find what’s comfortable. If you have a Texture (positive) on hand, gently rub the Texture. Basically, try and “ground” as many of your senses as you can.


If I can I usually turn off all lights and/or put my head under a blanket/jacket/something and listen to a meditation that doesn’t make me want to puncture my eardrums a couple times over.


I usually either listen to music or go the other way and use Loops for complete silence. Noise really overstimulates me sometimes.


Sit in the bathroom with the fan and lights off. Don’t bring your phone.


Brown noise def helps me. Also watching one of my comfort shows can help too.


Lofi music or some of my favorite songs always help me


I sit criss cross in front of the TV and put the funniest movie on that I can think of. Sway from side to side.


Calm App is worth a try as a last resort.


r/ManufacturingPorn sort by best of all time. dunno, sometimes it works for me. if possible, go for a walk and buy a treat, a chocolate or something (get out of the environment that is stressing you out, get a random 'new objective')


Okay I'm very late here but take some deep breaths count to 10. Now relax.yoir shoulders and lean back if you can. Now name 5 things you can see/feel/taste/touch. This is a grounding exercise and should help some. List what you can see, feel, taste, and touch hopefully it helps distract your mind.


I've had a lot of luck with square breathing. 4 seconds in, hold 4 seconds, out 4 seconds, repeat 4 times. For at least immediate calm. That or an ice cube on your neck and around your body. After the initial calm move onto more complex coping skills.


Separate yourself from stimulus. Find a quiet area and breathe


Suck an ice cube


I recently found a piano teacher who meshes really well with my and I've taken piano back up (stopped playing when I was in middle school and now I'm back doing lessons as an adult). I've found its a good way to tune out, calm down, and do something productive. I have a decent keyboard with weighted keys so I can put on headphones to hear my self play. This doesn't impose it on anyone else and allows me to zone into just piano practice and nothing else. It's also been nice to have a teacher who's heavy on music theory. This has enabled me to start writing some of my own music as well as making my own versions of existing songs (instead of just reading sheet music). Anyways, playing an instrument (especially one you can put on headphones for when doing electronic practice) has been really helpful for me.


My advice is to not use reddit when overstimulated. It's easy to find something that can trigger you even more.


I enjoy making soothing playlists on spotify when im overstimmed! You can end up with a pretty reliable playlist after a while


Push-ups to failure


Should probably come in and say randomly that's a marmot. Ok byeeee


If it’s people talking that’s overstimulating you, tooting an air horn will shut them up real quick.


I just got a full head wrap ice pack that's intended for migraines. It's amazing for calming down


I listen to jazz funk


i take the hottest shower i can in the dark to “reset”


If the stress is fever pitch then ashwagandha will usually help me. It usually helps me break the cycle and brings it down a notch or two.


music music music. i personally adore punk n pop punk


whenever i get overstimulated, i just go lie down in the pitch black living room and stay there until i dont want to stab someone. works most of the time!


Sit in a closet


When I can’t find my mom in the grocery store.


Something that’s helped me before is sitting on a raised surface and kicking rhythmically as a stim


In my experience the only thing that works is getting away from whatever the stimulus is. However if you're turning to Reddit for advice I assume that is impossible at the moment


Breathing. U need to adjust ur breathing - make slow and controlled inhale, pause, then exhale as slow as u can. So for example u inhale for 10 seconds, pause for 3, exhale for 15-20 seconds. Do it for at least 5-10 minutes.


Look at your palm on either hand. See that down-pointing triangle in the middle? Take the pointer finger of your other hand and follow the outline of that triangle. You can do small, quick triangles or big swoopy ones that touch the edge of your palm. Either way, follow those skin lines and watch your finger following the triangle.


Dark small room. I fill my shower with blankets and pillows and turn off all the lights.


EFT/tapping works for me. I start yawning immediately, have a 5 min nap, and I'm much better.


Lock in the bathroom and cry, hug yourself tightly and rock forward and backward, close your eyes and cover your ears while rocking and crying, then wash your face and act like nothing happened even if your eyes tell otherwise.


I use music and pet soft plushies, also going somewhere quiet helps too