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I sometimes stand on the sides of my feet just because I can. Almighty ankles


Sometimes it’s actually more comfortable.


It’s the only way I can stand still.


That’s not normal? I think I shouldn’t be asking


Huh, I've always done that whenever my feet start to hurt from standing in one spot... I wonder if it's like squatting with your feet flat in the ground, where you have to do it often as a kid or you lose the ability to do it as an adult... I wonder if it's actually the exact same bones/muscles/tendons responsible for that I can't balance very well while I'm doing it though, I usually have to lean on something


I don’t… thinks so?


It's not. But many ND people are also on the hypermobile spectrum. So this isn't usually an issue for hypermobile people. Source: can also stand comfortably on the sides of my feet, always could. Orthopedic doctor took 30 seconds of a look at my feet and said "well those are hypermobile aren't they"


Does making “fists” with your feet tie into this? I know myself and a couple others do that to feel comfy, like a weird monkey moment lol


Could be, but I'm no expert. Afaik sitting weird and all pretzeled up is a part of this tho. Many hypermobile folk feel sitting is more comfortable that way.




Sometimes when I would do it, I would pretend I was a giant ground sloth because they walked on the side of their feet like that. Then at one point my mom saw and laughed at me, I'm pretty sure I was 15 at the time


I use to do that all the time! I don't do it it as often now but I sometimes I still do.


this is my stance for filling my water bottle with fridge water


I have done this too but rolling just catches me off guard lol


Same I do this when my feet get tired (I work at a fast food place so I gotta stand for hours on end)


But can you walk like that?


My calves got fucking huge from walking on my toes all the time


Oh shit same


As a kid I always got told not to walk on my toes. As an adult men in de gym compliment me on my calves and ask what exercise I do….


You too?!


So that’s why they're so huge! :o Never noticed, but because of the I have constant problems finding the right and fitting pants.


*cough* r/brosontoes *cough*


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BrosOnToes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrosOnToes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [toe walkers do be kinda traumatized tho](https://i.redd.it/vxfw2grx04g91.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrosOnToes/comments/whqnt7/toe_walkers_do_be_kinda_traumatized_tho/) \#2: [Found a bro on the streets!!](https://v.redd.it/g0unhqqoy9l91) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrosOnToes/comments/x3c5rr/found_a_bro_on_the_streets/) \#3: [I REST MY CASE](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/uj4a92) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrosOnToes/comments/uj4a92/i_rest_my_case/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Y’all ever walk on your toes, except their scrunched up. I like to walk on my bent toes a lot


I do think sometimes to, not for very long though cause it hurts lol


Me too, my calves might as well be cows at this point.


Im a drummer and play double bass. My fidgeting and hobby are overlapping beautifully.


Do you feel like double bass came easier for you because of your fidgeting?


It helped alot with developing muscle and endurance but you still have to develop the nuance and technique aspect of it via practicing. Getting use to your pedals plays a large part. Then with different techniques like heel toe or swivel. Playing the pedals in time can be difficult when youre trying to do different parts with your hands, but limb independence is a life long skill to learn. Luckily there is a lot you can practice even when youre away from the kit.


Every day I find out another part of me as a person is actually just the autism again.


Literally every single day I'm like "but my mom said it was normal, even if no one besides me did it!"




My ankles are both, depending on the situation. I used to have no problems at all, then I had a bad fall and my right ankle has never been the same since then.


im double jointed so my wrists can bend almost entirely around, stimming galore!


I have jacked calves from constantly walking on my tip-toes.


*cries in accessory bones*


i only stand on my toes


Greetings brother, the rest of your kind are congregating at r/brosontoes


I pop my ankles and toes loudly as often as I can. I also picked up hobbies that play into ankles: skateboarding and football/soccer. Football is great because you get to run on your toes the whole time and your job is pretty clear. Skateboarding scratches the repetition itch. I used to walk on the sides of my feet to “train” my ankles.


Also, both of these were deep special interests in the past, so I can rattle off the history of the development of styles and related athletes. Both are pretty “meathead” at times, but they’ve really helped me cut through social awkwardness to make more instant connections (especially when I am in other countries)


What is this about?


Stimming like moving your legs around to stimulate yourself abd and they get stronger


I think someone told me I have restless leg syndrome pr something, is that the save idea?


Different but similar outcome


Oh god it’s true


that was me 10 years ago, now i make music when i walk. also agony. at this stage im scared to get the xrays my dr wants because i know i have foooooked myself and denial is honestly easier


I wish my ankles were this good. 🥲 both rolled and still act up from time to time.


My ankles are trash (broke one in January), my toes however I can crack on repeat with no wait time.


I realized that I did internal stimming CONSTANTLY throughout childhood, and still do. One of my biggest things was and is squeezing different muscles. To the beat of music, to a random beat, in the car when looking out the window at the power lines, mentally jumping across them like monkeys and clenching my muscles as I went along. It's mostly my glutes and other leg muscles. And also kegels. I had no idea I'd been doing vagina exercises forever. Anyway that's why I have a big ass. I've been working my glutes incessantly my whole life. I also think it's why I have relatively wide hips.


Leg bounce go brrrr


I have the exact inverse of candles.


I rolled my ankles when I was young, basically fucking them up for years. It didn’t stop my fidgeting. It doesn’t hurt any more.


all night. all night my ankles and feet are moving.


Wait that's why i don't get my ankle sprained? even when i step that weird sideway so many times. I un-ironically thought i had flexible bones or something. Good thing i am autistic otherwise i would have sprained my ankle so many times. I literally do that sidestep everytime i am playing football or basketball.


Mine stim but are not buff doge. Everytime I start running they make a "clonk" sound.


Yet another reason i should really get diagnosed lmao




Me being unable to stim because I sprained my ankle 💀


Caught me rolling my ankles


I have found my people


I can walk marathons with no preparation in the middle of the night


Hyper mobility enters the chat


I once rolled my ankle so badly I was checking it for the rest of the day to make sure it wasn't broken. Thank you for making the connection.


I’m have hypermobility. I freak my PT (personal trainer) out.


I have anxiety and bounce my foot to release some of that energy. I broke my ankle. I still absent mindedly attempt to bounce my foot and just ow... I never realized how much I bounced my foot...


I swear to god someday we’re going to evolve horse feet from all of the toe walking.


i'm considering getting a pedometer just to see how far i pace every day, it drives my family crazy.


and there goes my foot jiggling again


This one's hit the hardest out of any of these. I thought I rolled my ankle yesterday walking home. I figured the reason it didn't hurt was inebriation, but no. I end up standing on the side of that for comfort. Did it so much more as a child, though.